ffsluna · 10 years
Why are they weird? They look fucking amazing, I'm kind of mad that I haven't eaten it yet.
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There’s a really good shop with them just right down the road. You should go and get some. They’re weird, but so, so good.
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ffsluna · 10 years
The tea actually disappointed me this morning.
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What about tea?
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ffsluna · 10 years
Well then, we'll just have to keep it a secret from them that I have yet to try it.
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Better watch out, they might throw you off the island if you don’t have some soon.
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ffsluna · 10 years
Did you smoke without me?
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I may or may not have the munchies, so I’m down to go find some if you are.
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ffsluna · 10 years
I don't know, I'll have to see for myself. The fish looks so crispy and delicious.
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It’s not that great, trust me.
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ffsluna · 10 years
Shut up, it looks delicious!
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It’s not a big deal, really. I don’t get why everyone freaks out about it.
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ffsluna · 10 years
All this British hype and I still haven't had fish 'n chips yet.
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