Cassian: Sweetheart?
Nesta: What?
Cassian: Where are my fighting leathers?
Nesta: What?
Cassian: Where. Are. My. Fighting. Leathers?
Nesta: I, uh, put them away.
Cassian: WHERE?
Nesta: Why do you NEED to know?
Cassian: I need them!
Nesta: Uh-uh! Don't you think about running off doing no daring-do. We've been planning this dinner for two months!
Cassian: The Night Court is in danger!
Nesta: My evening's in danger!
Cassian: You tell me where my suit is, woman! We are talking about the greater good!
Nesta: 'Greater good?' I am your mate! I'm the greatest *good* you are ever gonna get!
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Rhys as a father, reblog if you agree
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It may contain SPOILER (acowar) …………. Right now I’m having an artblock. So there’s no use in forcing yourself. I’ll try again over the upcoming holiday/ weekend- Going over Elain and finish her pic <3 (Does anyone else notice that if Azriel and Elain will be a couple, than all the Archeron sisters have a thing for Illyrians…) I am neutral about Team Azriel or Lucien. As for the picture: It’s the protagonist Jade from the book “Faunblut”. She’s not my favorite character but it was the first book I have read from one of my favorites authors: Nina Blazon
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Headcanon: When Azriel and Cassian arrived to rescue Feyre and Lucien from Eris, this mental exchange happened:
Cassian: *they winnow in high in the air* Shit, there she is! … .. … .. Hey Azriel, how thick do you think that ice is?
Azriel: Just land! I’ll take the other brothers!
Cassian: But like… Do you think I can just barrel into it?
Cassian: I know! I know, but.. like… do you think I’d just smash through it and embarras myself or do you think I can just-
Cassian: OK, I’m gonna do it.
Azriel: Don’t-
Azriel: Rhys will kill you if he finds out you risked Feyre’s life on a grand entrance.
Cassian: Rhys would get mad at me for making an entrance? You really believe that?
Azriel: … point taken.
Cassian: You do it too!
Azriel: I’m not-
Cassian: DO IT!
Azriel: UGH, fine. *does it*
Cassian: That felt pretty damn cool, right?
Azriel: You’re a stupid prick… and yes, it felt cool.
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My ACOTAR Colouring Book ➳ Cassian and Azriel I really enjoyed colouring this one ♡ our baby bats look so good with Charlie’s illustrations ahhh
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Feyre: My mate is too tall for me to kiss him on the lips. What should I do?
Amren: Punch him in the stomach. Then, when he doubles over in pain, kill him.
Azriel: Tackle him.
Cassian: Dump him.
Mor: Kick him in the shin.
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Heiress of the Night Court
Just a headcanon of Feysand Children :) I imagine that they have twins, one boy and one girl.  The boy is born first but the girl is actually the heir.
The Chosen
I feel the change before I wake up.  My eyes flutter open, jarred from my peaceful sleep by the change in scent.  An added note of sticky copper to my usual jasmine, pine and citrus.  My eyes adjust to the darkness and I frantically search myself for an injury; the source of that new scent: my blood.  I cannot decide if I am relieved or equally as frightened when I feel the stickiness between my legs.  I take in my room, and notice the thick layer of darkness.  My darkness. The darkness flows and ebbs, striking as my breathing and emotions change.  My mattress is scorched around the edges.  My power has always been reasonably strong, but never this great.  Never this out of control as it spurts around my room and clashes under my skin.  I lift a hand through the darkness, it takes half a thought before a white-hot flame bursts from my finger tips.  I gasp and jump back.  I swear I hear the rolling of thunder and a flash of light.  My head pounds and my breathing becomes even heavier.
“Release me” it seems to purr, roiling under my skin.   “Use me, Princess of the Steppes.  Unleash me as your ancestors have.”
I shove the voice out of my mind, throwing up my mental shields.  But the power continues it’s whispers.  My power.   It cannot be mine, I frantically think.  
I have come into my power, I have reached age and it has chosen me over  Kieran.  This power, is the power of the Night Court and its ruler.  My magic continues to roil around me, and the strength of it throws me to my knees.  I was destined to be Second, I am not the first-born.  It has made a mistake.  I try to draw in breath as I shake, but my lungs quiver like the rest of my body.  I vomit and curse this power inside Take it back take it back.  But the power only settles in, it likes me. Tears stream down now as my darkness closes in on me.   I make to call for my Aunt and Uncle, but a beam of moonlight shines through the curtains.  It beckons to me, calms me.
I follow it and step outside on my balcony.  I watch as the storm, MY storm erupts throughout the clouds.  The air is thick with the metallic scent of magic, and giant grey clouds clash against each other while purple lightning thrashes.  I clench my hands, and a giant roll of thunder erupts as my power bucks.
Play with me it whispers.  Do not fear me, do not fear yourself Heiress.
The name should make me sick, for the Role has chosen me and Not Kieran.  My twin, my equal, my gemini.  Kieran, the First-born.  Although they nobility of Prythian whispered about the Twins of  Night, about the power of the offspring of the Cursebreaker, it was Kieran everyone expected to ascend.
I play with my power, rolling it through the air and under my skin.  Lightning sparks over my forearm, creating the illusion of a mighty gauntlet.  The darkness rolls off me in waves as powerful as my father’s.  And I smile at the moon, as the headache fades and the nausea is replaced by something else: excitement.
That’s it, play. the darkness seems to croon.  Ascend to the skies, Heiress.
A warm breeze blows my hair and rustles my wings.  That is all the encouragement I need as I launch myself into the air with my wings.  The wind is strong tonight, and allows me to soar high above the clouds.
I start to laugh, as this power, this strength.  Velaris glistens below, and I urge my wings faster as I make for the valley just outside the city.
Landing on soft feet, I allow myself to spin and twirl to the music coming from the Rainbow and nigh-goers.  My power delights and erupts as I spin faster and faster.  Darkness meets flame, to create a circle around me.  My skin begins to glow with a silver-luminescence, almost blinding as I examine myself.  It resembles starlight, or the moon.  Moon-light, I realize as I look up at the Night-Court sky.
The Court that chose me.  The fear to this new power fades away.  It is my duty, and one I will accept with pride.  For I am Lexa, Daughter of Rhysand and Feyre Cursebreaker, Princess of the Illyrian Steppes, and now; Heiress to the Night Court.
I continue to stare at the moon, until a blinding pain shoots through my temple.  My legs and shins grow warm and I collapse.  
Too much,  I used too much.
My power only seems to chuckle and tutt at me.  It whispers Not at all, Heiress.  Your well is still untested.
I am left confused as I gaze at the stars, until I slip into the blackness.
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