finnleywood · 21 hours
"Oh shit, I remember you telling me about that. Actually all the stories I heard from when Rory was living with the three of you sound like something right out of one of Nates' nightmares. So I can't imagine that would have been fun for you dealing with it all too." Finn commented with a low whistle, "Though I'm kind of glad it was you and not me, even if that does make me sound like a terrible person." He added. "But I'm glad you're not going to be stealing anyone's pet dogs, gives me one less thing to worry about when it comes to you." He teased. "At least you and Malcom have a mutual understanding, I swear he hisses at me every time I come visit, even if Nate says he doesn't. I must give off bad cat vibes."
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Alison sighed, "Ugh, I wish," she replied. "Nate would kill me though if I brought home a dog. I was in that flat when Rory and Liam's dog infiltrated it, I do not wish to go through that again, even thought it was really cute. Maybe when I'm not living with Nate I'll get one, and I promise not to steal someone else's dog, even if they're cute. Right now I'll just have to deal with Nate's cat, who has a mutual agreement with me to stay our of each other's spaces, maybe sometimes give them some pets."
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finnleywood · 22 hours
FINN: I realise now, that basically I'm saying that I want to dress like Harry Styles. FINN: I'd ask if you're just saying that to make me feel better, but then I remembered who I'm talking to and you're like the mother of tough love and saying things as they are. So I really shouldn't have reason to question you on this. But at least it comes across as charm and not ignorance. FINN: His name is Roman Rodriguez if you want to do a Insta stalk, I know I did one. Wasn't ashamed of myself for it and if I accidentally liked something from 8 months ago, then I will deny it until the cows come home. FINN: It's more like I don't trust myself on it because I will hyperfixate on something I see on there at like 9 in the morning and then the next thing I know it's like midnight. It feels dangerous in that sense. FINN: I tend not to post much on instagram or twitter either, because I'm scared I'll accidentally post something I shouldn't and then get cancelled. FINN: You're not wrong, it has been and it works for us so no point in changing it really.
STELLA: got it, got it STELLA: you're right, subtle is /not/ your thing. but like it made you a total hit with the fans. it always killed in interviews and all that. it's part of your charm, finn STELLA: that's a lot of as. damn. i've got to see this man you're talking about for myself some time STELLA: i don't get why lol... it's like the easiest app to not fuck up on. social media without the social part. sounds like you'd be better off on there than on instagram or twitter STELLA: oh 10000%. i'd argue that's been our relationship from the start anyways 😂
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finnleywood · 13 days
FINN: No, I would have still came. Knowing would have just allowed myself to prepare and potentially have to deliver some awkward conversations about privacy with the whole, please don't post about my private like and relations on your social platforms, thanks. FINN: That and I always check to see if roommates are journalists, just in case. FINN: Like they wish to worship and please you and that there's nothing they want more then that in that moment. I can see why that can be intoxicating. FINN: One thing at a time.
Roman: Would I have been invited to yours if I did have roommates? Roman: In a manner of speaking, yes. I tend to find them far more interesting. They have a way of looking at you and sounding, sometimes almost an innocence though more likely an eagerness for everything... it's a little bit intoxicating. Roman: Hah, well let's see if you make it through tonight first cowboy. One thing at a time.
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finnleywood · 13 days
FINN: Okay, good. Or well, not, not good. It wouldn't have mattered. Just doing collateral damage checks, you know? FINN: I never said it was a bad thing, but was I wrong? FINN: I'm good to skip out on the coffee tonight- tomorrow though? Unless that's WAY too forward. FINN: I'm sure you will be.
Roman: No, no roommates. Roman: I'm sure that's what you take from it. Roman: If you're so caught up on the coffee, I'll put the machine on for you. Roman: I'll be waiting.
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finnleywood · 13 days
FINN: Cool, thanks. FINN: Wait- actually, do you have roommates? FINN: So what I'm hearing is you're a big fan of people who basically fall over their feet to be close to you? FINN: Noted. Though might save the messaging someone who I don't know to get the down low on their best friend who I asked out for a coffee and it then somehow turned into the coffee being forgotten and me in their bed for a later date. FINN: See you shortly.
Roman: I'll send you my address. Roman: I can work with that. A lot of the time I find them the most fun. Roman: Most of it will be the truth, she may just exaggerate occasionally but it's mainly because she thinks she's funny. If you explain why I am sure she'll give you the low down. Roman: As am I cutie. I'll see you shortly.
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finnleywood · 13 days
FINN: I'm going to say 70's grandpa, cardigans and high waisted pants era. FINN: Look, you have known me for a very long time. Therefore you should know I am the furthest thing away from subtle most of the time. FINN: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of my league. But glad to know that's all you needed to become invested. FINN: Alright is better than doing shit, so I'll take it. FINN: Probably. You know I come to you for all things pinterest because I don't trust myself on that app. FINN: Is it possible to love and hate someone at the same time, because I think that sums up my emotions for you right now.
STELLA: depends what era of grandpa we're talking STELLA: way to make it obvious 😂 STELLA: yup. sounds /super/ convincing after you just said that lol STELLA: a guy way out of your league? oh man i'm invested now STELLA: listen the whole 'not trying too hard' thing is on trend. not everyone can pull it off but you're doing alright STELLA: granola vibes... i'm going to be spending a lot of time on pinterest aren't i STELLA: yes but a very cute moose. make all the boy moose who are way out of your league go whaaa 😉
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finnleywood · 14 days
FINN: And so am I, so.... FINN: Right. Okay. That's really good to know because I find myself to be some of those things, often, not on purpose. FINN: Bisexual awakening to be saved for another time, got it. FINN: Will it not be the truth though? And just things that you don't want her to tell me about you? FINN: Looking forward to it. Like, really looking forward to it.
Roman: Well I'm available... Also, I really don't have a problem with eager and desperate. In fact I like it. Roman: That sounds like a story but we'll save it for another time. Roman: Do not trust everything she says however, she will try and wind you up. Roman: Good, well it is something we will explore.
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finnleywood · 14 days
FINN: Given these messages that you've sent me tonight, I think I'm ready. Like. Now. Not to sound eager. Or desperate. Or anything. FINN: I mean I learned A LOT about myself outside of the classroom. Probably more than in the classroom, really. But yeah, I was not exposed to your american sensibilities. FINN: Willow. Got it. I'm sure you're an open book. FINN: I don't think there was anyway that this wasn't going to affect me. FINN: Well given the fact that I think my brain turned to soup just reading it, yeah... think I'm going to be into it.
Roman: Well when you are ready, you are more than welcome to find out. Roman: No, I should imagine not. Though you never had me in your school to teach you. Roman: Her name is Willow. Any details you want you could ask me though. Roman: Nice to know how much I affect you. Roman: You'd be surprised at what you enjoy if you just give things a go. I got the feeling you would be into that though.
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finnleywood · 14 days
FINN: A little, but like you said, I think the real thing is going to be much better. I don't even think my imagination could even come up to anything close to what you actually look like. FINN: I think you do. FINN: I'm sure, don't think it'd be like anything that I was taught in school. FINN: Still need to give me the details of who this best friend is so I can go and confirm your tameness. FINN: Have you ever had your computer or phone blue screen? Because that is pretty much what I'm like right now. FINN: ... FINN: You're going to ruin me. I didn't even know that was a /thing/ for me.
Roman: Imaging it now are you? I can assure you the real thing is much better. Roman: Do I? Roman: That and the topic would be far more interesting for you I am sure. Roman: Now I just have to experience that in person. I imagine it's quite the sight. Roman: Good boy.
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finnleywood · 14 days
FINN: And now I've learned something new about you. I'm guessing that if someone turned up to your flat unannounced they'd be in for an eyeful then. FINN: Well there are many different adjectives that I'd use to describe you in this moment right now, but you know what I mean when I say you're being cute. FINN: I was never that good of a student at school, but something tells me you'd be giving me more of an incentive to learn. FINN: And who is this best friend of yours? Just for reference. FINN: Maybe that's what I should change your name to in my phone, Trouble. FINN: I think I might be malfunctioning a little bit. FINN: Okay... I'll do anything you want.
Roman: Well I prefer to be nude where possible, yes. But as you pointed out, it's frowned upon in certain circles. Roman: Cute? Not entirely the adjective I was aiming for. Oh I have. I'd be more than happy to teach you a few of them. Roman: Oh very much so. You could ask my best friend if you need to confirm. Roman: Only the best type, doll. Roman: You good there? You sound a little like you're malfunctioning. Roman: Perhaps with a 'I'll do anything you want'
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finnleywood · 14 days
FINN: And do you consider yourself to be a nudist? The last I saw you, you were fully dressed. Pretty sure I would have noticed if you were naked. FINN: I can assure you, it was all joke. FINN: I'm not sure how to take that, or what is says about me. FINN: Don't be cute when you basically reverted me back to being a teenager and discovering porn for the first time. And I don't even doubt for a second that you've done some very, very, sinful things. FINN: THIS IS YOU BEING TAME. FINN: You're going to be trouble for me, aren't you? FINN: Right. Cool. Glad we have came to the understanding that this is a mutual thing we both want. FINN: I-... don't even know how to respond to that. But yes, I will, do that.
Roman: Only if you're not a nudist. Roman: Some how I feel like that joke had some truth behind it. The first part of it anyway. Roman: Interesting. It says a lot about you. Roman: Well I was thinking more 'me fucking you' but each to their own I suppose. In some religions that was probably blasphemous but honestly, I think if I believed, i've done plenty worse than that end up cursed to hell. Roman: This is me being tame, hence the adorable comment earlier. Roman: And you're definitely something I'd love to do. Make yourself look pretty for me. Gives me something to look forward to ripping off you.
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finnleywood · 14 days
FINN: That must make public outings pretty awkward. FINN: Yeah, I tend to find myself leaning more towards reading sports articles over sex too. Much more satisfying, way more rewarding. FINN: Tends to be how I approach these things, I have read deeper into them before and spiralled. Clinical is safe. FINN: JESUS FUCKING CHRIST FINN: I mean, I know this is my own doing, like I literally asked you to elaborate. Just didn't expect the response to make me actually drop my phone. FINN: Fuck. FINN: I guess in short terms to answer your questions and I guess your not questions. FINN: Sometimes. Yes. And who am I to stand in your way of something you'd love to do. Count me in as a willing participant.
ROMAN: Well mine is very much sans clothes. ROMAN: Though I do feel like I could find myself interested in that to a degree. Obviously one plays preference over the other. ROMAN: That was a clinical take on it. ROMAN: Don't like being teased? Or maybe it's actually that you like dirty talk. Either way my 'or something' is sex. If you want me to put it bluntly, I would love nothing more than to fuck you senseless.
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finnleywood · 14 days
"Should I be alarmed that this is you telling me that you're going to kidnap this specific dog?" Finn asked, pulling their phone closer to him so he could get a better look. "Because he is very cute and I'm all for you getting a dog, but I don't think dognapping is the solution. Not when shelters exist."
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closed starter - alison & finn ( @finnleywood )
Alison gasped and showed the picture of a dog on her phone to Finnley. "Look at it!" she said. "Isn't he so cute." She let out a dramatic sigh. "I want a dog."
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finnleywood · 14 days
FINN: Alright, if you think our fun is different please share on what you consider to be fun. FINN: Because I can guarantee that it's not reading articles about athletes. FINN: It's positive. Factual. Ends more on speculation. Some of the better articles that I've read about myself. FINN: Maybe I do know the answer, but maybe I want you to say it rather than simply eluding to me knowing exactly what it is you want from me. FINN: Hm, not sure adorable is the word I'd choose, but alright.
ROMAN: Maybe our fun is different. ROMAN: I see. And is it positive then? I don't see why it should be anything else. ROMAN: If you don't know the answer to that already, I haven't been obvious enough, which I really didn't think was a problem for me. ROMAN: That's sort of adorable.
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finnleywood · 14 days
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Steve Harrington + Underrated Shots
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finnleywood · 27 days
FINN: Hey! I am plenty of fun, many people tell me so. FINN: Mostly it was the couple of beers and I guess another part of it was me looking into the life I had before the accident and what people are still saying about me despite not being on the field. FINN: And what is that, enlighten me. FINN: Because I tend to do it on a fairly regular basis.
ROMAN: You're no fun. ROMAN: Why is this time different? ROMAN: I know what I want it to be. ROMAN: Why would you think you would do that?
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finnleywood · 27 days
FINN: Yes. That's what I said. Still waiting to hear if I look like a grandpa or not. FINN: Pssh. No. Psssh. You have a crush on someone! FINN: Maybe I'm just wanting to step up my clothing game for my public image for when I get back out there. A little bit like a rebrand or something. FINN: This has nothing to do with a guy way out my league. FINN: That's actually interesting to hear given I tend to put little thought into what I wear on a daily basis. Maybe that's just my fashion sense 'aiming to impress by doing the minimum but making it look like maximum effort.' FINN: I don't know, like effortlessly cool, but like also chilled out, comfy. I don't want to say granola vibes, but I think I have granola vibes in my head. FINN: You're not going to turn me into a moose, are you? Because if you're not, then I'm in.
STELLA: enhance... your wardrobe? STELLA: you've got a crush on someone haven't you STELLA: what you wear is just fine but it sounds like you're trying to impress somebody big time STELLA: what vibe are you trying to go for, hot shot? STELLA: i'm free friday. do you want to go to a mall and have your princess diaries moment w/ me?
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