firethecanon-blog1 · 6 years
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Another side shot of my OC, decided a quick sketch after work is better than sleep :)) Working on a second chapter too so keep a look out or even follow :)
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firethecanon-blog1 · 6 years
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One blue eyed boi 🔹
First quick drawing of my OC, decided to document his journey on here for something to do :) First chapter available now.
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firethecanon-blog1 · 6 years
Chapter 1: Awakening
Yet everything. All was still.
“It’s time to wake up”.
The voice cracked everything, a rude awakening from the dark.
The inhale of musty air filled the lungs immediately. Followed simultaneously by sight. The room was cluttered, filled with shelves of cobwebs, powders and elixirs. Lit only by a fire dancing to the side in a braizer, recently filled with logs so the blaze would continue its display.
Without warning, a figure approached almost out of nowhere. Turning to face him as he approached proved impossible, as sight was locked into place, facing front. Braided heavily, a dirty matted mess of facial hair melded the face together from the sides as a balding top encased his skull. His face wrinkled and aged. Dull sunken eyes piercing. Robes dark as the shadows that engulf the corners of the room.
“Curious”. He croaked in a brittle, gruff voice. “It appears our latest subject has woken up”. A sly cackle and smirk appearing as his lips spread cheek to cheek.
Another, more high pitched, honeyed voice emerging from the far side. “Unusual, But not a problem” The neck attempted to turn again, but to no avail. Sight still locked forward. “Mix up the canis root and imp on the table, should keep him in place until I return”.
“Yes sister, of course”. The older figure then turned, quickly shuffling away to the other side of the room, though still in sight. The area suddenly howled as a cold sensation was felt on the left. “AND SHUT THE DOOR!” croaked the elder individual, as he began collecting from the high, dust heavy shelves despite his hunched form. The cold sensation soon stopping as the creaking of wood smacked against stone and the second set of footsteps disappeared.
The room lay silent for a few moments.
Breathes where becoming faster, the room almost seemed to mist as confusion and fear soon drove action. Even though previous attempts were unsuccessful, instinct continued to persist moving the neck however to no avail.
Again. Again. Again.
Suddenly the neck jolted, allowing some movement.
Left. Right. The room grew.
To the left, a small hill leading to a wooden door. The right consisted of the brazier, a table and two chairs. A pile of wood towered behind with a thick trunk dug into the moist dirt in front. A long past prime axe embedded into it.
Turning forward again. The hunched figure still focusing into the work being prepared on his table. Back turned.
Vision turned back to axe. A primal instinct rising up and with it the urge to step forward. A deep exhale followed as a push was made to move, the right knee lifting as it was pushed back against whatever effect the body was forced under.
The second attempt wielding the same result, though the knee lifted more than before.
Again. Again. Again.
Soon, a first step. The mud slushed and melded between the toes as another slosh was taken, and another.
Soon, a dull coloured hand met the rotting wooden handle of the axe. The grip of the hand tightened, as the axe gave way from the trunk with ease. Vision turned back to meet the still working figure, his arching spine still turned away focused on the work being done.
Steps encroached towards the dark robes quickly, the raised platform creaking as it held the extra weight. The raven haired man turning as the axe dove down from above him. Breaching the side of his face with a large force, cutting down through the jaw and into the clavicle. A low wheeze exiting his lips as he gazed up in shock, his sunken and dark eyes almost begging as he collapsed to the ground.
The axe pulled from the fresh corpse easily, before the dull hand released the handle. The rusted item falling with a loud clang as red liquid poured onto the floor boards. After a few moments of deafening silence, the hand picked up the axe once again, clutching even harder than before.
The door was now in sight. Brightness illuminating through a gap as the wind subtlety whispered through the woods cracks. The steps up the hill where hard as the lower calf muscles started to shake and ache in pain with no telling how long they were held in the standing position. The door swung open with a thundering bang against the stone and the eyes where met with an unfamiliar sight.
The landscape was immediately freezing. The wind once whispering was now a roaring storm, soft white ice petals falling from the sky as it hit the dull axe soaked in red liquid which dripped slowly onto the pureness which lay softly on the ground, staining it. Wooden carcasses, naked and left standing in the ground covered the visible landscape as mountains covered the horizon, somehow looking colder than where sight was standing now.
However the frozen gaze of the landscape soon gave way as vision seemed to blur, the body fell to the left and began tumbling down. A brief rest.
Vision soon arose again, the white sky petals now covering the body as breathe was soon replaced with shivers. The back was wet as the snow had melted under what little body heat remained. Turning to face it, it was now visible.
A dull skinned male, shaven on top with a brief shadow of facial hair encapsulated on a sharp jawline. A straight pointing nose leading to shivering grey lips and piercing blue eyes.
Piercing blue eyes.
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