fellschurch-rp-blog · 12 years
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Tyler Smallwood || 18 || Human/Werewolf (Untriggered) || FC: Steven Strait
Status: OPEN
"I still want you to lay off. Just wait until Founders` Day; then you`ll get to watch the Ice Princess melt." - Tyler Smallwood
"You`re going to be dog meat, Salvatore." - Tyler Smallwood
Tyler Smallwood is your classic jock. The guy who‘s supposedly all big and bad. The guy who tries to get his way with women. He has no manners whatsoever and isn’t afraid of a fight. He actually enjoys punching a few people here and there. It’s in his nature since his family is a long line of werewolves. The only thing is is that he doesn’t know it. He hasn’t been through the transformation yet, but even without it it makes him bitter and partially evil. Tyler is also one of many who has his eyes set on Elena Gilbert, but it isn’t to be her next boyfriend. All he’s looking for is a chance to get in her pants. To him either way it doesn’t matter. If he can’t have her he’ll look for it somewhere else. Maybe he’ll get it from Caroline Forbes; someone who isn’t too thrilled with Elena like the rest of the school.
It’s said that vampires and werewolves are mortal enemies and from the way Tyler acts around Stefan it seems to be true. Tyler hates him from day one because all of a sudden it seems that someone else might just be taking his spot in what he’s ‘worked’ hard to gain throughout his life. Tyler looks to his best friend Dick to be his 100 percent back up. Sometimes he even looks to Matt, but that’s only because there on the football team together. If they weren’t they would have nothing to do with one another. Tyler is can easily be pissed off by anyone and when he’s angry nothing is more scary to the humans around Fells Church.
Tyler is definitely a bad boy, but that’s part of his charm the ladies can’t help but fall for. Maybe if Tyler had some obedience growing his life wouldn’t seem like a total waste. He’s one of those guys who’s dependent on himself to get the job done. When something’s going on people will usually side with Tyler, but he is after all a schemer and a manipulator. He’s just a spoiled little rich kid who likes to drink a little too much. There are a few good things about him though and that’s his wit. He’s probably got one of the sexiest ones of all. It’s too bad he doesn’t use it to make people laugh instead of bringing his classmates down.
Tyler is a villain in all of this, but can he change? Will he ever find his way or will he stay that way forever? Is the life he chose for himself? There are many questions that need answer to the Tyler Smallwood story.  It’s simple really, but it all depends on him and how far he’s willing to go.
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 12 years
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Alaric Saltzman || 23 || Human/Hunter || FC: Jensen Ackles
Status: OPEN
"Not just faking? Did he often fake being dead?" - Alaric Saltzman
"I think Stefan is a good guy. But at the end of the day, he`s still a vampire." - Alaric Saltzman
Alaric Saltzman is a man with many secrets. He came to this town on a mission. His studies, which are about the supernatural, but why would someone as smart as Mr. Saltzman want to be in a place like this to begin with? It just doesn’t seem likely that a student from Duke University would want to be a part of such a small town when he had so much going for him back in his old life. What makes him think that this place is best for research? Maybe he truly does want to be a teacher after all. He seems to be getting lucky with the fact that before the school year started that the old European teacher, Mr. Turner, had passed away. Actually, he was murdered but no one but the police and his family knows that. Or maybe, just maybe, being a teacher gives him the resources of Robert E. Lee High to finally prove once and for all that his theories are true he just has to keep his mouth shut for the time being.
Life wasn’t always simple for Alaric. How could it be when you always felt that you had to prove something to someone time and time again?  It’s a good thing that he knows what he’s doing because he can get himself killed. While learning about monsters that hide in the closets and under the bed he took some precautions and trained himself how to fight. Even though he’s never faced or seen anything that would be spooky he would definitely want to be prepared. I guess that’s why he decided he wanted to be a ‘hunter’ because he really things that creatures exist and that they’re evil.
He may be fooling most of the town but there is one person he’s not fooling at that’s Meredith Sulez. What a pretty and head strong girl. Alaric seems to think so and if he isn’t careful things could get ugly. Alaric’s a teacher, Meredith’s teacher, so he must be pretty special to give up time with Elena Gilbert for someone who spends most of their time looking at a computer screen and giving boring lectures. At least he’s young and hot because any girl would die for a chance with Mr. Saltzman and apparently hi being a teacher doesn’t matter even if it is against the rules. He can’t help it he’s charming.
Alaric is a goal setter and will not back down until he discovers the truth once and for all. Once that’s done Fells Church might learn a little history, Alaric’s history. He’s like a hieroglyph that’s waiting to be cracked, but isn’t that’s what all the newbie’s seem to be?  He’s part time teacher and part time hunter, but he’s not alone in this. He has a younger brother with him who keeps distracting his studies. Adam isn’t a believer like his brother but he does know how to keep his thoughts to himself. Their brothers and they’ll protect one another until the very end.
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 12 years
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Home | Open Characters | Audition | Rules | F.A.Q
The world of Elena Gilbert is known to be a place with brunette vampire lovers, a sexy young original family, and hybrids. But that’s just the story that’s been modified because Mystic Falls really isn’t Mystic Falls it’s a place called Fell’s Church; the place where the real Elena Gilbert has long blonde hair and the Salvatore brothers have been around for over 500 years. This is a place is full of many secrets, but what will it take to uncover them? So many things are happening and it’s got everyone shaking in their boots. If only we could uncover the real story…
It will take Elena, Bonnie, Matt, Meredith, and the rest of the town to reveal the mysteries of what we hold so dearly to our hearts. There’s a fine line between good and evil, love and hate, hope and despair. Who will cross those lines because everyone is hanging in the balance. Times ticking and everything’s slipping away; we can barely hold on to the rope because this game of tug-a-war is getting tiresome. Who will give up first and who will be left standing?
This is the home of one of the most scariest places on earth and yet Fell’s Church hardly knows it. People will love and suffer terrible loss, they will find out what it means to be put first and what it’s like to be risked, they will truly understand what’s out there… “Did you ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many people have pictures of you, how many moments of other people's lives we've been in. Were we part of someone's life when their dream came true, or were we there when their dreams died? Did we keep trying to get in, as if we were somehow destined to be there? Or did the shot take us by surprise? Just think, you could be a big part of someone else's life, and not even know it...” (- One Tree Hill)
Please check this RPG out. If their is an fc you're looking for then ask or if it's a certian character I'll make it just for you. Also we are a novella RPG, meaning we will only accept detailed and experienced writers who know what they are doing.
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 12 years
Can I just say this looks RRREEEAAALLLLY good! Your fcs are perfect. One question why isn't candice Katherine aswell?
Thank you! I really wanted to use faces that I kind of imagined  when I read the books. And to answer your question I really hate using an fc more than once for one and second of all Candice and Kaley look alike. In the books they aren't exactly the same, but they are really similar in appearances.
EDIT: When I made this decision I made it by myself. I had no idea what would be a good choice for the rp because my 'co-admin' is only helping with events and things. So this decision was a one man idea thought out. 
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 12 years
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Matt Honeycutt || 17 || Human || FC: Liam Hemsworth
Status: OPEN
"Elena, you are incredible. You twist people around your little finger and I don`t think you even know you`re doing it. And now you`re going to ask me to do something to help you ambush Stefan, and I`m such a dumb sucker I might even agree to do it." - Matt Honeycutt
Smart, kind, athletic these are many traits of Matt Honeycutt. He’s the boy next door. The boy you want to drive you home after school and the boy you want to share your first kiss with. This is exactly what Elena Gilbert has or had with Matt. Things have been slipping ever since her return from her summer in Paris and she’s just not the same as she use to be. Even Matt can see what’s under the surface. He may be a small town boy but that doesn’t make him blind.  He dated Elena long enough to know when something’s up and something is definitely up. As a boy he’s there for you and always full of kindness but as a man he’s willing to put others first he just more willing for Elena Gilbert. It’s true what they say about love; that it’s the most powerful thing to ever exist. And Matt knows this from first-hand experience.  Because he’s willing to put his life on the line for Miss Gilbert even if she’s not as willing to do the same.
Matt’s down to earth and always on his best behavior. It may seem weird he’s best friend with a bunch of girls, but who can blame him from wanting to hang with someone other than Tyler Smallwood, one of the many people he can’t stand, which is why he’s better off hanging with the Elena gang. Matt is probably more close with Bonnie that almost any of the girls and that’s including Elena. He’s so blind by what’s not there he can’t see what’s right in front of him. Underneath it all he truly has feeling for Bonnie. He’s just not ready to admit it to himself. It’s especially hard when you’re drooling over another woman to begin with. Went it comes down to it he’s a warrior and he takes on the role of being the bigger brother even when you’re facing a deadly storm like Caroline.
Matt’s not as simple as he looks. His blue eyes and blonde hair is not all he is. It’s quite disappointing to see him as the little towns golden boy because that’s what almost everyone thinks the people of Fells Church could amount to. Matt’s a Honeycutt who just want to find one guy friend he can actually confide into and Stefan just might be the guy, but he’s not as open as the townies want him to be. Matt may want him as a friend but that doesn’t mean he 100% likes him. Not when he finds out that’s one of the many reasons him and Elena broke up with one another.
What will Matt do next? He might just surprise us all and become the opposite of what we know and love about him. It’s a scary thing to think about, but when you love or in love it can make you do crazy yet stupid things. It takes on a life form itself and Matt is one to put it in overdrive. His heart is as big as the moon and with love so deep it could explode into a thousand tiny little pieces. If it was to happen who would pick up the pieces and would it make a difference if it did? The scars last a life time even if they fade eventually. They’re there and they cut deep and yet Matt Honeycutt has to learn the hard way or a snap of someone’s fingers and it could all be over.
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Melena | Monnie
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 12 years
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Caroline Forbes || 17 || Human || FC: Evan Rachel Wood
Status: OPEN
"I warned you that your time on the throne might be running out. But it isn`t my doing. What`s happening is simply natural selection. The law of the jungle." - Caroline Forbes
Caroline Forbes, the one girl who has the power to destroy everything Elena has built for herself, but the only way it will come crashing down is if Caroline goes down with her. That’s not a problem for our dear old Caroline. She loves being the center of attention even when people are snickering bad comments about her behind her back. She won’t admit it but it means something to her every time someone takes notice in her whether it’s for the good or for the bad. Either way it served she gets the ice cream and the cone.  She’s classified as one of those overly mean girls who are very willing to throw a few bitchy moves out there. And that’s exactly what she attends to do for their senior year of high school. She plans to take Elena down once and for all. She’s sick and tired of being the girl behind the blondes shoulder and all she wants to do is shine.
No longer will she be Queen B, but she’ll try to step it up a notch and be Queen A. Her original plan was to wait and snatch from Elena out of the blue, but when a mysterious new student comes to town, Stefan Salvatore, Caroline Forbes makes it her mission to win him over. The only problem is so is Elena who just so happens to be the person to give Caroline the nudge in the right direction to reveal the truth of what her cold heart desires. With her good friend Jaime at her side she’ll take matters into her own hands. But there’s something that seems to be missing and that’s Jaime’s loyalty. Which is exactly what Caroline knew all along so if Jaime isn’t careful Caroline will pull the trigger.
Caroline wasn’t always in a state of a craving self seeking top aspirant, but when you let yourself build with rage nothing else can stop you in your tracks. Most people are afraid of this girl, but that’s because she has power. If she says jump they ask how hi is she says dive they ask how low. And why is it that she has so much power? Most of its due to her strong willed mind, but it’s also because the Forbes holds much power in the small town of Fells Church. Caroline has always wanted what she couldn’t have. Until she met Tyler. The one boy who actually seemed against Elena. Not that she isn’t blind and can’t tell he wants to get in her pants, but the truth of the matter is he’s will to bend over backwards for her. Which she approves of and most girls would be afraid of being in the attention of Tyler, but not Caroline. She can hold her own, but if the time was to ever come would she?
Everyone, including Elena, things Caroline can be saved. Unlike Caroline who doesn’t see a reason to be saved. She’s reaching out she just doesn’t know it. Will it be too late or will the hope die out along with the light? Only time will tell and Caroline’s the only one who can lead the way to her redemption. Her soft green eyes, her beautiful flowy hair, and her tan skin maybe what’s on the outside, but an evil is creeping on the inside.  So where’s a prayer when you need one?
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 12 years
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Jaime Martin || 17 || Human || FC: Claire Holt
Status: OPEN
“You know I think you're the biggest bitch I ever met. I guess that's what I like about you. You're not afraid to play with fire, but are you really willing to get burned?" - Jaime Martin
Jaime Martin, the girl from the Upper East Side. Everyone considers her to be quite obnoxious as she throws her snarky attitude around about all the money her family owns. She’s beautiful with her long blonde hair and her dazzling blue eyes but she’s know Elena. And for some reason she hates the other blonde for being so mind compelling.  It might have to do with the fact she’s no one’s favorite anymore. When she walks the halls they don’t have want in them they just see something dull and when she smiles and flips her hair they don’t see flirtatiousness they see someone self-centered, but when it’s the golden beauty of Fells Church, Elena Gilbert, heads are turning. It use to be all about Jaime in New York City, but now she steps into a classroom that isn’t her own. It’s completely someone else’s.
After coming to Virginia she instantly hated Elena and all of her followers except for one. That certain someone was Caroline Forbes. But what was it about Caroline that made her so special? It was her hatred for Elena and her need to be on top. She just has to be Queen A because being Queen B just doesn’t cut it for her anymore which is something her and Jaime share in common; hatred for a girl who will always be number one in the world of Fells Church. If Jaime wasn’t blinded by rage she probably wouldn’t have stuck by Caroline’s side. After spending their last few months of junior year together they became the best of friends. The school is practically divided between the two, but most of those who ‘follow’ Caroline do it out of fear. Jaime’s just not one of those people. She’s friends with Caroline, but will she ever be 100% committed to her rein? The answer is no.
Jaime wants what she wants and if she doesn’t get her way then she immediately calls upon the dad. A daddy’s girl indeed. They say money can’t buy you love, but in this case it can. Jaime likes her wealth and she takes it for advantage. She’s just about prepared for anything that can be thrown her way. The only thing she doesn’t know is that Caroline is five steps ahead of her. Jaime is sinking deep into troubled waters and if she isn’t careful she just might drown and choking for air is never fun, but that doesn’t mean Jaime won’t bring out the claws. If anything that’s what she’s waiting for. She’s waiting for someone else to make the first move.
In this town nothing is coincidental. Jaime’s finding out the hard way. If only looks could kill her mother use to say, but times have changed and she’ll fight for what she believes is her ‘right’. There’s just one thing that people don’t know about Jaime and that’s her depression.  Back when she was in New York she use to be one of those girls who would be so week from not being perfect that she’d take over doses and drink herself into oblivion. But things in Fells are much worse because not only is she falling, but she’s praying that she’ll never land. If she does it might not be something anyone could overcome, not even Jaime. 
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 12 years
Upcoming Faces/Banned Faces
Upcoming FC’s
Evan Rachel Wood
Katie Leclerc
Candice Accola
Sophia Bush
Kaley Cuoco
Kat Graham
Megan Fox
Kristen Bell
Nina Dobrev
Ashley Benson
Keira Knightley
Phoebe Tonkin
Felicity Jones
Alezandra Jhonson
Shelley Hennig
Claire Holt
Lucy Hale
Jessica Stroup
Paul Wesley
Ian Somerhalder
Alex Pettyfer
Eric Dane
Liam Hemsworth
Logan Lerman
Gaspard Ulliel
Sean Faris
Robert Downey Jr.
Steven Strait
Chris Colfer
Jensen Ackles
Ben Barnes
Chad Michael Murray
Chace Crawford
Cam Gigandet
Channing Tatum
Garret Hedlund
Chris Zylka
 Banned FC’s
Disney FC
Nickelodeon FC’s
Twilight FC’s (Except Taylor Lautner)
Justin Bieber
One Direction Boys
Lindsey Lohan
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 12 years
Co - Admin Application
Time zone:
Roleplay experience:
Co-admin/admin experience:
Personal tumblr:
Other ways to stay in contact (Skype, chatzy…):
Can you handle being only a co-admin?:
Can you stay dedicated, focus, and get done what I need done?:
Can you make graphics/gifs? (examples please, not required):
An example biography (for this rp – nothing shorter than 3-4 paragraphs or just prove that you can write a long bio):
Do you understand the plot?:
Can you promise to never use banned fc’s? (The list isn’t up yet but basically the 1D boys, Selena, Justin):
How active are you?:
Links to current rp’s you are in (including account):
Links to rp’s you co-admin/admin:
What interested you in this rp?:
Who do you play/like to play?:
Anything else?:
Not all of this information is important!
This rp is based off of the ‘The Vampire Diaries’ books! And you’ll most likely be accepted. For the most part you’ll get first choice in character, write bio’s, and have an awesome time while making an awesome new friend.
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 13 years
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Katherine von Swartzchild || 20/500+ || Vampire || FC: Kaley Cuoco
Status: OPEN
"Conditioned to self interest with emotions locked away, if that’s what they call normal then I'd rather be insane." - Katherine von Swartzchild
"I woke in the middle of the night to see Gudren, my maid, standing over my bed. And then she stepped aside, and I saw the man she had brought. I was frightened. His name was Klaus, and I'd heard the people in the village say he was evil. I cried out to Gudren to save me, but she just stood there, watching. When he put his mouth to my neck, I thought he was going to kill me. It was not so terrible after all. There was a little pain at first, but that quickly went away. And then the feeling was actually pleasant. When he gave me of his own blood to drink, I felt stronger than I had for months. And then we waited out the hours together until dawn." - Katherine von Swartzchild
"You should have thought of that a long time ago. I might have listened to you then. I was sorry you'd killed each other at first. I ran away, without even Gudren, back to my home. But then I didn't have anything, not even a new dress, and I was hungry and cold. I might have starved if Klaus hadn't found me." - Katherine von Swartzchild
Katherine is extremely beautiful and both of the Salvatore brothers greatly admired her beauty and her elegance. Katherine bears a very strong physical resemblance to Elena Gilbert, in terms of coloring and facial features. She almost looks exactly alike to Elena, but Katherine has very white skin and a pale, translucent complexion which is soft, perfect, and flawless. She has deep, blue jewel eyes, which have been known to resemble a kitten's eyes. Like Elena, Katherine has golden blond hair, which is fair, flaxen and like silk; Katherine's tone of hair color is a few shades darker than that of Elena.
Despite the many similarities in both Katherine and Elena's physical appearance, there are a many different personality qualities between the two. Katherine use to be very sweet, docile, naive, childlike, fragile and an emotionally vulnerable girl but a little bit on the selfish, spoiled and immature side. Yet after faking her death so the Salvatore boys could truly understand what a life would be like without her would do to them she had grown to be quite devious and insane throughout the years. Katherine is just one of those girls who’s manipulative and won’t accept anything that doesn’t go her way. And that’s why she drove Stefan’s thoughts to Fells Church that and she wanted to make him suffer for fighting with his brother back in the renaissance period.
 All she had wanted was the three of them to live a life of eternity together because she couldn’t choose between the two. She loved them both, but there was no changing the hatred the two felt for each other deep down inside and even after all they had been through like telling them she was a vampire and sharing her secrets about walking in the sun in the end everything just wasn’t enough. And her necklace, the one with a Lapis Lazuli stone, which she wore around her neck, was all she left behind for them after ‘burning’ in the sun.
Katherine comes off as "wrong" and "distorted," twisted by her hunger and mocking others. Her voice may be light, sweet melodic and silvery but don’t let that fool you. She will stab you in the back in an instant; it’s her nature just like it is for all vampires some just choose not to embrace it. Which is why her and Roze had never really gotten along. Well, that and the fact that she is married to Damon and has always had a special place in the Salvatore brothers hearts and is more often thought about than her. They have crossed paths throughout the years, but Katherine is intimidated and scared of Roze. She’s nothing like Klaus her maker; he is bitter and evil, but never as smart and cunning as Roze.
How could the sick little darling who didn’t want to hurt anybody become a monstrous villain? Klaus. She had been found by him and he had taught her the way of a vampire until she killed him. Which is saying something if you can kill an original. She has been snooping the town and slowly playing mind games with everyone in Fells they just don’t know it’s her not even Stefan and Damon know this but Roze has her suspicions. Everyone better watch out because Katherine isn’t afraid of you and surely has had so many victims it’s impossible to keep count.
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Steferine | Datherine
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 13 years
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Bonnie McCollough || 17 || Witch (Psychic) || FC: Katie Leclerc
Status: OPEN
"Are you kidding? We love danger. I want to be young and beautiful in my grave, remember?" - Bonnie McCollough
"I`m not trained; it`s not something I can control. And-and it`s not a game, not any more. The more you use those powers, the more they use you. Eventually they can end up using you all the time, whether you want it or not. It`s dangerous." - Bonnie McCollough
Bonnie is known as being a small, petite girl who is very innocent, vulnerable and fragile who is extremely pretty, fair, and dainty in appearance. She has a classic, "avant-garde", and unconventional beauty. Bonnie is very delicate. Physique wise, Bonnie has a slim, diminutive frame. She has a very heartwarming, charming smile and she has deeply defined dimples in both of her cheeks; she appears cherubic, angelic, and doll like. Her complexion is very pale and fair, like that of snow, porcelain and swans, and her skin is smooth, opaque and translucent.
Bonnie has long, luxuriously thick, strawberry-red gold hair, which is usually softly curly and even slightly frizzy at times. Her red gold hair gives her the look of a 'fairy' or a 'pixie'. There is something innocent, pure, virginal, and fresh about her. Bonnie is said to resemble a kitten—cute, small, innocent and fragile which goes along with the fact that Bonnie is sweet, bubbly, cheerful, likeable, charismatic, kind, and a very charming individual, but she is not considered to be overly bright or intelligent. She is highly unsure about her identity and her future; who she is and what she really stands for. She is basically immature, naive, ditzy, childish, shallow, boy-obsessed, and insecure human being.
Bonnie is one of those people who counts on others to take care of her like Meredith who is more like a sister to her than Mary, her biologically related family. She is definitely a follower than a leader which is the complete opposite of her best friend Elena Gilbert; the girl who dominates the school. And if the brutal war between Elena and Caroline were to go any further than Bonnie would definitely back up Elena in the long run just like Meredith Sulez and Matt Honeycutt. With Bonnie’s ‘spunk’ Matt can’t help but be drawn to her, plus the fact that everyone has the need to be overprotective with Bonnie, their friendship is something so passionate it could be a possible love story if they were to feel that way about one another. It’s just another part of her charm.
Bonnie’s heritage is from a long line of psychics or in other words witches. Her grandmother even proclaims to be one and has gotten Bonnie to believe that she has these special abilities. Unfortunately the genetics only skip a generation which means that her mother and sister do not share the abilities with her leaving her vulnerable. She doesn’t actually believe that it is true but that doesn’t mean weird things haven’t happened when ‘practicing’. After telling Elena and Meredith about her summer they find Bonnie to be a little strange.
Bonnie hasn’t had an encounter with Damon yet, but can somehow feel his approach. He’s definitely someone she would be attracted too but is unsure of what she’s ever truly feeling. Damon’s noticed Bonnie, especially when she’s with Elena, and has these odd ideas of how she is somehow his ‘redbird’. After a long and bizarre summer Bonnie can’t wait to get back to her normal routine, but wouldn’t a psychic be able to predict the danger lurking?
Book Ships
Monnie | Bamon
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 13 years
Well,I want to audition for Bonnie and really want Kathryn FC for her.O,and can you create Bonnie's bio?
Sure, I'll write Bonnie's bio and will use Katie's fc for now. If your application is accepted and it's stated that you want Kathryn as the fc I'll be glad to change it for you.
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 13 years
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Rozalina 'Roze' Marie (Salvatore) || 22/2000+ || Vampire || FC: Sophia Bush
Status: TAKEN
“I've learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances." - Roze Marie
Roze is a caring person who is often snappy and reckless at times due to her vampire abilities. Roze is very energetic, outgoing and always helps a friend in need. She is a very committed to staying away from chewing and spitting out humans; she sticks to the blood bags. It’s her job which she takes very seriously. Her snarky and witty personality is considered similar to Elena Gilbert’s but tends to be old fashioned and wise. Though she can be very fiery and stubborn, she has a good heart and only wants to protect those she cares about. Her personality traits are also very similar to those of her past, like Damon Salvatore for instance, though Roze doesn't like to admit it, they are both charming, cocky, a little arrogant and proud.
One thing about Roze that you’ll learn immediately when meeting her is that she has a feisty attitude and puts on an over-confident bravado she is actually quite an emotional person, only willing to open up to those she truly trust, like Stefan and possibly Damon. And even though it’s been over 500 years since she last saw them doesn’t mean she doesn’t care for them. She’s actually the reason behind their very existence. Soon after she was betrothed to Damon she kept in touch with a young servant girl whom she owed after she had gotten her a new ring to wear upon her finger. Without thinking of the future she had forgotten the fact that she was a vampire and that she would never age. She had grown to love Stefan more than she had ever loved anybody and Damon was like a brother she never had. She knew that this was the start of something that could never end well.
Years after the marriage with Damon she got a message from the servant women and made her a deal to bring her helper, Katherine, to the Salvatore’s as long as she promised that Katherine was to never touch a living soul. That’s when the idea to leave approached Roze. What good would it do to stay if you were only going to have to leave anyway? So she fled leaving what little she could for the Salvatore’s and ever since she had been watching out for them.
Now she’s arrived to Fell’s for one reason and one reason only; Stefan. And that’s to protect him because he was the great love of her life. Yet, she loved Damon, but it was never the same passion and commitment she had given to Stefan long ago. Roze can’t stand Elena and won’t dare speak speak to her if they were ever to cross paths. Often does Roze go by her maiden name Marie, but just to piss certain people of she’ll use her married last name Salvatore.  No one, not even the Salvatore’s, no she is residing in Fells and she plans to keep it that way.
OC Storied Ships
Droze | Stroze
Rper’s Ship Ideas
Roze X Damon | Roze x Stefan | Roze x Male
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 13 years
Fc's to Come:
Jessica Stroup
Sophia Bush
Jessica Lowndes
Katie Leclerc
Kristin Bell
Katie Cassidy
Michael Trevino
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Paul Walker
Chad Michael Murray
Channing Tatum
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 13 years
The Vampire Diaries: Book Information
The Awakening & The Struggle
Elena: the golden girl, the leader, the one who can have any boy she wants.
Stefan: brooding and mysterious, he seems to be the only one who can resist Elena, even as he struggles to protect her from the horrors that haunt his past.
Damon: sexy, dangerous, and driven by an urge for revenge against Stefan, the brother who betrayed him. Determined to have Elena, he'd kill to possess her.
The Fury & Dark Reunion
Elena: transformed, the golden girl has become what she once feared and desired.
Stefan: tormented by losing Elena, he's determined to end his feud with Damon once and for all—whatever the cost. But slowly he begins to realize that his brother is not his only enemy.
Damon: at last, he possesses Elena. But will his thirst for revenge against Stefan poison his triumph? Or can they come together to face one final battle?
The Return (Trilogy): Nightfall
Elena Gilbert is alive—again.
When Elena sacrificed herself to save the two vampire brothers who love her—the handsome, brooding Stefan and the sleek and dangerous Damon—she was consigned to a fate beyond death. Until a powerful supernatural force pulled her back.
Now Elena is not just human. She has powers and gifts that were bestowed on her in the afterlife. What's more, her blood pulses with an overwhelming and unique force that makes her irresistible to any vampire.
Stefan wants to find a way to keep Elena safe so that they can make a life together. Damon, however, is driven by an insatiable desire for power, and wants Elena to rule as his princess. When Stefan is lured away from Fell's Church, Damon seizes his chance to convince her that he is the brother she is meant to be with. . . .
But a darkness is infiltrating the town, and Damon, always the hunter, is now the hunted; he becomes the prey of a malevolent creature that can possess him at will, and who desires not just Elena's blood but her death.
The Return (Trilogy): Shadow Souls
On the run…
Elena Gilbert’s love, the vampire Stefan Salvatore, has been captured and imprisoned by demonic spirits who are wreaking havoc in Fell’s Church. While her friends Bonnie and Meredith explore the evil that has taken over their town, Elena goes in search of Stefan.
In order to find him, she entrusts her life to Stefan’s brother, Damon Salvatore, the handsome but deadly vampire who wants Elena, body and soul. Along with her childhood friend Matt, they set out for the slums of the Dark Dimension, where Stefan is being held captive. It is rumored to be a world where vampires and demons roam free, but humans must live enslaved to their supernatural masters…
Elena will stop at nothing to free Stefan. Yet with each passing day the tension between Elena and Damon grows, and she is faced with a terrible decision: Which brother does she really want?
Back in Fell���s Church, Bonnie and Meredith have made some dire discoveries. They hastily try to follow Elena and warn her—only to be caught up in Elena’s most dangerous adventure yet.
The Return (Trilogy): Midnight
The devil you know…
With the help of charming and devious Damon, Elena rescued her vampire love, Stefan, from the depths of the Dark Dimension. But neither brother returned unscathed.
Stefan is weak from his imprisonment and needs more blood than Elena alone can give him, while a strange magic has turned Damon into a human. Savage and desperate, Damon will do anything to become a vampire again – even travel back to hell. But what will happen when he accidentally takes Bonnie with him?
Stefan and Elena hurry to rescue their innocent friend from the Dark Dimension, leaving Matt and Meredith to save their hometown from the dangerous spirits that have taken hold of Fell’s Church. One by one, children are succumbing to demonic designs. But Matt and Meredith soon discover that the source of the evil is darker – and closer – than they could have imagined…
The Hunters (Trilogy: Volume One): Phantom
Since meeting the irresistible vampire brothers Stefan and Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert has been to hell and back. Now that she and her friends have saved their hometown from a demonic sprit, everything can finally go back to normal. But Elena should know better than anyone that Fell’s Church will never be normal. In Phantom, a dangerous new threat sets its sights on Elena. And this time she can only count on one Salvatore brother to protect her.
The rest of the books have not been published yet, but as soon as the information is released I will update the book info.
L.J Smith was the creator of the orginal books and the return trilogy, but a ghostwriter has come in a has written the hunters trilogy and Stefan's Diaries (which is based of the show so the information will not be published here).
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 13 years
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Elena Gilbert || 17 || Human || FC: Candice Accola
Status: TAKEN
“I ….don’t think it’s vain to say that I’m beautiful. If I didn’t know I was, I’d have to have never looked in a mirror or heard a compliment. It’s not something I should be proud of—it’s just something that was passed down from Mom and Dad.” - Elena Gilbert
Physically, Elena is described to be extremely beautiful and drop dead gorgeous. Because Elena is so beautiful, all of the boys in Fells Church want her and all of the girls in the town want to be like her. Because of this, Elena does exhibit a bit of selfishness, pride and vanity. She tends to get what she wants even when it doesn’t belong to her. After the death of her parents Elena has been left with this void in her heart but can easily shrug it off. It’s what she does best.
Elena is to have long blond hair with Lapis Lazuli blue eye color. Although she may appear to be a beauty queen there is more to her than meets the eye. She can be shallow, bossy, selfish, competitive, self absorbed, overly headstrong and extremely spoiled. Elena has set her eye on Stefan Salvatore, the boy who wants to stay away from her as far as possible, but she has made up her mind. Stefan will be hers and with the help of her good friends Bonnie and Meredith, Elena will be willing to risk it all.
Elena has not met Damon Salvatore, the other brother, the one who wants to make her his princess of darkness. She really doesn’t have time for him not when she’s made the promise to win Stefan whether it kills her or not. And just because she comes off as a really prude person doesn’t mean that she isn’t caring and loving underneath her hard exterior. Elena is just very good at hiding her true feelings from the world.
As soon as Elena arrived home from Paris, France she has tought about her relationship with Matt and has come to the conclusion that she would much rather end it than continue their 'romance'. She even had time to appreciate her sister Margaret and her aunt Judith. It's the closest thing she has to showing her parents that no matter what decisions she makes or however she acts they will always be in her heart. When Elena left for Paris she took her whole world with her, but she also left a big part of that behind on her way home. She just doesn't know what.
Book Ships
Delena | Stelena | Melena
Rper’s Ship Ideas
Elena x Damon | Elena x Stefan | Elena x Male
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fellschurch-rp-blog · 13 years
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Stefan Salvatore || 17/500+ || Vampire || FC: Paul Wesley
Status: OPEN
"A gentleman doesn`t force his company on anyone, he doesn`t insult a woman, and, above all, he does not hurt her..." - Stefan Salvatore
Stefan is described to be the ultimate looker: very gorgeous, extremely good looking, and all of the girls at Robert E. Lee High School want to capture his attention. Because Stefan possesses the gift of immortality due to being a vampire, Stefan has a very youthful appearance which is rather boyish, pure, innocent and charming. Stefan will never age or grow old like a regular human. Stefan is dreamy and mystical in appearance and he has a strong, compelling aura. Stefan has greenish -bluish eyes, which are similar to that of green oak leaves with a tint of blue, and he has dark hair.
Stefan is the complete and total opposite of Elena. He doesn’t want to be on everyone’s ‘to know’ list and surly doesn’t take pleasure in playing games. Yet he hasn’t met her but as soon as he does old memories form and Katherine appears. It taunts him and for that he hates Elena and wants nothing to do with her. He’s left with all these questions but can’t stand to be around her to even try and find out why. While Stefan has arrived in Fells he thought nothing of his little ‘trip’ from his homeland in Italy which surely didn’t make him think that Damon could be her either, but he is and Stefan has no clue.
Stefan tends to wear expensive clothing, usually dark or black in color. Part of this is because he was once a member of the Italian nobility and his tutor had taught him to dress as befitted as his position. However, most of the time, he's been spotted on several occasions wearing T-shirts and jeans, and he shows an odd penchant for wearing sweaters. Stefan's trademark is wearing black leather jackets of unusual cuts. Stefan wears a large, silver Lapis Lazuli ring on his right middle finger as a talisman to protect himself against the sunlight. He wears a chain around his neck, which bares Katherine's gold Lapis Lazuli ring; he had obtained it after Katherine's ‘suicide’.
Stefan is the good vampire brother who is compassionate, kindhearted and caring. If anything it was proven when he first met Roze the girl before Katherine. His brother’s wife who was someone he never thought he could fall for but he had. He never truly understood what she was feeling and let her go when she disappeared. Katherine immediately replaced those feelings and assured him that she was ok. Not mentioning the fact that she was a vampire. Now there’s to vampires from his past in town and he’s so focused on forgetting his past he blocks all details of his present out.
Book Ships
Stelena | Steferine
OC Storied Ships
Rper’s Ship Ideas
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