felinefought · 2 months
new  haven  sure  offered  the  chill  life  it  promised,  even  to  someone  like  him.  seth  knew  only  two  modi  for  life:  hunt  &  kill.  but  here,  he  got  to  explore  a  different  side  of  himself,  even  if  it  was  ..  a  lot  of  his  old  skills  re-worked,  recycled  &  shaped  anew.  to  use  them  for  good  from  now  on.  he  had  too  much  proverbial  blood  on  his  hands  already,  maybe  he  shouldn't  be  doing  this,  but  it  didn't  count,  did  it?
this  was  different.
this  was  fun.
feline  senses  definitely  gave  him  an  edge  in  the  ring;  light  on  his  feet,  quick  to  react  to  incoming  hits.  he  didn't  dodge  them  all,  but  some.  those  who  mattered  it  seemed,  sharp  eyes  finding  an  opening.
sometimes  one  mistake  is  all  it  needs  to  lose  a  fight.  that  didn't  mean  much.  this  time  he  won,  though  the  grin  on  his  lips  was  unmistakenly  a  big  one.  like  he'd  won  championships.  or  whatever  else  boxers  won.
but  he  was  also  an  athlete  of  sorts,  so  his  hand  went  out,  glad  when  the  favor  was  accepted.  he  pulled  him  up  with  ease,  hand  on  tao's  shoulder  &  giving  it  a  little  squeeze.  "thanks,  glad  to  know  my  training's  not  in  vain.  you  did  pretty  well  yourself,  man.  got  a  good  few  hits  in."  this  ...  was  easy.  this  was  what  he  was  good  at.  most  other  shit  people  did  in  town?  not  so  much. 
"you're  still  pretty  new  here,  too,  right?  how're  feeling  about  this  place?"
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The canvas creaked under Tao's feet as he bounced, fists raised. Sweat trickled down his spine, the salty tang mingling with the heady scent of leather. Overhead, fluorescent lights blazed, casting shadows across the ring.
To his eyes, Seth's hulking form shifted, muscles rippling as he circled. Tao's eyes narrowed, tracking every minute movement. Size isn't everything, he reminded himself.
With lightning speed, Tao darted forward. His fist whistled through the air, only to meet empty space as Seth seemed to dodge. Undeterred, Tao pivoted, unleashing a flurry of strikes. Jab, cross, hook - each punch flowed into the next with practiced precision.
But as the minutes ticked by, fatigue began to set in. Tao's breaths came in ragged gasps, his muscles burning with exertion. Sweat stung his eyes, momentarily blurring his vision.
In that split second of distraction, a meaty fist crashed into Tao's jaw, snapping his head back. The world tilted sideways as Tao stumbled, his legs buckling beneath him. He hit the canvas with a resounding thud, stars exploding behind his eyelids.
For a moment, Tao lay there, dazed. Then, blinking away the spots in his vision, he looked up to see Seth extending a hand. A grin tugged at Tao's lips as he clasped the offered arm.
"Nice hit," Tao said, allowing Seth to pull him to his feet. "You've got one hell of a right cross."
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felinefought · 6 months
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seth. • bodyclaim. • headcanons. • isms. • threads.
Is that EMILIO SAKRAYA? No, that’s SETH MORGAN. The 25 year old LIGHTNING MOON WERE-OCELOT OMEGA MALE (HE/HIM)  is a BOXER + PERSONAL TRAINER. If you ask their friends, they’re known to be ENERGETIC & DETERMINED, but beware, they’re also known to be BRUTE & FEISTY. Can you believe they’re from THE PRESENT? Me either.
One of us and one of them.
The rules were simple. Special ones were chosen, raised and trained to be the perfect little soldiers in a war that had yet to be won. Their chances were .. good, very good indeed, but to risk success on the back of laziness was a risk the human race was not willing to take. Especially the more fortunate part of society who wanted the entire Supernatural race to go extinct. Waiting and watching wouldn’t cut it for them, so they invested ridiculous sums into an organization that existed solemnly to ensure the war was one-sided, in their favor. 
The Chosen. 
It was that, really. The humans didn’t want The Others around them, they didn’t want them in positions of power, or influence - or to exist in the world they claimed theirs, but they did very much agree to exploiting their abilities. Fae and Witches were used for their blood and magical abilities, vampires for their regenerative abilities and …others… they had their own uses for humans. Bears were stronger than the norm, felines faster. But what mattered the most was not the animal side of beasts. It was the moon. 
A were’s moon changed everything. The Chosen had facilities for the non-Humans they used, most of them weren’t tortured, but held captive against their will nonetheless. And then there were those like Seth. Born into this life. Born in a cage. His mother had been one of the first they found back in the day. She.. was not the ideal species for their plans, but until they found a better specimen - she would do, they thought. And it was still a 50/50 chance, right? 
Well, Seth got the short end of the stick. He didn't inherit his father’s long legs and his incomparable speed… but... his mother's... genetics, which was less than ideal. It was a risk, they said. But the majority came out fine, they said. Well shit. It was clear he was one of the disposable kind, those they set aside for emergencies, but they didn’t end his life at least. He was raised with the others, he was trained with the others, but those like him were held in different rooms than those who didn’t. His mother, which he didn’t know at the time - was not the only one. Neither was his father. They were on a mission and nothing would stop them. 
Escaping was not an option, the only way out was through the mission. Get approved, get a teammate, get out - which posed the main problem for Seth. He wouldn’t. His kind were no good out there in the fight against the enemy. Little did he know at the time that he was considered an enemy. 
It wasn’t until much later that the tides turned and Seth suddenly became interesting again. There was an incident. The leaders of the Chosen found themselves faced with an issue. Those they raised among their ranks were not always compliant and bound by duty. Some rebelled, some earlier and some later. The early ones could be shut down, but those who rebelled later? After years of training? An issue. 
One of his brothers who was gifted with his father’s superior traits wreaked havoc and took down an entire facility alone. He was sent away, as were the others of his kind. No risks were acceptable. The war had to be won. Left behind were only less fortunate souls like him. He didn’t know where they took his brothers and sisters, but he knew that his time .. was about to begin. 
He’d been taught the same everybody had, had been trained the same everybody had, so he was assigned a human partner and they were left loose on the outside world. Of course, no risks were acceptable, so Seth was tracked at all times in case he tried to run. He didn’t. He had no reason to. He was good at what he did, it was all he knew and he got to live his life almost freely the way he wanted to. So long as they completed the missions they were given. They called it missions, but it .. was assassinations, more so. 
Seth made two mistakes in his life. 
One. He rode for the Chosen for way too long before he realized it was wrong. 
Two. He fell in love with his human partner. 
One .. didn’t happen overnight. As years passed, doubts festered and grew over time, all that blood on his hands.. he’d never be able to wash his hands clean from sin. And two.. didn’t either. It was mutual for a time, too, which made his decision even more difficult. Their decision. It wasn’t his alone. Because he woke up one morning to find the tracker torn from his insides and a gun in his face. They had been found out, they’d been seen. It was either him or .. his partner. Well, safe to say he didn’t have a lot of options. Stay and die or leave. 
He didn’t feel like dying that day. 
After ten years on the road hunting so-called monsters, he heard rumors. They all did, the Chosen tried for years to find this mysterious safe haven the captured creatures wailed about, but so far .. no luck. With nothing left to lose, Seth figured he might as well try his luck. He set out to find New Haven, but .. he knew deep down that New Haven found him.
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