fire-lark · 4 years
So do seahorses read fpreg.
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fire-lark · 4 years
shout out to all the people who identify with gifted kid burnout syndrome who are probably just neurodivergent but werent diagnosed as a child, who used to devour books like it was nothing and never really understood why the protagonist would leave their cool fantasy world behind to go back home at the end of the story, and who are now extremely disappointed in reality and use escapism as their primary coping mechanism. how’s that bisexuality and deep-rooted anger at the school system going for you?
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fire-lark · 4 years
Excuse me?! I am going to need a full version of this shanty from these two IMMEDIATELY.
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fire-lark · 4 years
also it really takes the fear out of getting older when you realize that society has collapsed and we are no longer obligated, nor should we even be expected, to settle into Serious Adults in business suits with steady office jobs and 2.8 kids. there’s nothing to stop us from just gradually becoming more eccentric with each decade. we may not have retirement plans but we can plan to gradually evolve into the 80s van wizards our parents were too cowardly to become.
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fire-lark · 4 years
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fire-lark · 4 years
person: talking at a normal human pace
my ADHD ass: im Suffering im Bored™️ please go faster go faster go faster
person: talking at a slightly faster pace
my Fucking Adhd Ass: i have not comprehended a single spoken word since 1955
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fire-lark · 4 years
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fire-lark · 4 years
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Did you pick these flowers yourself? They are most lovely.
Come, walk with me. Let us go looking for wild Glaze Lilies once more.
There is a certain song from Liyue that I would like to hear you sing — if you'll allow me to teach you.
#GenshinImpact #Zhongli #HappyBirthday
— @GenshinImpact on Twitter
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fire-lark · 4 years
Me in 2022 when the pandemic hasn’t ended yet because people don’t know how to act right and I’ve been holed up in my house for three years acquiring a new flavor of crazy, going to open the door for the guy in the hazmat suit that’s come to deliver my groceries
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fire-lark · 4 years
Anime is great. Anime will be like “this is my character of ambiguous western descent. Their name is the most incomprehensible combination of made up sounds. And if not that, it is a name that has not appeared on a single birth certificate since 1773.
Code Geass went and said “most of these character hail from Future Sort-of-Britain, including our main character, who will be named Lelouch just like every single British person isn’t.” Then they decided to distract you from this by naming his love interest Shirley, cornering the market of 80+ year old grandmothers clutching their 3 bowls of strawberry sucker candy in delight. Code Geass didn’t even call it a day here they had one more trick up their sleeve and it was to name the third character in the group Rivalz, a name and a character which appeal to exactly no one.
Tiger and Bunny said “What should our western young-20′s heartthrob successful pretty-boy deuteragonist be named? What screams ‘young’ and ‘trendy’ and ‘brilliant’ and ‘sexy’? Barnaby. Barnaby Brooks. This is our Sex Symbol Barnaby.” I bet a bunch of ghosts from the 17th century were stoked about that one. I bet Barnaby walks into gift shops asking if they have any of the travel keychains in his name and he gets laughed out of the store. I bet Barnaby’s parents didn’t die, they just faked their deaths to get away from him seeing as they hated him enough to name him Barnaby.
I haven’t followed Attack on Titan in 7 years but yall have a character named Pieck Finger. That’s it that’s my roast.
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fire-lark · 4 years
having adhd is like im so tired of music. im so tired of sleeping. every day i decide what to eat for dinner
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fire-lark · 4 years
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fire-lark · 4 years
It was kind of a dick move to create animals that require air, then confine them to the freaking ocean
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fire-lark · 4 years
i've seen so many posts online along the lines of "these 3 pairs of pants are, according to their labels, different sizes, and yet they all fit the same, so if you go shopping and end up needing a higher number size than you're used to, don't feel bad about it!" and like, while it is true that women's clothing size are an inconsistent mess which makes shopping for clothes really confusing and annoying, i want to say that it's actually completely okay if you need a larger size than before and it's because you've gained weight.
gaining weight is not a crime, you do not need to have plausible deniability to be allowed to feel okay with needing a different size of clothing. gaining weight is not a moral failure. people gain weight sometimes, and sometimes that leads to people needing to use a larger size of clothing, and that's okay.
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fire-lark · 4 years
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I'm late to the paleontology drama but my god this is so funny
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fire-lark · 4 years
I genuinely don’t know who forgot to tell this generation of fandom that other LGBTQ+ people writing about different experiences through the lens of a single character literally cannot take anything away from them or “erase” their experiences but
for the record, any ideology that encourages you to:
- treat other members of your community with suspicion and mistrust
- view them as potential rivals for some scarce commodity (like, for instance, “representation”)
- view them as about to attack and try to take something away from you just by being or expressing themselves
—all because they’re not EXACTLY like you is um. Not great. It’s. Not a good ideology. In fact, it’s actively harmful.
People who want you to see other LGBTQ+ people as “the enemy” do not have your best interest at heart, or the community’s.
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fire-lark · 4 years
Seeing triple A cyberpunk 2077 flop class-action-lawsuit hard with a legion of people working on it for years and getting stardew valley's excellent 1.5 update crafted lovingly by one man in around 1 year within 7 days of each other really emphasizes just how thin the triple a game industry's excuses for bad games are
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