The Odd Duckling
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fftcg-nixsnut-blog · 6 years ago
Local report 17-08-2018
Venue: Gamers of the West
Participants: 6
Rounds: 4, Swiss, BO1
Deck: Earth/Wind
The 010 area has very few players left, but the skill level of al the players is verry high! It’s not a local tourney that you could come unprepared to. The majority have topped at major events in the BeNeLux and 3 out of the 6 where top 5 in Swiss rounds at the Benelux championships.
Round 1 vs Micha-el (Winn 5/7)
Round was was sort of a mirror match. Micha-el played Urianger/Mill with Flandit. I know his build pretty well and felt pretty confident with the match up. After we both take a mulligan we start off the match. Mich drops backup after backup as I struggle to draw them. He puts me on 3 damage pretty fast, destroys my chaos and I’m getting pretty worried. I finally stabilize my side of the board after 5-6 turns and start removing most of his forwards. After that I find myself pretty comfortable hiding behind Wol and Zidane. Mich plays a couple of forwards out, and while his count of forwards in his deck goes down (he only plays 16 or 17) I’m getting more confident. I play a Nidhogg and remove his Gilgamesh and after that he responds with Phoenix H into Urianger into Flandit number 2, leaving no cards in hand for the second part of Nidhogg. After that the game is pretty much over the only thing Mich could do is use his flandits to avert damage and Zidane wins me the game.
Game 2 vs Ronald (Win 2/7)
Ronald plays mono ice turbo discard, this matchup sucks and is not favorable. I start the game after a mulligan to hopefully find either a Shantotto or Shadow Lord. I find the latter, and play a chaos on turn 1 and pass turn. Ronald goes for a double Thauma and squall 0.6 leaving me with 2 cards left in hand and puts me on 1 damage. I play the BFG Shadow Lord and the game is pretty much over from here. Turn 3 I play a Wol which seals the victory as none of my forwards ever dull from this point on. Ronald dislikes the fact that I won the game trough a 1 off, I partially agree with him, but I discarded 2 Moogle (XI) in turn 1/2 so I could have found a Shantotto/Shadow Lord anyway. After the match he told me he made a miss play, and should’ve gone with a Edward backup instead of the Squall.
Game 3 vs Damian (Los 3/7)
Damian plays mono Earth with Standard units and WoL’s. He pushes pretty hard and I can’t keep up mostly because I didn’t see any backups.... we both missed a miss play from Damian. He used the 0.6 Titan to buff his WRO member Forward to kill my Wol, I responded with a 0.6 Titan myself targeting Zidane and the WRO Member, Damian responded by breaking his WRO Member backup to make his WRO Member forward unable to break this turn.... well that sounds legit right? At the time it was, and I didn’t take the time to read the backup and believed Damian. When I got home I knew something wasn’t right, as I went over the situation. The Backup WRO Member only prevents the WRO Commander from breaking :-(. It would have been a major influence on the game because it made me lose Wol and Zidane would have picked his Wol out of his hand :-(. I believe it’s an honest mistake and he didn’t do it on purpose. Best not to dilly-dally on it.
Game 4 vs Danny (Winn 7/6)
I woke op this morning at 04:00 for work and fatigue was getting to me as this game was around 22:15. This was a close game, one of which I want to forget as soon as possible. I was making 1 mistake after an other :-(. He was at 13 cards left in his deck and he had only seen 1 off his 3 Adele so the chance was verry high for him to find her and seal the game in his favor as I was dulled out. I could have made Adele meet 8K from Dadaluma if I wasn’t.
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fftcg-nixsnut-blog · 7 years ago
04-06-2018 VS Steve Dolman
Format: Constructed
Platform: Untap.in
Opponent: Steve Dolman with Monofire
Deck used: Earth/Wind Gilgamash
Yesterday i was playing a bit on Untap.in with my rebuild Ea/Wi. After a couple of rounds playing random opponents I enter a “Competitive” game. The first thing I noticed was the YYT (Yuna Young Team) logo he used as profile picture. I know these guys are good players, so if i want to win this I need to play my ace game!
Steve wins the roll of (haven’t won a single dice roll today), and decides to take the first turn. I’m pretty comfortable on second with this build so it’s fine by me. After we both take a mulligan Steve plays his first backup, it’s a ninja (5-017). I know this card is gonna be one that can win this game but if I draw sufficient removal Ninja is not to worry. My hand after the mulligan is a bit funky but playable, I play my first backup and I could’ve played a 2nd but decide not to do it. I still don’t know what Steve is playing, it could be mono Fire or Fire/Ice and I’m not keen on losing my hand on his second turn by Thaumaturge’s and Gesper. I pas turn and then Steve surprised me by playing a Dark Lord. He removes the top 10 and plays another backup.
As I scroll true the removed cards I know that I’m up against mono Fire. I don’t really know what to expect except that he is probably playing Xande, Ceatuna, Bahamut and Brynhilder.
I play a Star Sibyl to find Semih and pass turn. Steve’s Dark Lord attack’s and gets me to 1 dmg. In M2 he plays a Luneth and a backup to fortify his board and passes. I crack Star Sibyl into Kam to find a chaos and play him a cactuar and the Semih. I think I made a mistake here, I knew he was probably gonna remove Kam before I can turn him into a Fire element. The safer play would have been to just play the Archer so I could break his ninja.
I pass and what I expected happens, he plays Ceatuna into Bahamut 4 drop removing Kam, hit me for 2 dmg where I find a Star Sibyl that finds me a Shantotto. On my turn I Shantotto the board. As he only had 1 card in hand I thought this would be a good time to play the Shanty. Steve plays a Guy (6-003). Which I answer with a Gilgamesh (3-103) on my turn. Steve attacks with Guy, he has a Selphie backup ready for use and I’m not willing to lose my Gilgamesh yet. Steve adds a Xande to his field and he passes the turn. I need to get rid of Xande, he can really mess up my game. I decide to attack with Gilgamesh trying to lure a block from Xande. Steve takes a dmg and in my M2 I play Barbariccia choosing Xande and ping him with cactuar. He chooses Gilgamesh to deal the 9k damage from Xande being send to the BZ and as response I buff Gilgamesh by 2k.
I’m wondering where the hell Dadaluma is, I’m in dire need of his assistance. It would at the very least make things a bit easier for me as he would enable me more dmg output with Gilgamesh and the lonely Cactuar. Removing Steve’s forwards is taking up al my recourses now :-(.
Steve is going in for an other attack with Guy and I take another dmg putting me on 4. He plays a Machina in M2 and passes. I attack with Barb trying to lure a block with one of forwards, he takes dmg and I go in with president Gilgamesh and am thinking of paying wind so he becomes immune to summons. I decide not to do it, brynhilder EX hits and Steve chooses barb as he forgot Ceatuna ups the dmg by 1k and he could’ve killed Gilgamesh. A ping with cactuar followed by Orlandeau gets rid I’m Machina. Steve’s turn and he is making another attack from Guy, I decide to block with Orlandeau. I’m sure he doesn’t want to lose Guy and he only has 2 cards in his hand so if he uses Selphie I’m sure he doesn’t get a extra forward out which gives me a extra turn, it happens as predicted killing Orlandeau in the process. On my turn I cast a Phoenix L finally blasting away Guy, bringing back Leo. Attack with Gilgamesh to get Steve on 5 dmg. Steve plays a Zell killing my poor cactuar and gives me dmg number six (I got dmg number 5 somewhere but forgot when).
This is the point where I really wished I did play that Archer :-(. I’m on 6 dmg which means I need to constantly get his board down to 1 forward. And hope Steve doesn’t get another haste forward or removal, which either is likely to happen sometime.
I kill Zell with using Gilgamesh his super powers, and attack with him. Putting the score on 6vs6 I play Y’shtola (5-068) to have a pretty safe fwd out. Steve on his turn forces me to put Y’shtola into the BZ for her effect by trying to kill Gilgamesh with the auto abilities of Firion H and a follow up Vivi L, I cancel Vivi to save the Gilgamesh. On my turn I kill Vivi and pass turn. Steve draws a removal to kill Leo The King and use Ninja on Gilgamesh to get dmg number 7 in. Steve was only 4 turns away from deck out and I still didn’t see Dadaluma with only 15 card left.
A very nice and fun game ✌🏻, not a victory but definitely verry enjoyable!!!
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fftcg-nixsnut-blog · 7 years ago
Local Report 2-8-18
Local Report 02-08-2028
Venue: De Dobbelsteen ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Participants: 12
Format: Constructed, Swiss, 3 rounds BO1
It was finally time for some FFTCG local madness :-). I picked up my teammate and we went to the store. We got there a bit early so we could get a good taste of the current store meta. I was very afraid that mono ice would still be very popular and would be spreading like blue waffle at a petting zoo 🤨. My fear was based on the meta of last major event that was hosted by this store, “The BeNeLux championship” where it won and was a overall popular deck choice. (On a side note, mono Ice is a very good deck not unbeatable, I just don’t enjoy playing against it.)
Luckily my fears where ungrounded, only 1 player was playing mono ice turbo discard and I didn’t get to play against him.
The deck I’m using is inspired by the deck “Return that deck to god” from Masters Saga 2018, the deck “Spook” from the BeNeLux championship and all the Earth/Wind Urianger decks out there (giving credits where it belongs). I’ve been playing and fooling around with this deck for quite some while now on Untap.in. And I really enjoy playing with this strange apparatus send by the gods. I know it’s not the best Ea/Wi-Urianger deck out there and that’s mostly to blame on me. I enjoy to add and apply the experimental idea’s that I want to tryout.
Round 1 VS Romy with a Fire/Water Bashe (win 7-1).
Sadly enough this wasn’t much of a match. Romy was having a bad case of @&$#-RNG, and I wasn’t drawing that well myself either. After 5 turns I stabilized with assistance of Moogle (XI), Star Sibiyl and Kam’lanaut into Chaos putting me on 4 backups. Romy actually established a small board of 3 backups Tellah (2-012), sage (2-005), a water backup I don’t remember) and 2 forwards Ashe and Garnet. On Romy’s turn she cracked the Tellah wasting my Kam to the dark and cold depths of my breakzone. Romy went to her Combat phase, which was met with a Exodus on 3. She returned her Garnet with a Leviathan and passed turn to me. I played a Gilgamesh and 1 cactuar leaving a wind cp open and passed turn. On her turn she played a second Ashe, that on my turn met 1K dmg from cactuar with Orlandeau as followup. From this point the game was over a I was breaking everything she played.
Round 2 VS Daan With Mono Lightning (win 7-2).
Unfortunately Daan is my teammate, we don’t like to play against each other on a local. We can do that any time we want, but hey that’s the pairing!
We both had a good idea what to expect from each other. I win the dice roll and decide to start, I have a dream hand with Miner, Moogle (XI), Semih Lafihna, with a Diabolos and krile. My first draw was a Star Sibyl and Y’shtola. I play a Semih and miner and pass turn. Daan was on 2 backups very fast and played a Illua on his second turn. He gets the first blood on his hand dealing me 1 damage. I play the Y’shtola and pass turn. He decides to use is as an Al-Cid/Onion Knight target in his turn to get ahead in forwards. On my turn I break Star Sibyl to free a backup space and force Kam onto the field, ping Illua with cactuar which is canceled and follow up by playing a Ajido-Marujido and choose to cast a raiden from hand targeting his Illua and Onion Knight. Daan doesn’t see any backups from this point on. And everything he plays gets destroyed on instant, leaving him open to receive 7 points of damage.
Round 3 VS Rick with Ea/Li Scions.(7-6 win)
Fearful of the powerful and lightning fast Scions I enter this match. Rick wins the roll and he decides to take the first turn, that’s fine by me and we start after I take a mulligan. The mulligan made my hand even worse but it’ll have to do. Rick starts determined playing a Alaisaise, which already makes me uncomfortable. My starting hand after the mull contains a Raider, Exodus, Phoenix L, Phoenix H and Ajido-Marujido.
This Scion deck pushes and then pushes even more. After I got rid of al the Yda and Papalymo’s the board control was back. Destroying the remainder of his scions with Phoenix L into Vivi and cactuar shenenigans I push Rick to 6 dmg leaving him 1 card in his deck and win by deck out. Rick grants me the 7th point of dmg to make my score a 7-6 win✌🏻.
To bad we ran out of time for round 4, Bill Clark and I where both the only undefeated and would have loved to play a final match against him!
Overall the deck worked, I only had inconsistency problems. To tackle this problem I think I need to tune it down a bit. Over performance, Gilgamesh! This guy wrecks havoc on all that meet this great warrior. Even if you only have chaos/shantoto out it can still get haste or burn a low life scrub viking of the board. Under performance, Krile. The idea off cource is to Phoenix h and use the S for a board clear/double kill. It didn’t happen once because I couldn’t get the timing right. I was getting pushed pretty hardand had other priorities to get one the field. This could be to blame on the inconsistencies.
I’m going back to the chop shop to thinker. My deck is going to change a lot, as main reason to make it more consistent. It’s probably going to be a bit more like regular Ea/Wi decks.
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