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You’ve probably heard someone say, “It’s ok to make decision “X” (even if it is sinful) as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. Yesterday, at church my pastor was teaching on how decisions made in secret do indeed affect us and everyone around us even if we don’t believe they do. One of the statements he made was one many of you have heard many times. “What you eat in private, you will wear in public” While his point (and the point of the statement) is about physical eating, I’d like to take it a step further. The things we feed our mind in private we also wear in public. You may be able to hide something you listen to, watch, do once, twice, 100 times, but eventually you will wear it in your personality. Don’t believe me? How many times have you heard someone say, “Do as I say, not as I do”? How many times have you said it? If you can answer “yes” to asking that even once, then you’ve done/are doing things that you know you shouldn’t. For example, I tell people they should be careful with their speech, but many times I am not. I purposefully say things I shouldn’t sometimes. Not because they are untrue, but because they are not productive to my calling or purpose. So, I want to challenge you will this. Are you putting garbage in so garbage comes out? If so, what action steps can you take to stop? “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8
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When you aren't seeing the results you had hoped for, have you checked your mental strength? Do you quit the second the burn kicks in? Are you lifting too light? Are you running too slow? Are you just not pushing yourself as hard as you can? It's not about feeling motivated or not. This is about pushing through when your mind says to quit? The body can often go farther the mind wants you to. If you want to see great results, its time to break through those mental barriers!
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Any day that ends with "Y" is a good day to workout! Why do so many people say they will start Monday? Is that a magic day with more power to motivate people? Why not start today?
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***Starting soon!! A new faith-based fitness accountability group!*** I'm looking for 5 people who want to live healthier lifestyle. Whether you want to shed some inches, pounds, or just be healthier, this group can help you! Here's what you'll get for joining: ✔Challenge Pack with Shakeology! ✔Simple yet effective workouts with proven results! ✔Free meal guide! ✔Recipe ideas! ✔Personalized 1:1 Coaching and accountability from me! ✔Free accountability group to keep you motivated! ✔Encouragement and inspiration from others just like you! There is still time for you to be your healthiest before the holidays set in! Email me for details because space is limited! ***Must not be working with another Beachbody Coach*** #fitfeet4him #fithisway #workout #pressplay #womenwholift #christianswholift
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I love this! Sometimes we get overconfident when we start to see the results we want so we start to slack or cheat ourselves a little bit. Before we look know it, we are back to where we started or even worse. We have to go out everyday with the mindset that you will conquer your fears, achieve your goals, and then live like it! What is the one thing you will do today to achieve success?
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Mark Twain said, "The only person that likes change is a wet baby." In so many ways that is true! We like our comfort. We don't like to have a curve ball thrown at us. We like predictability. We like knowing the outcome of what we are doing before we start. For if we knew we would fail, we would not try it. However, we all have desires. We all have hopes and dreams of things we'd like to accomplish and try as we might, we always come up short. We keep trying the same things over and over again with no success. Maybe its the only way we know. Maybe we know another way, but are afraid to try it because we aren't sure it's worth it. We aren't sure if it will work. All we know is that what we are currently doing isn't working. Whether we want to be a better parent, a better employee, a better friend, a healthier person, a more fit person, have a stronger faith, etc., we need to make a change. We need to seek advice from those that have been where you are and are on the other side and then apply that advice. What in your life is not where you want it? Who will you ask for help? There is no better time to make positive changes in your life than right now!
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Good morning fitness family!!! It's Monday morning! It's a new week, with no mistakes yet! You have a fresh, new chance to smash your goals! Your goals are specific only to you! You were not created to be like anyone else. God created you unique for a unique purpose to be able to do great things that no one else will do! What will you do this week to stay on task?
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Got to try Beachbody's newest that is coming out in December! I had no idea how hard a strength workout could be without a bunch of heavy weights! You can try it for free too along with over $1,500 of other Beachbody workouts! Let me know if you're interested! #fitfeet4him #peakphysique #runnersrevolution #christianswholift #fithisway #fitdad #momswholift
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I'm going to share something with you that might come as a bit of a shock to you. I have a really big but! In fact, its not just big, but enormous! To be completely honest, I have a few of them!!! If you are honest, you have at least one big but too! No, I'm not talking about your rear end. I'm talking about that one thing or things that keep you from accomplishing your goals or living your purpose--in other words, your 'why'. All of the things listed in the pic are important and should not be ignored, but they also should not be the excuse you use for not doing what God has called you to do. So, let me ask you: Is your but bigger than your why? What do you need to do to shrink it?
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Never stop dreaming big!! What do you want to accomplish in your life that's bigger than you?
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This is one of my "Why's"! Why do you workout? If you aren't, why haven't you started??
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I saw this pic on a Gillette Edge FB ad and thought, how true is this? The weights won't lift themselves just like the shoes won't run themselves. Many of us know we are called to do something, but whether it's out of fear, laziness, pride, etc we don't do it. Sometimes we even hope that by ignoring it, it will go away. However, if we are called to do it, we must do it no matter how we feel, what others might say or think, even if that means losing relationships. You see, we are not called to be people pleasers, but God pleasers. So, I ask you: what are you called to do that you have not been doing or doing with all your hear? What's keeping you from doing it? Take some time to think, ponder, and pray about it. Doing what we are called to do will bring us greater blessing than we could ask or imagine!
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#Repost @peakphysiqueri ・・・ I'm having creeping thoughts about my goal for my next #Halfmarathon - creeping negative thoughts. I'm stronger than I was in May, when I ran my best half, my nutrition is much more on point, but I haven't run as much as I was running then. Pedal down, beast mode on. I can and will do this. 12 days to go. #run #runchat #runner #training #positivity
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