fierce-betax · 6 years
“I am not being soft. Shut up.” She warned Brienne watching her snap the wand. “Now that Emily is out of the way. She won’t be a problem. She won’t come running to the rescue.” She muttered and fired one of her arrows, hitting Ariana in the shoulder. Gretel missed. Slightly on purpose. Something was holding her back from killing her mother. She shot another arrow.
The wolf tossed the broken shards of the wand to the side, only closing in some of the distance so that Arianna had no means of escape. The witch tried focusing herself for transmutation but the sudden pain of the arrow piercing her shoulder made her lose control. When Gretel missed Brienne snarled and turned into her wolf form, insisting that the hunter was holding back when the next arrow his Arianna’s breast but not her heart, the now huge wolf snapping and grabbing the weakened witch by the leg and beginning to toss her around to shake the leg out of her “Why isn’t she fighting?” Brienne said in snarls to Gretel, hoping she’d understand.
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fierce-betax · 6 years
“The Council of Hunters had to call in an expert to come kill you. And they called me. Out of all people.” Gretel said sternly but slight weakness in her voice. “I’m sorry.” She said quickly stepping forward and throwing her small hidden daggers at her mother, then rolling over on the floor and grabbing her cross bow standing to her feet and pointed it at her mother. “Please don’t make this harder than it needs to be..”
“You’re making a mistake” Arianna slowly backed up, eyeing both Wolf and Hunter, the witch knew she could use her magic but it was dangerous without her wand to channel the raw power. It was then that Brienne picked up the wand and snapped it cleanly in half “Saw your wife left town on the trail of my pup sister...It’s rather a convenient time to bash that skull of yours in...” The wolf mused, before looking to Gretel. “Don’t get soft, G”
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fierce-betax · 7 years
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fierce-betax · 7 years
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You also believe Phasma hasn’t died in TLJ? Then reblog, let’s spread the word!
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fierce-betax · 7 years
“What makes you think you can stop us? She’s been with me for this long, why does your mother care so much now?”
“I’m not the one who is going to. I’m just a delivery woman” The wolf said simply with a shrug, knowing she could easily take Ellen if the mood struck her. “She wants Alexis to live up to her potential, shes in her 20′s and not leading a pack...She’s being held back from greatness by doing nothing, she left to be a scientist and she’s not even doing that”
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fierce-betax · 7 years
Still fucking living for this. It SHOULD have stayed in the film :'(
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fierce-betax · 7 years
"Who'd believe a story like that?"
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fierce-betax · 7 years
“The only insignificant one here is you.” She said sternly. “You’re right. I may not have leverage over you. But I have Alexis…and that is what you so deeply desire. And you’ll never reach her. You’ll never even touch a hair on her head.”
“I don’t desire her...I work for Kalissa, a name that you should learn- she is the one who wants Alexis. I’m just carrying out orders” Brienne scoffed at Ellen “You can’t protect her, you know...”
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fierce-betax · 7 years
“Well just as long as you don’t need to be walked on a leash.” She joked. “I’ve only been in the city a few times in my life. I hate it. I hate everything about it. It’s so noisy.” She grumbled.
“Do I strike you as a wolf to be walked on a leash? If you attempted to hold onto me you would be pulled over” Brienne chuckled with a huff of amusement. “I don’t understand this City, the smells and sounds are all too loud. I have only ever lived in the land my mother owns along with her mansion. it is a large hunting grounds for us that means we have no need to venture.” she explained.
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fierce-betax · 7 years
“If you’re willing to be a tracker for me. I wouldn’t mind. But if the time comes where I do take her out..it’ll be tough.. very tough.” She sighed.
“Well, she’s damaged my family’s honour, if you were raised by a wolf you know important that is” Brienne pointed out “Besides, I feel I should learn more about this city...” she added, in reality she was curious by it and wanted to indulge a little- even if in a way she was ignoring her Alpha’s direct order of quickly retrieving Alexis and coming straight home. A day or two wouldn’t be so bad would it? Perhaps killing Arianna would have even granted favour from Kalissa?
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fierce-betax · 7 years
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fierce-betax · 7 years
“Well good for you. My alpha however is on my hot list…apparently the order of hunters in America are terrible at getting jobs done. That’s why they called me.” Gretel said folding her arms across her chest.
“Your Alpha? As in....” she took a sniff at the woman “Your witch mother?” she wondered, taking the scent from Gretel “I know of this witch you speak of and I’d be extremely happy to see her brains strewn across the floor...If you require a tracker?” she offered.
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fierce-betax · 7 years
“Never did really run with them. I watched.” Gretel said with a shrug. “Didn’t stay long. They all died a few years later. Hunters.” She muttered. “Just was nice to have someone care for me.”
“Hmm...” Brienne nodded, still finding it a pointless venture for a wolf to adopt a human or witch. “Hunters are always the problem, they are nothing but scared humans who fear what they do not understand, with hope one day they will be ruled by our species” she shrugged. “Indeed, it’s why I have undying faith in my Alpha, she cares for the majority and is always working to the goal that fits everyone” she nodded, she at least hoped her mother cared.
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fierce-betax · 7 years
“Because when I was a child one saved my life. Took me in when my real mother couldn’t.” She said with a grit of her teeth. “I respect your kind.” Gretel took a step towards her destination. “You’ve got to have the hardest head I’ve ever hit.” She jokes slightly.
“Wolves are the loyal kind, though I never understand those that adopt out of their packs...You would never be able to run with them, it seems rather pointless?” The woman asked, simply because she’d been so sheltered from the world outside of her pack. Brienne hadn’t even tried Ice cream since Kalissa insisted all her wolves only ate protein.
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fierce-betax · 7 years
“What?” Brienne asked, turning slowly when the other addressed her.
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@prettywithblood (Anyone, I just have so much muse for my bean)
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fierce-betax · 7 years
Gretel couldn’t help but smirk at the large woman. “I guess so.” She said. Gretel, still an active hunter, but she wasn’t interested in wolves. Only witches. “I don’t hunt werewolves..for personal reasons. But unfortunately you are blocking my path..”
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Originally posted by selinakvvle
Brienne gave a slight crack of her neck and nodded, not getting herself into a defensive stance around the girl. Even if her keen eyes and sense of smell had picked up on her being a witchhunter. “Tell me why?” she asked, moving to step out of the way ever so slightly, but not enough to make the conversation over.
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fierce-betax · 7 years
Sarah immediately scrambled away when Alexis came to her aide. Sobbing and crawling away as fast as she could. The blonde was so shocked and shaking from fear, she wasn’t able to crawl away far. She was too scared. So she laid on the ground and covered her head for protection. Whimpering to herself. Her wand had snapped in half. So she was pretty much useless now.
Alexis bit and snapped back at Brienne, but yelped as soon as Brienne bested her and pinned the younger wolf. Alexis now whining in submission, even if the one with the Alpha ability over her older sister. Wednesday ran over to Sarah and snuffled and licked at her, trying to help, even if just a baby. Wednesday still infatuated with Alexis as her chosen Alpha and following her whereever she could. The little pup didn’t understand why Sarah wasn’t just turning into her white wolf form, she’d seen her do it before in the past. Brienne kicked Alexis out of the way, knocking the wolf out when she hit a tree, quickly reverting back to human- Brienne could carry her back to her mother now. Wednesday growled and puffed herself up again when the large wolf started to walk back over to Sarah, the black pup then giving a loud squeal of a howl that made Brienne pause and widen her eyes when she realised what the howl had summoned. Arianna stood there staring at Brienne in her long flowing black dress, her face lightly cracked and her wand pointed. “It’s been a while Brienne, I thought I’d seen you skulking around here...” The witch hissed, Brienne only slowly backing up, knowing she was outmatched, the wolf turned herself back to human, not even caring if she was naked- more wolf than human it seemed for the woman. Brienne was still larger than Arianna, but only by 5 inches.  “It’s amazing you’re still on this planet, witch...” Brienne hissed, moving to pick up Alexis and sling her over one shoulder, getting what she’d come for. “Don’t you dare come near her, or my family again...” Arianna warned the tall blonde, but Wednesday giving a sad bark and whine, trying to get Arianna’s attention about Alexis. “I don’t want to be near your family...” Brienne scoffed “My family is far superior” she added, shaking her head to leave. Arianna scoffed “Oh please, but do give my regards to Kalissa, if she hasn’t dropped off her perch just yet...” The witch added, before hissing to Brienne, making sure the wolf left, Arianna ignoring Wednesday’s fussing so she could check on Sarah.
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