femmedea · 2 hours
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Gonna be studying like this to get into Yale Law School.
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femmedea · 6 hours
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you don't want to look back and wish you had worked a little harder.
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femmedea · 1 day
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Constantly posting any deviation of this quote until you guys realize that you have the power. You are the magic✨
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femmedea · 2 days
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don't give up on studying; you're capable of achieving your goals with persistence and effort. remember, challenges are a part of the learning process, and every step you take brings you closer to success. keep going.
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femmedea · 3 days
To try to do anything in this day and age is courageous. Even if you suck at least you’re fucking doing something. You’re creating something. You are doing SOMETHING. That in itself is a courageous act.
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femmedea · 3 days
Getting what you want doesn’t automatically make you ready or deserving if you’re not prepared. You can’t just wait for something to change you; you need to be the change to truly receive it.
"I’ll be happy when,
I’ll be loyal when,
I’ll start when,
I’ll be complete when,"
are just excuses. Real growth comes from embodying these qualities before achieving your desires.
It’s like expecting to be saved or for your problems to be solved without taking action yourself. Getting married won’t magically fix your relationship issues, just like a test you’re unprepared for won’t suddenly become easier.
Instead of waiting for a specific situation to make things better, step up & be the change you want to see.
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femmedea · 7 days
these are the habits you have to give up before the year is out:
worrying about people and things you can’t control
negative conversations with others
obsessing about what others think
lying for others
expect others to do what you want them to do and get angry if they don't do it
creating expectations on others
making excuses for not taking care of your responsibilities
lying to yourself
putting your needs lasts
giving priority to other people's opinions rather than your own
letting the negative opinions of others affect you
limiting yourself
comparing themselves to others and putting them on a pedestal
giving prominence to people who do not deserve it
set boundaries with others but not with yourself
spending too much time on social media
habits you need to implement:
create a daily routine that you feel comfortable with and suits you
calming your mind a few times a day
positive affirmations and healthy thoughts
complimenting others and congratulating their success
letting go of things you can’t control
ending toxic relationships
more time outside
making yourself and your health a priority
self compassion and self forgiveness
taking responsibilities
more self care
beginning with a motivation each day
do what you need for yourself
starting something new (activity, hobby, habit)
not to depend on others and to learn to do things you want to do on your own
focus on the good things and not on the things you don't like
exercise and eat healthy for the sake of your body and not to fit into a beauty canon
getting out of your comfort zone
focus on building healthy relationships rather than being guided by false expectations of how relationships should be
be true to yourself and your values
not to sell or denigrate you for money or lavish gifts
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femmedea · 10 days
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femmedea · 24 days
A person who values themself has standards and remains exclusive
They don’t need attention from the masses because they know their worth
They understand that being accessible to everyone lowers their value
They are selective with who they date because they know it’s a reflection of them
They aren’t seeking superficial validation online because they don’t need it and most likely get it in real life
They make career choices that align with their passions and beliefs and don’t comprise their morals for a dollar
They understand that quality friendships are more important than a large circle of acquaintances
They love themselves and take care of their body, they don’t partake in hobbies that are unhealthy
They invest in their personal growth and education because they understand that expanding their knowledge and skills increases their value
They are mindful of how they spend their time and choose environments that nurture their growth rather than drain their energy
They don’t settle for mediocre and always strive for excellence in whatever they do
They avoid toxic relationships and environments
They are intentional with their energy and choose to share it with people that align with their values
They practice self discipline
They like being alone and understand that being alone is a time for reflection and recharging
They have very strong boundaries and demand respect in all interactions because they respect themselves first
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femmedea · 24 days
🎀🍓⚞🎀・◦・⚟ YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM.🎀🍓⚞🎀・◦・⚟
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You going to your job. Your job is your bosses imagination. He imagined a company that he wanted to create and then he put it into physical realm. So you are basically working towards your bosses imagination.
Countries are not real. We all collectively imagine a border but it's not real. It's all earth. Everything is earth but we imagine that those countries are separated.
Money is also imagination. It's just a piece of paper. We imagine that the amount of money in our bank is worth that much but it isn't. If tomorrow a big corporation says that the money in your account isn't worth that much or the money isn't in use anymore . It's not.
All this means that we all are living in a imagination. A dream . A game . Matrix. Whatver you want to call it.
We imagine everything we do. We imagine our future and dwell in our past which also doesn't exist. Future and past doesn't exist. Only this moment exists.
We can create this imagination or dream however we want it to be.
How do I want to create my game , my dream ?
How do I want my imagination to look like ?
Who do I allow into my imaginations ?
How do I behave ? Who am I? What does my character look like ?
Being a victim is the most comfortable thing because you don't have to do much. Your life is a circle. Everything just keeps moving in the same way , in the same circle. But this is comfortable for you. Why ? Because you know what is going in happen in the circle. You don't have to take risks. You don't have to deal with different people.
To take a leap of faith , you need to be brave. It takes guts. Everyone wants to blame everyone . At the end you will be left no one to blame but yourself. Your life is shit because of you. People don't care about your victim mentality. You know when they care ? When you get out of it. When your life becomes a success story. David Goggins is not David Goggins without his success. No one would care if he was the same guy before.
Everyone moves on and you will be left behind. NO ONE IS GOING TO SAVE YOU. WHY ? BECAUSE NO ONE CAN SAVE YOU. The only person that can save you is you. No one is going to make you change.
Everytime you learn something,it's one step forward because you have more knowledge but if you put it into practice, you will be 1 step back because you are not used to it. You still have to continue. If you feel uncomfortable and give up, you will be right back where you started. Stop abusing yourself by being in the same circle that you don't like. Stop abusing yourself by being the same person that you don't like. Look in the mirror , we don't have anyone to blame. As a victim it's easy to run away and be like " I tried I tried", You didn't try and you didn't try hard enough . Try again . Try again until you get there.
Alot of people when they come out of abusive household , later they will think that it's too peaceful . They will start to attract people that will give them that toxicity again because this is the only thing they knew. Realize that you are the creator of that drama though. You can choose to have a peaceful life. You can choose to have peaceful people around . If you can't find peaceful people , just be peaceful on your own for a while until you find someone that makes you feel peaceful.
Stop creating drama when it was never meant for you. Stop involving yourself in things that were never meant for you. Stop watching things that are so dramatic.
You have control who comes into your life , you have control about who you date . You have control about what you watch , listen to , what you read. You have control over what you put in your mind. Your mind isn't a dustbin.
If you decide to open the news and it's all negative and now your day is bad. Don't blame the news. Blame your eyes and blame your hands for putting that on.
"My friend , partner is toxic". Why don't you start looking at why you allow them in ? Don't you have control over who I allow into my life? Why don't you ask yourself ? What is it in you that you don't feel worthy enough of having people that actually respect you ?
What part are you playing in life ? You can cry all day about being overweight or underweight . Are you doing something to fix that or are you just crying all day ? What are you doing to fix your life?
When something wants something badly , they will get it done anyway.
Turn your mindset around. Set your mind on a plan and focus on it . The more you start going from complaining to gratitude, the more your life will change. If you constantly focus on what isn't there instead of what it is , you create more of that.
You are privileged and you want to talk about people in North Korea. They won't be able to see liz video or read this post since they don't have access to internet but you do.
This is how the world works.
Accept your past and start working on yourself. It doesn't exist. You only have now. Don't dwell on the future. What are you doing now ? How you are now will determine your future and not the other way around.
Everytime something good comes into your life. Do you ruin it ? What in life are you doing that sabotages you ? You have to ask yourself these things.
It's not fair what happened to you but whatver I do with it next , it's on you.
If you don't take care of yourself , you can't show up as the best mother , daughter, employee or boss. You don't feel good . You are depleted and depressed. If you want to perform the best you want to be for others , then you should think about you first and nurturing you first so you are happy. If you don't feel good in your life , it's okay to take a step back from everyone and focus on nurturing you . Put yourself first . No is coming to take care of you.
You deserve everything you want and you can get once you set your mind to it. Stop taking advice from people that you don't want to share lives with ,these people are miserable themselves.
🍓🎀 ⚞🎀・◦・⚟I LOVE LIZ SO MUCH. 🍓🎀 ⚞🎀・◦・⚟
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femmedea · 26 days
Beauty is a currency for women, but you need to be spending it in the right places. It also can’t be the only thing you leverage. It needs to come with charm, wit, intelligence, poise, and allure. And this isn’t just about romance, it’s about every facet of life; careers, networking, friendships, eventual connections. Things don’t just “happen” to beautiful women. Most beautiful women cultivate other areas which draw others in. There are plenty of beautiful women who lean solely on being pretty, and others tire of them quickly.
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femmedea · 26 days
I know this is the Anti Small Talk Website but small talk is one of the most effective social glues out there for getting to know people and forming friendships with them.
When I was just starting out at a job right after college I had a coworker who I thought was the nicest person alive and after a few weeks I realized this was just because she consistently asked other people things like, "How ya doing? Whatcha having for lunch? Got any weekend plans? Seen any good movies lately?" instead of politely ignoring everyone around her.
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femmedea · 26 days
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femmedea · 26 days
If you give people the power to make you, you also give them the power to break you. This is why I don't chase after or crave admiration or accolades from others. I understand that I don't need external validation to feel at ease and comfortable with myself and my life choices. I understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and whatever they think of me is none of my business. What truly matters is what I think of myself and my self-concept, because whatever I harbor inside will dictate the trajectory of my life and the things that come to pass.
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femmedea · 27 days
This is your sign. It's time to focus on you. REALLY focus on you. Your self-growth is your priority. It means everything. Put your attention on what's good for you. Stop playing around. You know you have what it takes to manifest those things that you can't stop thinking about. It's time to take yourself more serious. You deserve it. Blessings will follow.
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femmedea · 29 days
As a woman, your education is the only thing that will set you free in this world.
You need to get smarter, more skilled, and learn more languages not because it's cool but because it's a necessity for your survival as a woman of the world to not depend on anyone.
You need to outsmart them for your own survival. This world will chew you up and spit you out because that's what it does.
So you NEED to get smarter, you have to read the news, you must learn other languages (plural), you MUST, YOU MUST, YOU MUST!!!!
Your education ( in any form) is your freedom. Education is freedom. In Libris Libertas.
Please, put your glasses on and go study something, anything, everything!!!📚
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femmedea · 1 month
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🧁" Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live . Do not try to change people , they are only messengers telling you who you are . Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change "
🎀" The world is a mirror , forever reflecting what you are doing, within yourself " .
🧁" Do not concern yourself as to how it is going to happen , simply go the end. The most creative thing is your power to imagine a thing into existence " .
🎀" The great secret is a controlled imagination and a well sustained attention firmly and repeatedly focused on the feeling of the wish fulfilled until it fills the mind and crowds all other ideas out of consciousness ".
🧁" If we do not like what is happening to us , it is a sure sign that we are in need of a change of mental diet " .
🎀" Don't let anyone make you feel little. They may try to do it but only if you feel small already ."
🧁" Ask no one to help you , simply persist in your new thoughts and let your changed thinking reproduce itself in your outside world for it is only an out picturing of the world of thought withn you ".
🎀" Stop trying to change the world since it is only the mirror. Man’s attempt to change the world by force is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hope of changing his face. Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself. The reflection then will be satisfactory."
🧁"Dare to believe in the reality of your assumption and watch the world play its part relative to to its fulfillment"
🎀"Imagination and faith are the secrets of creation."
🧁"To reach a higher level of being, you must assume a higher concept of yourself."
🎀"Do not waste one moment in regret, for to think feelingly of the mistakes of the past is to re-infect yourself".
🧁"To attempt to change circumstances before I change my own imaginal activity is to struggle against the very nature of my own being, for my own imaginal activity is animating my world."
🎀"Never claim, “I shall be that,” Let all claims from now on be, “I AM that I AM."
🧁"You are free to choose the concept you will accept of yourself. Therefore, you possess the power of intervention, the power which enables you to alter the course of your future. The process of rising from your present concept to a higher concept of yourself is the means of all true progress. The higher concept is waiting for you to incarnate it in the world of experience."
🎀"Only as one is willing to give up his present limitations and identity can he become that which he desires to be."
🧁"Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions".
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