She Slowly Calmed Down At His Purring Something About It Was Soothing To Her She Sniffles And Wiped The Tears Away
"Th-Thwank U Bwig Bwother A-And I'll Twry T-Two Bwe Mwore Careful I-Its Jwust I Saw A Pwetty Blue Fwower... I-I Weakly Wanted It..,"
She Runs To Remix Crying She Was Covered In Dirt And A Scratch Was Over Her Eyesocket Blue Blood Drizzling Out Of It "Bwig Bwother!"
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Remix picked up his little sis and held her close, looking at her bleeding eyesocket. 
“What happened little sis? Who hurt you?” Remix took out a hankie from his jacket and poured a little light blue liquid on it and gently rubbed her eyesocket, healing up the scratch instantly and cleaning the blood off. 
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She Hugged Him Tightly Still Crying After He Healed Her Eye
"I-I Was 'Hic' W-Walking Awound A Cwave A-And These P-Pwack Of Wolves 'Hic' Cwame O-Out Of Iwt And Attwacked Mwe O-One Gwot Mwe On Th-Thwe Eye I-I Was Almwost Kwilled I-Iwt Was 'Hic' Swo Scwary"
She Runs To Remix Crying She Was Covered In Dirt And A Scratch Was Over Her Eyesocket Blue Blood Drizzling Out Of It "Bwig Bwother!"
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Remix picked up his little sis and held her close, looking at her bleeding eyesocket. 
“What happened little sis? Who hurt you?” Remix took out a hankie from his jacket and poured a little light blue liquid on it and gently rubbed her eyesocket, healing up the scratch instantly and cleaning the blood off. 
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Oh why plz no not sawtale nnooo!!!
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"Yupth! And I won't hwaveth to wowwy about thwis lispeth anymwore!" Smiles "bwotherth? Do u hwave cwandy? No one gwave me any twoday"
Runs to remix smiling and reaches for him "hewwo bwotherth! " smiles with star eyes
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“Sup little sis?” Remix picks Sansy up and holds her in his arms. 
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"I'm gwood bwother wookie! Mwy tooth comingth back!" Smiles pointing at it
Runs to remix smiling and reaches for him "hewwo bwotherth! " smiles with star eyes
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“Sup little sis?” Remix picks Sansy up and holds her in his arms. 
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