ferahdemir · 4 years
“Look, it’s not you. I do. I do trust you,”It was just everyone else that he couldn’t trust. If she knew shit, people could use that against her. He didn’t want that to happen, he had seen it before. They could do things for information. It just wasn’t a situation he wanted her to get into. “I had a good time before all that shit went down.” 
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“So what is it then?” Ferah asked as she wanted to understand but she was scared that she was going to push him too far with her questions. Folding her arms over her chest, she looked back at him with a raise of her brow. “I did, too. I really liked it.” Until everything happened and she was caught away from him.
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ferahdemir · 4 years
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aslihan malbora: for harper’s bazaar turkey.
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ferahdemir · 4 years
   ❝I mean, it’s not like I have a choice either, right?❞ he quipped, trying his best for his tone to remain light and upbeat. After all, he had dwelled enough with Sugar Rub’s destruction, and he was ready to move forward with rebuilding her once again. ❝And not that I think there was something wrong with the spa, but of course, one always has to be striving towards improvement.❞ the male noted, taking into consideration what Ferah was stating. He would have to experience the joy (and frustrations) of building her all over again. Gaze flitted towards the menu ahead, pondering if he ought to order something different this time, just for the heck of it. ❝I did enjoy, yes. You know, up until the shooting, like everyone.❞ He’d leave out the part where his boyfriend got shot, of course, since that wasn’t exactly a public thing just yet.❝Dare I say, I’m glad to know you came out of there unscathed?❞
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Ferah nodded her head. Perhaps the male was tired of people trying to feed him all the good sides that came with rebuilding the spa from scratch rather than simply let him wallow in the sadness that came with his work and livelihood coming to an end right before his eyes. “Yeah. At least everyone got out okay.” As far as she knew, there hasn’t been casualties when the whole thing crumbled down but she hadn’t been following the news too intently on it. Her eyes looked over at him as she tilted her head into a nod. “I know, the shooting was crazy. Do you think the people who did it will be held responsible?” She was trying to get information out of him without seeing too ignorant on the matter. “I’m glad I did to, and I’m glad that you got out okay as well.”
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ferahdemir · 4 years
“I think I’ll have to pass. I get enough arguing done with work,” he replies, laughing at the thought. As much as the man liked a good fight, he’d had enough for a while, with how often him and Chris got into it.
“I guess it’s a good thing I’m not up for taking anything. Not right now, at least.”
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“I’m surprised anyone would dare fight with you.” Ferah said with a rise of her brow. He was the top dog as far as she was concerned and he didn’t seem like the type who would take shit from anyone beneath him. 
“That’s good to know.” She said with a small smirk. “I tend to put up a fight regardless. I’m small but scrappy.”
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ferahdemir · 4 years
Joey laughed, grabbing the few things she had before pushing herself to stand next to her friend. “What have you not been able to count on me?” She teased, nudging the other slightly as they made their way off to wherever Ferah had planned on going. “Oh good! Boy gossip is my favourite, and also my specialty.” 
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“Never, I’m always able to count on you.” She said with a wink as she stood up next to the other and began to lead her away from the crowds and towards the place she wanted to head for some food and some drinks. “Good. So let’s start since it’s your favorite subject. Tell me what’s going on with you and don’t try to deny it, I’ve seen some guys circling.”
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ferahdemir · 4 years
“You’ve got nothing to worry about, I promise.” It was a heavy promise, he knew that. But when it came to those he loved, he went the extra mile for them. Even if they weren’t there yet, he liked her and that was enough for him to protect her. “I’m sorry you had to witness all that shit, babe.” 
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“I’m still going to ask questions because I’m curious and I hope that one day you’ll trust me enough to tell me the truth.” She didn’t mind that he curbed her questions and told her he couldn’t speak about it, but as long as he didn’t lie, that was fine. “It’s okay. I’ve seen some of that before. I’m just glad I was there with you.” She told him softly as she wrapped her arms around him.
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ferahdemir · 4 years
“It could have been worse is all I’m saying, Fe.” Oscar returned with a shrug of indifference before he shook his head, a short chuckle falling from his lips. “Believe what you like, you always do. But for the record I ran into your dad the morning after, he confirmed you were okay.“ He added, pulling another section from the muffin before plopping it into his mouth once again. “Guess you’ve been asking the wrong people then huh. That or they were just trying to protect you.” Which wasn’t far from the truth knowing the woman was of a respectable family and as much separated from the war on the streets as they possibly could be. “That was the result of two rival gangs and the eternal turf war they’re fighting for.” While it wasn’t the whole story it was enough for her to at least understand. “There’s a lot that happens on the streets Fe, most much worse than you or I could probably even dream up.”
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Ferah folded her arms over her chest when the male told her that it could have been worse. It was almost evident that he knew what was going on but was also refusing to tell her. “You do know I’m not a child, right?” She questioned with a scoff. “Plus, you have my number so you don’t have to go to my father.” Just as she was finished bitting the male’s head off, she was surprised when he told her what she wanted to know. At the mention of the gang, she wondered if Ray was trying to protect her or himself. It was a question she’d have to ask him. “They’re shooting each other over land?” It was always so stupid, especially since it was probably more than that. If she had to guess, it was over drugs and guns which ultimately turned into money. “Have you seen worse than that before?”
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ferahdemir · 4 years
   Taking Ferah up on her offer, Chris headed inside after her, back to the cafe. Not that he minded, so long as he got his needed dose of caffeine. ❝I mean, I could do better.❞ he honestly replied, letting his tone speak for himself just as well. Back in the line once more, he busied himself with answering her niceties. ❝But shit happens, ya know? And nothing more I can do than start over with the spa.❞ At least, this was what Chris had been telling himself, just so he wouldn’t spiral downwards yet again. Now more than ever, he needed to get his shit together, and carry on. ❝How have you been though?❞
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“We can all do better.” She said with a soft smile as she followed the male, standing beside him in line when he mentioned starting over. “I don’t think that’s the worst thing. Starting fresh can give someone a lot of perspectives and I know we all find problems with old builds so it can be the perfect opportunity for you to fix the kinks and make it that much better.” A shoulder rose and fell, knowing her opinion was not the one he’d listen to the most. “I’m doing well. I’m really happy. I saw you at the masquerade ball. Did you have fun?”
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ferahdemir · 4 years
Truly, Joshua loved nothing more than to give people a piece of his mind. But as much as he enjoyed being in the headlines, he knew better by now, when it was inappropriate to run his mouth. Especially now, with a war on the horizon. So as much as he wanted to snap back at this little girl, to give her his real opinion on that family of hers, he simply smiled back to her, as if nothing was going on in that little mind of his. 
“Oh, you’re too kind. But, I don’t think you could if you tried.”
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Ferah couldn’t help but smirk when the male made a comment that made her brow shoot up. “Like I said, I wouldn’t try but if you want to argue with a girl that’s half your age.” She trailed off as she pushed her hands on her hip. “I’m not too keen on having a pissing contest about who can take what from the other.” 
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ferahdemir · 4 years
Everytime she kissed him, even if it wasn’t long, he always felt renewed. Like a breath of fresh wind swept through him, and he was at ease for those however many seconds it lasted. “I’m sure you can, babe. You deal with me,” If she could handle him, then she could definitely handle her step-father. “I do trust you, but do you trust me?” Especially since he was refusing to tell her anything. 
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Ferah couldn’t exactly comprehend how she’d gotten attached to the male so quickly but she had and there was nothing she could do with it. “I do deal with it.” She said softly as she inched closer and placed her hands at the back of the male’s shoulder, moving higher until they linked behind his neck. The next set of words made her pause. “I do.” She said with a nod.”I do trust you.” She had to.
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ferahdemir · 4 years
   He didn’t mean to sound so disheartened. ❝Sorry. I just… haven’t been caffeinated and all.❞ he said, glancing down rather sadly at his spilled drink. It wasn’t her fault though; accidents happened all the time. So when Ferah offered to replaced his coffee, Chris nodded in agreement. Considering he hadn’t seen her in a while, it sure was good to catch up since their last encounter and all. Plus, he had a good amount of time in his hands anyway. ❝Oh, yeah, sure. Yes please.❞ 
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“I haven’t had any either. Let’s go back in and get you a new one.” She told him as she knew that he wouldn’t make it through the day. Holding the door open, she ushered the male in first before she followed him and got in line. “Besides the whole incident and not having caffeine, how are you holding up? I heard about the sugar rub and I’m sorry about it.” She said with an apologetic smile. While she hadn’t know what had actually happened, she only heard it was a write over.
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ferahdemir · 4 years
Joshua blinks blankly, the name registering almost immediately. He’d seen her name in articles, alongside her step father. The Mayor. That man was undoubtedly not a fan of Joshua Krongold, whatsoever. And somehow, this brought a grin over his face. It may have been odd to find so much joy in this, but still… he couldn’t help it.
“Nah, just like to mess around,” he muses, quirking a brow. “Ahh, so I’m speaking to a real Royal, huh?”
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Ferah folded her arms above her chest as if to dare the male to say something bad about her father. After all, he’d screwed a lot of people over and not everyone was happy with the way he went about being mayor of the town. However, he was her step-dad, whom she considered her real father, and she’d always support him. 
“By marriage,” she said with a smirk as she looked him over. “But I think you’re the only real royal here. I’d never take that title from you.”
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ferahdemir · 4 years
Patrick lifted his eyes up towards the woman, noticing who she was almost instantly. He put a glass down on the bar, moving to make her drink. His gaze drifting down towards the drink as he put it together, nodding his head. “It has been a minute havin’ to close down Ace due to all the plumbing issues.” He chuckled lightly. “I’m doin’ fine. How about yourself?”
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“That must have really thrown you for a loop. As far as I’ve heard, this place is like  your baby.” She commented as she looked around the bar and then back at him. “I’m doing fine, too. Been keeping busy for the most part.” Drumming her fingers along the table top, she smiled at him. “Are we just going to stare at each other? What does a girl have to do around here to get herself a drink?” Evident by the pointed gaze, she almost dared him to ask for her divers licence since she knew how he liked to think of her as younger.
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ferahdemir · 4 years
   A barely caffeinated Christopher didn’t have the most acute of senses. So when someone collided against him, he didn’t have enough much of a reflex to save his coffee. Instead, he nearly saw it in slow-motion fall from his grip, before ultimately spilling onto the ground. Great. Just my luck, he thought, already disheartened. And he was about to charge the other person for it, when he looked up, only to find Ferah, looking and sounding apologetic. ❝Oh, it’s you.❞ he quipped, shaking his hand as he cleared of it of any remnants of the coffee he would have had. ❝Yeah, no spills, but I really was looking forward to that sip.❞
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Ferah stepped back and did her best to put on her biggest and boldest puppy dog-eyed look. “I’m really sorry.” She said once more as she offered a little smile in the male’s direction when he commented on it being only her. “You almost sound disappointed.” Her brow rose, tilting her head to look him over. “Well, I can get you another one if you’d like. I was just about to go in and get myself a coffee if you want to join me. We should really catch up.”
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ferahdemir · 4 years
He nodded, “This weekend it is then,” Shooting guns was some good couple bonding, right? “Yeah, of course. That’s not up to me,” What she revealed to her father was up to her, and really none of his business. Unless she wanted to talk about it. “I just don’t wanna get you in trouble with him or somethin’,” The last thing he wanted to do was strain her relationship with anyone. “Everything should happen at your pace. But y’know if you ever do, you at least gotta emphasize that I’m good looking.” 
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“Perfect. I can’t wait.” She told him with a small smile as she leaned forward to press her lips on his. She was nervous but she felt that maybe it was a good thing as she’d be more worried if she wasn’t. “You won’t get me in trouble. I can handle my step-father.” Plus, this wasn’t new for the brunette as she most definitely liked to play with fire more often than not. “I’ll be sure to scream it from the rofotops.” She grinned as she looked up at him. “I just want you to trust me.”
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ferahdemir · 4 years
“That’s for me to know, and for you to not,” Joshua is quick to reply, waving his hand towards her. He assumed that everyone he met knew of his name, at the very least. It would be ignorant of him to assume, otherwise. Of the millions of people who live in New York, you really never knew who you were talking to, so he had always tried to make some kind of impression, whether it be good or not.
“You’re familiar… what’s your name?”
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“Mysterious. You know that kind of makes people want to dig even further to find out.” She tells him with a shrug of her shoulder. Arms folded over her chest as she chewed on the inside of her cheek. She knew how much trouble she’d be in if her step dad knew who she was talking to, but she’d grown up around powerful and strong men not to be frightened of them. 
“Ferah Demir.”
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ferahdemir · 4 years
Joshua looks down to the girl, standing quietly but still somehow intimidatingly. He was very good at remembering the names of the faces he met, but he was having kind of a hard time figuring out just who he was–leading him to assume he may have seen her before, but never spoke. Which he was fine with. He had more than enough people that he knew. 
I’m sorry, I must not have been looking where I was going. Hopefully, no harm, no foul.
“I guess it’s alright. Caught me on a good day, I s’pose.”
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Ferah knew who the male was because she’d seen him speak to both her step father and the male that she was seeing. Well, her step father had mainly been the one to speak to him. Nevertheless, she understood that he wasn’t a good man and someone she should probably be scared of. Which was why she immediately apologized for the mishap. 
“Why? What would you had done had it not been a good day? It was a mistake.”
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