❝     Just keep swimming               Just keep swimming                      Just keep swimming                                                swimming                                                    swimming                                                       swimming     ❞
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      I promise I’ll be active again soon! I was going through a ton of drama, but it’s pretty much all worked out now. For now, I’m not really feeling Ryuu, but I am totally up for rping Van. I’m probably gonna just be active over on xllegro for a couple days before I come back here, but I promise I’m coming back.
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❝     We’ll play                  the ecstasy.     ❞
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       “Even though your reason for existence has changed,
                                          you can still live on.
                                I’m a good example of that.”
                     ❤ ♔ Blog ♔ ❤
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Okay, even though I did a giveaway for getting 300+ followers, I want to do a follow forever as well! These past few days have been rough, and I almost deleted, but I’m still here and it’s thanks to a lot of you! This fandom has been a blessing to me, and I can honestly say Pokkle is one of my favorite muses. I had a lot of fun with Levi, Shalnark, ect, but I’ve connected to Pokkle the most. Sadly a lot of the original people in this fandom are gone, so I can’t add them, but if you guys see this, know we miss and love you! I know I’ll probably miss some blogs, but you know I love you if I do!
Keep reading
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              “I ain’t seen nothin’ like this back on the farm.“
                          ❤ ♔ Blog ♔ ❤
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electonequeen some people wanted to know how my orchestra camp...
wow srsly this is so amazing, I love it ♥
thank you v much u cutie patoot <3
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 some people wanted to know how my orchestra camp...
//That’s beautiful omg
thank u v much
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“I don’t have a cell phone,” Pokkle states as he tucks his phone into his pocket, “..sorry.”
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┓❤┗    “Aw, man! That mean’s I can’t send you booty calls!” Or pictures of his love stick!
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 “It shoots..fire? I don’t..think it’s supposed to. You should probably..get that checked.” Pokkle shivered, pitying whoever this man decides to bless with his “wand.”
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┓❤┗    “Don’t worry-it was designed to shoot fire” Yes, designed by a speaking pink wombat.
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“Sounds right to me?”
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┓❤┗    “It’s definitely a problem! I need to fix it right now!”
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”If I wanted to see one, I’d go look at Hisoka’s. His glows.”
┓❤┗    “Holy shit! It glows?!” Yes, it does. “W-well....mine...mine can....it can shoot fire!” Admit it, Hisoka’s love stick is better than yours.
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some people wanted to know how my orchestra camp went, s o
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                                                Money is love
Independent Io Naruko roleplay blog
Singleship and multiverse.
Crossover and OC friendly.
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       “Do I really, now? Wasn’t my initial intention to do so, but I can at least continue to do so.” He was trying too hard; still amusingly cute, nonetheless. ♫
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┓❤┗    “Oh, please do continue. Flattery is just so attractive on you.” 
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–.:*・ fiftyshadesofvesta
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⋖⋆⋗ –.:*・     “No, Zao. Mayonnaise is not an instrument.” 
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┓❤┗    “Everything’s an instrument if you try hard enough!” Ryuu, no.
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