Feral Father
13 posts
20 |Writer| I write about Mile Quaritch and Spider’s father-son relationship, and maybe even Jake Sully and Spider. Once my ao3 account is up, I’ll be posting over there as well! Send me prompts and I’ll write them!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
feralfather · 2 years ago
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Thank you for tagging me @today-or-tumble !
I don’t know who to tag! 😭
tagges by the lovely @urmuminnitt 🖤
First 9 pictures with "[your name]core aesthetic" from pinterest! Lesgo
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Finncore! Kinda accurate I'd say!! (Imma try Nicocore or Fredcore sooner or later)
Tags (don't feel pressured):
@awrestlinggirlwholoves80sbands @are-we-really-doing-this @s41nt-j1mmy @callmesmonk IDK if you see this and wanna hop the wagon, I tagged you!!
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feralfather · 2 years ago
DUDE NOOOOOOO!!!!😭😭😭😭😭 that ask about Quaritch dying was so SADD—
Could we please have an alternative ending to it, where he does wake? Just a little, teeny tiny drabble 🥺
For you, anon, I shall!
“Quaritch!” Spider screamed, in sync with Cupcake’s own hysteric screech, his trembling hands punching into the man’s chest as the Irkan flapped her wings in agitation. “Dad! Wake up! Wake up! Please, wake up! Dad please!”
He didn’t even notice the term of endearing slipping from his lips as he tried to force his father’s heart to beat.
Spider screamed and continued chest compressions until his arms were nothing but dead weight and he could do nothing but pathetically press his masked forehead to the man’s still chest. “Please… please please please…” He sobbed, clenching his weak fists against cold blue skin. “Please, don’t leave me. Don’t leave.” He shook his masked face against Quaritch’s skin, snot and tears mixing near the bottom of the glass. “Don’t go.”
His breath was ragged in his lungs, straining and burning like they were on fire… and as he lay sobbing against his father’s chest, that fire slowly spread to bubble throughout his body until his trembling fists were warm with a familiar emotion.
“You promised.” Spider rasped, teeth gritting as he lifted his head from the man’s chest to stare at his lax face. “You promised me you’d always be there.”
Spider’s breath was catching in his throat as he tried to blink away the tears that blurred his vision.
His fists were no longer shaking from exhaustion, but for a different reason entirely.
“You son of a bitch!” Those hands shot out and slammed down onto Quaritch’s chest as the boy was swallowed in his grief and rage. “You fucking lied to me! You’re nothing but a stupid liar!”
Spider’s words were punctuated with his slamming fists.
Cupcake’s screams of protest were barely static in his ears as his vision tunneled entirely on the still form of his father.
“I fucking trusted you! I-!”
The body under him started convulsing.
Spider’s head snapped up in time to see Quaritch vomiting up water all over his lower face and chest.
And it was the most beautiful sight Spider had ever seen.
The boy was jerked from his shock when his father’s tail slapped into his thigh, forcing him into action as he lunged up to crouch near the man’s head, the Irkan clicking and shifting excitedly behind him. “Oh Eywa, thank you.” He choked as he wiped the expelled water from Quaritch’s cold face. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Quaritch’s yellow eyes were wide and delirious, his ears pinned back, and his mouth slightly gapped as he panted and gasped for breath. The man’s hands flailed at his sides and reaching for his bare chest, and his feet and tail kicked and thumped wildly against the stone.
Spider continued to cry and praise Eywa as he rolled his father onto his side and slapped him on the back, forcing the man to cough up as much water as he could.
Eventually, Quaritch’s eyes closed once more and he drifted off to sleep. Spider felt panicked at not being able to see his eyes… but he knew sleep was the best medicine he had at the moment. So, with his limbs heavy with exhaustion and his heart heavy with a rollercoaster of emotions, he collapsed onto his rear next to Quaritch and leaned his back against his side, staring blankly out at the distant wreckage and the rising daylight. He couldn’t even bring himself to care that the Sully’s were somewhere out there, possibly waiting for him to find them… and he forced himself to ignore the sharp stinging on his chest, where Neytiri’s blade cut into him…
Cupcake’s talons clicked across the stone as she took her position curled near her rider’s head, eyes focused on the sleeping Na’vi and the boy who lay against him.
Spider took comfort in being able to see his father’s chest rise and fall, in seeing his face twitch and his ears flick, in seeing his tail shift and move… in feeling the man’s thunderous heartbeat under his hand. Everything that told him he was alive.
… Quaritch was alive.
His father was alive.
And Spider would wait here until he wakes up. They they could figure everything else out later, but for the moment, he would stay right here and drink in the fact that his father’s eyes would eventually open once more.
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feralfather · 2 years ago
Spider meating someone at the rda who indigenous and he gets curious about their tattoo and or hairstyle because it kinda look like the Na’vi and then when the person explain that it’s the culture from their people he’s blown away because he always thaught all the humans where the American stereotype or something.
He’d keep his distance at first, only staring from a distance. Head constantly tilting and filling with thoughts and questions every time he sees her, because she looks different from everyone else he’s seen on the SeaDragon.. and every time he sees her from the corner of his eye, it makes him homesick. Her tattoos and hair is just so Na’vi-like. Her hair decorated with beads and other jewelry, and her skin inked so foreignly familiar it was like looking at cursive writing for the first time when all you’ve ever known is printed writing. Everything about her looks so familiar, but he can’t understand.
It makes him long so desperately to see the people of the Omatikaya Clan again, even if they didn’t wish to see him.
Eventually, his curiosity would get the better of him, and he’d blunt out the first question that came to mind the next time he sees her. “Why do you look like that? Your hair and stuff.”
Definitely one of his more tasteless questions, but he never claimed to have a way with words.
The woman is shocked at first, both by the question and the fact that Spider was talking to her. But once she recovers, she’d indulge the boy. “The same reason you dress the way you do, it’s part of my culture.”
Spider is both intrigued and confused. “But I don’t see anyone else that looks like you.”
The woman finds him ignorance amusing. “What, you expect everyone from Earth to be from the same cut?”
“Yes.” Was Spider’s immediate response, which got a guffaw from her.
For the next hour or so, the woman, who he now knew as Amari, chatted with him and spoke of her beliefs and ideas. She talked about her tattoos and jewelry, her home, the different cultures and religions on Earth. There was just so much that Spider never knew. He clung to every word, and in return, he spoke of the Omatikaya and his home.
Until he was rounded up by Lyle, that is.
And if everyone noticed how Spider began seeking out Amari anytime they were on the SeaDragon, with a thirst for more knowledge and familiarity, it wasn’t like he was going to let anyone stop him anyways.
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feralfather · 2 years ago
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I fucking love you man, love your fics bruh
*evily rubs hands together* I hope this hits your angsty needs hard enough-
“Come. On!” Spider grits out, desperately fighting against the waves of the ocean as he yanked Quaritch’s limp body inch by miserable inch onto the rock. “Shit!” He curses as another wave tried to take him off balance, nearly losing his grip on his father’s vest strap.
It was almost as if Eywa herself was trying to drag them both back under.
The boy shivers at the thought, redoubling his efforts to escape the waves. With one last straining pull, the both of them were safely far enough onto the rock that the crashing waves couldn’t wash over them, and the raging fire of the sinking ship couldn’t touch them.
Sea water sprayed onto his body as an Irkan landed next to him on the rock, screaming as she flicked her head side to side.
Cupcake was here.
… But then, she began fidgeting and making sharp calls, her head tilted and eyes on the the body… which still hasn’t gotten up.
Spider felt his heart skip and cold dread weigh in his gut. “Hey..” His voice was breathless as he inched towards Quaritch. “Get up…”
He clears his throat, and calls more firmly. “Get up.”
His father’s ear didn’t even twitch at the sound.
Static filled Spider’s veins as he dropped heavily onto his knees next to Quaritch’s head, uncaring of the pain that shot though his bones, and frantically shook the man. “Quaritch. Quaritch! Wake up! Open your eyes!”
Spider felt sick when the man’s head only limply rolled away.
“Oh, Eywa. Oh no. No no no no no!” It was getting hard to breathe. Spider could have sworn Quaritch had still been twitching when he pulled him from the wreckage. “Please, Eywa.”
Frantically, and ignoring the Irkan screaming behind him, the boy scrambled to his feet and grabbed hold of the Na’vi’s sickeningly pliable arms and sloppily maneuvered them through the sleeves of his vest, carelessly casting it aside, before ripping open the tank-top.
Even though his own racing heart pounded in his ear, he pressed the side of his head to his father’s chest and willed it to beat back at him. He held his breath for a moment. Then another…. And then another.
There was nothing.
“No!” Spider cried, throwing himself from the man’s chest in denial, and placed his hands together over his heart, tan skin contrasting against blue. “You don’t get to do this to me!” He used his whole body weight to press down on Quaritch’s chest. “You can’t do this to me!”
For once, Quaritch said nothing in return, only jolting under Spider’s rough chest compressions.
Never before, had he so desperately needed to hear his father’s voice; to sooth him, to say his name, to reprimand him, to scold him, or to even just cough- to please just do something!
“Please!” Spider so desperately wanted to call for help, to call for Kiri or Norm or Jake or even Eywa herself… and more then anything, he wanted so desperately to call for Quaritch… but he was all alone, preforming a technic he never properly learned on the very man he wanted to help him.
He didn’t know how hard to press down. He didn’t know how many compressions he needed to do. He didn’t know how fast he needed to go. He didn’t know if or when to give a break. He didn’t know anything!
“Quaritch!” Spider screamed, in sync with Cupcake’s own hysteric screech, his trembling hands punching into the man’s chest as the Irkan flapped her wings in agitation. “Dad! Wake up! Wake up! Please, wake up! Dad please!”
He didn’t even notice the term of endearing slipping from his lips as he tried to force his father’s heart to beat.
Spider screamed and continued chest compressions until his arms were nothing but dead weight and he could do nothing but pathetically press his masked forehead to the man’s still chest. “Please… please please please…” He sobbed, clenching his weak fists against cold blue skin. “Please, don’t leave me. Don’t leave.” He shook his masked face against Quaritch’s skin, snot and tears mixing near the bottom of the glass. “Don’t go.”
He barely heard Cupcake’s mournful scream as she took to the skies, leaving him alone with his dead father.
Spider laid over the body of the only man who ever seen him. He laid over his father, and sobbed into his cold still chest, where only Eywa bore witness to the grief that swallowed him whole.
… and he’d never felt so alone.
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feralfather · 2 years ago
What would Quaritch's reaction be if he discovered that someone was flirting with Spider?
Spider doesn't notice the flirting, he thinks the person is just trying to be his friend.
Oh hell, Quaritch would be pissed the moment he realizes someone is flirting with his underage son. Everyone in Bridgehead and the SeaDragon are adults. He’ll try to scare them off through threats and intimidation, but if that doesn’t work, someone is about to get a beatdown. All the while Quaritch is resisting the urge to just straight up maul them.
He’s going to make an example out of whoever it is, to be a warning to ward off any other sick bastards stupid enough to mess with Spider.
Then, he’s going to have to sit Spider down and explain why he beat the tar out of someone who the boy perceived as being kind to him. Quaritch will have to explain that Humans aren’t like the Na’vi; there’s usually always an ulterior motive or desire behind the mask of niceties.
And he hates having to explain Human nature to Spider. Hates the fear gripping his chest at the thought of something happening to Spider during the times he couldn’t be there to keep an eye on the boy. Hates how everything he was saying only reinforced Spider’s distrust of Humankind…
But he has to, if he wants his boy to be safe when neither Quaritch or the other Recoms can be around to ward off wandering eyes.
He knows his son is strong, but without the knowledge of what mankind is capable of, he wouldn’t know what to defend himself from…
Quaritch never thought he would see the day where he wanted to get away from Humans, but he can’t wait until their next mission out in the field, where he knows he can keep Spider safe from prying eyes and predatory kindness.
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feralfather · 2 years ago
If you're taking requests, could I have something with Spider being manhandled by the recoms and Quaritch? Like, he's literally just being carried around over Quaritch's shoulder bc he wouldn't go when he was told to, or he's just held in the air until he tires himself out when he's trying to attack them, etc. Just the recoms taking advantage of their size and Spider being about as effective as an actual child against them (hopefully inspiring some Dad!Quaritch feels as well?) Sorry if this is too detailed!
Oh yes yes yes! I accept requests! I love it!
If there’s one thing Spider got from his father, it was his stubbornness and anger… definitely his anger. That boy could blow up like a grease fire when provoked; try and douse it out with water, and it’ll only grow. You have to smother it.
Now, that isn’t to say Quaritch actually smothers the boy whenever he gets mad. He wouldn’t never.
No, instead he’s found it easier to snatch the kid up by his armpits and hold him at arms length while he screams curses and tries to punch and kick Quaritch in the chest. He learnt the hard way not to hold him close, after receiving a hearty kick to the chest, resulting in Spider rocketing himself backwards out of his grip and onto the floor, nearly giving the Quaritch a heart-attack while the other Recoms burst into laughter. Sometimes it was easy to forget how strong Spider was, but his bruised chest left him with a reminder of that strength for the following week.
Even if he had scolded Spider’s ear off for it, he couldn’t help but feel pride at the boy’s strength. He’d never say any of this, of course. He didn’t want to encourage Spider’s violent behavior towards him… but it made Miles feel better to know his son could wipe the floor with anyone who made the mistake of thinking he was an easy target.
And if Spider could bruise a Na’vi, he could only imagine the damage that kid could do to another Human with a single kick.
Maybe he should be more concerned with the amount of anger Spider seems to fall in, but he had his fair share of anger issues in his youth, and still does, so when someone pushes Spider’s buttons a little too much, Miles isn’t too hard on the kid when he blows up.
But none of this matters, as currently Miles is dealing with a different kind of situation. This isn’t angry Spider, this is stubborn Spider.
Z-Dog had been messing with the kid all day as they traversed through the jungle, like the absolute child she is, and Miles could only roll his eyes at the immaturity of it all. They taunted, poked, and argued with each other like children.
Spider eventually got fed up with her, and planted himself defiantly on the next large root they passed.
Miles had an ear tilted back towards the kid, so when he heard the crackling of Z-Dog’s laughter, he expected his kid to snap something back, but was met with resounding silence.
Brows furrowed, he turns his head to make sure he was alright, only to come to a halt at the sight of Spider sitting grumpily on a root, arms crossed over his chest, and Z-Dog bent over and snickering at his expression as she popped a bubble in his face. The rest of his squad paused at the sound of Miles’ growl.
“Zdinarsk!” Miles snapped, causing her to shoot up and snap to attention, looking like she got caught doing something she shouldn’t have. “The hell happened?” He continued as he quickly walked over to the two, frowning as he scanned Spider for any injury.
Z-Dog tried to keep a straight face. “He refuses to move.”
Miles couldn’t see anything wrong, but his tail still lashed in worry as he leans down to place a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “You hurt?”
Spider only huffed, giving Zdinarsk a side-eyed glare. “No, she’s being a stupid butthole!”
Miles deadpans at the boy, ear twitching at the sound of Z-Dog’s snort of laughter. “Whatever you say, Tarzan.”
“I don’t even know who that is!” Spider snaps back, snarling up at the woman, who only popped another bubble at him.
Quaritch finally blinked, letting out a harsh sigh. “You’ve gotta be shitting me- alright, enough! Both of you!” He scolds them, letting his hand slip from Spider’s shoulder as he stood. “Get up.” He orders the kid, motioning for him to stand.
The boy only sneered and shook his head. “Not until she leaves me the fuck alone!”
Miles took a deep breath in through his nose. Lord, give him patience. “Zdinarsk, go bother Lopez.”
Said marine perked his ears. “What? Why me?!” He protested.
He was ignored.
“Yes, sir.” Z-Dog salutes.
“Liar!” Spider hissed, puffing up when she sticks her tongue out at him.
“What did I just say?” Miles growls, to which Zdinarsk raised her hands in surrender before leaving to pester someone else. He turns back to Spider. “There, now get up. We gotta get a move on before we run out of daylight.”
Spider didn’t move, still not convinced Z-Dog wouldn’t bug him again the moment they start moving again.
“Spider. Don’t test me, boy.” He threatens, eyes narrowing and a stern frown in place as his tail flicked in agitation.
The boy didn’t budge.
Lyle made his way over. “Maybe we should set up camp, night will be on us in a few hours.” He tries to pacify, but Quaritch only hissed as Spider side-eyed them.
“No. I ain’t givin’ in to this tantrum. We’re moving.”
With that, he swooped down and snatched Spider up before the boy could properly react, throwing him over his shoulder as he strides forward back to the front of the squad. He held tightly onto the back of Spider’s legs and ignored the kid’s hissing, cursing, wiggling, and kicking as best he could. He also ignored the other’s snickering coming from behind him.
It took about half an hour, but Spider finally tired himself out enough to allow Miles to slightly loosen his grip on his legs, and the boy rag-dolled against his back, head pressed into Miles’ vest and arms dangling in defeat as he tried to catch his breath.
… With Spider calm and not fighting him, Miles began to feel a light feeling building in his chest, like the weight of the word was slipped from his shoulders and replaced with the comforting weight of his son… he didn’t want the feeling to leave. It felt.. nice, oddly enough.
They carried on like this until Spider grew bored.
Quaritch jolted slightly when little fingers brushed against his tail, causing it to lash away from the touch. He clears his throat as some of the others chuckled. “The hell you doin’, kid?”
“I’m bored. Put me doooowwwn.” Spider whined into his back.
“Hell no. Can’t have you tryin’ another stunt like that and slow us down.” Was the excuse Miles came up with, unwilling to admit that the idea of putting the kid down was feeling more and more unappealing by the second. He didn’t realize how much he would enjoy holding his son, until this moment, and he was unwilling to part with the boy.
Spider only groaned and went back to trying to catch his tail.
… and if Miles indulged the boy by flicking his tail near his grabbing hands, no one said a word against it.
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feralfather · 2 years ago
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feralfather · 2 years ago
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(JK JK have a great day tho!)
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feralfather · 2 years ago
Spider: causing chaos
Quaritch: “Damn it, son! Time out!” Holds Spider in the air
Spider *hissing*
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feralfather · 2 years ago
Omg hello!! Always nice to see new people in the Spider corner of the fandom 🥹
Could I perhaps ask for Spider getting comforted by Quaritch after a village raid? The boy is angry, heartbroken and crying, all while Miles with his military man brain is trying his best to be vulnerable so he could properly comfort his boy 😭
I kinda ran away with this one- oops.
The boy didn’t even acknowledge the Recom as he jumped off the Irkan, landing hard on the deck below, before storming towards the air-lock that lead to the interior of Bridgehead.
Quaritch quickly detached his queue from Cupcake and took long strides to catch up, paying no mind to what the others were up to. Right now, he needed to talk to his son.
The boy hasn’t looked at him nor said a word since the raid. The licking of the flames and the screams of the people and Spider begging for their lives were still fresh in everyone’s mind… Miles knows all of this has been taking a toll on his boy, and he knew their relationship would take an irreversible blow… but he still tries to cling to the illusion of the normality they’ve created over the last few months, in hopes that it will help sooth himself everyone.
He wasn’t ready to let go. Just the thought made him grip tighter.
But it seems Spider isn’t keen on playing along anymore.
“Spider! I’m talkin’ to you!-”
The Recom grunts in surprise as he has to catch the thick door with both hands and pulls it back open, which Spider had just tried to tug closed before he could reach it. His ears perk up at the sound of an angry mumble as he ducks into the air-lock, and shuts it. “What was that?”
Spider says nothing and keeps his head turned away from him and arms crossed tightly over his chest, but with their close proximity, Miles could see the boy’s throat bobbing every few seconds.
The Recom could feel frustration bubbling in his chest, his tail involuntarily lashing behind him and ears twitching to be pinned back. Ever since he woke up in this new body, he’s hated how his emotions are on display, and now wasn’t a good time to show how frustrated he was getting.
“Damn it, boy! Look at me!-”
“Fuck off!”
Both parties stood in silence, for two entirely different reasons.
Quaritch could only watch in shock as his son sucked in a shaky breath, eyes rimmed red with tears and face blotchy, an undeniable anger in his eyes as he glared up at the Recom.
The air-lock buzzed and the light turned green.
Spider rushed out, and Quaritch needed a few seconds to mentally catch up and chase after the boy yet again, nabbing an Avatar breathing mask along the way. “Spider!” He calls for, what felt like, the hundredth time today, thankful for his long legs as he got close enough to grip the human boy’s shoulder. “Quit runnin’-!”
Miles will never admit that he flinched when Spider whipped around and hissed at him, but he did, if only slightly. Spider lunged at him with a furious cry, and he was forced to wrangle with the boy in the middle of the hallway in front of everyone nearby.
Heads began to turn.
He took a few blows to the gut before he could get ahold of both of the boy’s hands- and then there were the feet. He hissed as Spider kicked him in shin, before getting fed up. “Cut that shit out!” He gritted out as he hauled the kid into his arms as best he could with the boy struggling so fiercely, and began the unnecessarily difficult journey to the Recom’s Quarters, all the while, Spider screamed Na’vi curses and wiggled like a snagged fish.
The moment they got into the room, and the door shut behind them, he let Spider go. The boy immediately jumped away and started pacing like a caged animal. “Let me out! Move, skxawng!”
Quaritch’s ears perked at the familiar curse, but did not rise to the bait. “Spider. Just calm down, so we can have a civil conversation.”
Spider let out an an angry noise and jabbed a finger in his direction, teary with rage. “No! You- you butthole! You’re a Demon! You’re horrible! I hate you!”
The boy’s eyes widened the moment the words slipped out, mouth opening and closing a couple of times.
The silence was heavy, and Miles felt like the air had just been punched from his lungs. He felt like he couldn’t breathe… he took a deep breath through his mask, and steeled his expression, falling into a familiar mask of neutrality. “Do you mean that?”
Spider clenched his fists and turned away.
As he waited for the boy’s answer, he couldn’t help but focus on the mask still firmly in place over Spider’s face, even though the room was oxygenated for Humans, the hissing of the mask filling the silence as Spider struggled to give him an answer.
When he did finally say something, it was so quiet that Miles had to strain his ears to hear it. “You keep doing terrible things.” Spider’s voice was so quiet and wobbly with emotion, it broke the Recom’s heart and filled him with an instinctual need to comfort the boy, which he forced himself to ignore like all the other times the strange instinct washed over him.
“I do what I have to do, for the mission.” The response sounded so robotic that Miles swore he could taste metal on his tongue. ‘I do what I have to do- they’ll take you away from me if I don’t’ is what his heart wanted to say, but the words were too revealing and got stuck in his throat.
“You killed Eywa’s children for no reason!” Spider hissed, shoulders tensing. “You destroyed villages- their homes.”
“I was authorized to use legal force, to find Jake Sully at any cost... It’s the only thing that matters.” Miles feels so tired, like the words he forced from his mouth were physically draining him. ‘If I don’t show my dedication to the mission, they’ll put you back in the machine’
The words were once again on the tip of his tongue, but it was like something was choking him anytime he opens his mouth to say the words.
Spider side-eyed him for a long moment, before turning to face him, and what the boy seen, Miles had no clue. “Do you mean that?” Spider threw his own words back in his face, an almost curious look showing through his anger.
Now, it was Quaritch’s turn to go quiet.
He has to mean it, he has to. Without it, he has no purpose, no direction, no meaning. He has to believe wholeheartedly that bringing in Jake Sully at all costs was the only thing that matters, that it’s what he wants to do. He has to want to live up to his predecessor’s legacy. To want to kill Jake Sully for being a traitor. The higher-ups will probably discard him if he doesn’t, like a broken tool… because that’s all he is now. Property.
“You don’t, do you?” Spider tilts his head, brown eyes deeply searching his own yellow ones. He must have found what he was looking for, because he got this desperate glint in his eyes as he takes a step towards the Recom with every word. “You don’t have to. You could- we could disappear. Go somewhere.” Spider was standing right in front of him now, looking up at him with a fire burning in his eyes, one of defiance and longing for freedom. “We can fly to the other side of the world,”
“Go where no one would ever find us!”
“I could teach you everything- we could be a fam-!”
“That’s enough!” Miles snapped, cutting off Spider before he could say the words that would doom them both. His shoulders slumped, tail drooping as he forced the vile words from his mouth. “We can’t.”
The fire flickered, by was still present in Spider’s eyes. “We can.”
Miles took another breath from his mask, before shaking his head and gripping the boy firmly by both his shoulders. “No, we can’t…”
Frustration brewed on Spider’s face again, but instead of slapping Miles’ hands away like he was expecting him to, the kid only grabbed onto his forearms, eyes searching his face yet again. “..why?”
“There ain’t nowhere I could run where the RDA wouldn’t find me… I-..” Miles got down on one knee to be level with Spider, trying to find a way to voice his concerns. In the end, he decided to be blunt. Straight forward and to the point. “I’m property, Spider- probably got a tracker in me an’ everything.”
Of course, they’ve never been able to actually prove the Tracker Theory, but so much money was put into creating the Recoms that it’d be a shock if they didn’t track their investments.
‘And without the RDA, I am nothing…’ He didn’t dare voice that thought, not wanting the truth to be revealed- that he isn’t as confident and sound of mind as he makes himself out to be.
He frowns, feeling like shit the moment he sees the fire die from Spider’s eyes once again. He wanted so badly to reassure the boy and tell him everything would be ok, that maybe one day, this war would be over and Spider and him could retire somewhere peaceful… that maybe one day, he could allow himself to indulge in his strange instincts to run off into the trees and be the father Spider wanted him to be… but he didn’t want to lie to the boy, so he kept his mouth shut.
Spider scrunched his face and looked to the side. “This isn’t fair.”
“Life ain’t fair, kid.”
Spider’s grip on his forearms tightened, and Miles couldn’t stop himself from reaching up and gently pulling the mask off Spider’s face, before drawing the boy closer until his bare tear-streaked face was pressed into his shoulder. Spider’s arms raised to loosely hang over his broad shoulders, and Miles arms were wrapped securely around Spider, one hand splayed comfortingly against his upper back.
“You wouldn’t be doing any of this stuff if you didn’t have to… right?” Spider mumbled into his shoulder, gripping the back of his vest tightly, which he never got the chance to take off.
Miles’ arms tightened around the boy, as it was the only answer he could give without choking on the words he didn’t realize he wanted to say.
‘Everything I do, I do to keep you safe.’
The words were always on his lips, ready to be said, but something always makes him bite his tongue and swallow them.
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feralfather · 2 years ago
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feralfather · 2 years ago
Omg hello!! Always nice to see new people in the Spider corner of the fandom 🥹
Could I perhaps ask for Spider getting comforted by Quaritch after a village raid? The boy is angry, heartbroken and crying, all while Miles with his military man brain is trying his best to be vulnerable so he could properly comfort his boy 😭
I kinda ran away with this one- oops.
The boy didn’t even acknowledge the Recom as he jumped off the Irkan, landing hard on the deck below, before storming towards the air-lock that lead to the interior of Bridgehead.
Quaritch quickly detached his queue from Cupcake and took long strides to catch up, paying no mind to what the others were up to. Right now, he needed to talk to his son.
The boy hasn’t looked at him nor said a word since the raid. The licking of the flames and the screams of the people and Spider begging for their lives were still fresh in everyone’s mind… Miles knows all of this has been taking a toll on his boy, and he knew their relationship would take an irreversible blow… but he still tries to cling to the illusion of the normality they’ve created over the last few months, in hopes that it will help sooth himself everyone.
He wasn’t ready to let go. Just the thought made him grip tighter.
But it seems Spider isn’t keen on playing along anymore.
“Spider! I’m talkin’ to you!-”
The Recom grunts in surprise as he has to catch the thick door with both hands and pulls it back open, which Spider had just tried to tug closed before he could reach it. His ears perk up at the sound of an angry mumble as he ducks into the air-lock, and shuts it. “What was that?”
Spider says nothing and keeps his head turned away from him and arms crossed tightly over his chest, but with their close proximity, Miles could see the boy’s throat bobbing every few seconds.
The Recom could feel frustration bubbling in his chest, his tail involuntarily lashing behind him and ears twitching to be pinned back. Ever since he woke up in this new body, he’s hated how his emotions are on display, and now wasn’t a good time to show how frustrated he was getting.
“Damn it, boy! Look at me!-”
“Fuck off!”
Both parties stood in silence, for two entirely different reasons.
Quaritch could only watch in shock as his son sucked in a shaky breath, eyes rimmed red with tears and face blotchy, an undeniable anger in his eyes as he glared up at the Recom.
The air-lock buzzed and the light turned green.
Spider rushed out, and Quaritch needed a few seconds to mentally catch up and chase after the boy yet again, nabbing an Avatar breathing mask along the way. “Spider!” He calls for, what felt like, the hundredth time today, thankful for his long legs as he got close enough to grip the human boy’s shoulder. “Quit runnin’-!”
Miles will never admit that he flinched when Spider whipped around and hissed at him, but he did, if only slightly. Spider lunged at him with a furious cry, and he was forced to wrangle with the boy in the middle of the hallway in front of everyone nearby.
Heads began to turn.
He took a few blows to the gut before he could get ahold of both of the boy’s hands- and then there were the feet. He hissed as Spider kicked him in shin, before getting fed up. “Cut that shit out!” He gritted out as he hauled the kid into his arms as best he could with the boy struggling so fiercely, and began the unnecessarily difficult journey to the Recom’s Quarters, all the while, Spider screamed Na’vi curses and wiggled like a snagged fish.
The moment they got into the room, and the door shut behind them, he let Spider go. The boy immediately jumped away and started pacing like a caged animal. “Let me out! Move, skxawng!”
Quaritch’s ears perked at the familiar curse, but did not rise to the bait. “Spider. Just calm down, so we can have a civil conversation.”
Spider let out an an angry noise and jabbed a finger in his direction, teary with rage. “No! You- you butthole! You’re a Demon! You’re horrible! I hate you!”
The boy’s eyes widened the moment the words slipped out, mouth opening and closing a couple of times.
The silence was heavy, and Miles felt like the air had just been punched from his lungs. He felt like he couldn’t breathe… he took a deep breath through his mask, and steeled his expression, falling into a familiar mask of neutrality. “Do you mean that?”
Spider clenched his fists and turned away.
As he waited for the boy’s answer, he couldn’t help but focus on the mask still firmly in place over Spider’s face, even though the room was oxygenated for Humans, the hissing of the mask filling the silence as Spider struggled to give him an answer.
When he did finally say something, it was so quiet that Miles had to strain his ears to hear it. “You keep doing terrible things.” Spider’s voice was so quiet and wobbly with emotion, it broke the Recom’s heart and filled him with an instinctual need to comfort the boy, which he forced himself to ignore like all the other times the strange instinct washed over him.
“I do what I have to do, for the mission.” The response sounded so robotic that Miles swore he could taste metal on his tongue. ‘I do what I have to do- they’ll take you away from me if I don’t’ is what his heart wanted to say, but the words were too revealing and got stuck in his throat.
“You killed Eywa’s children for no reason!” Spider hissed, shoulders tensing. “You destroyed villages- their homes.”
“I was authorized to use legal force, to find Jake Sully at any cost... It’s the only thing that matters.” Miles feels so tired, like the words he forced from his mouth were physically draining him. ‘If I don’t show my dedication to the mission, they’ll put you back in the machine’
The words were once again on the tip of his tongue, but it was like something was choking him anytime he opens his mouth to say the words.
Spider side-eyed him for a long moment, before turning to face him, and what the boy seen, Miles had no clue. “Do you mean that?” Spider threw his own words back in his face, an almost curious look showing through his anger.
Now, it was Quaritch’s turn to go quiet.
He has to mean it, he has to. Without it, he has no purpose, no direction, no meaning. He has to believe wholeheartedly that bringing in Jake Sully at all costs was the only thing that matters, that it’s what he wants to do. He has to want to live up to his predecessor’s legacy. To want to kill Jake Sully for being a traitor. The higher-ups will probably discard him if he doesn’t, like a broken tool… because that’s all he is now. Property.
“You don’t, do you?” Spider tilts his head, brown eyes deeply searching his own yellow ones. He must have found what he was looking for, because he got this desperate glint in his eyes as he takes a step towards the Recom with every word. “You don’t have to. You could- we could disappear. Go somewhere.” Spider was standing right in front of him now, looking up at him with a fire burning in his eyes, one of defiance and longing for freedom. “We can fly to the other side of the world,”
“Go where no one would ever find us!”
“I could teach you everything- we could be a fam-!”
“That’s enough!” Miles snapped, cutting off Spider before he could say the words that would doom them both. His shoulders slumped, tail drooping as he forced the vile words from his mouth. “We can’t.”
The fire flickered, by was still present in Spider’s eyes. “We can.”
Miles took another breath from his mask, before shaking his head and gripping the boy firmly by both his shoulders. “No, we can’t…”
Frustration brewed on Spider’s face again, but instead of slapping Miles’ hands away like he was expecting him to, the kid only grabbed onto his forearms, eyes searching his face yet again. “..why?”
“There ain’t nowhere I could run where the RDA wouldn’t find me… I-..” Miles got down on one knee to be level with Spider, trying to find a way to voice his concerns. In the end, he decided to be blunt. Straight forward and to the point. “I’m property, Spider- probably got a tracker in me an’ everything.”
Of course, they’ve never been able to actually prove the Tracker Theory, but so much money was put into creating the Recoms that it’d be a shock if they didn’t track their investments.
‘And without the RDA, I am nothing…’ He didn’t dare voice that thought, not wanting the truth to be revealed- that he isn’t as confident and sound of mind as he makes himself out to be.
He frowns, feeling like shit the moment he sees the fire die from Spider’s eyes once again. He wanted so badly to reassure the boy and tell him everything would be ok, that maybe one day, this war would be over and Spider and him could retire somewhere peaceful… that maybe one day, he could allow himself to indulge in his strange instincts to run off into the trees and be the father Spider wanted him to be… but he didn’t want to lie to the boy, so he kept his mouth shut.
Spider scrunched his face and looked to the side. “This isn’t fair.”
“Life ain’t fair, kid.”
Spider’s grip on his forearms tightened, and Miles couldn’t stop himself from reaching up and gently pulling the mask off Spider’s face, before drawing the boy closer until his bare tear-streaked face was pressed into his shoulder. Spider’s arms raised to loosely hang over his broad shoulders, and Miles arms were wrapped securely around Spider, one hand splayed comfortingly against his upper back.
“You wouldn’t be doing any of this stuff if you didn’t have to… right?” Spider mumbled into his shoulder, gripping the back of his vest tightly, which he never got the chance to take off.
Miles’ arms tightened around the boy, as it was the only answer he could give without choking on the words he didn’t realize he wanted to say.
‘Everything I do, I do to keep you safe.’
The words were always on his lips, ready to be said, but something always makes him bite his tongue and swallow them.
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feralfather · 2 years ago
I will write father-son stuff between Quaritch & Spider, and may branch into Jake & Spider.
This page is Spider-Centric!
I will not write smut, reader-inserts, or incest. Miss me with that shit! Everything I write will be platonic!
If you have a prompt or a question, send it my way! I’m always open! And once my ao3 account gets accepted, I will be writing and posting over there as well!
I don’t see any incidents where Quaritch goes Feral, and I feel like it has so much potential, so once I feel like I have a good enough grasp on Quaritch and Spider’s personalities, I’ll be writing a story where Quaritch ends up going Feral and Spider has to bring be him back to his right mind, or else General Ardmore will put Quaritch down like a mad dog!
So, if you also have an itch to see Quaritch go feral, send me your ideas and prompts in my Ask Box, and I will write it!
(This post will be updated as I see fit)
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