feysguideinstudying · 4 years
y9 - bytes elective (law and order)
UDHR - Universal Decleration of Human Rights
CRC - Conventions on the Rights of the Child
misc. points
human rights aren’t technically law, more like moral suggestions that are courtesy to follow
16 year old’s are considered “mature minors” in the law. meaning that they are recognised to have their own opinions and views, but still not having all the rights than an adult would 
economic sanction: stopping trade with a country
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feysguideinstudying · 4 years
y9 - english (yolngu boy) (to be edited)
themes/big ideas
rite of passage
starting plot
friendship between the 3 boys is shown to be of value
botj comes home from jail
footy is shown to be important
botj shunned from biological family
botj seems to desire impressing the respected men
botj convinces boys to break into/”rob” store
they then get into a fight
botj cypens gas to get high, end und tripping and sets himself on fire
which puts him in hostpital
but during the scene of him tripping he seems to show hatred for certain parts of his culture
lorrpu does the rope and dawu’s granddaughter and they kiss lmao
3 boys are like fuck it darwin time
milika is like no u dumbasses
but he eventually caves
they find a canoe
botj trirs to leave but lorropu is like noooo bb dont leave
so they head off
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feysguideinstudying · 4 years
y9 - english (yolngu boy) (to be edited)
lorrupu - narrator, never without spear, connected to culture, one of the main 3 characters, ready for ceremony
milika - loves footy, could become a star at it, going to ceremony, confident
botj - very interested in footy, back from jail, seeking approval from respected men, fearless, described as afraid of nothing
matjala - botj’s uncle, presumed guardian
dawu - most powerful of the eldest and respected men, boys look up to him (?)
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feysguideinstudying · 4 years
disease’s sources masterlist (to be added to)
infectious vs non-infectious slides
stile lesson on infectious diseases
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feysguideinstudying · 4 years
y9 - disease notes
COMMUNICABLE DISEASE (infectious diseases) can be passed on through saliva, body fluids, wind/air, water etc 
eg. cholera, diarrhoea, measles, mumps, rubella,HIV, AIDS. 
NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE (typically non-infectious diseases) cannot be ‘caught’ and therefore not contagious 
eg. malaria, chronic diseases- heart disease, cancer, obesity, stroke, arthritis, type-2 diabetes, mental health, and genetic disorders.
infectious diseases can be contagious meaning they can be easily transferred by contact. 
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feysguideinstudying · 4 years
y9 science - disease
illness is subjective depending on the person experiencing the disease. this is also why a doctor asks you to rate your pain on a scale.
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feysguideinstudying · 4 years
y9 - disease notes
in basic form, what is a disease?
disease is defined as any condition in which the body or parts of the body do not function properly.
microscopic organisms,
lifestyle factors.
link to the disease slides
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