It’s Fic Time!
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HPHM & HPHL fics that are not 100% part of my main stories or my canon... Best described in French as "Hors-Série"| Main: mizutoyama
Last active 3 hours ago
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fics-she-wrote · 1 month ago
They Meet By the Lake
Alice sat on the small jetty by the lake near Hagrid's hut, watching the moonlight shimmer across the water. Her thoughts drifted to her eventful first week at Hogwarts—her initial classes, Merula's sabotage of her potion, new friendships with Penny and Ben, her first "duel" with Merula, and the endless comparisons to her brother.
That dear brother of hers, whose shadow loomed large even in his absence. His whereabouts remained a complete mystery, and the swirling rumours about him made it nearly impossible to separate truth from fiction.
Lost in these thoughts, she failed to notice someone approaching until a cracking branch startled her back to reality. Her heart jumped—she was out past curfew, which meant more potential trouble. Without hesitation, she leapt up and fled in the opposite direction of the sound.
"Wait!" someone called after her, but she kept running.
Soon she found herself facing a waterfall and cliffside. Trapped like a rabbit. Would this be the end of her Hogwarts journey? Would she be expelled before she could even find her brother?
As panic raced through her mind, her pursuer caught up. She spun around to face a boy about her age—but her heart sank at the sight of his Slytherin crest. Probably one of Merula's cronies hunting for dirt on her. Now Merula would surely get her expelled for being out after curfew.
"I'm sure Merula will be ever so grateful you found me out past curfew," she said defiantly.
"Why would I tell Merula anything? Besides, I'd be in just as much trouble since I'm also out past curfew," replied the boy.
"Aren't you one of her friends?"
"Why? Because I'm a Slytherin?"
Alice nodded.
"Well, I'm not. Can't say I'm a fan of bullies."
"Oh... Then why are you out? And why did you follow me?"
"I didn't mean to follow you—I just needed to escape Merula's complaints about how you supposedly fought unfairly during your duel. When I saw you down here, I thought I'd introduce myself and maybe befriend the girl who shoved her wand up Merula's nose."
"Well, when you don't know any spells besides Lumos... Wait, how do you—?"
"I saw it. I was reading in a hidden corner when I overheard you. I was glad to see someone stand up to her."
"I see..."
The boy extended his hand. "So, can we be friends?"
Alice looked at his hand and then at his face. In the moonlight, she could make out his brown hair—perhaps chestnut—and something striking in his eyes. Though she couldn't distinguish their colour, there was a definite glint of confidence rarely seen in eleven-year-old children. She wasn't sure if this glint should worry her, but something about it intrigued her. She had a strange feeling of déjà vu.
She shook her head lightly. Whatever she was feeling was probably just fatigue. She took hold of the boy's hand and shook it.
"If you don't mind being friends with the cursed sibling of Jacob Beaumont..."
The boy smiled. "Great! I'm Simon, by the way. Simon Selwood."
"Pleasure. How did you manage to get out here without being noticed?"
"The Disillusionment Charm. My great-grandfather taught it to me. It's not as foolproof as a cloak, but those are expensive. And spells—spells are free."
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fics-she-wrote · 1 month ago
One Last Kiss
A/N: I wrote this ficlet for a challenge in a community I'm in, and I figured I'd also share it here. Be warned that it is hella clichéd. Enjoy!
He hadn't planned for this moment—he was only supposed to say goodbye. His one-way ticket to New York sat heavy in his coat pocket. She had been his everything until one devastating mistake tore them apart, leading her to break off their engagement. When she rose to make tea, the weight of unspoken words hung between them. He called out her name. As she turned, their eyes met, and, in that electric moment, years of memories, desires, and regrets crashed over them like a tidal wave...
The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows across the room, painting the worn velvet sofa in hues of amber and crimson. When he moved forward, her scent enveloped him—a delicate mix of ocean breeze and something distinctly, intoxicatingly her. Each movement was calculated, deliberate, a slow dance of anticipation as the space between them grew charged with unspoken desire. He wanted to give her the chance to say no. It would kill him if she did; the thought was a physical ache in his chest. But it would be far worse to know she'd only yielded to his desire, only to hear unspoken regrets echo between them later.
Her breath caught as he moved closer. He could see the pulse fluttering at the base of her throat. He paused, a breath away. Say something, his mind screamed. Tell me to stop. Save us both from what comes next. But she didn’t. She simply didn’t. And when he was but a few inches away, close enough to see the delicate curve of her eyelashes, her eyes fluttered closed. Her head tilted ever so slightly to the side, a silent, breathtaking invitation. It was all the permission he needed.
He closed the remaining distance between them, capturing her lips in a searing kiss that left them both breathless. The familiar sweetness of her mouth threatened to overwhelm his senses. His hands found her waist, pulling her closer as desire coursed through him like lightning. She melted into his embrace, her fingers tangling in his hair, drawing a low groan from deep in his throat. The kiss deepened, grew more urgent, and he could feel her heart racing against his chest, matching the frantic rhythm of his own.
With gentle pressure, he guided her back onto the sofa, his body following hers as if drawn by gravity itself. His lips traced a path down her neck, savouring the taste of her skin as she arched against him, her fingers digging into his shoulders. Her soft gasps were driving him mad, each one stoking the fire that threatened to consume them both. Through her dress, his hands rediscovered the familiar curves of her body, ones he had memorized not so long ago. He pulled back just enough to meet her gaze, finding his own desperate need reflected in her eyes. In that moment, he knew there was no going back – and neither of them wanted to.
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fics-she-wrote · 11 months ago
On a fine day in early autumn, Samantha Dale was leisurely strolling around the verdant grounds of Hogwarts with her friend Lenora Everleigh. They were enjoying the waning echoes of summer warmth bestowed upon them by the sun shining bright in the sky. As they walked, the distant chatter of students filled the air. Samantha noticed a patch of delicate white dandelions, their ethereal beauty standing out starkly against the lush green grass.
"Dandelions!" exclaimed Samantha. "Did you know, Lenora, that Muggles hold a charming belief that blowing upon a dandelion may grant one's deepest wishes?" she asked her friend as she picked one from the ground and blew on it, sending the seeds swirling around.
Seeds scattered in all directions – some heading towards the Highlands, others drifting towards the lake. One particular seed, guided by the wind, made a slow journey towards a gazelle, an unusual sight in the Scottish Highlands. As it neared the graceful creature, the gazelle transformed into Natty Onai. Natty blinked, her eyes wide in surprise, as the tiny white fluff hovered before her face. She swatted it away, her hand creating a subtle swoosh in the air. She then quickly scanned her surroundings, her heart pounding, to ensure her transformation had gone unnoticed.
Like a feather in the wind, the little dandelion seed was carried off towards the Beast Studies class, where Poppy Sweeting cradled a Puffskein as she attempted to convince Duncan Hobhouse that they were harmless.
"But look how charming they are,” said Poppy, stroking the small beast's soft fur.
"The issue isn't their looks, Poppy, it's their tongue. Every time I've come close to one of these creatures, it insists on shoving its tongue up my nose. I swear it's the most dreadful sensation out there, I tell you," replied Duncan, maintaining his distance from the furry creature.
"I'm quite certain you're exaggerating. They only engage in such behaviour when we are asleep…"
"Oh, I assure you, I've experienced it both asleep and awake," interjected Duncan.
Poppy sighed, rolling her eyes at his dramatics. "Just come and pet this one. I give you my word, it won't try to eat your bogeys."
Duncan eyed the little Puffskein with distrust. He slowly approached it before slowly extending an arm to pet it when…
"OH! My nose!" he exclaimed. The Puffskein had indeed invaded his nose, its tongue withdrawing as swiftly as it had entered and triggering a bout of uncontrollable sneezing from Duncan.
The forceful gust of air generated by Duncan's sneeze sent the tiny dandelion seed floating haphazardly away once again.
The air carried this lone seed towards the bustling bell tower courtyard, where students were relishing the pleasant weather. Many practiced their flying skills with varying degrees of success. Leander Prewett, for instance, had difficulty staying on his broom, much to his annoyance. Fortunately, his broom hovered less than a foot off the ground, so his falls injured his pride more than his body. After yet another tumble, he huffed in frustration, unintentionally sending the seed spiralling upwards. Imelda Reyes, zooming past on her broom, caused the seed to twirl and be swept away in a new direction.
As the tiny dandelion seed danced in the wind, it found its way toward Garreth Weasley. He was in the midst of demonstrating his potion-making skills to a group of awestruck first-year students. With a small vial containing a greyish liquid, he held their attention. He then theatrically produced some dried mint leaves from his pocket, their crisp, refreshing aroma wafting through the air as he presented them to his attentive audience. With careful, deliberate movements, he crushed the leaves, allowing the small bits to flutter down into the vial. The liquid began to slowly change colour, shifting from a dull gray to a vibrant green. As it transformed, it also started to bubble. Gradually, smoke began to rise from the vial, carrying with it the sharp, acrid scent of the potion. Sparks followed, their bright light causing the students to gasp in surprise. An expression of panic appeared on Garreth's face as the small vial exploded in a loud bang. He attempted to run but felt a firm grip on his collar.
"Not so fast, Mr Weasley," came the gruff voice of Professor Sharp, the Potions Master.
As Professor Sharp was about to reprimand the young Gryffindor, the tiny seed landed on Amit Thakkar's shoulder, hitching a ride into the castle.
Inside the castle, the seed was carried through a labyrinth of stone corridors. The distant, muffled sounds of life echoed around as Amit made his way to the Central Hall. Upon arrival, the sight of a fountain graced with cavorting mermaids greeted him. It was here he spotted Cressida Blume and made his way towards her. Cressida's face lit up when she saw Amit approaching.
"Hello, Amit," she greeted warmly.
Returning her smile, Amit was about to speak when he noticed Cressida reaching towards his shoulder.
"There was a speck of dust," she explained, her fingers brushing the dandelion seed off his shoulder. With that, the seed was whisked away once more, carried by the invisible currents stirred up by the bustling students.
The tiny seed continued its journey through Hogwarts, twirling and pirouetting high above the students' heads. It danced in the air, silently observing the vibrant tapestry of life unfolding below. Its path crossed with Ominis Gaunt, who was seated on a wooden bench in the lively Central Hall, absorbing the surrounding symphony of chatter, laughter, and the echo of footsteps on stone. Suddenly, his nose wrinkled as a foul smell akin to rotten eggs mixed with stale mud invaded his nostrils. Not far from his spot, Everett Clopton had unleashed one of his dungbombs. Ominis groaned, his face contorting in disgust as he frantically waved his hand in front of his face to dissipate the unbearable stench. The air movement from his motion caused the seed to be swept off its course and drift back into the bustling crowd of students.
The seed eventually lodged itself in the chestnut curls of one Sebastian Sallow. Clutching an antique-looking book, Sebastian headed towards the library in search of one person in particular. His search on the ground floor proved fruitless, and so he ascended the winding staircase. On the top floor, he finally found her. Astraea Morgen, completely engrossed in a book, stood before a towering bookcase, her eyes darting across the pages. To catch her attention, Sebastian cleared his throat, the sound echoing softly around them. Astraea's eyes shifted from the book to Sebastian, her eyebrows arching in mild surprise. He then placed his book on the worn wooden desk attached to the bookshelf and started flipping through it to find what he wanted to show her. As he was doing so, Astraea's gaze was drawn to something white lodged in his hair. She pursed her lips and exhaled, her warm breath dislodging the little dandelion seed from Sebastian's hair.
"Why did you do that?" asked Sebastian, his gaze meeting Astraea's, a blush creeping into his cheeks.
"You had a little something in your hair," responded Astraea, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes at his slightly flustered demeanour.
Thus, the little dandelion seed floated away from the pair and landed on top of a book that was being magically returned to a shelf high above the others. And so there the journey of our dandelion seed appeared to end, or so it seemed…
Many years later, a young Ravenclaw girl was carefully examining the titles of the books on the shelf.
"Ah! There it is!" exclaimed Alice Beaumont before hearing Madam Pince's stern shushing. "Simon!" she whispered, unable to contain her excitement, "I found the book!"
A boy with tousled chestnut hair and a constellation of freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks emerged from the corner of the bookcase. With a flick of her wand, Alice pulled the book towards her through the air.
"Ugh, look at this," Alice grimaced, "it's covered in dust… And is that a dandelion seed? How long do you think it's been there?" she asked, her eyes fixated on the tiny white fluff.
Simon looked at the seed, then at her. "It's a dandelion seed, Alice. They come and go every year, so it's probably from last summer or something."
Alice shrugged, the corners of her mouth turning up in a small, thoughtful smile. "Still, it deserves to be free." She gently opened a nearby window and then delicately blew onto the book, sending the dust and the dandelion seed dancing into the outside world. And so, the little dandelion seed, now basking in the golden sunlight, floated away on yet another adventure.
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed this ficlet, which came to me because of a song.
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