Writer - Comedian - Artist - Management Consultant - Presenter www.littlethingsconsulting.com.au Tasmania, Australia
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Ep10 - Are Toxic People eroding your Self-Belief at Work?
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EP9-The Burden of Toxic People: Understanding the impact of workplace bullying on workplace culture and productivity
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Ep8 - RESPECT: How do you get it and how do you give it
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Ray Ban glasses wish you all a Happy New year! The price of a time-limited event is only $24.99.
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Followership or followship? Every captain needs deck hands
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Well a new year has begun and everyone is planning for what's ahead. There is something to be said for turning over to a new year that makes you feel refreshed and ready to take on the world again. I hope you achieve your goals - Fiona #2020 #newyear #goalsetting #newbeginnings #makeithappen #littlethingsconsulting #leadership (at City Park, Launceston) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7E-L2YnbHp/?igshid=11v3dbuiq17jj
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One of my passions is facilitation and even stand up. The photo is of me doing a 5min set at Saint John's Bar in Launceston. Next week I will be heading to Hobart for two days to chair a leadership conference where I hope to bring a little bit of humour to keep the audience engaged. If you are looking for a facilitator for your next event or conference contact me on [email protected] #facilitation #brandtasmania #littlethingsconsulting #management #mc #tasmania #speaker #comedian (at Launceston, Tasmania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3nvmRVH8VG/?igshid=w4ks0is9ku8k
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Working on a new blog post about 'Recruitment'. Was planning to do some work for a client but OneDrive hates me today and didn't sync my work from home 🤨. Oh well haven't blogged in a bit so have made good use of the time. #likeaboss #littlethingsconsulting #recruitment #blogger #productivity #blogging #workingwomen (at Hudsons Coffee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B17d-nfHRVq/?igshid=3a34ywai3vzs
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It's not easy working for yourself but having the opportunity to do what I love every day allows me to value life. A life that was nearly cut short at 38 by breast cancer. My ongoing health issues limit me so to have the flexibility to work I feel like it. Helping others to achieve there goals is my therapy. #littlethingsconsulting #likeaboss #launceston #lifeaftercancer #management #smallbusiness #leadership (at Tasmania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0kEm9rnMGh/?igshid=6ap7r8xakaq9
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I forgot the joy of playing Bass. Three years ago I had to give it up because I lost feeling to my hands from chemo and when I could feel them they ached and tingled. Not to mention my brain not firing fast enough to keep up with even the slowest song. It is so great to play again. I need some music back in my life then I can jam and even gig with my wonderful husband. #music #bass #cancersucks #musicwarmsmysoul #fuckcancer (at Tasmania) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByoZzh9HPVA/?igshid=tbos1uszfmfj
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Little Things can help you go from Good to Great. Check out www.littlethingsconsulting.com.au to see how we can help you or your business. Management support, research are vital to achieving great things. We look forward to hearing from you. #management #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipquotes #mentoring #business #businesssuccess #tasmania #launceston #researcher #speaker #makeithappen #growyourbrand #instagram #quote #supervision #communityservices #training #podcaster #comedian (at Tasmania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwx5QdvnUk4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dsml8ebaposx
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Great night at Homebrew. Thanks for the photos @scottadamsphotography - Love your work! #photographer #scottadamsphotography #comedy #comedian #launceston #tasmania #laugh #makeithappen #saintjohnscraftbeer #livingmybestlife #likeaboss #livethedream #standup #standupcomedy #homebrewcomedy (at Launceston, Tasmania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwbbOjZHJ8R/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gsbzu7vupbgz
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This has to be the biggest role of shit paper I have ever seen and it was at the Melbourne Zoo of all places. At the my sister and I saw this my father was in hospital suffer from the side effects of radiation for bowel cancer. Hence he was going through alot of toilet paper. My sister and I needed a therapdic laugh, we joked that this would be a good solution for Dad 💩🤣 #shitty #shitpost #shitday #fuckcancer #bowelcancer #laughertherapy #thinkpositive #cancermeme #cancersucks #cancersurvivor #cancerwarrior #sisters #melboure #melbournezoo #positivequotes #quote #quotestoliveby #quoteoftheday #lookafteryourself #humor #healing (at Royal Melbourne Zoological Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwSxnM5nQWx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vozfluc297
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