feverpitchtrish · 7 years
Application Season
I’ve completed all of my Speech Pathology Prerequisites. My last official day of classes was May 9th and since then I’ve just been decompressing and re-studying for the GRE.
Due to  a slew of unforeseen events (which I won’t go into here; it’s extremely personal), I have to take the GRE this year, although I preferred to last year. Then again, it gives me something to do, and I am familiar with most of the practice material. In any case, here are my grades for my Speech-Language Pathology Prereqs: Anatomy & Physiology of the Speech Mechanism: B+ Language Acquisition:A Linguistics: B+ Phonetics: A Introduction to Communication Disorders: A Audiology: A Speech & Hearing Science: B Aural Rehabilitation: B+ GPA:3.6-7* *=For the most of the schools I am applying, they only require 4-6 out of these 8 perquisites. Only the school I finished the last half of my prerequisites at wants all 8. For that school, my GPA is 3.6; and when I calculated for the other schools, it increased by a point to 3.7. Surprisingly (and frustratingly), many schools don’t require the linguistics or aural rehab course. Since the aforementioned school is one of my top choices,  I don’t mind. I just wish the required prerequisites were a bit more...congruous across most schools .It hasn’t been cheap taking these classes, but I guess it’s fine if it’s only just for one school--and one that I really want to attend. A&P and Speech Science were the more challenging courses for me, and I’m very thankful for the B and high B. Of all the prerequisites, I can say I put the most work in for them; but I equally enjoyed them all Every prerequisite course had something to offer, but I’m glad it’s over with. For the fall, I plan on taking a Chemistry course and retaking Statistics (I had gotten a C in it back in Junior year.) So far, I’ve solidified my school choices. I plan to apply for 5 schools total: 3 in-state (NY) and two out of state (DC). I’ve heard stories from not only online but from many CSD students in my classes of people applying to 10 schools; even more. I may add a 6th, just to make it even. Personally, not only is that costly, but I find it will affect the quality of each application. With 10+ schools, you’ll have to tailor a unique application for each school, which in my case (everyone’s different ) will not allow you to distribute an equal amount of effort. Still, everyone’s different, but I know myself well enough. For me, I want to ensure a school is a right fit, rather than just getting in anywhere. 
2 years isn’t long, but I do want to make the best of it.
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feverpitchtrish · 8 years
Gettin’ There
I’m current;y studying for the GREs. I bought some flashcards back in  mid-March for the verbal sections; I aim to learn all 1,000 words. I study 14-21 hours a week, 25 flashcards a day . While I’m not as terribly worried about the verbal section as I am about the math, I’d still rather study both  sections intensively rather than walk in with all my eggs in a basket. My test date is set for September 30th,. I plan to study for the verbal for a month and a half, and then the quantitative section for another month and a half. Surprisingly, the GRE is not as daunting as it was to me four months ago. You just have to tailor yourself to your learning style and study times. I find I fare well studying at night compared to the day or afternoon. My study session is divided into two segments: flashcards, then exercises from a section of my choosing (text completion, sentence equivalence, reading comprehension). After sitting down with a real-life SLP , I’m learning to be a smarter applicant, as opposed to a panicky, haphazard mess. She was very easy to talk to, and quelled a lot of my apprehensions about applying to graduate school. It’s a matter of perspective. You can apply to 5 schools and get into one school. Or, You can apply to 5 schools and get into one school. When it’s all said and done, you’ll only be attending one school, and regardless of name, rank or location, you’ll still become an SLP.
As far as my courses go, I still have 3 left to take: Speech & Hearing Science Intro to Communication Disorders Intro to Audiology
I also have to take a physics course, which I can easily enroll in at a community college. It’s a slow, painful headway--but a headway, nonetheless.
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feverpitchtrish · 9 years
Learn the art of saying ‘No.’ Don’t lie. Don’t make excuses. Don’t over-explain yourself. Just simply decline.
(via quoteessential)
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feverpitchtrish · 9 years
As of yesterday, I began my “Unplugged” challenge. For an indefinite period of time,  I will not be posting on the social media sites I frequent: Facebook and Instagram I resolved to do this challenge in August when I realized being engulfed in a phone, ceaselessly updating, wasn’t getting me anywhere in terms of productivity–let alone giving me the morale I needed.
Yesterday, I deleted the apps from m phone and went about my day. Originally planning to abstain for a month, I’ve come to the decision that indefinitely is more of a challenge; and more worthwhile. What I plan on doing during this hiatus: 1. Journey of Self: My “relationship” ended after 11 months, I say this loosely, because we’ve been in limbo for almost a quarter of it, and I finally received a text (yes, a text, how dignifying) on Wednesday night. He wasn’t happy with himself. He needed to “work” on himself. He was “mentally tired”.
My replies, for the most part, were monosyllabic (”Ok” “You’re welcome.”) as was frankly desensitized; and I had mentally prepared myself weeks in advance for it. While I respect the rationale, I didn’t respect the delivery and found the entire thing to be discourteous. He could have came over, but that alone showed me how he really felt, despite his insistence “It’s not you at all” While he assures he wants me in his life as a “friend”, I don’t see much happening there. He wanted to take the safest way out , and I can’t bring myself to respect that. It is cowardice, and it’s repulsing.
In any case, I’m taking this time to resume my Journey of Self. I’m taking better care of my body (eating cleaner, going to bed earlier, more exercise), partaking in more of my hobbies, and I’m just taking it easy. Without the everyday distraction of Facebook and Instagram updates, I believe I’ll be able to achieve this more efficiently.
2.Strengthening My Graduate School Application
: During my first post-bac semester (Spring ‘15), I would hear stories of rejection from a few of my classmates. One applied to eight schools, rejected from them all despite her 3.7 GPA and competitive GRE scores. Another was in her third application round, and was even taking classes over that she averaged a “B” in, in hopes of getting in.
Needless to say, I don’t want any of them to be me. I plan on finishing my 12 remaining credits in Fall ‘16 and applying for my top 6 schools for Fall ‘17. I have well over a year to get my stuff together, and aim to craft a strong application. I’ve already begun my first draft of my Statement of Purpose, and plan on finding a site for observation/volunteer hours. At times, I feel like I’m overthinking and doing too much, but I detest wasted money, time and energy. It makes no sense to scramble frantically next fall to get everything in, when I can finish it much earlier and stand a fighting chance of acceptance
3. Rekindling My Friendships:Between my post-back, job and life, I haven’t been nurturing my friendships the way I should be. I’ve had friends I’ve known since high school, and it’s rare we hang out or meet up for lunch. During this gap year, I not only plan to improve me chances of acceptance into a grad program, but to build up on my friendships.
A year goes bypretty quickly, so hoping all goes well.
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feverpitchtrish · 9 years
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feverpitchtrish · 9 years
At A Glance
I really need to start updating more frequently, but a lot has happened these past 11 months. I can proudly say I’ve made some headway in my Post-Bacc journey, and I’m really thrilled. I adopted a cat last December. His name is Sawyer. and his company has really helped me with coping with Mom’s loss. I’ve begun Pole dancing as a means of fitness and recreation. I started classes back in January, bought a pole in May and have been practicing ever since Presently, I’m putting my plans into motion for applying t graduate school for 2017. My grades for Spring Semester were: Anatomy & Physiology of the Speech Mechanism: B+ Language Acquisition: B+ Linguistics: A Phonetics: A To be honest, I was taken aback at my grades--especially the Anatomy and Physiology grade. Science isn’t my strong suit, but I exerted most of my efforts into that class. Flashcards study sessions, blowing off quality time with my friends. I wish it were at least an A-, but I’m proud  confident of myself, nonetheless. As far as the other grades go, they’re pretty accurate. I really enjoyed Phonetic and Linguistics, and Language Acquisition pretty much mirrored Linguistics, though it focused more on development.
My remaining classes are:  Audiology Speech & Hearing Science Speech Function Disorders  Speech Organic Disorders  I plan to take these in Fall ‘16, while I use the time  I have now to:  Study for the GREs Write a strong, convincing Statement of Purpose Possibly rack up some volunteer hours.
Till next time
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feverpitchtrish · 10 years
Life as it is now
It's been a while since I've posted--well over a year, In the space of this year and a half, quite a lot has happened"
My Mother passed away
I've graduated college
I will (hopefully) start graduate school the upcoming fall Mom passed away May 2nd, 2014-three weeks before my college graduation and six weeks before her 52nd birthday.Not a day goes by where I lament, "I should have been home; Maybe things would be different." Though I'm aware my being home probably would have made no difference,I still think "What if?". Losing her before such a pivotal and exciting time in our lives has been one of the most, if not the most anguishing time of my life.  These last six months haven't been easy, but I'm faring better than I did six months ago. I wouldn't be where I am without the support of my friends, and I'm grateful every day I have such an amazing and receptive support system. Losing my mother isn't something I see myself getting over straight away (if ever), but with such a tight-knit support system, it has been considerably easier I graduated with my Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology on May 21st. After some much-needed rumination, I 've decided to pursue a career in Speech-Language  Pathology. Initially, I was aspiring to be an accountant--but time, and most importantly money are huge factors in a career change. By the time I finish my prerequisites and my masters, I would have spent close to 5 years in school.  Since Speech Pathology is more closely related to Psychology, I'll have a significantly lighter course load. After I complete 24 prerequisites, I can begin applying for graduate programs (some even allow provisional admission with as much as eighteen credits). Given the highly competitive of the field, I have my work cut out for me. Aside from a career change, me becoming a Speech Pathologist is very personal. Until my next post. Later.
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feverpitchtrish · 11 years
Foundation behind..well, Foundation
I never did exactly go into what I bought at Sephora on Tuesday. I guess I'll start with how I got into my love affair with one of the most utile cosmetics: Foundation. Last summer for me had to be one of the hottest and I had my face to show for it. My face had suffered moderate discoloration, my solid and my once uniform caramel complexion was splotched with deep red. Still at the outset on my makeup journey, I had no clue about foundation or which shades matched with my skin and its undertones. All I know is that I was in severe need of one--and fast. In early August I made my first-ever visit to Sephora and purchased the Urban Decay Naked Skin.foundation.  After that, as they say, the rest was history. Two months later I delved into other brands: MUFE (Makeup Forever) and NARS. Foundation was a miracle worker in every respect. It evened my complexion, gave me a subtle glow and I looked, well...amazing. I became insatiably hooked, making it my unrelenting aspiration to know as much about foundation as I could; and to uphold the gorgeous flawlessness it provided. 
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From L to R: Urban Decay Naked (10.0), MUFE HD (177/Cognac) & NARS Sheer Glow (New Guinea/Dark 1) I know more about my complexion now than I did seven months ago. With the right moisturizer and a rigid skincare routine, the discoloration is becoming sparse...gradually, though. I know I have neutral undertones (neither warm/cool or yellow/pink/red); I have combination skin; and how to match foundation to my neutral *leaning more to warm* undertones. Moreover, two out of my first three foundation purchases were very much off.  As my complexion began to even out, it became frighteningly apparent that UD Naked 10.0 wasn't my shade; the undertones were glaringly too red/pink in stark contrast to my neutral yellow undertones. Nars Sheer Glow on the other hand, was two shades too dark. MUFE HD, however was a perfect match with the right amount of yellow. While HD was great, Sheer Glow, despite its darkness, was equally just as great. As for Urban Decay, sadly I will not be repurchasing, even if I can find my shade match. While it had amazing medium coverage, I found MUFE to be leagues better in terms of staying power, finish and shade exactness. More importantly, I'd like to keep my foundation rotation to at least three, even four. UD just didn't make the cut. Not to mention, MUFE offered two other foundations that had peaked my interest and that I was dying to try out. Which is what spurred my excursion two days ago...
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L TO R: Mufe Mat Velvet + (70), MUFE Face & Body (12 Caramel) & Nars Sheer Glow (Macao/Med-Dark 4) While there are innumerable brands out there, I stick with what I know and what has given me great results. MUFE and NARS have done that from the start, and while both share their respective flaws, they're keepers. I see many who amass foundation after foundation, on this fruitless quest for the "perfect foundation" there is no perfect foundation. Accruing bottle after bottle simply isn't my style; and it isn't too friendly on my wallet. (Let's not mention super hoarding and the shelf life of most foundations being a year...or less) Monday I visited my local Sephora and was color matched to Sheer Glow for a second time. I was matched two shades up, to the shade Macao. Honestly, I don't know what I'll do with my first SG in New Guinea. I was thinking of giving it to my best friend Marcine, or even mix it with my HD till it finishes. MUFE Mat Velvet + is an oil-free and water-resistant foundation with a matte finish. I've seen tons of great reviews about, even as going far as it being better than HD. After some research, and being torn between two shades (Caramel 70 and Cofee 75), I finally purchased Caramel 70. Caramel 70 is one of their neutral shades (yay me!) and blended into my skin seamlessly. Coffee 75 was neutral as well but way too red, which would clash with my yellow undertones. Face and Body, another foundation by MUFE has a gel-water formulation and is also water resistant. Unlike the HD, the F&B and Mat Velvet + seemed to correspond in shades, albeit a different numbering system. I picked up 12 Caramel, as 44 Coffee, the next shade down (and neutral, presumably), would be too red. Again, it matches just as well as its predecessors and this appears ideal for the summer--since it is water resistant and oil controlling. Lastly was Nars Sheer Glow in Macao or Med-Dark 4. It is visibly more yellow than New Guinea, which was also yellow but leaned slightly more to red; but not as red as UD. Macao blended and went on like a dream and the shade match and awesome coverage, just from a swatch, has compelled me to shell out the extra $6 for the foundation pump. Nars SG shelf life is roughly two years, and with spring around the corner, I won't be touching this baby till around September. It'll be a waste to use it in the warmer months, given all the moisturizers in the formula. It'll just slide right off. I hear really good things about Face and Body being resistant to sweat; and maybe on cooler days Mat Velvet + can work. For the moment, I'm content. Foundation can be tricky and I'm thankful I didn't spend astronomical amounts to find a good color match--or just a good foundation, period.
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feverpitchtrish · 11 years
Between a Sephora and a Flash Drive
My HP 4GB Flash Drive took a hard fall last night. After numerous attempts to boot it, it remained unresponsive.  My thumb drive of three years has finally bit the proverbial dust. Suffused with dejection, I mourned it silently. I had so much on there, but I'm not going down without a fight. Three years worth of writing and a fanfiction in progress? Hell to the no. Luckily, I was able to find two sites offering services to recover my lost files, Flashdrivepros appears to be very well-known and reputed; as well as Recover My Flash Drive. I'll most likely go with Flashdrivepros: price is reasonable and rather than the slow mind-numbing mail transit, Flash Drive Pros will email you your restored files. Win. Still, rather than sitting in a slump bemoaning my precious little flash drive, I set out around noon for Sephora. After fruitlessly searching for a computer repair shop in my area (I found it, but it was closed for renovations), I jumped on the 5 down to Manhattan for a little Sephora trip. Sure, there is a small one inside the JCPenney about 15 minutes away on bus from my house. Then again, their product selection isn't as vast as the standalone stores; and continually out of stock items was deterring, After a forty-five minute commute, I was in Manhattan. Union Square is huge and someone as introverted as me was beginning to feel overwhelmed. Still, I followed my beauty instincts (or my iron-clad will to find the damn place) and kept heading straight across Union Square. After 5 minutes of walking and crossing the street, I arrived. It was on 45 E 17th Street--I was impressed I found it without a map. Originally, I wanted to go to the MUFE (Makeup Forever) Boutique, located on 8 E 12 Street; but I figured I could use the points on my Beauty Insider. Moreover, I read mixed reviews concerning the customer service at the MUFE Boutique. While Sephora's wasn't exactly hearts and smiles (well, this location--the one near my house is amazing ,) I attribute it to the overall laid-back ambiance of the store and larger volume of customers. And to just be straight, I didn't have the patience or morale to skulk around Manhattan for somewhere that is easily missed, unlike Sephora. I was still in mild bereavement over my flash drive,and didn't have the morale to. However, for repurchases I will head to MUFE. I think my HD foundation is pretty much on its last few pumps... Inside of the Sephora was breathtaking, and I was almost taken aback by it. It wasn't crowded, luckily, and albeit slightly cramped, the aisles were fairly easy to navigate through. All the sales associates appeared to be either busy with customers or engrossed in whatever they were doing. Honestly, a lot of them appeared really deadpan and impassive so I was on my own. I'm a big girl. I found the MUFE section on the other side of the store, towards the back. The selection had me awestruck--they had most of everything I'd seen online. I picked up the Face and Body Foundation, as well as the Mat Velvet +. Now I needed NARS, so I asked a bypassing associate. The NARS section ended up being a few steps across from the MUFE and I grabbed a Sheer Glow Foundation. While I did have a 80% full bottle at home, it wasn't my shade; and was visibly too dark for me. The register was easy to find so I checked out and made my way home. Now my MUFE Pro Finish Powder Foundation needs to get here and I'll be an extremely happy camper...
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feverpitchtrish · 11 years
Read about it HERE
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feverpitchtrish · 11 years
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feverpitchtrish · 12 years
MAC's: Girl About Town Review
Lipstick Lipstick Lipstick Never thought I'd end up having such an affinity for it, honestly. It's slowly becoming one of my favorite form of makeup. I'm more of a chapstick girl; always have been. Just the same, lipstick has lit a fire in me that just keeps flaring with every discovery of a new brand, finish and color. My official Lipstick Cherry Breaker: MAC's Girl About Town
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Girl About Town. A bold, bright fuchsia with blue undertones I ordered it with my first MAC purchase a couple weeks ago. I ordered 4 shadow pan refills (which I will review at a later date) and this. Shipping was quck, got it in 2 business days. Honestly, this was not love at first swipe. As a WOC, (Woman of Color) we are often dissuaded to wear such bold and bright colors as it is not "for us". We are forever slot in to this nude/neutral box; and I believed this truism for a while. Just the same, fuchsia and hot pinks are my weakness, period. Why it was not love at first sight was the fact I thought it would incite laughs, ridicule and the undesirable clown face. Then I wised up and stepped out of that insular box of nudes/neutrals. Nude lips to me are ones witout lipstick. Makes no sense spending money on something I have naturally. If I'm dropping money, I want a little color. They can wait--and they will.
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Me wearing Girl About Town As I've mentioned before, this is a bold fuchsia. This is not for the faint of heart or those still stuck in the nude/neutral box.  There are blue undertones to it, making it blue-based and recommended for cooler skin tones. I am a warmer tone, obviously, but I find it can look good on both skin tones. I applied from the tube to wear the lipstick in full impact; and used a brush for a more subdued, controlled, but equally bright application.
It was love after second swipe; and we're damn near inseperable after the third, fourth and fifth brush. I will be repurchasing this before this tube runs out, along with some others I've been eyeing (Chatterbox, Impassioned, Lady Danger, all from MAC) GAT is an Ampliied Creme, one of MAC's 7 different lipstick finishes. Amplified Creme is creamy in texture with a subtle gloss and high pigmentation--or a great color payoff. Interestingly, the two out of the three lipsticks I plan to purchase are A.C.s; while Lady Danger is a matte. Overall, Girl About Town is a lipstick I can see myself purchasing continuously, as long as it is still in production. As my first lipstick ever, I'm naturally biased towards it. It's my gateway key to the wonderful world of lip cosmetics--now I'm on the hunt for a nice shade of red.
You can purchase Girl About Town from maccosmetics.com or your nearest MAC counter or freestanding store. My nearest MAC freestanding store: 1hr away Nearest Counter: 45 mins away I'm lazy and have no morale whatsoever to take an hour or 45 minute trips respectively to buy a single lipstick or four items. I have to be in the mood. On the other hand, I'm patient and can wait for transit and delivery. Lipstick, as all the others, retails for $15.00. Funny, it was $14.50 when I ordered...nice price hike
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feverpitchtrish · 12 years
Sugar Fix 1
After (im)patiently waiting all week, I made my first order with Sugarpill Cosmetics, It is an indie makeup brand, which specializes in super-pigmented eyeshadows; loose shadows and eyelashes. It is owned by Amy Doan, also known as Shrinkle. While I did say I was only going to stick to high-end, I like indie companies doing their thing. It doesn't make them any less, and their customer service is always so much better
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 After all, it is just makeup and I'm convinced enough, from all the youtube reviews, swatches and stalking scrutinizing the site that this is a brand I can see myself dropping some serious money on. As a matter of fact, it being indie has nothing to do with it--and by the pigmentation, prices and slew of  raving reviews,I won't even compare it to high-end. Now, what really drew me in was their color selection. They have bold, vivid, and even garish (in a good way, seriously) colors. I spent nearly half of last week and all this week in vacillation; I was in so much shock at the selection. There are 13 pressed eyeshadows; 3 palettes featuring all but one of the colors; and 18, 18 loose shadows/pigments which they call Chromalust. Here is what I ended up purchasing tonight: Darling: A teal/turquoise loose eyeshadow. It's my first pigment/loose eyeshadow. The site describes it as Stunning teal with iridescent turquoise star bursts. Mochi: A seafoam green. Matte mint seafoam with a slightly pearl sheen Acidberry: Lime green. Finally! The perfect vibrant lime green you've been looking for. Matte with slightly pearl sheen. Dollipop: Hot Pink. Vibrant, matte hot pink. Dreamy! Poison Plum: Purple. Deep matte purple with a semi-pearly sheen Naturally, I plan to purchase the rest of the line but I wanted these colors for my first purchase. They caught my eye the most, although all of the shadows in their own way are eye-catching. Originally, I was going for two loose shadows and the same 4 pressed ones. As much as you get (from what I see in reviews/videos), I don't mind spending the extra $12 for shadow that can last me into next year--or even more. I filled my cart, the excitement surging through me. Unfortunately, a loose shadow, Goldilux, which I planned to purchase, was sold out. Not wanting to risk the rest of my goodies being sold out by waiting, I placed the order. I couldn't help myself, I was literally lusting. I received a notification of my order seconds after it was placed...and now, the waiting game. As I delve deeper into this world of cosmetics, I realize there is a lot of temptation just waiting to entrance and pull you right in. There is so much you think you need when you actually don't.  I want to buy every shade of Urban Decay's 24/7 eyeliner, but I know I don't need it.  I warred with myself to put off buying my MAC customized quad until next payday; I need to save and that $53 might just come in handy for something else I'd like to do. I want the quad, but I need money for a rainy day. Or even an excursion.
Like the movies Tuesday. I want to treat myself to an affordable lunch and see Ted.
If it were two years ago, I would've hauled ten or twelve shadows. Now, I limit myself to five, push it to six if I'm feeling generous. Improvement takes times; but progress takes commitment.
P.S: If Goldilux comes back into stock, I'm definitely ordering it, knowing now how it sells out so fast.
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feverpitchtrish · 12 years
Making Up
Summer's here and these past four weeks since the semester's ended have been pretty good. Well, decent at most. Idyllic at best with only work on weekend, I'm anticipating for the summer to really begin, so I can work my days and hours. In the meantime, I'll just revel in loafing while I can; apply for a second job; and of course, research my new hobby. Makeup, specifically eyeshadow.
Why eyeshadow? I thought you never liked those things Most of us don't take the time to get to know ourselves. We're too entrenched in our everyday routines, relationships, friendships and neglect to get to know us. It takes as little as 15 mins a day really. Anyway, I just logged onto youtube one day and watched an eyeshadow tutorial--actually sat through the 7 mins and watched. There's more to eyeshadow application than what meets the eye (no pun intended). It takes precision, knowledge of the right colors to apply, blending into the crease, lid, outer-v, upper/lower lash lines. It was an artform and one I felt I should give a try. I also realied I shouldn't be making preconceived notions about what anyone does or wear, before knowing or experiencing it myself. What eyeshadows will you buy? Within my two-week research, I've seen many eyeshadow brands. There are drugstore:  Revlon, Maybelline, Covergirl and NYX.
On the other hand, there are high-end: MAC, NARS, Makeup Forever and Urban Decay just to name a few.  I want to start my collection with neutrals and then gradually move up to colors. After my experience with hair products, I don't plan on amassing a huge cache of unused or partially used shadows. As tempting as drug store brands are (lower prices, accessability, availability), I don't plan on investing extraneously on them. Not even high end. I hear/read a lot of good things about NYX and I've already loaded several shadows in my cart from an online shop. I plan to work my way up to what's...satisfiable. I'll eventually invest in brands like Urban Decay and MAC, but at my own pace. A little on the higher end, they tend to be more expensive but I've found out that you can buy an empty MAC palette (4, a quad or 15). You can purchase the depotted singular tin shadows, which are $11.50, $3 less than a singular pot shadow which are $14.50. Hell, you can depot UD eyeshadows and stick 'em in the MAC palette. For now, I'll start with NYX eyshadows (possibly one of their palettes), and maybe even the Urban Decay "Naked" Palette. Will you have an extensive collection?
No. After emptying 2/3 of my hair product stash, absolutely not.
What looks are you going for? At the moment, I plan on going for neutral and everyday looks. Nothing too crazy, as I'm only just a beginner to this. When are you getting your actual "first" palette? I have quads from ELF that I bought almost two years ago. I experimented with those for a bit--before I lost my brush. I plan to make a purchase tomorrow: Urban Decay's "Naked" Palette. It has enough neutral colors I could play around with without getting too overwhelemed. In addition, it comes with a primer, and a brush! I'll need a blending brush, too for the crease and lid so maybe one of those if I feel like splurging. Even so, I might just get a NYX neutral palette or a few colored singles I need to experiment as much as possible. Pictures will follow my progress.
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feverpitchtrish · 12 years
Lazy Monday
The Benadryl I took sometime last night had me out cold. Slept nearly the entire day and now here, studying for my permit exam. Love Mondays off...
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feverpitchtrish · 12 years
Life So Far: At A Glance (2)
It's been a while, but a lot's happened over these past few months:
I've finished my junior year of college. I will officially be a senion in Fall 2012.
I cut my hair. Yes, went through a second big chop and decided to go natural from the ground up.
Edward and I are no longer together.
College is pretty self-explanatory. It's been a pretty long semester, but nothing too enervating. If anything, it dragged along and I couldn't wait for it to be over. On April 22nd, a good three weeks ago, I cut my hair.  My careless use of heat  had caught up with me; and my hair was damaged to the point of irreperability. I was contemplating it before, so that Sunday I put it into motion. I cut three years of hair growth, tangled, disheveled and tremendously thinned out by the heat. I can't say I felt regret about it, or even the slightest bit dejected. I feel more liberated and it's little to no maintenance. I plan to grow it out, using heat scarcely--if any at all. I have no growth goals, just healthy hair. Ed and I broke up sometimes in March. He suggested we "take a break," which roughly means we break up. We had a lot going on, and our paths were bound to split. It was just a matter of time, looking at it on hindsight. I saw it coming, but honestly a little later, maybe after a year. Come to think of it, today we would've made a year. It's been about two months, and I guess I can say I've begun to move on already. I haven't started seeing anyone else,  but I'm reveling in my singleness and renewed individuality.
Our society is always stigmatising signless, as if it's something to be ashamed of. As if it's the culmination to life as we know it, which couldn't be any further from the truth. In reality, singleness is what you make it--and I've been making it all about me and my interests. I've begun to pursue my Japanese again, in addition to French. I've even begun to dabble in makeup: I'm learning to apply eyeshadow. Apart from lingual and cosmetic endeavors, I've been investing more into myself. I find myself in deep thought sometimes, assessing every detail about myself. My flaws, my fine points, and everything's that happened these past few months. I've been doing a lot of self-evaluation, which has been helping me greatly with getting over this breakup.
I'm taking this all one day at a time. I shelve any expectations of getting back together; I won't allow myself to be disappointed. I sometimes miss those nights lying together, side by side. I miss those conversations, but this is only sometimes. In actuality, 10 months wasn't a really long time but just enough to get an idea of someone. Edward was nowhere near perfect, and had his own set of quirks and traits that flat out got on my nerves. Just the same, I feel our relationship made no progress on both of our parts. A lot was and still is unresolved.
Just the same, I have to accept that and it is something I have no control over. Once I began to accept that, it all became easier to carry on. I have a lot more on my plate, such as setting my career in motion. I graduate in roughly a year. I have to resume living, and the world or life itself hasn't been ceased because of a breakup.
Naturally, our communication has tapered to nothing at all. I initiated contacted one last time last week; and reproached myself to never again. I haven't heard a word or seen him since--all I know from hearsay around my job is he was in a very unpleasant situation. (which I will not go into here) I wish him the best and hopefully our paths will cross once again. Maybe we were too different to be together; maybe this time apart will draw our paths together again. Whatever the case, I can't concern myself with conjectures and prospects of the future. It will happen if it does. As for me, this is the onset to an exciting summer.
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feverpitchtrish · 13 years
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10/24/11, length check flat iron. Been making a lot of progress in this natural hair journey. Can't wait for next year's check. Less heat/manipulation; more care.
Reverted 30 mins after.
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