fiendhish · 1 year
crowley could do terribly interesting things with his tongue; it was difficult for aziraphale not to take note of the way it swiped across his upper lip to savor the specter of his drink. or perhaps he was taking in the scent more completely - it wouldn’t be that far-fetched. he also had a tendency to hiss when he forgot himself. one aristocratic brow lifted minutely, one corner of the angel’s mouth dimpling for the tongue-in-cheek response. ❝ -- nonsense. I quite like people. ❞ the principality clarified, bringing his own glass to his lips and swirling the bowl of it in his palm, drinking in the alcohol’s scent bouquet.  ❝ ...provided they aren’t trying to buy my books. besides, how would I ever get a serviceable plate of sushi living in a cottage in the south downs? not to mention, I saved up very frugally to buy this plot of land back in 1630 and I’ve put quite a lot of effort into it since. it would hardly do to abandon it now, as ingrained with the local shopkeepers as I am -- ah! which reminds me! ❞ he could hardly believe his own forgetfulness! placing his untouched glass down on the table at crowley’s hip, he turned and puttered about the room a few moments, evidently in search of something. a satisfied exclamation resounds as his gaze catches on a desk in the corner, and he retrieves a parcel of medium size from between a stack of agatha christie novels. returning to the demon’s side, he holds the brown paper package out in offering. ❝ here you are; this took quite a bit of sleuthing on my part, not to mention enlisting the help of that wonderful gentleman down the lane who runs the little antique shop. but I just knew it would be worth it. ❞ it’s clear that he can barely contain his excitement, only letting the demon get approximately halfway through opening the parcel before delightedly bursting out the confines, arching up onto his toes in his enthusiasm.  ❝ it’s a classic wheel cover for the bentley; snakeskin. from the original manufacturer, circa 1926; same year as the car!
" mmm , right just not people near your bookshop . which they are . in droves . because the street is so busy . " despite churlish tone , there was the ghost of a smile that touched lips before taking another sip of the strong drink . " you know humans get a lot of things wrong but alcohol is not one of them . " another sip ( sip not quite being the correct term for how much of the drink he was taking in but close enough ) . attention turned toward the suddenly flustered angel , brows lift from behind glasses while at the same time crowley managed to reach for the ignored glass of whiskey that aziraphale had left behind and he began to drink that as well . can't let it go to waste then , eh ? brows then knit together in confusion . " what're you lookin' for over there ? " asked at the same time whatever it was , was found with a quiet cry of triumph .
elbow on the arm of the chair and chin resting against his palm , " more sleuthing huh , you're a regular angela landsbury . " the demon sounded amused as his angel hurriedly walked over whatever it was he found . a package was handed over and crowley , interest piqued , began to unwrap it . only to have the surprise spoiled right before it was removed from the wrapping . he looked up at the other in surprise . " it's a wot ? " truly surprised he took out the wheel cover and stood out of the chair . " oh the bently is gonna LOVE this ! " excitement visible as teeth were bared in a grin . it only lasted for a moment , true visceral excitement - his face almost angelic . and then with a clear of his throat he held up his new favorite thing in this entire world and nodded . " hey , yeah thanks for this . it's great . you wanna uh ? .. i can go put it on now . you wanna come with me ? "
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fiendhish · 1 year
aziraphale did, in fact, appear to recall the incident, and with very little relish. ❝ -- yes, well. I suppose that’s what I get for making a faustian bargain. ❞ he replies dryly; an exaggeration, considering he hadn’t actually offered his soul in exchange for any of the favors crowley had performed over the millennia. though, judging by the way the contents of his chest shifted whenever the demon removed his glasses or performed some small act of service on the angel’s behalf, one might assume that he had taken a piece of it regardless. ❝ -- mm? oh, the talisker? ❞ the principality recalls the demon's favored brand, watching the hereditary enemy saunter across his peripheral and take up residence at the west-facing window, all sharp angles and harsh lines; long strokes of black paint over good cheekbones.  ❝ yes, I believe so. wait right there, old boy. ❞ he obliged before disappearing into the back room. he returned a few moments later with the bottle in question; a vintage bottle from the distillery’s early years, and a twin pair of dock glasses. he poured them each a dram, and held one out to the serpent in offering. ❝ there you are, my dear. it’s the least I can do. ❞
as the celestial being left , demonic gaze followed . the all encompassing presence of aziraphale was felt even if not in the same room . a familiar , warm , comfortable feeling that was mourned as soon as the demon left . of course none of that was ever going to be admitted to the angel . hardly any of it was even truly noticed it had been buried so deep within his subconscious . but there would always be such longing . turmoil . fear . passion . adoration . already back with two glasses in hand one was taken without looking over at the other once more . a sip . an ocean influence on the palette , honey and light orchard fruit . it was complex to be sure , another sip . tongue rolls out to lick at the excess on thin lips . ❝ mm .. that's true .. ❞ a cheeky reply to the kind gesture .
one arm comes up , resting along the window frame , a sigh ( again , dramatic ) . ❝ you can't stand people , right ? well people in your bookshop - why've you never just moved out of you know the busiest place in london and settled somewhere else , somewhere quiet ? i dunno a plot of land in scotland ? ❞ and how had the demon never thought to ask such a question until now ?
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fiendhish · 1 year
his gaze follows the line of one dark, slender arm slipped over the side of his most favorite reading chair a bit too closely; the way it slithers back up like a serpent as the demon shifts to stand. ❝ -- well I've certainly tried. but I'm afraid you're much more convincing than I am. ...persuasion is rather a specialty of the serpent, isn't it? ❞ he wagered, well versed by now in the steps of the dance they did: crowley asks for something, aziraphale denies him. crowley reframes it in a tempting way, and the angel reluctantly agrees to something he wanted to say yes to in the first place. -- aziraphale asks for something, and crowley winges and complains, but ultimately capitulates, unable to deny him. like most everything in aziraphale's life, it's familiar and comfortable. ❝ that might be a bit too flash, don't you think? ❞ the angel's cherubic nose wrinkles a bit with distaste. ❝ -- can't you just do that ...looming, intimidating ...thing you're so fond of? you're terribly good at that. I think a touch of deliberate menace should he think of returning again would be just the ticket! ❞ he emphasizes with a delighted little gesture, as though stick a tack into a pin board.
flattery , with a roll of serpentine eyes the demon crowley listened . the angel knew how to get under his skin , to ply him with woo ( and alcohol ) and the lanky creature stood , chin jutted out as one brow arches . the dramatics . ❝ yeah yeah alright i get it . and what's wrong with flash ? got you out of a mess a few years back when that bookmobile came snooping around right ? opening the door to a bookshop full of snakes kept them from coming back didn't it ? ❞ a scoff as he oh so casually sauntered toward the nearest window , glancing outside . the street bustled with activity and he did enjoy watching from the safety of this hideaway while aziraphale read or took notes or was in the kitchen baking , crowley liked to watch . humanity was a beautiful horror to him .
❝ do you have any more of that whiskey ? forget the name , you usually have it in the back there , don't you ? ❞ ( oh he remembered the name , it was gifted to him by aziraphale one year - he could never forget ) tone was casual , light . easily able to conjuror up the drink but then he wouldn't be playing the game , now would he ? so instead he waited until it was served up by his angel .
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fiendhish · 1 year
what was it the bible said , love thine enemy ? perhaps that particular line was taken too literally . not that the demon knew or understood clearly what was happening , no but what he did understand was when aziraphale asked him to do something , when that soft tone beckoned - the fallen would follow . however he would do so with a put upon sigh . he had made himself comfortable , sprawled on the nearest plush chair , one leg carelessly tossed over the arm of it . from behind dark sunglasses a well manicured brow arched considerably . ❝ i don't mind doing your dirty work , angel . but you literally could just compel him away , couldn't you ? ❞ the question was partly rhetorical . he knew aziraphale wouldn't , not with him around . and he knew that he would . and probably enjoy doing so . with a groan he stood up , a palm straightening out the dark shirt worn . ❝ so what do you want me to do this time ? maybe on the way before coming in a piano could fall from upon high and nearly crush him - forcing him to rethink his entire life up until now and wonder why he would want to waste time buying books ? ❞
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❝ oh, dear boy; could I trouble you to stay just a bit longer? -- you see, there's a rather ...persistent customer who's been popping in just before I close up shop these last few days, insisting I sell him one of my first edition Hemingway's! now, I've made it abundantly clear that it's not a matter of cost and I simply won't be selling, but he's ...well, you're just so much more effective in these matters than I am. I don't suppose I could trouble you to...? ❞
the angel absolutely has the ability to issue the man in question his walking papers himself. but it makes crowley so glad to feel useful; besides which, it's much more satisfying to watch crowley do it for him. for ...some reason.
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fiendhish · 1 year
indie crowley from good omens . 21+ to interact please . 25+ mun , call me fox ! don't be mean . low activity . no drama . no homophobes racists terfs et al . very much religious trauma coded . iconless for now . mutual friendly . singleship with @whitewingaed but love to interact with everyone .
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