fianna-bana · 1 year
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Pipe expanding machine
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fianna-bana · 1 year
The invitation of examination set my heart aflutter, and it pulled at the corners of my lips into a sheepish smile. I felt it grow when he brought his face close, his expression making my body warm another 20 degrees. His deep eyes, caramelized skin, his impressive height... and build- and now this smile made the heat in between my hips swirl and grow. His coy flirting, mysteriously handsome face, eyelashes batting for me, I couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled out from me at his cute behavior.
I swallowed hard when I caught the compliment he tucked in at the end about my own eyes, and I felt my fingers relax against his chest into a pressing palm. Alcohol buzzed in my brain, and the heat in my abdomen only grew at his hand wandered across my cheek and onward. Bringing the cup to my lips for another drink, I felt a rare moment of disappointment amidst all of the courting bliss when the vinum was empty. I instead settled on resting the cup near my lip in attempt to steady my racing heart. 
I looked deeper into his eyes, agreeing wholeheartedly that it would reveal more if I could only study them, and laughed louder than I meant to at the joke. How sweet of him to reassure me, it made me feel at ease around him. Though I’m sure the drink has helped with that, if only I could get some more.
“As dark as I’m sure they are,” I leaned in now, letting the smile spread along my red face, “I assure you I am well-versed in darkness and all its arts.” I flirted back, bringing the cup to my lip for only a moment before remembering it’s emptiness. Another laugh escaped my lips, and I looked into those eyes again.
“I’m looking forward to what they will reveal... that your lips will not.” I boldly teased, letting my eyes wander downward in my continued study.
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 1 year
His warmth pressed closer to me, and it made electricity surge through my body. The lull in speech made the music from the distance whisper over us again, and his soft, steady grip seemed like the only thing keeping me grounded on Earth. I brought my cup back to my lips to fill the silence, trying to focus on anything but how close he is, but not a moment later I felt large fingers rest on my chin.
He slowly guides my eyes back to his. I feel the soft pad of his thumb brush my lips, and it makes me shiver before I can stop myself. I was instantly pulled back in, and our eyes locked as my soul explored deeper and deeper. The way he held me, the look in his eyes - I was only pulled from my trance when he spoke once more.
Again? So, it was obvious then... curses. I had hoped that I could be aloof and discreet, but I’ve already gone and humiliated myself, he’ll surely think I’m foolish now.
“S-seek?” I stumbled over my words, caught off guard at the direct question. Face burning ever brighter, I desperately tried to scramble up some words that wouldn’t give away how overwhelmed I felt at his attention. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare-” I added, looking away in embarrassment. “I just... I don’t think I’ve seen eyes as dark and clear as yours.” I admitted, voice going softer than I wanted. I gathered the courage to bring my eyes back to his again, feeling his arm and hand resting on me.
“They captivate me...” I explained sheepishly “And I wish to see more of what’s behind them.” I tried to leave it at that, suddenly worried I was saying too much. My mind wandered back to the thumb resting below my lip, and I felt another wave of anxiety as I remembered my earlier boldness in kissing his finger. Yes, this Roman has very peculiar abilities as well it seems... but the tight feeling in my chest, was somehow hungry for more.
I didn’t know how long it was there, but my hand had found it’s way to his chest while he pulled me closer into an embrace. I could feel the soft rise and fall of his breathing, and the gentle pulse of his heart under my fingertips. I realized I was touching him in the same spot where my hand had explored the armor, mirrored right behind me. I was suddenly reminded of a hermit crab and it’s shell, but my mind wandered quickly back to the coy smile on his lips, and it made my heart leap.
I brought the cup back to my lips for another drink, and realized that I started biting my lip at some point... as if it craved contact again.
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 1 year
My stomach leapt at the contact, and the blood rushing to my cheeks and chest pounded from my heart. Heat filled my entire body, spreading from where my arms were held, and for a moment I thought he had set me ablaze. Those deep eyes, now full of worry, were closer than ever, and I looked up into them like a trance.
Butterflies danced about in my tightening abdomen. I tried to find my words, but they evaded me, perhaps also getting pulled into those eyes like a dangerous current. I blinked for a moment, noticing how tall he was up close, and gave him a slow nod in response, staring into the captivating abyss. My senses slowly came back to me from the excitement, and I let out a silly chuckle as I lifted my glass in gentle triumph.
“Well my master says I’ve always been lucky~” I giggled shyly while bringing the wine back to my lips. Part of me wanted to give him more room, but I was worried that moving too much would make my skin touch the metal again...
In this spot that is... completely warm now...
In that moment I realized that Yo’el was still resting his hand on my back, and this delayed information sent another wave of nerves up my spine. My heart raced. I did not know what I should or am supposed to feel, but it is a combination of nervousness and excitement. His hand was so warm, and his grip was gentle but strong. 
Skilled, careful pottery-crafting hands...
I kept my lips hidden behind my cup as I took another sip. I felt as if I was sweating again despite shedding my heavy robes, and my mouth became dry from the swirling feelings this man evoked from me. I tightened my grip on the drink, afraid I might lose it again.
I opened my mouth to say something, then suddenly realized it was gone from my mind. Damn vinum. My eyes wandered around his face more, and I felt a nervous chuckle escape from my open lips again. He really was handsome. And so warm... Somehow, I felt excitement as my body registered how large his hands felt against my back. It gave me goosebumps.
I finally realized in my drunken daze that I hadn’t answered his question. Or couldn’t remember that I did. My eyes lit up at the realization, and I smiled in embarrassment. I tore my eyes away from him, thankful to be free of his spell for a moment.
“Yeah, I’m okay...” I found myself swirling my cup. “Sorry for startling you.” I added, bringing my drink to my lips. I looked up at him again with a sheepish grin before gulping more alcohol down. I hoped, in vain, that it would steady me somehow.
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 1 year
“Ah I see.” I mused, listening about the tales of his family. My mind wandered as I listened, taking in the information yet everything around me felt distant and hazy. Perhaps the alcohol was catching up with me, but despite myself I didn’t mind the feeling. It was nice to get lost in something.
I heard him stand up from his chair but didn’t realize where he was heading, until I noticed his silhouette behind my reflection on his armor. Swirling the last of the fruit around in my cup, I took a big swig and ate the cherry all in one go, thinking about what the man behind me had just said.
Of course, we would be returning to Rome. My mind already knew this yet hearing him confirm his plans of taking me away himself made my mouth feel dry again, so I took the opportunity for another sip. I closed my eyes for a moment, tearing my gaze from the impressive metalwork, and let my mind swim with the vinum before gathering myself.
“Everyone?” I gently inquired, trying to bring a smile back to my face to hide the anxiety. As I opened my eyes once more, I turned around to face the man behind me before continuing. 
My gaze landed on his chest, and I instantly realized I was way too close. Timidly, I slowly raised my line of view until I was looking up at his face, into those deep eyes again... and my voice caught in my throat. Being so close to him, I could feel the heat coming off of his body, and I could feel my own cheeks warming up again at the near contact. The words in my mind trailed off as his eyes pulled me in again, and I felt as if I was floating down a stream.
My eyes scanned his body, taking the opportunity for a closer look at the specimen. He’s beautifully sculpted, it has to be said. But my lips quiver instead of proclaim, and my eyes wander to his muscular arms and exposed flesh for further study. I swallow, harder than I’d like, and I finally bring the neglected drink to my lips once more and try to look away, hiding my embarrassment. Surely, he noticed the stare was too long...
“I-I I’m sure I’d be... honored to meet them!” I finally got out, feeling my face go hot the more I tried to speak. I cupped my drink with both hands and gave him a sheepish smile. This man had the uncanny ability to plague me with nervousness. 
I bit my lip while taking a small step back to try and put a bit more distance between us, but suddenly felt a hard, cold sensation shoot down my back. My eyes widened and I flinched as I let out a sharp gasp, almost dropping my drink. I took too big of a step back, and the exposed skin above my dress must have pressed against the chest armor itself. 
It felt like ice.
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 1 year
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“Three older brothers?” I asked in astonishment, tracing the lines of metalwork on the hanging shield. “Does that make you the baby?” I asked with a smile, turning over my shoulder to look at him as my hair seemed to fan out across the straps of my dress. I took another sip as I brought my attention back to the treasures he’s collected.
“I have a cousin.” I said after thinking the question over for a few moments. “He lives up north, deep in the highlands...” I answered methodically, looking at my reflection on the breastplate hanging on the wall. “I guess you could say he’s a bit of a soldier too, in a way.” I continued, remembering the last time I saw the madman.
“I moved in with my master about a year or two after my training began, so I spent a lot of my childhood only visiting my parents for village festivals and special occasions.” I brought both hands to my cup now, looking down into my reflection in the liquid as well.
“My duty extended to all of the village you see, so-” I trailed off as I thought of the sacrifices that are now in vain. “s-so there could be no ‘special treatment’ for anyone...” I thumbed the cup’s rim with both hands, staring into everything and nothing all at once. Is this what the spirits have always had in store for me, or did something somewhere go horribly wrong?
I closed my eyes, trying to will myself back in control, and let out a sigh louder than I would have liked. I took another deep sip of the drink and held the cup close to my chest as I brought my eyes back up to the shining metal before me. After a few moments of silence, I found the words to return to the subject.
“So your brothers must have all served the military too, right? Do they also help make pottery for the family business, or do they enjoy killing more?”
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 1 year
How I curse the charm he can so easily summon. I looked away at the compliment, taking another small sip as I thought of what he said. I make him laugh? Well at least I had that in may favor of uses.
I looked around the room more, letting the silence fill it. The weight of the night seemed to slowly descend on me again, and my chest began to tighten with nerves. I brought the rim of the cup to my lips again, wondering about the state of my future. I brought my eyes back to the Roman, and studied him more as well.
What an enigma he is. Enemy, Lover. Man, Monster. Gentleman, Warrior. Hero, Scoundrel. What else does he both encapsulate and contradict?
And now a joker, apparently, as his apology caught me off guard just as everything of my expectations seems to be tonight. Keeping my eyes on his, I stood up, taking my drink with me. The sudden movement made my head go light for a moment from the vinum, but my body caught up after a few seconds. I took a gentle step forward, towards the soldier in front of me. I kept my hand resting gently on the table for stability, a gesture I hope came off as graceful, and brought the cup to my lips once more, peering into his eyes.
I looked deeper into the dark abyss, searching for more. This position afforded me a new angle to see, as now I was a bit taller than him while he still sat. Finally I spoke, knowing I’ll need to say something soon.
“You said you had family,” I whispered softer than I meant to. “Isn’t that so?” I reached for another fruit with my resting hand, bringing it to my lips. “Tell me of your father.” I added with a polite smile, popping the snack into my mouth as I finally took a step away. I rested my free hand on my hip as I carried my drink while I wandered, taking in the tapestries and other sights my curious eyes could spot. I found myself slowly heading towards the armor again, and I felt my hand gently reach towards the cold metal. 
“Did he teach you the ways of your pottery?” I inquired, baiting for him to reveal more.
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 1 year
I swirled the cup in my hand, admiring the floating fruit, and took another gulp. Hearing his next few words however, made me swallow hard.
“W-work of art?” Surely I didn’t hear that right. “Come now, I thought your empire was known for its sculptures and statues.” I laughed, trying to ignore the flames in my cheeks, doing my best to not take his words to heart. I thought of the cities I visited in Gaul all those years ago on my travels training with my master. I thought of the temples we spied, and the many copies and replicas of the Gods worshipped by the Romans. My master had many criticisms to say about the idolatry and misdirected spiritualism behind it, but I always hid from him how beautiful I thought the sculptures and temples were. He made it very clear that was a space we had no need to enter. 
“I’m sure the real art you’ve seen is utterly breath-taking...” 
The next words out of his mouth made something in my gut twist, and like a reflex I gulped down another large portion of vinum. So he enjoys whatever freebies from women he can get on his journeys, as a ‘bonus’ to his climbing career? I couldn’t help but feel a sting of jealousy at the nameless women he’s implied he’s ravished. It made me feel suddenly cold, and my cheeks finally returned to their pale hue. 
“Well, what an honor it is to fulfill one of your workly ‘perks’.” I found myself saying before pouring another slash of vinum down my throat. I caught one of the cherries in my mouth and crushed the skin with my teeth. The juices swirled behind my lips, and I swallowed it along with a tiny lump in my throat. I could feel my nerves slowly taking over, and my anxiety rose the longer I sat. 
I thought more about his real reasoning, how it brings his family honor. That was easy enough to understand, and something my people also have in common with him. “I supposed I’m here tonight for the same reason...”
It got quite enough for a moment to hear the animals outside, and I took another sip to wash down the fruit. I brought my eyes back to him and studied him for a while. He was so intriguing, something in me craves to know more. But there is something else that is afraid of what I’ll find out. Still, the desire to connect with him, keeps pulling me in. “
You have a beautiful laugh, Yo’el.” I admitted with a soft smile, but it soon faded away as I looked down into the reflection in my drink.
“I wonder how often it’s heard within the great empire of Rome...”
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 2 years
I felt my smile widen. Was that a blush? Something in me felt triumphant, though I didn’t know why. The ghost of his caress lingered on my hand and I found myself missing it, a stupid thing to miss I noted. But his answer, so much more honest than I anticipated.
Another feeling filled my chest as he considered the question seriously, and it spread with joy through my body at the relief of no competing lover to look out for. I felt sweat at the back of my neck as the word filled my mind: Lover. I gulped down more alcohol like it was second nature, thankful he can’t read minds. Something about having him to myself made me feel excited, I embarrassingly noted, and I tried to hide my smile with another gulp of drink. The emotion intimidated me, it made sense to drown it in response.
“I see…” I said into my cup, trying to sound more contemplative than shy. I imagined the tall, successful soldier in front of me, being a shy, timid youth. It made my heart swell, more intensely than I felt earlier. How strange of a man to admit something like that, especially a Roman, to a Celt. He was so calm and cool, I hated that it comforted me. It was almost too hard to believe. “So all that changed once you enlisted?” I inquired, my tone curious, but I kept the smile hidden at the corner of my mouth.
“You joined the army to meet more women?” I teased, raising an eyebrow to accompany my growing smirk. “Because I hardly think you needed the help…” I began to chuckle, my eyes stealing a glance from his biceps, then back to his enchanting eyes, taking another deep gulp. I tossed my hair over my shoulder and reached for another fruit, hoping there were more cherries.
Spotting a few, I picked up a handful and dropped them in the cup of vinum, my smile growing triumphantly wider at the surely tasty victory. I crossed my leg over my thigh and smoothed out the dress, hoping the way it was hanging was still flattering. This alcohol seemed to have a troubling effect on me, and has stirred desires that have yet to be taped into yet. It scared me, and I grew ever more nervous, yet, the spirits seemed to be pulling me in, unsatisfied.
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 2 years
His firm and gentle hand rested eagerly on my own, and I felt proud to have earned his tenderness back. I shivered at the way he said my name, and I found myself glancing at his beautiful lips while he spoke. The caress of his thumb however, made my heart race, and soon I could hear the rushing of blood in my ears. I shook my head, trying to regain myself.
“It’s standard, though my master says I learn faster than he’s seen before…” I added shyly, looking away at the compliment. I felt the warmth of his hand as his thumb spread loving circles into my skin, and it started to give me goosebumps again. I imagined those hands working delicately with the clay, working soft steady kneads through the substance, willing with a patient mind and steady hand to bring to form. It brought a soft smile to my face as I imagined a softer man behind the mask. That’s the man I really want to know.
My mind began to wander to what else his strong, skilled hands could do with each sweet brush of skin, but I reached for my cup once more to try and banish the growing imagines out of my head. With my free hand, I took another long gulp from the cup, and brought my eyes back up to my arranged to-be husband. The previous thoughts kept the heat on my face strong, but I tried to continue.
“Though he always discouraged dating, saying it would do nothing but distract me.” I admitted, my face twisting at the memory of his warnings. I took another sip to try and banish the image, then suddenly wondered why I offered this information. I cursed myself, and all drunken stupors, but tried to remain cool and collected. But as if by opposite command, or perhaps the encouragement of his loving thumb, I continued to press the subject.
“Did you have anyone before you joined the military?” I found myself asking, somewhat blurting out. I blinked after my question, confused as to how it left my mouth, and I brought my drink back to my lips to cut the silence my awkwardness had created. But it was a curiosity I suddenly found myself with, and I wasn’t used to wondering about such things. At least wondering about them out loud. I took in a slow, long sip, waiting for his answer to come, trying to hide my face.
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 2 years
I held my gaze as he drank, waiting for the coming explanation patiently. I watched his expression stiffen, his charming aura now clouded with gray clouds. Storms swirled behind contemplative eyes, and I held perfectly still while he filled our cups taller than before. I remained silent, studying him until he began.
I listened intently, hanging on each word he offered now, taking in the pieces of information he allowed himself to reveal. My expression began to soften as I imagined a young boy playing with clay, his father doting and proud. I watched him a moment longer, hoping he would go on, but I could see the troubles stirring in his mind as he downed more of the alcohol.
I looked away, letting my eyes wander the room in the silence. The armor, the tapestries, the weapons, furs, tables, bowls, it was quite a lot to accumulate in only seven years. It was impressive. My eyes gazed across the ceiling until I too was reaching for my cup, looking at him once more before taking in as big of a gulp as I could. My inquisition gave me more answers then expected, and I took note of his change in mood. He had retracted into himself at my prodding, and while I gazed upon his saddened state, I couldn’t help but feel pity for ruining the environment he was trying to foster.
I took another sip, slower this time, contemplating my next action. My own disgruntlement had been soothed, imagining what the man behind the mask must have been like before his empire swallowed him up and sent him out to slaughter. It humanized him. Molding a big lump of clay, kiln drying, the meticulous detail to decoration before sale. I imagined the soldier before me in the artistic profession, and the flutter in my heart seemed to return with a leap. I let out a sad sigh, taking another, smaller sip this time, closing my eyes and taking the in sensations it gave.
I opened my eyes and looked back up at him. I studied him, his furrowed brows, darkened eyes, those curly locks that seemed to cast shadows on his distant expression in the dancing firelight. One more sip, and I set my glass back down on the table.
Gingerly, I slid my arm forward on the table, slowly reaching my hands towards his fingers. Feeling somewhat guilty at the vinum-induced mood swing, I tenderly rested my hand on top of his, hoping the action wouldn’t be taken as inappropriate now. Feeling somewhat smaller in my drunken embarrassment, I collected myself enough to try to speak.
“I was nine,” I began, my voice sounding meeker than I anticipated, but I pushed forward and swallowed my pride, “When my training began as a druid.” I looked away for a moment, thinking about it myself. My smile returned, and I brought my gaze back up to him. “I guess I’ve been doing it, longer than I haven’t…” I added with a laugh, my tone somewhat apologetic.
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 2 years
The vinum continued to cascade down my throat, as if I was drinking a blessed waterfall. I smirked at the clumsy and loud movement, noticing that the alcohol must be getting to him too, and it lighten my spirits. I brought my thumb to the corner of my mouth to wipe a small red drip as I listened, pondering picking up another fruit. But as I heard him continue, my appetite faded, and I slowly set the cup down as I thought on his words.
I glanced up at him for a moment, my smile fading, and my eyes went back to the impressive armor. I thought of how heavy it must be, and how he says it never truly comes off, and thoughts of my fallen comrades filled the reflections in the perfect metal.
“Indeed.” I finally said, eyes somber and serious with thought as I studied the helmet more. The last thing that so many of my brethren saw before they were taken from this world. My chest tightened with grief and shame, but I did my best to force the turmoil down. I closed my eyes, taking an even breath and exhaling.
Don’t be a fool, I told myself.
When my eyes opened, I hardened them, my resolve finding me once again despite my state. I made my gaze stay on the armor, fearing that being pulled into his eyes again would weaken me, and I willed my Celtic pride to return at the suggestion of suspiciousness.
“The tell me,” I began, reaching for my glass again and taking a big gulp. After the pause of swallowing and wiping my lip, my attention returned to the shimmering helmet. “Which did you study first, pottery?” I turned back to face him finally, already bringing the cup back to my lips. His beauty struck me, and I hated him for it. A fluttering feeling flipped in my chest as his eyes drew me back in, but I willed myself to continue after taking a gulp to regain my composure. I let my eyes gain intensity as they bore into his own gaze, still trying to search his soul.
“Or conquering?” I finished, wondering how he would answer such a question. It was a needed reminded however, I almost felt grateful to him. If his mask never comes off, then he’s declaring I will never fully know his true intentions. We’re enemies after all I suppose, no matter how sweet he seems…
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 2 years
I listened to him speak in his low, native tongue and let the sounds tickle my ear. I watched his eyes, how they shine when his mouth wants to smile, and I found it endearing. I couldn’t help but smile at the element compliment, so much so that I didn’t notice how close Yo’el had grown to my face. As soon as I had noticed in my growingly impaired state, I suddenly felt my heartbeat in my cheeks as he pulled away all too quickly.
While he was occupied, I tried to regain my composure, and my hands quickly shot up cup my own cheeks in attempt to calm them. Something in my mind told me that my hands could remove the heat if I pressed hard enough, but this must have been the vinum’s doing because it was futile.
Get ahold of yourself.
The sound of pouring liquid filled my ears and I quickly pulled my hands into my lap. My gaze was snapped back to him at the mention of a mask, and I slowly picked up my re-filled cup as I listened. He moved so smoothly, the word that filled my mind was elegant, hardly a way I’d ever thought I’d describe a Roman. But the more I observed and listened to the man in front of me, the more it became clear how little prepared I feel for Roman life. Yet, somehow, he was pulling me in, twisting my intrigue with his hands.
“C-Charming?” I sputtered, not expecting the compliment. “I-I don’t know about that-”
He rolled the fruit in his hands as he grinned at me, and his smile was beautiful. I searched my words for more protest but the Latin I wanted to say was getting hazy in my mind from the drink and the company. My senses snapped back into place when he moved closer, and I could feel goosebumps on my neck as he eyed my lips.
Charming? How could he think such a thing? There is no charm that I have even attempted to sway him with yet?
I looked into his eyes as he spoke, and felt the touch of the sweetness press at my lips. My eyes widened at the forward gesture, and I looked into his own for a few moments, heart pounding in my ears. The contact was so intimate, yet gentle, it sent a shiver up my spine. The pounding in my ears grew as I hesitated, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and something else I’ve never felt before, and despite all my better instincts… it excited me.
Keeping my gaze on his eyes, I slowly took the sweet fruit into my mouth, feeling the warmth of his finger pads brush my juice-glossed lips. I let my tongue crush the cherry and drank in the sweet nectar, taking the opportunity to search his eyes once again.
Feeling daring, I pulled away from the digits with a small kiss. Bringing my own fingers to my mouth, I leaned back, licking my lips. I gave him a small smile, drawing back slightly with my ever warming cheeks.
“I believe you are right…” I admitted, grabbing my glass once again and lifting it to him in salute. I took a big, cool gulp, and closed my eyes at the blend of tastes in my mouth, the tingling taste of his finger still on the tip of my tongue. “And I suppose we all have our masks to wear, in some way or another.” I added after swallowing, letting my eyes open and gaze around the room. I caught the glimmer of his armor, and my eyes were pulled towards his helmet.
“Who else are you…” I asked a few moments later, eyes taking in the details of the craftsmanship, “besides their soldier?” I kept my eyes on the shining metal as I brought the cup back to my lips.
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 2 years
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His hand rested on my vein, and I could feel the warmth radiating from his touch spread up my bloodstream. My body felt like it was floating yet sinking at the same time. I blamed this on the alcohol. The feeling only grew when he reached towards me, his sweet expression only inches from my warming face. I blinked in surprise at the closeness and my own delayed reaction before I realized what he was doing.
“Y-Yes” I caught myself. He was just collecting my cloak, how polite. I stood up to help him reach, and to better remove my second layer. I untied a few ribbons hidden under folds of white cloth, then gently removed my outer robes and turned over my should back to him. He was already reaching for this too, so I slowly offered it for him to take with my cloak. I watched him place the clothing in a large, ornate chest, and couldn’t help but stare at his movements. He was just as handsome from behind as well...
When he returned with that same smile and the pouring of drink, I couldn’t help but smile back. I was accustomed to polite company, diplomacy, debate and peacemaking, as was my role in the village, but situations like these seem to make me nervous. I watched him pour so confidently and wondered if there was a time in his life where he was nervous about such things. I suppose I have much to learn about the growing pains of being a Roman. Despite his previous boldness, the touch of his warm fingers threw me off guard yet again, and I nearly shivered as they brushed my ear. I watched him lick his lips, something I didn’t know I was staring at, and realized I was biting my bottom lip. I flushed, bringing the cup to my mouth to hide the embarrassing expression.
I looked away from him as I sipped, trying to calm myself and relax. I felt the air of the room on my exposed shoulders now, and it was a refreshing feeling. I melted back in the chair, getting more comfortable, and let the fabric of my light blue dress spread across my lap. The cooler breeze helped with the heat of the alcohol and my cheeks, so I took another big gulp before setting the cup back down on the table. Bringing my gaze back to him, I tried to let the alcohol guide my courage.
“It was thought that I was perfectly suited for this truce exchange, especially for being known to be eloquent, yet at the same time I’m completely out of my element.” I admitted to him, reaching for a piece of fruit shyly. “In regard to the matter of men, life has not awarded me many chances to have interactions with them other than my strict services as a druid.” I added, finally bringing my eyes back to his as I touched the fruit to my lips. My mind wandered to the task ahead of the night, and only I hoped that the vinum continued to give me it’s courage as I tasted the sweet juices on my tongue.
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 2 years
I allowed myself another smile, and it grew softer at his response. “Is that so?” I teased, bemused by his remarks. So he goes through rigorous training then? Something we have in common I suppose. I sipped another gulp of wine after watching his reclining pose. I opened my mouth so say something else, but my voice cracked in my throat at the return of his warm touch.
His fingers brushed my forehead like a friendly blessing, then caressed my cheek with such a tingling warmth it sent a shiver down my spine. I looked into his eyes, trying to regain some kind of composure, but this ‘vinum’ seems to have already taken hold of my mind and reflexes. I watch his hand continue downwards and I can feel my ears burn at the contact. He’s rested his strong hand against my neck, and I’m sure he can feel the pounding surge of blood rushing through my veins.
“I-I,” I try again to begin, but my voice catches in my throat. His hands rest on my collarbone and my eyes follow his. I glance at the strands he’s teasingly brushed, and I impulsively bite my lip. His hands really were gentle… and never has a man so marveled at my hair with such admiration before.
Each passing second made my face feel hotter and hotter, and I felt my doom fast approaching. “W-where can I hang my robes? They’re ceremonial and very important to me…” I finally made myself inquire, trying desperately to banish the red from my cheeks. I must maintain my composure, it is the last piece of dignity I have.
Despite this, I reach again for my cup of wine, and finish off the last of what was inside, licking my lips once again. It might be best to get some of the robes off before anything is spilled, I admitted to myself. I set the cup back down on the table and looked back up at my new husband.
“Could I please have some more Vinum… Yo’el?” His name tasted new and interesting on my tongue, similar to the new alcohol drink I am coming to love. I felt somewhat shy trying the name out loud, but I suppose I better get used to my new life as soon as I can.
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 2 years
“That’s sweet of you.” I found myself chuckling. “But this ‘Vinum’ will do nicely for now.” I added, trying the word in my mouth out loud and hoping that it sounded okay. It tastes nice on my tongue, like the drink it was named for, and I watched him pour us both another round.
“Funny, I thought alcohol made you warmer.” I smiled, perhaps a little too cheekily, taking the cup gratefully in my hand anyways and bringing it back to my smirking lips. “Your abode is very warm itself I must say,” I added before taking a long gulp. I licked my lip and set the cup back down on the table. “That must explain why your… lack of cloaking is comfortable to you.” I said before bringing the bread back to my lips, this time with a piece of cheese.
Still, maybe I should remove my outer cloak at least. I looked down and untied the bow that held the heavy cloth together. It fell open lazily with the weight, then slid down my shoulders and chair, showing my white robes more clearly. Removing ones of the layers helped a little, but it still felt like I had been thrown in a furnace, and more coals were added every time I caught his eyes for too long. I adjusted my hair again, moving its length over my shoulder.
I took another gulp of the red liquid. It really was delicious.
“How do you Romans like the weather here?” I asked, followed by a hiccup. I covered my mouth with a blush, feeling heat return to my cheeks. A silly question followed by a silly outburst.
“I mean, I’ve always heard that your people are from warmer seas, and become disadvantaged in the snow…” How was it that you were so successful here? I didn’t ask the last part allowed, as the answer must be we simply underestimated them, but my diplomatic role in life cannot be forgotten overnight I’m afraid. I took a small sip from my cup. “Are Romans… hearty travelers?” I asked instead, hoping to find out more of Yo’el and to quell the curiosities in me.
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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fianna-bana · 2 years
His hand was warm, and I felt the heat bloom across my face from his touch. I felt my heartbeat speed up at the contact, and suddenly the room felt very hot against my neck.
“Th-thank you” I stuttered out, beginning to feel somewhat silly for repeating such thanks to a Roman. “We have beer and other spirits for our rituals, but this ‘Vinum’ is a taste I am unfamiliar with.” I swallowed the bread, and brought the cup back to my lips, eager for more. I took another big gulp as he popped a green vegetable in his mouth.
His smile really was sweet, it captivated me. His touch lingered on my skin, and I brought my finger tips back to my lip when I felt the heat grow on my face rather than subside. The touch made my stomach feel full of butterflies.
Without thinking, I brought the cup to my lips once more and took a bigger gulp, liking the feeling of the sweet nectar cloaking my tongue. The more I drank and heard the words of the man in front of me, the more I felt the back of my neck begin to sweat with heat. I ran my hand through my hair again, trying to cool myself down.
It doesn’t feel like it’s working.
The Offering
The cheering of drunken men mixed with the rhythmic string music, dancing in the swirling air with the smells of smoking meat. The echos sang and bounced lightly along the rolling mountains that have guided me so wisely before. I saw the flickering lights of torches and fires feeding the smoke plumes over their encampment, and as we approached, I could make out their notorious eagle symbol branded across their sea of grid-planned tents. The sun had long set and their celebrations had begun days before, there was only the full moon to give light to the sky as the rest of the world was pulled into the darkness. I paused a moment, taking in the sight, wanting to memorize and study as much as I had the chance to, but my stopping seemed to worry my company, who reassured me of any fears I was assumed to have.
I did not.
The air was still as we grew closer, and I felt the uneasiness in my escort party grow as we came upon the enemy territory. I kept my head high, preparing for the jeers and stares of the onlookers to come, but was surprised to be led towards a more private area of larger tents. The noises of the bustling party faded more as we climbed the torch-lit path, and I couldn’t help but feel relief, for a moment.
My pride and determination returned as we closed in on one of the tents. There were lit torches near the entrance, shining proudly behind two guards in military armor. They noticed our presence as we approached, and I steadied my stride with a stiffened jaw.
We stopped. There was a moment of study, staring, judging, hating, before one of our own voices broke the tense silence. My arrival was announced, and my comrades emphasized my status in the clan in my introduction as if it would comfort their smothered rage. Perhaps they were trying to comfort me? It felt more like a eulogy, as my Celtic role would no longer be relevant to my new, subservient life. Still, their words I did find sweet as a parting farewell, reminder to who I was and warning to who this new husband will be.
Something I’ve never had the chance to concern myself with before, has now been negotiated on behalf of the safety of our village. As a druid in training, it should be my honor to be responsible for such peace, and glad to protect my brethren. Our unstable untrustworthy new allies have assured us that these 10 women, noble and pious representatives of our great people, will be honored and treated with the utmost respect as is deserving as a wife. We have been reassured that this is the benefit of both sides, and will pave the way to peace and regrowth. The implied warning here is that peace is only in tact if the 10 marriages are as well. I’m sure this was supposed to reassure us that these Roman brutes who have slaughtered our fathers and brothers, will somehow make doting and noble husbands.
It did not.
I took a purposeful, long stride forward, and this got the attention of the envoy here to meet us. I thought of saying something, to speak my peace while I have my final chance to do so, but one of the guards speaks before I can think of something.
“He asks that you go in alone, you will leave your things here to be collected later.” His voice was even, but deep. There were grunts of protest from behind me, but I strengthened my gaze at this man, narrowing my eyes.
“That’s how I’d prefer to receive him as well” I agreed. I gestured for my belongings to be dropped from the men in my party, which made the romans raise and eyebrow at my authority over these comrades, and I turned to face them forming a semi-circle around me. I had already received a tearful, and very grand farewell from my family, master, chief, and the rest of the village before departing, though I couldn’t help but feel my heart sting at this final goodbye. I felt the wind tickling my skin with my hair, like the spirits were also here to see me off safely, and this truly did comfort me. I gave the village men a parting blessing and thanked them for their duty as my last druid-right, and they gave me a warriors embrace and clapping on the back before pulling away again.
I turned back towards the tent again, the wind still dancing around me and no longer silent, it seemed to be pulling me towards the very opening of the dwelling. My white robes and dyed cape fluttered carelessly, and I adjusted my proud antlers to sit steadier on my head before taking a deep breath that I hoped wasn’t too audible with the breeze. I glanced at the two guards a moment, before letting the wind guide me to my destiny.
Gently, and almost timidly, I reached for the dark cloth of the opening, and stepped inside so that the curtain closed out the world behind me.
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