fictionalfantasist · 11 days
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When two worlds collide
A Wanda x reader fanfic
Summary: Y/N is not a hero—just a stunt double, living in the shadows of others' spotlight. But when her path crosses with Wanda Maximoff’s, their worlds begin to collide in unexpected ways. Drawn together by fate, their bond deepens as they face forces neither of them fully understands. In the fight to protect what matters most, they’ll discover that when two worlds collide, the aftermath leaves nothing untouched—and everything at risk
Chapter 5
The sun was hanging low in the sky by the time Y/N and Wanda reached the soundstage where the next stunt was being set up. The once bustling lot had quieted down, an uneasy tension gripping the crew as they milled around, unsure of what to do. The harnesses and wires that Y/N was supposed to use in the next sequence dangled limply from the overhead rigging, but the crew members who had been adjusting them looked on edge, as if the equipment might come to life at any moment.
The AD had been right—there was something wrong with the rig. Even from a distance, Y/N could see the wires twitching, shifting in ways that defied the normal physics of a film set.
"Look at that," Wanda murmured beside them, her voice low but filled with an unmistakable edge. Her eyes glowed faintly with a familiar red hue, magic already simmering beneath the surface as she observed the scene.
Y/N's heart was racing now, adrenaline surging through them. This wasn't just a malfunction—it was something far more dangerous.
"So, how do we handle this?" Y/N asked, keeping their tone light despite the tension crackling in the air. "Because I'm not too keen on getting strangled by my own harness today."
Wanda's lips pressed into a thin line as she scanned the rigging, her mind clearly working through possible solutions. "We need to neutralize whatever's causing the interference," she said. "If I can get close enough, I can disrupt the magic."
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Disrupt the magic? Sounds easy enough, right?"
Wanda shot them a look, but there was a glint of amusement in her eyes. "Just keep your head down, and let me handle the hard part."
Y/N chuckled, but their mind was already racing, calculating the risks. The rig was set up for an aerial stunt—wires crisscrossed over the set, designed to lift them high into the air for a sequence where they'd be thrown across the room by an explosion. Under normal circumstances, it was a high-risk, high-reward stunt. Now, it was a potential death trap.
"Alright," Y/N said, cracking their knuckles. "Let's do this."
Without another word, they stepped onto the set, moving toward the rigging with the easy confidence of someone who had spent years throwing themselves into danger. Wanda followed close behind, her gaze sharp and focused.
As they approached the wires, Y/N could feel the air growing heavier, thick with an unnatural energy. The harnesses swayed gently, but every so often, they would jerk sharply, as if something invisible was pulling them in random directions. It was unsettling, to say the least.
Y/N reached up, grabbing hold of the harness they were supposed to use. It felt normal at first—just nylon straps and metal buckles. But as soon as their fingers closed around it, they felt a faint pulse, like a heartbeat thrumming beneath the surface. It sent a shiver down their spine.
"Yeah, this is definitely not right," Y/N muttered, glancing back at Wanda.
Wanda stepped forward, her eyes glowing brighter now as she raised her hands, red tendrils of magic swirling around her fingers. "Stay close," she said, her voice steady. "I'm going to isolate the source."
Y/N nodded, tightening their grip on the harness as they braced themselves. Wanda's magic flared to life, wrapping around the rigging like a cocoon of red light. The wires twitched violently in response, the unseen force pushing back against her magic, but Wanda held steady, her eyes narrowing in concentration.
For a moment, everything seemed to hold still. The wires stopped moving, the air grew thick with tension, and Y/N could feel the weight of the magic pressing in on them. It was as if the entire set was holding its breath, waiting for something to snap.
And then—everything exploded into chaos.
The wires suddenly shot to life, yanking themselves free of their restraints and lashing out in all directions. Y/N barely had time to react before one of the cables whipped toward them, moving with a speed that defied explanation. They ducked just in time, the wire slicing through the air above their head with a sharp crack.
"Wanda!" Y/N shouted, stumbling backward as another wire lashed out, narrowly missing them.
Wanda's magic flared brighter, but the force pushing against her was stronger now, more violent. The wires thrashed wildly, driven by whatever malevolent force was controlling them. Wanda gritted her teeth, her hands glowing with raw energy as she fought to contain the chaos.
Y/N scrambled to their feet, their mind racing. They couldn't just stand there while Wanda did all the work—if they didn't find a way to stop the rigging from tearing itself apart, someone was going to get hurt. Or worse.
Without hesitating, Y/N dashed toward one of the main supports of the rig, dodging another lashing cable as they went. They reached the base of the structure and quickly began climbing, their muscles burning with the effort. The rig shook violently beneath them, but Y/N kept moving, determination driving them upward.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" Wanda called out, her voice strained from the effort of holding back the magical onslaught.
"Improvising!" Y/N shouted back, a smirk tugging at the corner of their mouth despite the danger.
They reached the top of the rig and grabbed hold of the central pulley system that controlled the wires. If they could manually disengage the mechanisms, they might be able to cut off the force controlling the cables—or at least slow it down enough for Wanda to neutralize the magic.
As Y/N worked, sweat pouring down their face, the cables continued to whip around the set, but Wanda's magic was holding them at bay, preventing them from causing too much damage. Still, the pressure was building—the air crackling with magical energy, the rig groaning under the strain.
"Almost there," Y/N muttered to themselves, their fingers working quickly to release the tension on the wires.
Just as they pulled the final lever, a cable shot up toward them, moving like a snake striking its prey. Y/N barely had time to react—they swung out of the way just as the wire whipped past them, grazing their arm and leaving a burning line in its wake.
But the distraction had been enough. The rig shuddered, and the cables went slack, their wild movements slowing as Y/N's adjustments took effect. Wanda's magic surged forward, filling the gap and pushing the malevolent force out of the rigging entirely.
With a final flash of red light, the wires fell still, hanging limply from the overhead rigging once more. The air felt lighter, the oppressive magic dissipating into nothingness.
Y/N exhaled, relief flooding their system as they carefully climbed back down to the ground. Their arm ached where the cable had grazed them, but the injury wasn't serious—just another scar to add to the collection.
Wanda was already waiting for them when they reached the bottom, her expression a mix of concern and admiration.
"You're insane, you know that?" she said, though there was a hint of a smile on her lips.
Y/N grinned, wiping the sweat from their forehead. "Takes one to know one."
Wanda shook her head, her smile widening. "Thank you," she said, her tone sincere. "I couldn't have done it without you."
Y/N shrugged, trying to play it off. "Hey, what are partners for?"
But despite the humor in their voice, there was something different in the way Y/N looked at Wanda now. A shift in their dynamic—a recognition that they weren't just dealing with stunts and magic anymore. This was personal. This was dangerous. And they were in it together.
As the crew cautiously returned to the set, checking the rigging and making sure everything was secure, Y/N and Wanda stood side by side, the weight of what they had just faced hanging in the air between them.
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fictionalfantasist · 23 days
Wanda x reader fan fiction
Summary: Y/N is not a hero—just a stunt double, living in the shadows of others' spotlight. But when her path crosses with Wanda Maximoff’s, their worlds begin to collide in unexpected ways. Drawn together by fate, their bond deepens as they face forces neither of them fully understands. In the fight to protect what matters most, they’ll discover that when two worlds collide, the aftermath leaves nothing untouched—and everything at risk.
Chapter 4
The atmosphere on set was thick with tension. The smell of smoke still lingered in the air, the charred remains of the collapsed scaffold a grim reminder of how quickly things could go wrong. The crew was quieter than usual, their banter muted, the undercurrent of nervous energy replaced with caution and unease.
Y/N moved through it all, feeling the weight of everyone’s eyes on them. They weren’t new to dangerous situations—being a stunt double meant that risk was part of the job description—but this was different. The sense of control, the careful calculations that went into every stunt, had been upended. What happened wasn’t just an accident, and that knowledge buzzed under Y/N’s skin like static.
After being pulled back to set, Y/N had gone through the motions—resetting for another scene, running through the next stunt choreography, making sure all the safety checks were in place. But their mind kept drifting back to Wanda’s words, to the way she had looked at them with a mixture of concern and suspicion.
Magic. The idea gnawed at Y/N. They had always prided themselves on being grounded, practical—relying on their skill, their reflexes, their experience. Magic, on the other hand, felt unpredictable, uncontrollable. And now it was creeping into their world, complicating things in a way they weren’t prepared for.
They finished the next stunt—a relatively simple car jump—without incident, but even as they landed smoothly and the crew applauded, Y/N couldn’t shake the feeling of unease.
Once the cameras cut, the director called a short break, giving the crew some time to regroup before they moved on to the next sequence. Y/N made their way over to the craft services table, grabbing a bottle of water and trying to let the familiar routine of set life calm their racing mind.
But the second they sat down, they felt someone’s presence beside them.
“Hey,” came a familiar voice. Wanda again. This time, she didn’t sound accusatory or intense—just concerned.
Y/N glanced up, giving her a crooked smile. “Couldn’t resist the snacks, huh?”
Wanda ignored the joke, sitting down beside them with a serious expression. “Are you okay?”
Y/N took a swig of water, trying to play it off. “I’m fine. You know me, I bounce back.”
“That’s not what I’m asking.” Her eyes were searching again, like she was peeling back layers they didn’t want exposed. “You’re shaken. I can feel it.”
Y/N sighed, leaning back in their chair. “You’re not wrong,” they admitted. “It’s… weird, you know? I’ve done hundreds of stunts, pushed my limits more times than I can count. But today—today felt off. I’m not used to things going wrong like that. And now you’re telling me there’s magic involved? It’s like I can’t trust what’s happening around me.”
Wanda nodded, her expression softening. “I get it. Believe me, I do. Magic is unpredictable, and it messes with the way you see the world. But that doesn’t mean you’re powerless.”
Y/N looked at her, eyebrow raised. “Kinda feels like I am, though. I’m good with stunts because I know what’s coming—I can calculate the risks, control my movements. But if there’s magic at play… how am I supposed to work with that?”
Wanda leaned forward, her gaze intense but not unkind. “You’ve got instincts, Y/N. You don’t need magic to sense when something’s off—you’ve already been doing that. What happened today, you knew it wasn’t right before it even went down. That’s not nothing.”
Y/N considered that for a moment. She had a point. The tension in the air before the rig exploded hadn’t just been nerves; it had been something else. Something they had picked up on, even if they didn’t understand it.
“Okay,” Y/N said slowly. “But if this isn’t just bad luck, what do I do? I’m not exactly equipped to deal with spells and hexes.”
“That’s where I come in,” Wanda replied, her tone firm. “You don’t have to deal with it alone. I’ve got a handle on the magic side of things, but I’ll need your help to figure out who’s behind this and why. You keep doing what you’re doing, and I’ll make sure nothing else goes wrong.”
Y/N couldn’t help but smirk at that. “So now we’re partners in magical crime-solving? Great, just what I needed on top of my day job.”
Wanda laughed softly, the sound cutting through the tension like a balm. “Think of it as an adventure. And besides, I have a feeling you thrive on chaos.”
Y/N chuckled, the weight on their shoulders lifting just a little. “You’re not wrong there.”
They sat in silence for a few moments, the noise of the set humming around them but feeling distant. There was a strange comfort in sitting next to Wanda, a sort of unspoken understanding between them. For the first time since the explosion, Y/N felt like maybe—just maybe—they could handle this.
But of course, the universe wasn’t done with them yet.
One of the assistant directors rushed over, looking flustered. “Hey, Y/N! Sorry to interrupt, but we’ve got a situation.”
Y/N groaned inwardly, already bracing for more bad news. “What now?”
“It’s the next scene,” the AD explained, shifting nervously. “There’s a… complication with the wires. The team is saying the equipment is acting up. They’ve done all the checks, but nothing’s working right. It’s like the harnesses are… fighting them.”
Y/N exchanged a glance with Wanda, who raised an eyebrow.
“Fighting them?” Y/N repeated.
The AD nodded, looking increasingly anxious. “Yeah, like they’re moving on their own. It’s… weird.”
Wanda stood up, her expression darkening. “It’s not just equipment failure. Someone’s messing with this set.”
Y/N got to their feet as well, the tension that had briefly faded now roaring back. “Great. Just what we needed—more magical sabotage.”
Wanda looked at them, determination in her eyes. “We need to figure this out before someone gets seriously hurt.”
Y/N nodded, feeling the weight of the situation settle back onto their shoulders. “Alright. Let’s get to the bottom of this.”
As they headed toward the scene of the latest disturbance, Y/N couldn’t help but feel the shift in their role. They weren’t just the cool, sarcastic stunt double anymore—they were now part of something bigger, something more dangerous.
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fictionalfantasist · 25 days
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Wanda x reader fan fiction
Summary: Y/N is not a hero—just a stunt double, living in the shadows of others' spotlight. But when her path crosses with Wanda Maximoff’s, their worlds begin to collide in unexpected ways. Drawn together by fate, their bond deepens as they face forces neither of them fully understands. In the fight to protect what matters most, they’ll discover that when two worlds collide, the aftermath leaves nothing untouched—and everything at risk.
Chapter 3
The chaos hasn't settled in.
The collapsed scaffolding had turned the set into a whirlwind of activity. Crew members rushed around like ants, trying to figure out what had gone wrong, and producers were already on the phone with lawyers, agents, and probably a few insurance companies. Y/N found themselves caught up in it too—briefly grilled by the safety coordinator about what they had seen, what they had heard, if they had noticed anything wrong before the explosion.
Standard stuff. They answered calmly, offering reassurances that everything would be fine, though inside, something nagged at them. Something about the whole situation didn't sit right. The rig shouldn't have failed like that. Not with all the checks they had done.
Still, they played it cool, signing off on the necessary paperwork before ducking away from the endless questioning.
As they slipped away from the main set, Y/N could feel a slight tension building in their chest. It was that after-the-fact realization, the weight of what had just happened starting to sink in. They weren't a stranger to danger, but that had been close—too close. The kind of close that sticks with you.
Finding a quiet spot behind one of the trailers, Y/N leaned against the side, letting out a long breath. The adrenaline had worn off, leaving a faint tremor in their hands. They flexed their fingers, willing the feeling away. Get it together, they told themselves. This is what you signed up for.
But as they stood there, alone with their thoughts, the quiet didn't last long.
Wanda's voice came from behind them again, softer this time, but there was an edge to it that hadn't been there before. Y/N turned to face her, seeing that same mix of concern and intensity in her eyes, except now, it was amplified.
"Hey," Y/N greeted her, trying to keep their tone light despite the heaviness settling in their chest. "Back for another round of psychoanalyzing?"
She didn't smile. Instead, she stepped closer, her gaze searching their face like she was trying to see through whatever mask they were putting on. "I just finished talking to the director," she said, crossing her arms. "He said they have no idea how the rig malfunctioned. They checked everything before the scene—it should have been fine."
Y/N shrugged, shoving their hands into their pockets. "Equipment fails sometimes. Could've been a loose wire, bad timing. I don't know. These things happen."
"Not like this," Wanda countered, her voice a little sharper than before. "That wasn't a random accident, Y/N."
Y/N paused, looking at her more closely. There was something behind her eyes—something they hadn't seen before. It wasn't just concern; it was suspicion. And that made the knot in Y/N's chest tighten.
"You think it was intentional?" they asked, keeping their voice neutral.
"I don't know what to think," Wanda admitted, her frustration clear. "But I know enough about magic—and about people—to know when something feels off. This wasn't just bad luck."
Y/N tilted their head, considering her words. "So what, you think someone sabotaged the set?"
"I'm not saying that," Wanda replied, shaking her head. "But... I've seen things go wrong on sets before, and this doesn't feel like an accident. And you—" She paused, her eyes narrowing slightly. "You didn't hesitate for a second, did you?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "What, you think I was supposed to let the guy fall?"
"That's not what I mean." Wanda stepped closer, her gaze sharp. "You didn't hesitate because you knew something was going to happen, didn't you?"
Y/N's heart skipped a beat, but they kept their expression carefully neutral. "I just reacted to the situation. Same as I always do."
Wanda didn't look convinced. She studied them in silence for a moment, and Y/N could feel the weight of her gaze like a pressure on their skin. It wasn't a bad feeling—just intense, like she was peeling back the layers they kept so carefully guarded.
And then, finally, she sighed, the tension in her shoulders easing just a bit. "Look," she said, softer now. "I'm not accusing you of anything. But there's more going on here than just stunts and special effects. I can feel it."
Y/N didn't say anything at first. They just watched her, their mind racing through possibilities. The truth was, they had noticed something—felt something—just before the explosion. A strange sensation, like the air had shifted in an unnatural way. But they hadn't had time to process it before everything went sideways.
And now, here was Wanda, picking up on the same weird vibe. Y/N wasn't sure whether to be relieved or concerned by that.
"Okay," Y/N said finally, their voice low. "I'll bite. What do you think is going on?"
Wanda hesitated for a second, as if she wasn't sure how much to say. But then she took a breath and stepped closer, lowering her voice so only Y/N could hear. "I've seen magic like this before—small, subtle disruptions. Just enough to throw things off without being obvious. It could be anything—someone testing a spell, or a hex gone wrong. I don't know yet. But it's dangerous, and if someone's messing with the set, we need to find out who."
Y/N felt a shiver run down their spine. Magic? This was starting to get into territory they weren't used to dealing with. But if Wanda was right, and this wasn't just a freak accident...
"You think I'm the target?" Y/N asked, their tone half-joking, though the question was deadly serious.
Wanda's eyes softened slightly. "I don't know. But you're in the middle of it now, whether you like it or not. And if someone—or something—is targeting you, we need to figure out why."
Y/N chuckled, though there was no humor in it. "Great. Just what I needed—magic sabotage. Really keeping things interesting."
Wanda didn't smile. Instead, she reached out and placed a hand on Y/N's arm. The touch was light, but there was a warmth to it that Y/N hadn't expected.
"Just promise me you'll be careful," Wanda said quietly. "I've seen too many people get hurt because they didn't take things like this seriously."
Y/N looked down at her hand for a second before meeting her gaze. There was something in her eyes—a kind of fierce protectiveness that caught Y/N off guard. They'd always been the one taking care of themselves, the one diving headfirst into danger without a second thought. But this—this was different.
"Alright," Y/N said finally, their voice softening. "I'll be careful. But don't expect me to sit on the sidelines while things go down. That's not my style."
Wanda smiled—just a small one, but it was there. "I wouldn't expect anything less."
Before either of them could say anything more, one of the producers rounded the corner, looking frazzled and out of breath. "Hey, Y/N! We need you back on set. They're clearing the area and resetting for another scene. You good to go?"
Y/N nodded, already shifting back into work mode. "Yeah, I'm good."
The producer gave them a quick nod and disappeared again, leaving Y/N and Wanda standing in the fading quiet.
Y/N glanced back at Wanda, their usual playful smirk returning. "Guess it's back to the grind. Try not to miss me while I'm off jumping through explosions again."
Wanda rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the small smile. "Just try not to get blown up this time."
"No promises."
With that, Y/N gave her a quick salute and turned to head back toward the set. But as they walked away, they couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something much bigger—and much more dangerous.
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fictionalfantasist · 28 days
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Wanda x reader fanfic
Summary: Y/N is not a hero—just a stunt double, living in the shadows of others' spotlight. But when her path crosses with Wanda Maximoff’s, their worlds begin to collide in unexpected ways. Drawn together by fate, their bond deepens as they face forces neither of them fully understands. In the fight to protect what matters most, they’ll discover that when two worlds collide, the aftermath leaves nothing untouched—and everything at risk.
Chapter 2
The set had calmed down after the adrenaline of the earlier stunt, settling into that familiar lull between shots. Y/N had finished a few more takes, each one progressively more intense, but nothing they couldn't handle. They were back to their usual routine—quickly resetting, stretching out sore muscles, and keeping the atmosphere light with dry humor.
The sun had climbed higher in the sky, and the temperature on set had started to rise. But just as Y/N was about to kick back with some water and a joke for the crew, things took a turn.
They were hanging out by the edge of the lot, tucked in between two trailers, scrolling through their phone when they heard a commotion from the production tents. It wasn't the usual kind of commotion—the kind that comes with directors barking orders or a sudden camera failure. No, this had a different energy.
Curiosity piqued, Y/N slipped the phone into their pocket and made their way toward the source of the noise. As they rounded the corner, they caught sight of a huddle of crew members, all looking in the same direction, eyes wide with nervous energy.
"What's going on?" Y/N asked, their voice cutting through the murmurs.
One of the crew members turned toward them, face pale. "Something's up with the pyro rig. It's—uh—kinda glitching. The charges went off early during rehearsal, and now it's acting all—"
The ground shook beneath their feet, and a small but sharp explosion erupted from the set, sending a shower of sparks and debris into the air. The crew scattered like startled birds, and Y/N could feel the heat even from where they stood.
Before anyone could react, another loud crack followed, this one sounding even more intense. One of the scaffolds, weakened by the blast, started to wobble, its structure groaning under the strain.
Y/N's instincts kicked in immediately. Someone was still up there.
Without a second thought, they sprinted toward the chaos, weaving through the fleeing crew. From the corner of their eye, they saw Wanda—who had been giving an interview nearby—freeze in place, her eyes locking onto the collapsing structure with an intensity that Y/N could practically feel.
But there was no time to think about that now. As they reached the base of the scaffold, Y/N could see a grip operator clinging to one of the metal bars, his face a mask of terror. The whole structure teetered dangerously, groaning as it leaned further to one side.
Y/N didn't hesitate. With practiced precision, they scaled the scaffolding, every movement quick but controlled, despite the way it trembled beneath their weight.
"Hold on!" Y/N shouted as they reached the operator. "We're getting you down!"
The man nodded, his knuckles white as he gripped the bar. Y/N hooked an arm around the main support beam, reaching out with their free hand. "Trust me, okay? I've got you."
For a second, the operator hesitated, but then the scaffold gave another lurch, and he didn't have a choice. He reached for Y/N's hand, gripping it tightly. In one swift motion, Y/N pulled him closer, wrapping an arm around his torso before pushing off the scaffold and swinging both of them down onto a lower platform.
As soon as their feet hit solid ground, Y/N hustled him away from the structure, just as the last metal joint gave way and the entire thing collapsed in on itself with a deafening crash.
The two of them stumbled a few feet away from the wreckage, hearts pounding in sync with the fading echoes of destruction. Dust and smoke hung heavy in the air, and for a few moments, everything was eerily still.
The operator looked at Y/N, still shaken but grateful. "Th-Thank you. I don't know how—"
"No sweat," Y/N said, brushing some ash off their jacket. "Just another day at the office."
The crew had started to regather, cautiously making their way back toward the set now that the immediate danger had passed. The director was on the phone with someone higher up, already swearing about the faulty rig, while others scrambled to assess the damage.
And then there was Wanda.
She stood at the edge of the chaos, her eyes locked on Y/N like she was seeing them for the first time. Her brow furrowed slightly, and her expression held a kind of intense curiosity—almost concern—but she didn't move. Not yet.
Y/N took a breath, running a hand through their hair as they turned to make sure the operator was being taken care of. The medics had him now, and with the situation under control, Y/N figured it was time to slip back into the shadows. No need to make a big deal out of it, right?
But as Y/N began to walk away, they heard Wanda's voice behind them.
It wasn't a shout—it wasn't even loud—but it cut through the noise like a blade, and for some reason, Y/N couldn't help but turn around.
Wanda was striding toward them now, her gaze unwavering, and for the first time, Y/N felt just a hint of nervousness prickling at the back of their mind. Not that they'd let it show.
"Hey," Y/N said casually as Wanda approached, as if they hadn't just thrown themselves into a collapsing scaffold like it was no big deal. "Saw the explosion? Not bad, right?"
Wanda didn't smile, though there was a flicker of amusement in her eyes. She stopped a few feet away, crossing her arms. "You realize you could have been seriously hurt, right?"
Y/N shrugged, leaning against a nearby railing. "Eh, I've been through worse. Besides, you gotta keep things interesting on set, right?"
She raised an eyebrow, her gaze still intense. "You could've used your powers to get him down safely, you know. You didn't have to do it the hard way."
Y/N chuckled. "What can I say? I'm a bit of a traditionalist."
Wanda's expression softened, though she still looked at them like they were some kind of puzzle she couldn't quite figure out. "I don't get you," she said after a moment. "You keep throwing yourself into danger like it's just another job. Do you ever get scared?"
Y/N's smile faltered for just a second, but then it was back, just as quick. "If I told you yes, it would ruin my mysterious vibe. Can't have that."
Wanda tilted her head, a small smile finally tugging at the corners of her lips. "You're more than just mysterious, Y/N."
Before Y/N could respond, one of the producers called out to Wanda, reminding her of the interview she still had to finish. She glanced back at them, looking slightly torn before she nodded and started to walk away.
But just as she was about to leave, she turned back one more time. "By the way," she said, "I'm not done figuring you out yet."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, amused. "That sounds like a challenge."
Wanda's smile widened slightly. "Maybe it is."
With that, she turned and walked back toward the production tents, leaving Y/N standing there in the aftermath of the explosion, watching her go with a mixture of intrigue and something else—a spark of something new. Something unpredictable.
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fictionalfantasist · 28 days
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Wanda maximoff x reader
Summary: Y/N is not a hero—just a stunt double, living in the shadows of others' spotlight. But when her path crosses with Wanda Maximoff’s, their worlds begin to collide in unexpected ways. Drawn together by fate, their bond deepens as they face forces neither of them fully understands. In the fight to protect what matters most, they’ll discover that when two worlds collide, the aftermath leaves nothing untouched—and everything at risk.
Chapter 1
The morning sun hung low in the sky, still burning off the thin layer of mist that clung to the Hollywood Hills like a blanket. The backlot of the Avengers set was buzzing with energy—crew members rushing to adjust equipment, directors shouting orders over megaphones, and costumed actors casually sipping coffee, their faces painted with a curious mixture of anticipation and boredom.
And then there was Y/N.
Perched on the edge of a towering scaffold, overlooking a massive rig designed to simulate an explosion, Y/N adjusted the straps on the harness and secured the last of the gear. Their job for today was simple, at least on paper: a high-flying, pyro-filled, mid-air collision sequence. The directors had already referred to it as "insane" at least three times that morning.
"Don't die on us, Y/N," the assistant director quipped as he handed them the final safety check clipboard. He said it in a half-joking, half-serious tone, which was probably warranted, considering the number of moving parts involved in this particular stunt.
"Die? On *this* set?" Y/N smirked as they signed off the checklist, handing it back. "I've survived worse hangovers."
The assistant director chuckled nervously, unsure whether they were serious or not, then backed away toward the rest of the crew. That was the thing about Y/N. They carried this effortless calm with them, as if nothing really got to them—whether it was a fiery explosion or an awkward conversation at craft services. Cool, mysterious, and, in a way, untouchable.
And definitely sarcastic.
Y/N was used to being the one people whispered about, the anonymous face in the background doing the death-defying work for the more marketable stars. It suited them just fine. They didn't need the limelight; they just liked the thrill.
Today, however, things were different. Word had spread across the set that Wanda Maximoff—well, Elizabeth Olsen—was visiting today for a few interview segments to help promote the movie. Apparently, some of the new magic sequences were going to be inspired by her suggestions, so she'd been invited to consult on a few scenes.
Y/N didn't pay much attention to it at first. It wasn't like they hadn't seen stars on set before. The only difference was that *this* star had unknowingly been part of Y/N's life in more ways than one. But that was a story for another day.
The crew was getting into position when a sudden hush fell over the set. From the corner of their eye, Y/N spotted Elizabeth—no, Wanda—walking onto the scene, flanked by a couple of producers. She had this easy grace about her, not in an untouchable Hollywood way, but in a quiet, composed sort of way. She wasn't wearing anything flashy, just jeans and a simple jacket, her hair loose around her shoulders. Her eyes, though—they were sharp, taking in everything around her.
Y/N leaned back against the scaffold rail, adjusting their gloves as they watched Wanda from a distance. For a moment, they considered how wild it was to see her in person, after all the times they'd watched her on screen. But then, duty called, and Y/N's attention snapped back to the present. The stunt coordinator was shouting final instructions, and Y/N could feel the buzz of excitement creeping up their spine.
"Okay, Y/N," the director called out. "We're rolling in five. You ready to do your thing?"
"Always." Y/N's voice was light, but their focus was razor-sharp.
As the cameras started rolling, Y/N took a deep breath. The stunt was about as dangerous as it could get without crossing into 'this is just asking for trouble' territory. The plan was to leap from the scaffold, crash through a series of glass panels, and then land in a roll just as the pyro charges went off. A split second too early or late, and it wouldn't be pretty.
The moment the signal was given, Y/N leaped. The air whipped past them, the world blurring into a rush of color and noise. Glass shattered around them in a symphony of chaos, perfectly timed with the crackling explosions that bloomed behind. For a few heart-pounding seconds, it was just them and the stunt—adrenaline surging as they twisted mid-air, every muscle primed for impact.
Then, the landing. A perfect roll, and they were up on their feet in an instant. The set erupted in cheers and applause. Y/N casually brushed some glass shards from their jacket and smirked as they caught their breath. Not bad. Not bad at all.
But as the cheers started to die down, Y/N noticed Wanda standing at the edge of the set, her eyes locked on them. She had that look—the kind people had when they weren't quite sure what to make of you. It wasn't the usual admiration that stunt performers got, but something more. She was intrigued, maybe even a little impressed. Y/N shot her a wink, just to see what would happen.
Wanda raised an eyebrow, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
After the take was done, Y/N made their way over to the side of the set where the crew was resetting for the next shot. They grabbed a bottle of water from the table, taking a long drink when they felt a presence behind them. Turning slightly, they found Wanda standing there, arms casually crossed, still watching them.
"Not bad," she said, her tone teasing but warm.
"Not bad?" Y/N raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. "I risk my life for this movie, and all I get is a 'not bad'?"
Wanda chuckled softly. "Well, I've seen explosions bigger than that. Maybe you're just spoiled by the CGI."
Y/N laughed, leaning back against a table. "Fair enough. Guess I'll have to blow up something bigger next time."
She took a step closer, her curiosity evident. "Do you always make a habit of throwing yourself into danger like that?"
Y/N shrugged, a grin playing on their lips. "What can I say? I like to keep things interesting. Plus, it's not as bad as it looks."
Wanda gave them a long look, as if she were trying to figure out what made them tick. "You must be either very brave or very reckless."
Y/N tilted their head, pretending to think it over. "Why not both?"
There was a moment of silence, filled with the distant sounds of the crew bustling around them. Wanda looked at Y/N, her eyes flicking with something almost playful. "Well, just so you know, next time you jump through fire, I expect to see a little more flair."
Y/N chuckled. "Oh, trust me. You haven't seen anything yet."
Wanda's smile widened before she gave a nod and turned to walk away, leaving Y/N standing there with a mischievous grin on their face.
"By the way," Y/N called after her. "Let me know if you need a stunt double for your magic tricks. I'm pretty good with sleight of hand too."
Wanda paused, glancing back over her shoulder with a smirk. "I'll keep that in mind."
And just like that, she was gone, melting back into the chaos of the set. Y/N couldn't help but feel that this wouldn't be the last time they crossed paths. Something about her intrigued them too—and they were never one to shy away from a challenge.
As the crew reset for the next stunt, Y/N pulled their jacket a little tighter and prepared to go again. The day was far from over, and who knew what other surprises it held?
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