ferananda · 7 years
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Join a lively network of web enthusiasts who support each other through hosting distributed apps #HelloHolo http://thndr.me/7iuiew
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ferananda · 9 years
In love with our UNI-VERSE!
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Fibonacci you crazy bastard….
As seen in the solar system (by no ridiculous coincidence), Earth orbits the Sun 8 times in the same period that Venus orbits the Sun 13 times! Drawing a line between Earth & Venus every week results in a spectacular FIVE side symmetry!!
Lets bring up those Fibonacci numbers again: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34..
So if we imagine planets with Fibonacci orbits, do they create Fibonacci symmetries?!
You bet!! Depicted here is a:
2 sided symmetry (5 orbits x 3 orbits)
3 sided symmetry (8 orbits x 5 orbits)
5 sided symmetry (13 orbits x 8 orbits) - like Earth & Venus
8 sided symmetry (21 orbits x 13 orbits)
I wonder if relationships like this exist somewhere in the universe….
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ferananda · 9 years
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this one is just sticky.. i prefer the  imperfection
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ferananda · 10 years
Fabulous images to dream with.  Nature rocks!
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Brother's Grimm Wanderings, 2014 | by Kilian Schönberger
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ferananda · 10 years
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ferananda · 10 years
I love tarahumara people. They love in the beautiful lands of Chihuahua. Their houses are not close to one another. Separate and together. They do need a lift from capitalism oppression to keep the culture alive
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From his series Tarahumara.  Holy week in Huahuacherare, Chihuahua, 1965.
Bob Schalkwijk
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ferananda · 10 years
Pictures of home. ( Planet Earth from a weather satelite )
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ferananda · 10 years
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Are you willing to share money with complete strangers? http://ow.ly/i/6JsFp #freemoneyday http://thndr.it/1oyOpAN
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ferananda · 10 years
You love the internet? Show it by giving 10 seconds to keep its freedom! Go!
Media Contact: Evan Greer, Fight for the Future Email: [email protected] Phone: 978-852-6457 or 617-690-9547 Momentum Builds for Sept. 10’s Symbolic “Internet Slowdown”
Growing list of major tech companies — including Kickstarter, Meetup, Netflix, reddit,...
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ferananda · 10 years
"I learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong."
Leo Rosten (via quotedojo)
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ferananda · 10 years
Do not chase people. Be you and do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you and stay.
Wu Tang (via hqlines)
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ferananda · 10 years
Impeccable warriors don’t lose their marbles. They remain untouched. I’ve said to you many times that impeccable warriors may see horrifying worlds and yet the next moment they are telling a joke, laughing with their friends or with strangers. The mind, for a seer, is nothing but the self-reflection of the inventory of man. If you lose that self-reflection, but don’t lose your underpinnings, you actually live an infinitely stronger life than if you had kept it.
Don Juan Matus (via parkstepp)
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ferananda · 10 years
We confusing language with meaning
We confusing language with meaning
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ferananda · 10 years
Lovely and naive
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Here’s How People 100 Years Ago Thought We’d Be Living Today - In 100 years, there will be flying taxis and people will travel to the moon routinely. Knowledge will be instilled into students through wires attached to their heads. These may sound like the predictions of modern-day futurists, but they’re how people a century ago saw the future–otherwise known to you and me as the present. These vintage European postcards illustrate a view of the 21st century that is remarkably prescient in some ways and hilariously wrong in others, says Ed Fries, who selected them from his private collection. In the 10 years since he left Microsoft, where he was co-founder of the Xbox project, Fries has worked on what he calls “a random collection of futuristic projects.” He’s advised or served on the board of companies working on 3-D printing, depth-sensing cameras (like those used in Kinect), and headsets for reading brain waves. Earlier this month, he presented some of his favorite postcards at a neurogaming conference in San Francisco, using them to illustrate pitfalls in predicting the future that remain relevant today. One thing you see in the cards is a tendency to assume some things won’t change, even though they undoubtedly will. In one image, a couple flags down an aerotaxi. That’s futuristic enough, but the man is wearing spats and carrying a cane, while she has a parasol and an enormous hat with a feather. Did they really think transportation would undergo a revolution while fashion stayed frozen in time? “In every one of these you see a mix of a futuristic concept with stuff that looks to us to be very old fashioned,” Fries said. At the same time, there’s virtually no hint in the postcards of the truly transformative technologies of the last century–namely personal computers and the internet. Sure, there are video phones, but the image is projected on a screen or a wall. Moving pictures were just coming into existence, Fries says, so that wasn’t a huge leap. But the idea of a screen illuminated from within seems to have been beyond their imagination. (via Here’s How People 100 Years Ago Thought We’d Be Living Today | Science | WIRED)
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ferananda · 10 years
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
Gloria Steinem (via nathanielstuart)
Truth is radical
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ferananda · 10 years
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Clever Photos Turn Trash Bags Into Beautiful Swarms of Birds - A flock of starlings—called a murmuration—can spin through the sky in a tightly choreographed display of stunning beauty. Researchers studying the mass movements of these birds see similarities to how electrons line up when magnetized. Photographer Alain Delorme sees plastic bags. “I have always found plastic bags across my path, no matter where I travelled in the world,” Delorme says. “This plastic bag could be anywhere—even hanging on a tree. I thought that it had to fly to land there.” Delorme finds swarms of starlings fascinating and frightening, his appreciation of their grace dampened by memories of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds. Bags fluttering through the air or strewn in the gutter, draw a similar reaction, but for different reasons. The ubiquitous sacks–billions are used each year (.pdf) in the United States alone–are increasingly seen as an environmental menace, as they can take centuries to decompose. Dozens of countries and scores of cities have adopted measures to regulate or ban the bags in an effort to curb pollution, and recyclable and biodegradable bags are becoming more common. (via Clever Photos Turn Trash Bags Into Beautiful Swarms of Birds | Raw File | WIRED)
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ferananda · 10 years
True Love is far greater than anything that could be called personal. True Love is a non-personal miracle. It is the nature of reality itself. It is the natural and spontaneous expression of the undivided Self. The world’s problems are, by and large, human problems—the unavoidable consequence of egoic sleepwalking. If we care to look, all the signs are present to suggest that we are not only sleepwalking, but at times borderline insane as well.
Adyashanti (via oceanandwave)
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