fiddlespoons · 4 days
Lutelyre's Inuyasha Fic: vampire empire, babydoll
READ ON AO3 HERE. Well, I just wanted to write some modern AU grungy vampire angst. I am on a train that cannot be stopped, and it's fanged, neon-lit and multi-chapter; two chaps posted already!
This is multi-pairing, but faves are sprinkled in: InuKag, MirSan, SessMir (for me, yes that one is for me) and even some SessSanMir down the line, who knows? They'll all be bloody by the end for sure.
Late summer gloom slipping into fall, I listened to the twilight soundtrack (and lots of indie sad pop) ONE TIME, and here we are? Hope you enjoy!
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fiddlespoons · 5 days
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Kagome Higurashi
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fiddlespoons · 5 days
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fiddlespoons · 5 days
Hoy dibuje al sexy Miroku 7u7
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fiddlespoons · 5 days
get yourself a main character whos two primary emotions are "little cunt" and "catatonic with grief"
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fiddlespoons · 5 days
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fiddlespoons · 5 days
I'm crawling out of the sewer to say it again: don't let anyone stop you from writing what you want to write.
Don't let people saying your writing is too 'self indulgent' stop you.
Don't let people saying your writing is 'not original enough' stop you.
Don't let people saying 'you shouldn't write this' stop you.
Write what compels you.
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fiddlespoons · 5 days
This is a brain vomit post of all the stories I have in my head that are as more than Vibes. Mainly to see everything in one spot and re-engage my own interest in things. Feeling a little stalled out. Fic's in order of when I remember them. Emoji may or may not be relevant, who knows.
Lost Causes (🧨) 5+1 mirror to "Nice Things" showing what Nanami was thinking at various points across that story. Probably end at less than 5k. Currently reassessing which moments to include.
We're Not Dating (💔) Kakashi thinks he and Tenzo are in a long-distance, slow-moving relationship while Tenzo is on the Oro-watch mission. Tenzo thinks Kakashi is just a flirt and his feelings are unrequited. The council thinks Kakashi needs to get married and arrange a political marriage with a member of the Earth Daimyo's extended family. Kakashi objects, Tenzo doesn't, everyone is sad. Orochimaru is found dead. It's discovered Orochimaru was back on his human experimentation bullshit, and Tenzo killed him for it & then went missing nin. Politics happen. Wedding is eventually called off. Tenzo is eventually returned to the village. Kakashi and Tenzo eventually manage to have the same conversation at the same time. Happy Ending.
Sad Flowers Epilogue (🥀) Someone gave me an idea to rewrite the airport in 236 to cap off "Earth Laughs in Flowers." Going much slower than it should because every time I re-read the chapter for reference I have to go hide under the couch for a week.
Regulation 47.2 (📄) Should have three chapters and the epilogue still to write. Which will cover, uh, all of canon? Supposedly. Unless it grows more chapters. Which it has done the last few times I thought I had three chapters to go.
Ruin (⛩️) Kakashi goes missing & is presumed dead. Tenzo finds him in a pocket dimension with amnesia. Mystery solving ensues. Why does Kakashi have amnesia? Has he been here the whole time? Can it be fixed? What is causing the pocket dimension? Many other questions! All of which would need to be sufficiently answered by the end of the story.
FTBB (🤫) Not supposed to talk about this one in public yet, but it is a thing, so it goes on the list.
Terrible Vampire Tragedy (⚰️) Tenzo is a vampire because Orochimaru. Kakashi finds out and things go really well and really badly over the course of the next few years. It ends in tragedy, but doesn't everything? How much can you live between now and when the bill comes due? Are you obligated to try and find out?
Shipping Container (⛴️) Someone nefarious is transporting a cursed object from Japan to the USA for nefariousness and profit. They are doing this by boat because plot. Specifically by cruise ship because I say so. Gojo and Nanami get sent on the cruise to deal with this and neither of them want to be there. Set in the gap between the movie and the start of the series, and after one previous encounter that neither of them want to talk about. Nefariousness is foiled. Personal issues are ....
Fake Dating GoNanaGo (🤞) Because really, there needs to be another one of these. (There doesn't but that is not sufficient reason for me to stop.) Examination of performance as an aspect of identity, and who is and isn't allowed to see which masks are masks.
Work Is Shit (🏢) Gojo and Nanami run into each other during Nanami's Salaryman Era due to a curse womb growing in Nanami's office building. They fuck about it. PWP to amuse me with why Nanami has Gojo's number.
There's other stuff floating sort of nebulously somewhere over that way, but it is mostly just Vibes, so it is not listed. About half of these have words already down. Only Regulation actually has anything posted. IDK maybe I need a murder wall, but for my fics just so I can see them all at once.
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fiddlespoons · 5 days
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fiddlespoons · 5 days
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For @brain-rot-hour on your birthday 🫶🫶🫶
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fiddlespoons · 5 days
One of my favourite things when reading fanfiction is when you click with an author's style so much that you adore the fanfiction you're reading, and once it's over you need more. So you go to their page and hope that there's more for any fandom you might know- only there isn't any. They've written for other fandoms you aren't familiar with and never would've thought about before.
But you're down so bad for their style and talent that they got you wading in like:
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fiddlespoons · 5 days
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fiddlespoons · 5 days
Okay...hear me out first
I know this will make no sense but I heard of this ship in so many forums and even here on Tumblr and I couldn't help but to fall for it.
I desperately want to ship Byakuya with a woman and she is the only women that I think would match his vibe perfect.
So the only thing I could do was to draw my thoughts and I'm so in love
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Enjoy it or hate it but I love it.
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fiddlespoons · 20 days
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#dirty minds worldwide
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fiddlespoons · 20 days
heartbreaking. you have to write the fic youre writing in order for it to be written
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fiddlespoons · 2 months
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fiddlespoons · 2 months
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personal space for @inukag-week :)
((op has not finished watching inuyasha so no spoilers please :)!))
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