fishpawws · 28 days
As I grow older I feel my capacity to understand that Miss Piggy is not a real person reached a peak in my adolescence and is now on a steady decline. I watched a Wendy Williams interview and there's this part that's like "can we get a ring cam!" and Miss Piggy shows her bling and I'm just like fuck she's so iconic. Miss Piggy who are you wearing? Miss Piggy have you ever considered running for office??
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fishpawws · 28 days
why is privacy so eroded. I get treated like a nutcase if I say no, I don't want strange companies taking pictures of my home and putting them online for maps or whatever. I don't want to be in the background of your tiktok, and I think it's weirder for you to assume I'm okay with it than it is for me to politely ask you to refilm it so my face isn't in the frame. I don't enjoy handing my employer a list of every online account I have and feeling under surveillance when I'm just shit posting or sharing pictures of my cats or garden harvest. I don't want to hear your private calls on speaker on the bus, esp when the person on the line doesn't know you're broadcasting their words to strangers. I don't want an algorithm guessing what will piss me off the most so I spend more time online, engaging with shit I don't want to see or hear out of outrage. I don't want any of this. it's total ass.
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fishpawws · 28 days
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Lambert’s Bridge no. 77, also know as the snake bridge, on the Macclesfield Canal. location: Astbury Congleton, England
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fishpawws · 28 days
i m;iss when u could touch a tv and feel its fur
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fishpawws · 28 days
To all Palestine supporters 🫂🫂
Thanks to your donations and participation we are close to achieving the short goal and we still need less than 230€ to reach it which is 19000€‼️
Your donations are important for our survival
Please help me reach our goal as soon as possible 🙏
We appreciate your help ❤️🙏
this campaign has been vetted!
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fishpawws · 1 month
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new kind of guy dropped
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fishpawws · 1 month
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@danashehab has been fundraising since may and is just over €15,000 away from their goal l. as stated in the screenshot people are starting to believe the rafah crossing will open so it’s important to make sure everyone has the funds in case they are allowed to evacuate.
thee shehab family consists of dana (13), sahar (14), mona (9), malak (5), yehya (1.5), fahed, (38), reem (32), and grandmother mona (60). they have been shadowbanned and deleted a few times. you can also find this family at @monashehab
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fishpawws · 1 month
dont unfollow me im pregnant with your post
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fishpawws · 1 month
whatever. go my scarab
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fishpawws · 1 month
in like 5-8 years when gen alpha starts really making fun of gen z no one is allowed to complain because like 99% of people do nothing but treat those kids like shit
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fishpawws · 1 month
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fishpawws · 2 months
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The Thang
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fishpawws · 2 months
uh oohhh forgot to wipe down the cutting board from last night before cutting up strawberries #onionberries #onionberries #onionberries #onionberries #onionberries
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fishpawws · 2 months
guts, roots & wires are all the same thing
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fishpawws · 2 months
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so there’s a new north american release of just fma omakes & many i’ve personally never seen before bc they’re like dvd extras kbndvcxv
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fishpawws · 2 months
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fishpawws · 2 months
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