finaloutbreakatdusk · 2 months
Do we place special infected into the game?
We have a few fast zombies mixed into the crowd however with the development and the way the storyline is going I was thinking of having a few zombies be able to mutate as time goes on. It's a more evolutionary style of a virus. A few I was thinking of were a few basic ones that annoy the player/NPCs(Like ones that eat only plants so that way it ruins the amounts of food).
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finaloutbreakatdusk · 2 months
What do you wish zombies would do?
Heyo! I'm making a zombie game :3
I wanna make a game that has ppl's demands! I know some people hate the grunting and growling zombies make so we will make out zombies have very VERY bad speech! Like you just got an APD and you just can't tell exactly what they are saying! It will making killing so much sadder.
anyways what do you want in a zombie game?
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