fionaosmanbutdead · 1 year
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𝑓𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎'𝑠 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟
feat. @xaviermattthews & @vanessagable
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fionaosmanbutdead · 1 year
location: on campus at aurora bay college for: @finnbrooks
In spite of her very real desire to get this degree and go into her chosen field and actually do something with her life, sitting and studying has never been one of Fiona's strong suits. In fact it's one of her greatest weaknesses, and after spending about an hour out in the quad sat at an empty table alternating between checking Twitter and Instagram and forcing herself to read a couple paragraphs at a time from her textbook, the ultimate distraction finally appears in the form of Finn.
Slamming her textbook closed, Fiona rips a piece of paper out of her notebook, balls it up, takes aim, and chucks it at his head — which she misses, but it does get his shoulder, and she gives herself away by laughing when he starts looking around for the culprit.
"Come hang out," she calls to him, "or the next one won't be paper!"
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fionaosmanbutdead · 1 year
Fiona blinks in surprise at the enthusiastic welcome she receives walking into, of all places, the All-Nighter. At this time of night, if it isn't a weekend, the place is usually pretty sparsely-patroned and tonight is no exception, to which Fiona attributes the girl's over-the-top greeting.
"Hi," she grins, opting for a seat at the bar up front instead of a booth on a whim. She slides onto the stool and leans forwards onto her elbows on the countertop. "Dead as fuck in here, huh? I would seriously lose my shit if I were you."
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open starter: @aurorabaystarter
where: All-Nighter Diner
All-Nighter was a popular spot in town but even it had it's moments of being dreadfully slow. In fact, with how slow it was, Cade had finished all her work and was instead leaning against the counter as she doodled in her little notebook to take orders.
After what felt like an eternity of silence, Cade finally heard the chime of the bell over the front door that announced the arrival of a customer. "Finally, human life! Welcome to the All-Nighter!" She almost grimaced after trying to be perky when she was actually bored to death and just ready to clock out and go home.
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fionaosmanbutdead · 1 year
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[cis woman & she/her] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [FIONA OSMAN]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [ASLIHAN MALBORA]. You must be the [TWENTY-THREE] year old [ATTENDANT AT SEA GLASS BOUTIQUE]. Word is you’re [VIVACIOUS] but can also be a bit [IMPRUDENT] and your favorite song is [SHE WAY OUT by THE 1975]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
Full Name: Fiona Osman Nickname(s): Fi Gender: Cis woman (she/her) Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Birthday: September 24 (23) Religion: None Nationality: American Ethnicity: Turkish Hometown: Presque Isle, Maine Current Residence: Ocean Crest Apartments Time in Aurora Bay: 10 years Occupation: Employee at Sea Glass Boutique Education: Associate’s degree, BS at Aurora Bay College (current) Languages: English TL;DR: Moved to Aurora Bay with her family from northern Maine when she was 11, weird relationship with her parents, got her associate’s degree and is currently in school for horticulture, works as an employee at sea glass boutique while she does her degree. Goes for instant gratification over delayed satisfaction and is perpetually fighting her childish streak
Pos. Traits: Energetic, vivacious, risk-taker, gregarious, affectionate, creative Neg. Traits: Flaky, reckless, childish, impulsive, imprudent, insecure Likes: Taking baths, clubbing, Submergence, the TV show Rake, staying in hotels, airports, bike riding, rollercoasters, slutty lingerie, sunbathing, haunted houses, aesthetic lighting, candles, mermaids, the ocean, space, being in the woods, collecting sea glass, being wine drunk, the comments section on Tiktok, talking shit Dislikes: Routine, sports, hot people being fake humble, ASMR videos, superhero movies, cooking, not immediately being good at things, basic fashion, the desert
**trigger warnings for toxic parenting
Born in the town of Presque Isle, one of the northermost cities in Maine, Fiona grew up in the dark and the cold and surrounded by nature
She spent a lot of her time exploring the abundant forests and rivers and ravines of Aroostook County as a kid, both with friends and by herself. She was chronically coming home with scrapes and bruises; it was nearly tradition at her grammar schools that at least once a year Fiona Osman would end up in a cast that everyone signed
She didn’t have bad parents in the way some of her friends had bad parents – in fact, her parents weren’t really bad at all on the surface. Her mom was a third-grade teacher at one of the local elementary schools and her dad was head of HR at [to be added]. They were nice people and, for the most part, chill parents. Her friends always liked coming to her house because no one was yelling at them for making a mess and often her mom or dad, whoever was home, was even willing to do projects with them and take them fun places or out hiking
The problem with Fiona’s parents was that her dad had another side, and it wasn’t a nice one. Usually a pleasant personality to be around (strangers always loved him), when he got in moods the best thing to do was steer clear, which Fiona was pretty good at doing but her older brother was not. She witnessed a million fights between them that she typically tried to stay out of, but it always made her feel sick to see it and to feel, on her end, that their dad was being a dick. One of the worst parts of it was that their mom always, without fail, took their dad’s side – something Fiona thinks in retrospect was because she was afraid of him turning it on her
It created a lot of deep-seated issues. Her older brother began seeing their dad only for his bad side, whereas Fiona started seeing him as two different people: the fun dad who watched movies with her and took her on outings and showed her all his favorite music, and the man with an irrational temper who couldn’t be talked out of his bad moods. Not knowing which of them she would get each day and having that unreliability in a parent she was sometimes scared of gave her some trauma she’s never really explored
At eleven, Fiona’s paternal grandma in Aurora Bay broke her hip and never quite recovered well enough to be able to get back to taking care of her husband, whose dementia had been growing more severe over the last few months. Her dad went out there to help for about a month before the decision was made that the whole family would be uprooting and moving across the country so they could be nearby. This was, of course, the worst possible news to Fiona and her brother, who had friends and a life in Presque Isle
Fiona adjusted okay – she’d always been social and made friends relatively easily, and she understood on a logical level why they had to move, but it didn’t stop it from being hard going to a brand new school on the other side of the country. It was even worse for her brother, who was a senior in high school at that point with not only a close friend group but a girlfriend he was in love with. He held it against their dad, who – with the added stress of his parents’ situation on top of his penchant for taking his anger out on his loved ones – didn’t handle the whole thing very well and was not quite understanding or compassionate about it the way he should have been. In private their mom sometimes sympathized with them, but she never stood up to defend them when Fiona or her brother got into it with their dad
After high school, Fiona did a year at Aurora Bay College as an undeclared major before dropping out and choosing to get her Associate's degree at a nearby community college first, seeing as she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life yet. She lived at home while she finished that and afterwards moved out finally, getting a job at the Sea Glass Boutique to sustain herself while she continued trying to find some direction
It's only within the last year that she's decided she wants to work with plants, and enrolled at Aurora Bay College once again, this time with her major declared in horticulture
As she’s gotten older, Fiona’s grown further from her parents. Her mom is significantly less bright and happy than she used to be when the kids were little and her dad has only gotten worse as he gets older
Her grandpa passed about five years ago and her grandma just last year, but they never moved back to Maine
She had a couple boyfriends in high school and her first girlfriend in college, but she tends to sleep around mostly with no urgent desire to be in a relationship until she finds someone who really gets her excited
She's a huge Submergence stan, they were a major part of her high school years and she still runs a Twitter stan account with thousands of fandom followers
Used to have all her old casts from grammar school that were signed by her classmates but they got lost in the move to Aurora Bay
Needs a lot of external validation and tries to fulfill that by sleeping with people. Depending on the situation, she’s the kind of person who would ditch her friends for someone giving her attention if she was feeling especially insecure
Has a diary she writes in almost every night
Keeps a little box of memories like receipts from first dates, pictures, jewelry, etc
Has a 3-year-old sugar glider named Jenkins
a few besties
people she’s known since high school if they’re around the same age
fwb, hookups, exes, etc
apartment neighbors/people she’s annoyed by being loud and coming home late
someone who’s just a rly bad person for her to be around bc they fuel each other’s recklessness
someone she’s friends with through stan twitter
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fionaosmanbutdead · 1 year
80% of the ocean is unexplored by YOU GUYS. i've seen the whole thing
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