fetcharg · 3 years
i meant what i said when i said you are my priority <3 /p you know i care
i dont think you ever did
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fetcharg · 3 years
get his ass :)
i sure fucking will, buddy :]
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fetcharg · 3 years
listen, I 100% agree with you that crown did you wrong. hell, I'd want his head too. but the hunters hurt countess and viscount, and they did NOTHING wrong.
half of those people at the mansion didn't even ask to be crowned, and you're still going off on your little revenge trip. if y'all wanted crown so badly, why didn't you stop him when you got the crown off?
the ends justify the means . we had to get his attention somehow .
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fetcharg · 3 years
i'm not talking about the dreamons, forget them for a second. marcus and mona and max. hell, kate was terrified of you, but she was the kind to care even if she was terrified. maybe the dreamons didn't care. maybe they did. but you did have people there that cared about you fetch. do you want to hurt them too?
if they cared then they would have shown that sooner . about 5 months sooner .
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fetcharg · 3 years
... do you even care about them? or do you just care about getting some kind of righteous revenge? i'm starting to think you just like killing for the hell of it.
why should i care about them? give me one good reason without trying to guilt trip me .
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fetcharg · 3 years
and when was the last time he did any of that? months ago. he stopped. and yet, he's continually treated like a threat. you know who else was treated like a threat? kate, because of outside forces. and now she's gone, and people are miserable. believe it or not, there's folks that do care about crown, whether or not they're part of that family. a cornered animal will always lash out, fetch. you, of all people, should know that.
how many times do i have to tell you that you aren't going to change my mind ? i made it up a long time ago . a golden opportunity has fallen into my lap and I'm not going to throw it away .
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fetcharg · 3 years
And who's going to hold you accountable for the shit you've done? You're no saint either. He's done a lot of bad shit and it's not obsolete, he's actually working to do good, not revenge like the shit you're pulling.
how far can you go before your apology means nothing ?
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fetcharg · 3 years
mona and max are still there, and some of the former mineshaft peeps. wouldn't they be in danger because of whatever you have planned?
we aren't after them so they don't have to worry . you arent changing our minds . we are not the type of people to give up just because someone tells us to stop .
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fetcharg · 3 years
He's no threat to us. You're the one being a threat here. If he was so desperate as you claim to get you back, you know you and Knight would be back at the Mansion by now.
hes no threat ? do you fucking hear yourself ? at any moment he could shove a crown on your head and take you to that mansion . any fucking moment he could get bored and decide to grow his twisted fucking family . we are doing you a favor .
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fetcharg · 3 years
But why him? He's trying to fix his mistakes, why stop him? Might as well let him do so.
oh , so just because hes " trying to do better " it renders everything he did before obsolete ? does the state that im in mean nothing to you people ? you want me to just let him get away with this ? not a chance in heaven or hell .
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fetcharg · 3 years
Oh no you’re crystal fucking clear. But like. You got the crown off. The horse girl is gone. Ain’t you happy enough?
i will never feel safe when he is still out there . because there is always the possibility of him kidnapping me again . who cares if I don't have a crown anymore , he still wants me there . besides , we've made up our minds . we wouldnt want our guests to come all this way for nothing . hes a threat . to you and me both .
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fetcharg · 3 years
say . goodbye . to crown .
am i still not clear enough ? because i can repeat myself if need be :]
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fetcharg · 3 years
Who are we saying goodbye to then?
Crown :]
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fetcharg · 3 years
Event? what kind of event something fun? :D
ohhhhhhhhhh it'll be so much fucking fun alright :]
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fetcharg · 3 years
goodbyes?? what are you talking about?
im talking about the big event we have planned for tomorrow :] big smiles everybody !
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fetcharg · 3 years
god damn yall are way less nosy than i remember you all being . than again i cant remember much hahahahahhahaha
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fetcharg · 3 years
got a new jacket ! dont have to keep wearing that old ratty red one anymore :]
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