Fae Tanyel
29 posts
Miqo'te | saved from the one and only Nald‘Thal | FFXIV | Slow Writer | Main blog: @theshadowsong
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felialani · 5 months ago
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Fae 🤍 I tried to draw the gyr abanian plait hairstyle but the ponytail looked so weird, so I just drew open hair 🙈
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felialani · 5 months ago
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Feli‘s newest outfit 🩷
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felialani · 5 months ago
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All my ffxiv ocs (currently) I love them with all my heart ♥️
Fine, Dianne, Etar, Feli, Rem & Winona ✨
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felialani · 7 months ago
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felialani · 2 years ago
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felialani · 2 years ago
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The Traders
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felialani · 3 years ago
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h. hey, I just think he’s neat
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felialani · 3 years ago
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"It's hard to go back. My family died here. I almost died."
Close to Home
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felialani · 3 years ago
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“I survived the final days” no trip to New York for you
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felialani · 3 years ago
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Wip illustration of https://felialani.tumblr.com/post/683736749815496704/close-to-home because I am bored
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felialani · 3 years ago
Does Feli end up meeting the Warrior of Light? Or at the very least, join the Scions?
I originally wanted Feli to be more of an AU thing, but I seem to have a tendency to want to tie everything together. Yes, she will meet the Scions, and she will help Pipin take out Alphi at the bloody banquet. (Because I'm still wondering how they did that xD). However, she's also only 9 years old in A Realm Reborn, so she won't be much of a help fighting wise. She'll definitely show up again in Myths of the Realm.
Thank you for your question <3
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felialani · 3 years ago
Close to Home
I did it. I actually wrote something. I am proud that I finished this tbh lmao. I wasn't sure if I could write the Traders, but it was actually quite fun. Tho I'm no native speaker. Mistakes may be made.
Word count: 1,594 Warnings: death and near death experience. 6.1 spoilers eventually idk.
Fae Tanyel and how she got saved from Nald’Thal during the 7th umbral Calamity.
Restlessness had been felt for days. Tension vibrated in the air and everyone seemed to be just waiting for the unstoppable fate. It didn't matter what the leaders of the city-states said to calm the people. The sky was on fire, and no one could gloss over that with honeyed words. Hardly anyone had returned from Carteneau and the battle with the Garleans was still dragging on and on.
In East Thalanan, people were drawn to Camp Drybone. Most in the area lived in the city, but those who came from the villages sought shelter in the church. The feeling was hard to describe. The Immortal Flames stationed only sporadic soldiers around the camp to keep the crowd calm. Most of  them were still at war with Garlemald, and many Brass Blades wanted nothing to do with the refugees from Gyr Abania.
Fae was sitting on a caravan. The Miqo'te girl looked at the blood-red sky. Her parents whispered quietly to each other, so she wouldn't overhear what they were talking about. They too, for lack of a better solution, were on their way to camp. The vehicle bumped over the dusty desert floor. It had not rained for days, and it was very, very hot.
A few hundred yards away, a couple of trees jutted out of the ground, deep into an abyss. The burning wall. It owed its name to the deep red light it emitted every evening at sunset, and what was normally a pretty sight was obscured tonight by the threatening sky.
One could see the moon. Bigger and clearer than ever before, it was making its way toward the earth. Fae wondered if Dalamud had a will of his own. She did not understand what was going on or why the moon decided to keep falling. Menphinas loyal hound. Did the goddess forsake us? Did the twelve?
Despite she didn't know much about the religion of her tribe, she knew what the moon meant to them. But they were in Thanalan now. It is the realm of the Traders and Azeyma, the Warden. What if they are watching over us now?
This question was answered with a deep rumble. Fae forced herself to look away from the red moon and turned to her mother. „Fae!“ The Miqo’te pulled her daughter close. The planet itself seemed to tremble. She could hear hoof beats as a herd of Myotragus jumped on the street. At the same moment a flock of birds was startled, and a second rumble went through the very earth below.
„We need to get to the camp!“ She could hear her father say as she watched the moon shattering. Slowly at first. Crack after crack, but as clear as day. Dalamud was far away, and yet the shard that first hit the ground made the earth shake again, many times more violently than before. Still – the worst was yet to come.
„Seven Hells!“ Fae does not remember who cursed, she could only remember a roar - wild and raging, it pierced the air. She could remember feeling nothing at that moment. Just watched in shock. Watched the dragon hatch from the moon as if it were an egg. Watched as Dalamud crashed to the ground and broke into thousand pieces. She watched as comets flew over her. The child could no longer see the dragon, but the hellfire that was now raining down on them.
She was only shaken out of her state of shock when the ground broke away from under her, and she heard her mother scream. Then she was overcome by a terrible fear. Fae reached for her mother's hand, but it was nowhere to be felt, and then realized that she could no longer see anything. The ground was churned up, and the dust floated thickly in the air. The child coughed as she breathed in the sand and the smoke.
"Fae!" The voices could only be heard muffled. She felt that she had fallen on hard ground, but before she could pick herself up, part of the earth shot up right next to her. The child cried out. Rock crumbled down on her, and then suddenly it was terribly hot. One of Bahamuts killing fires hit not far away and made a sickening sound.
Fae could see nothing and could hardly breathe. She could no longer hear her parents' voices, and she tasted blood in her mouth. She backed away and bumped into a hot stone. A corrupted crystal, freshly born from the earth. The Miqo'te child hadn't even noticed, but tears were streaming down her face and the heat was almost unbearable. She would die here. She was quite sure of that.
"Thal, please..." said Nald, watching the moon shatter.
"We are not here to intervene, only to observe, brother."
Nald knew his brother's words even before he spoke them, they sounded cold and distant, but he could feel the pain behind Thal's words.
"So we are abandoning our children yet again."
In separate forms, they flew across the realm. White feathers adorned Thal's eagle body, just as black feathers adorned his brother's.
"You know our task is far greater than this. This will cost many lives, but our children are strong. They will endure."
The world below them was pure chaos. The Traders could feel the fear the Calamity brought. The souls cried out by this forceful rejoining. The destruction of a world strengthened the souls of these children and weakened the soul of the Mothercrystal. Hydaelyn's influence enfeebled once again.
"You sense it too, do you not?" It was not so much a question as a statement. This feeling a reunion of worlds brought was indescribable. So much dead, so much destruction.
But there was also something else - a dark presence. Stronger than before and yet pure in its own way. The twin gods know that the power of Zodiark was nourished by this blight.
"This is the last one. It has to be. She can not take it much longer." Nald said, and Thal muttered something in agreement. The keeper of the realm of death landed on the remains of a destroyed caravan. The air shimmered with heat, and he wondered if it was wise to stay here. The unstable ether was forming around his animal body, and he could not estimate how much it would take to reveal his true form to the mortals. Still, something bothered him.
Not far away, he could make out two figures in the dust. Lifeless, they lay there, in a position of mutual protection. But the fire of the Primal had burned them alive.
„Thal?“ His brother landed right next to him, watching over this lifeless people with a sense of guilt.
"A mortal." Was Thals answer, that let his twin brother in confusion. And then he could hear it. A soft but heavy breathing nearby. The traders flew side by side as they found a child huddled under a wall of newly emerged crystals. She was covered with dust and ashes and her breathing was getting weaker by the second. She was dying.
It was one thing to weigh the souls of these poor children on the scales. To take them to the heavens or hells, but another to watch them die. Nald closed his eyes. He couldn't bear the thought of it.
"Brother, should we really just watch?"
Thals gaze was still on the child as he hesitated. He could feel something that irritated him, and even more so that his brother didn't seem to notice.
He took off his animal form and assumed that of a man. Thal's dark skin shimmered almost golden in the fire of the apocalypse, his white hair was loosely braided over his shoulder and his eyes represented the blue flames of his true form. His brother watched him. He could feel what irritated him, but Nald wanted to hear it. Never before had they interfered with a mortals' life.
"Why her, why here?" Nald asked.
"She was not born to die here." Thal whispered. "I can just feel this is wrong."
"More wrong than the death of our other children?" Nald did the same as his brother as he took human form. He had the same dark skin that shimmered golden against the red sky. Long dark hair that fell down his back and warm, fiery eyes that matched his brother's cold blue.
A brief pang of anger coursed through Thal, as if these lives were not dear enough to him, but just one look at his twin was enough to appease him. Neither of them took this burden lightly. Of that he was sure.
"If I am not mistaken, it was you who wanted to interfere." Thal teased.
His brother sighed and bent down to the girl. Her breathing was now shallow. Nald took her carefully in his arms. The smoke from her lungs was easily removed, as was the dirt from her skin. But he could not heal the scars this day had left on her soul. Gently he lifted her up. It would be another hard time for her. The Calamity made her an orphan and when she woke up she had to understand what had happened. And above all, Nald'Thal was not someone a mortal liked to face after almost dying. But his heart swell when the unconscious child clung to him.
"This is right. I know it is."
Thal didn't answer, but he smiled. "Come now, brother, we have our duties. Take her with us for now, we shall see what comes when she awakens!"
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felialani · 3 years ago
random question: but what job does Feli have/ what do you play with her?
Not so random at all! I also thought about it for quite a long time, but Feli is a healer and she is one because of Nald'Thal.
They once asked her the same question. She saw them during the Calamity and how sad it made them. "I want to heal people so that their deaths don't make you sad anymore."
She mains AST for a reason uwu
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felialani · 3 years ago
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Long hair for Feli? uwu
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felialani · 3 years ago
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I mean… what do you expect when you have candles on your head?
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felialani · 3 years ago
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Wuuuups got brainworms about Feli and her dads and I can’t sleep because of them. stupid weep game.
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felialani · 3 years ago
Replaying ARR
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Someone has to deal with this guy again ;w; Quite funny to replay with Feli and listen to his ramblings about "heroic deeds" while she literally grew up with gods lmao
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