firebenderprincess · 4 years
Coffee sentence starters
1. “How much coffee have you had?” 
2. “I’m not really a coffee person.” 
3. “I don’t drink coffee.” 
4. “Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee.” 
5. “What do you mean, there’s no coffee?!” 
6. “I like my coffee dark and bitter - like my soul.” 
7. “Hey, that’s my coffee!” 
8. “I need coffee” 
9. “You don’t need any more coffee.” 
10. “Coffee tastes gross.”
11. “What kind of coffee is this?” 
12. “This coffee tastes disgusting.” 
13. “What did you put in this coffee?” 
14. “I’m cutting off your coffee supply.” 
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
Meeting of Rivals Sentence Starters
“Weren’t you dead?” 
“My death was vastly exaggerated.” 
“Oh great, it’s you.” 
“I didn’t miss you for a second.” 
“Who are you again?” 
“I remember making you eat dirt the last time we met.” 
“I see you still haven’t learned.” 
“Can you just /stop/?” 
“I may have lost last time, but I will not this time.” 
“Don’t think you’ll win this time!” 
“I hear you, I’m just not listening to you.” 
 “Do you ever have anything important to say?”
“Blah blah, shut up before I make you.” 
“Wow, apparently you /could/ stoop even lower.” 
“Why don’t you pick on someone my size?” 
“Don’t get all morally superior with me.” 
“You’d be nothing without me.” 
“I see you haven’t changed a bit.” 
“I hope you’ve been training in my absence- not that it’ll help you.” 
“Back again for another beating I see.” 
“You’re a glutton for punishment aren’t you?”
“Hope you packed some bandages, because you’ll be needing them.” 
“I was happiest never seeing your face.” 
“You think about me? I’m touched.” 
“How many times do I have to tell you that you’re an idiot?” 
“Shut up and fight me.” 
“You better stay down.”
“Get down here, or are you a coward?” 
“You’re nothing but all talk.” 
“Oh, I’ll show you I’m more than just talk.” 
X+ add your own! 
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
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she’s mean
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
“You did actually enjoy the time we had, didn’t you?”
Reluctant Realizations: Meme Accepting
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“You’re kidding me, right? You are the worse person I’d ever had to spend time with. Please leave me alone already.”
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
"come at me"
Send “Come At Me” and my character will insult yours anyway they can think to.
“You know I’ve seen movies with dumb blondes but never thought I’d meet one until now”
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
🤬 - Katara
Send 🤬 for my muse to creatively insult yours!
“Remember that time I zapped the avatar right in front of you and you didn’t prevent it? Yeah that’s because you’re weak. Without him you’re useless. Just remember that next time you try and fight me”.
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
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“Oh don’t be so upset I was born with the good looks and well dad ...well you know... made you uglier.”
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“I am not uglier than some damn animated lion.”
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
🤬 - Zuko
Send 🤬 for my muse to creatively insult yours! @doxavhonored
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“Zuzu, did you know some people compare you to Scar from the Lion King? Unfortunately he’s not as ugly.”
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
Send 🤬 for my muse to creatively insult yours!
If you can't see the symbol send "Hey!"
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
Reluctant Realizations Starters
“This alliance is temporary and on record, I will hate every second of it.”
“So, we’re stuck doing this together…”
“Alright hey… maybe I did like that, okay? Don’t look into it.”
“This has got to be the worst work situation I could have possibly gotten.”
“You two getting along this well has resulted in me having opinions.”
“So how’d that turn out for you?”
“You did actually enjoy the time we had, didn’t you?”
“This is now entirely hopeless.”
“What are we supposed to do now?”
“To think this entire time… I’ve actually hated it!”
“I’m detecting there are feelings going on.”
“Admitting things to yourself isn’t always a god awful experience.”
“Is it really that bad, to like something like this without worry?”
“I get to be a little selfish right now. Screw everything else.”
“Alright… fine. You did win, I admit it. Happy?”
“Maybe someone being an absolute gremlin isn’t always unwanted. Sometimes.”
“It wasn’t an agonizing experience… I guess.”
“Oh I know what that face means. Can’t hide it, I know that that means!”
“You were smiling and giggling, and didn’t realize the time. Come on.”
“It… it wasn’t ever healthy for me, was it?”
“You need to come to terms with what happened, what wasn’t good for you.”
“Say it? Fine, I lost. Are you quite pleased with yourself?”
“I miss the good parts of what I had but… I won’t fall back into that trap.”
“Expectations are just… disappointing. I know that I’ve done that.”
“Maybe emotions are convoluted and stupid but feelings are…”
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
"Come At Me"
Come At Me Meme: Meme accepting Send "Come At Me" and my character will insult yours anyway they can think to.
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“I’d call you bird brain but that would be an insult to beautiful birds. Instead I’ll call you ugly because I’d just be insulting you since you’re the only ugly person here.”
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
Send "Come At Me" and my character will insult yours anyway they can think to.
Let’s start a fight!
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
Betrayal Knows My Name|| Azula & Mai
   It was raining this late afternoon as she walks back from her shift at the TT Cafe. She was prepared for the rain but that didn’t mean she enjoyed it. Hell she hated the rain. She hated being soaked and wet. She was thankful she had an umbrella as she saunters down the street. Azula was casually heading towards the direction of the nearest grocery market when the corner of her eye she sees a familiar set of twin tails and a sullen disposition. It had to be her. Mai. 
  Azula never admitted it but her best friends’s betrayal had torn her apart. She thought these friends of her would always be by her side. Always protect and follow her as she was their leader and yet they did the worse thing and literally attacked and betrayed her. She could never understand why they did what the did and as soon as she saw another traitor, she couldn’t help but feel the rage that burn within her. 
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   It didn’t take too long before Azula does a few flips and bends fire straight at the ground before her. “You can’t escape me, traitor!”
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
Running Away Again? || Azula & Aang
   Azula had to say that this world had its perks. For one her fire flames were purple which actually thought was pretty awesome. She was heading towards her work when she couldn’t help but spot the young Avatar whom her world needed dead to thrive. His tattoos were easily visible and there was no mistaken that he was here.  
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  She smirks evilly before she snaps her finger to create a purple flame beore she aims it at above the male’s feet creating a small patch of purple fire right where the young avatar was about to take another step forward. “Going somewhere?” she shouts as she approaches the cross street across from him.
0 notes
firebenderprincess · 4 years
A Rival Arrival||  Azula & Katara
  Azula wondered why she had to live in this ridiculous and boring world. Where were her servants? Where were her guards? Where were everyone that waited on her every need? She wasn’t use this life and she hated every second of it. At least back at home she could order people to make her food and do things for her. Doing things for herself? What was she? Poor? Unfortunately that was the case when she got here.  However, after much threatening she figured how to at least survive.
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  Azula was heading towards her S.S.A towers to do much needed training when she couldn’t help but spot a familiar looking face. She couldn’t help but laugh. “If you’re here that must mean Zuko and the rest of your silly pathetic friends are here too? Am I right?”
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
“I didn’t want to betray you Azula! But after everything we went through, the fact you were willing to hurt Mai..” ty Lee sighed and picked up her frozen drink and dumped it over the ficus. “I didn’t want to hurt you. I kept hoping that things might get better. I thought that maybe when you did what iroh didn’t you might be happy. When so much was going well, I kept thinking enough would be enough. That I could go back to the circus. You knew how much I hated being in the capital..”
“Are you telling me you want me to be like my uncle and be known as a failure and a disgrace to the Fire Nation? He wasn’t worth anything and I am royalty. I deserve only the best. And what you did is unforgivable. You let my brother go and attacked me, Ty Lee. I thought you were my friend. I thought you would be on my side. But you chose your side. You chose to block my chi and thus I had to set you to your place. To rot in hell in prison with the other traitor!”
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Azula was angry and though she wanted to keep attacking her there was too many people around and she was smart enough to know that this wasn’t the right time or place. Earlier was just to see if Ty Lee was real.  “You should have stayed there. You are not wanted here”.
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firebenderprincess · 4 years
“OH SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA!!!” Everything had been going great! She had a nice day at the wellness center, even had a lil flirt with a guy or two from another class. had even spoiled herself with a tasty frozen chocolate drink…
And there was azula! There was azula running towards her with..purple fire? Well, at least she knew Wonderland would have messed with her powers as well. Maybe x amount of time per day?
Needless to say she was quick to slid downwards that let the flame…semi harmlessly fly over her head. There is the small matter of a potted plant catching on fire behind her.
Just, minor details as Ty lee tried to figure out what the hell she was meant to do now.
“So….stilll not over what happened on the boiling rock i take it?”
  Azula grimaces, clearly annoyed that this person she assumed was an illusion was the real Ty Lee. She did not want to have to face her again. Not after what she had done to her. She walks angrily towards her.
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   “Over it? Me? Do you not know me? Who do you think I am? Some preppy school girl who can just forgive an forget? How dare you! You of all people BETRAYED me. Why would you think I would ever forgive you?”
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