fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
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fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
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fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
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fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
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266 notes · View notes
fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
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55 notes · View notes
fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
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fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
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fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
How the HELL do you make GIFs on a Mac?
Ugh, you graphic/GIF makers ever get those feelings where you're like, "ugh, I love this series so much, I just wanna make GIFs of it all day!?"
I'm kind of feeling that way now, and I can't make GIFs now that I've switched computers!
Help, please?
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fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
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fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
I got Photoshop CS5.1...as a trial. I have some serials to get the extended version, but whenever I put them in, it says they're valid...but then it says it was "unable to subscribe."
SOO...I'll be with Photoshop for at least 30 days!
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fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
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fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
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fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
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Requested by thanialo.
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fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
On a short hiatus!
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I just got a new computer, and I need to get used to it and get my computer needs together and then find a Mac-friendly Photoshop download, so I'll be on a graphic-making hiatus for a little while. In the meantime, I can do fandom-y things, though! I've been meaning to rewatch Avatar from the beginning and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and then start some other shows, so maybe I'll make some episode summaries/guides.
And if any of you follow my personal blog, you might see that I love making cross-series parallels and character comparisons, so I guess if you want to give me two series/ships/characters to compare, I'd do that for you guys. :D
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fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
“I believe people can change their lives if they want to. I believe in second chances.”
- Iroh
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fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
Roy: After all you went through in Ishval, you still ended up choosing this path, huh? Riza: Yes, sir. If the ways of this world are based on equivalent exchange, as alchemy says, then in order to allow for a new generation to enjoy good fortune, then the price that we must pay is to carry the bodies of the dead across a river of blood. Roy: I’m going to appoint you to be my assistant. I would like to have you watch my back. You understand, don’t you? that by leaving my back to you, you can shoot me from behind at any time? If I ever step off this path, shoot me. You are entitled to do so. Will you follow me? Riza: As you wish, sir. Into hell, if you so desire.
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fire-ferret-blog · 13 years
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Themed Party | Challenge 24: In Memoriam
Lu Ten | Avatar: The Last Airbender
"Happy birthday, my son. If only I could've helped you."
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