"Now we can all die together."
4K posts
ROLEPLAYING USES ONLY -- PREVIOUSLY GUBGI-GAUNTLETS // ASKBURNINGBEAUTY -- The name is Yang Xiao Long. The one and only, the one who loves Strawberry Sunrises, the one who owns the best gauntlets in town, and the one who can surely kick your ass. Pleasure to meet you, how can I help?
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
fireyxiao · 11 years ago
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"So... Ugh, anything new happened around lately?" The blonde tilted her head at the crowd, making a conversation was a key to a welcome back. A new case of friends is a good start.
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
Ok. If that is your choice. I will have to respect that. Just a parting word. Not all the fandom is bad. There are some rotten apples yes. But you are leaving on valid reasons. But there are serious roleplayers. And something obviously drew you to this fandom.
That was when the fandom first started and now I rarely see decent roleplayers.
It's rare than I every come across one because they are often over shadowed by those who were serious but now are only on for the fun of.. sexual things.
So yeah. That's for sympathizing with me.
I really hate to leave but I'm sick and tired of seeing people only roleplay NSFW on my blog. It's sickening, honestly.
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
I know we don't talk much. So I probably will have the least amount if influence. But please don't go. You gotta take the good for the bad. Don't let others who are assholes make you upset. Ignore them. They aren't worth your time. If you delete your blog or leave, you're only letting them win.
I-- No?
This is my own decision.
I'm leaving for a reason that I find should be resolved but it isn't. No one is telling me to leave and/or sending hate about it.
And let me repeat,
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
but you are my favorite yang roleplayer and you PORTRAY HER SO PERFECTLY. WHY ARE YOU LEAVING?!
I'm sorry that I'm your favorite roleplayer and all. But I have my reasons.
Things here in the fandom have gotten over sexualized and I don't understand why.
Having any kind of sexual interactions at the age of 17 is really ridiculous and I'm starting to dislike it a little bit more as I'm here in the fandom.
I don't know how I tolerated it before, may be I was so blinded by the fact that I loved making ships happen.
Well that isn't the case anymore. I'm done with this fandom and I'm leaving.
To be completely honest, is there any one here in the fandom who takes the RPing seriously anymore? 
Cause if there is, I don't see them and I wished I did cause I'm just generalizing every one right now and I don't like doing that.
It's just SO HARD to find decent roleplayers now.
But anyway, I'm out. Goodbye.
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
what???? you're leaving?!?!?!?
I am. What's so surprising?
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
I actually you know what. No.
I'm not going to even bother, I'm leaving this fandom.
Don't bother finding me. cause you really won't find me.
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
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"Why." The only word that was able to slip out of her mouth and the amount of complete done she was with everything at the moment. "I can't even-- No. Just don't even talk to me."
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
theme under construction
it's bothering me--
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
Reblog if you'd be upset if I deleted this blog
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
Send 'Zzz' for a short drabble of/reaction to my character waking up to see yours sleeping with them in their bed.
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
Send a "♪" for the Muse to sing part of a song the Mun has recently listened to.
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
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LOL. I give you props for that one.
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Patiently waits for a Malachite Roleplayer to pop up in the follower.
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
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"A hurry? Dude, 5 minutes is plenty--well if you go around school my way." Her hands moved themselves as her weapon formed to their fullest potential. "But any who, you still up for going to class?" She let a small chuckle run past her lips, tilting her head a bit to the side, letting a questionable expression plaster her face.
• fieryxiao
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I know that. I’m just in a hurry as all. Sure has a bitchy personality. But you dont care because you only have like, 5 minutes till the bell rings or that guy with the shotgun axe is going to kill me for being late..
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
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Almost quite there my friend--just be as witty as they are-- No I'm joking.
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Patiently waits for a Malachite Roleplayer to pop up in the follower.
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
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"I, ugh...." The blonde looked up at the owner of the hand before merely grasping his hand and pulling herself up. "Thanks dude..." She tossed him a look before crossing her arms, a mere sigh leaving her lips. "You know, you should look where you're going sometimes. Cause if you don't, one day you're going to run into someone that won't take matters like this so lightly."
• fieryxiao
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For some ungodly reason, you have a bad feeling that a blonde girl would just bump into you with a huge perky attitude..weird? Nope. But hey, classes are going to start so you started running to the classroom. Then suddenly..
Ow. I bumped into someone or something? I bumped into something soft i dont know if it was a person or not whaddya expect? You stand up and apparently it was a person. You gave the person your hand and asked..
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Hey, you alright?
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
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Patiently waits for a Malachite Roleplayer to pop up in the follower.
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fireyxiao · 11 years ago
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"Just good? Oh, okay. Uhm.." Thinks for a minute, tapping her own head gently before raising an eyebrow. "Excuse me. I’m from the FBI: the Fine Body Investigators, and I’m going to have you ask you to assume the position."
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" alright.. that was good.."
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