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The signs as evil mythical creatures
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Bats illuminated by lightning
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the future kept
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🐌 moodboard - cindy for @nettlemouse
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"On 1 June Queen Anne was brought from Westminster Hall to St Peter’s Abbey in procession, with all the monks of Westminster going in rich copes of gold, with thirteen mitred abbots; and after them all the king’s chapel in rich copes with four bishops and two mitred archbishops, and all the lords going in their parliament robes, and the crown borne before her by the duke of Suffolk, and her two sceptres by two earls, and she herself going under a rich canopy of cloth of gold, dressed in a kirtle of crimson velvet decorated with ermine, and a robe of purple velvet decorated with ermine over that, and a rich coronet with a cap of pearls and stones on her head; and the old duchess of Norfolk carrying her train in a robe of scarlet with a coronet of gold on her cap, and Lord Burgh, the queen’s Chamberlain, supporting the train in the middle.
After her followed ten ladies in robes of scarlet trimmed with ermine and round coronets of gold on their heads; and next after them all the queen’s maids in gowns of scarlet edged with white Baltic fur. And so she was brought to St Peter’s church at Westminster, and there set in her high royal seat, which was made on a high platform before the altar. And there she was anointed and crowned queen of England by the archbishop of Canterbury and the archbishop of York, and so sat, crowned, in her royal seat all through the mass, and she offered at the said mass. And when the mass was done they left, every man in his order, to Westminster Hall, she still going under the canopy, crowned, with two sceptres in her hands, my Lord Wiltshire her father, and Lord Talbot leading her, and so dined there; and there was made the most honourable feast that has been seen."
[Source: © 1999-2019 English History]
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“Take me back to the evergreen trees; to the sunlight through the leaves, the bending ferns and fronds. The pitter of rain, the smooth rocks sleeping under moss. Take me back to the life I knew before this body.”
— Schuyler Peck, Bed of Moss (via schuylerpeck)
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We had a bought of hate on my blog a few weeks ago, and it has spurred me to promote self love even more than I already do. So that’s what we are doing today! Here we go!
Basil - courage & confidence
Rosemary - happiness & peace
Marjoram - love 
Lavender - love
Cloves - releasing negativity
Ginger - confidence
Rose (if you have it!)
Okay my little cuties, like always, light the candle you’re gonna seal up your jar with before you start, state your intention. I usually suggest taking some time to meditate or clear your head, to get yourself in a good mental state before you start this. But this time, I have a few other suggestions. If you’re like me you might find it hard to love current you, may it be because you’re not happy with who you are, where you are, etc etc. I think sometimes in situations like this, it’s a good idea to take time to think of yourself as “little you”, or the childhood version of you when starting out with this. This quote is something that helps me with this (I literally wrote it out and had it taped to my mirror for several years with a photo of 5 year old me) —
“Picture yourself when you were five. In fact, dig out a photo of little you at that time and tape it to your mirror. How would you treat her, love her, feed her? How would you nurture her if you were the mother of little you? I bet you would protect her fiercely while giving her space to spread her itty-bitty wings. She’d get naps, healthy food, imagination time, and adventures into the wild. If playground bullies hurt her feelings, you’d hug her tears away and give her perspective. When tantrums or meltdowns turned her into a poltergeist, you’d demand a loving time-out in the naughty chair. From this day forward I want you to extend that same compassion to your adult self.” - Kris Carr.
It helps me to think about little me, it makes me easier to love me, and then to love current me. With that in mind, it may also be helpful to take time and write a letter to yourself, a letter of love and encouragement to either past you or future you, a letter overflowing with encouragement, compliments and love. Love the way you would love your best friend, your mother, your daughter, etc. Someone you love unconditionally, but let that person be you. Tell yourself all the amazing things about you, allow yourself to let go of all the things that you dislike, the things that aren’t relevant, because you’re actually fucking rad. You’re fucking amazing, you deserve to be showered in love, 10/10. You rock.
After you are feeling fucking amazing because you ARE, go ahead and layer in those ingredients, take some time pouring all that ooey-gooey self love into this jar, believe each of those layers and intents, honey!
Close it up, seal it up with wax (I have an easy tutorial here if you want to check it out!)
Take a bubble bath, make some hot coco, make some art, do something to make yourself feel loved and taken care of (because you fucking deserve it).
I want to see your recreations of this jar if you make it (you can @ tag me or tag witchy-woman in the tags, I check both!)
And if you want to see my other jars you can find those here.
I love you guys so, so, SO much. I hope you love yourself as much as I love you, because you deserve it, you are worthy of love, and you have the right to be loved and to love yourself. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
Have a beautiful day, my little witches. Happy crafting. <3
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Hi, babies! I have a new jar for you today! 
If you haven’t noticed, they are my favorite things to make. They’re tiny and discreet and portable and easily fit in my pockets without causing a fuss, and no one ever knows I have one on me if I don’t want them to!
Today’s jar is an anti-anxiety jar. I have dealt with an anxiety disorder since around 8th grade, so something close to 9 years now (that makes me feel old?) This jar is an aid, not a treatment, please by no means take this as medical advice, if you are struggling with anxiety, please seek medical help to deal with it. Mine is much more mild than it used to be, so I can generally get by with practiced breathing exercises, some grounding, etc. This is another aid to that, not a replacement for medication!
So, let’s get on to it! In our bottle today– 
sea salt - for protection
bay leaf - for strength
coffee - for peace
chamomile - for relaxation/calming
sage - for mental strength & mental power
lavender - for calmness
I have the trend in my jars to layer things, I like the way it looks, but I also like it because I imagine them building on each other, and enhancing and empowering the others (kind of like what we should do with each other!)
Like always, focus that intent into each step, I like to say it out loud until I feel it in my words, remember that your words have power because YOU are powerful! Layer all those up and cork up your bottle, I like to then focus that intent for the whole bottle into it, while I’m waiting for my wax to melt and then proceed with sealing it up (I have a tutorial for wax sealing bottles here )
I love this little one, I find myself rubbing the wax top when I begin to get stressed if it’s in my pocket (it feels like I’m kind of ‘activating’ it).
I hope this was helpful, babies!
You can find my other jars here!
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underrated pride and prejudice moments: (4/?)
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🎃 daryadarcy 🎃
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