fef-crisis · 2 years
Press Release From Mehdi Aziz
Al Arabia can't wait to work with Egypt for the Capstone project! Let us spread the spirit of Al Arabia around the world!
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fef-crisis · 2 years
CIO Saachi Natella Pledges Loyal Commitment To Al Arabia
Our comrade, Sacchi Natella, has agreed to work overtime without pay to further manage and develop the data systems of Al Arabia! We hope that more fellow members will follow in his honourable footsteps.
Should anyone wish to do as such, free health insurance will be provided for your worthy sacrifice.
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fef-crisis · 2 years
Al Arabia Executives Bankrupt???
Al Arabia Chief Executive Officer, Mokhtar Abdallah, and Chief Technology Officer, Dinesh Pichai, have been spotted standing in a queue outside government welfare distribution offices as government officials were handing out food and water to the poor and needy. While the state of their personal finances are as of yet unconfirmed, the relentless speculation on social media has caused Al Arabia stock prices to decrease by another 2%. Members of the public are wondering if the company really should be paying their executives more so that they can spend their time actually do their jobs rather than queue for welfare benefits.
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fef-crisis · 2 years
CIO Fazil Ghosn Makes Generous Donation
Chief Investment Officer, Fazil Ghosn, has recently agreed to use 10% of his monthly salary to invest in Al Arabia. His loyalty to Al Arabia is extremely commendable, and we hope to see more board members follow suit. Glory to Al Arabia!
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fef-crisis · 2 years
Press release from Fazil Ghosn: "Dear investors, The recent news by Al Jazeera has proven to be nothing more than a hoax. They are nothing more than unsubstantiated claims made by users on the Internet. Al Arabia continues to maintain its commitment towards providing the best oil service for all our consumers and clients. I hope all investors can join me for a meeting in Riyadh in a weeks' time at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. We can discuss ROI rates, investment interest rates, and shareholders' equity. I look forward to meeting everyone." Image from the Hyatt Regency meeting on 15 March 2033:
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Pictured: Fazil Ghosn (centre)
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fef-crisis · 2 years
Press release from Greda Thoumbouk "As the COO of environment, I understand that the recent press news implies that I have embezzled funds. However, I would like to explain the recent scandal. Firstly, my justification for the cost of solar panels. According to the Center for Sustainable Energy, the average cost for solar panels is $3–$5 per watt, totaling $15,000–$20,000 for a typical 5 kilowatt (kW) system. However, advanced solar power systems can total up to $25,000, so I estimated the highest possible cost. In reality, we are installing around 500 solar panels per year of the 10 000 solar panels that we are trying to install, so the project would last around 20 years for the Capstone project. Yearly, only $750k a year will be spent on the solar panels. I hope that this data justifies my conclusion. Secondly, the tree planting initiative. To make up for the shortfall in funds, we are currently investigating ways to make up for the shortfall in funds. To show my support for this initiative, I have decided to take a 20% salary cut so that the money can be funnelled into the tree planting initiative. Hopefully, more people can show their support of the project by volunteering and donating. We thank you for your continued support."
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fef-crisis · 2 years
Press Statement from Al Arabia CEO Mokhtar Abdallah (26 February 2033) "The redditors who dug up the conspiracy theory regarding the "Corrupt Subsea 8 Pipeline contract" are completely unfounded in their claims. Al Arabia was in a time of an extreme financial downturn and simply did not receive any other tenders given the state of confidence in such a long term project, thus we were forced to take up this contract, which seemed rather favourable to us"
Redditors now appear to be in contact with the hacker group Anonymous, and are now claiming that Al Arabia is looking to pick a fight with "netizens of the world" who are just trying to promote transparency.
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fef-crisis · 2 years
Statement to investors: “Fellow investors, Al Arabia look towards a new day ahead. Hallahsni Banking Co., a subsidiary of our long-term partner Credit Swiss, will be lowering its investment loan rates on investments into Al Arabia. At this time of maximum opportunity, I implore all investors to invest into the rebuild of one of the world’s leaders in oil production! Mutamaniyan Lakum Altawfiq! (Wishing you the very best!)” ~Fazil Ghosn (Chief Investment Officer, Al Arabia)
At the same time, Swiss authorities thank Fazil Ghosn for being so indirectly cooperative in their investigations by sharing information publicly about the financial relationships between Credit Suisse, Al Arabia, and Hallahsni Banking Co.
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fef-crisis · 2 years
BREAKING NEWS: Al Arabia or Al Enron?
Al Jazeera 15th December 2032
Al Arabia, the world’s largest oil corporation, has been in the limelight recently due to the tragic loss of CEO Abdul Faris Zosman during a highly publicised hostage situation, but recent developments have only added fuel to the fire.
Top finance executives, Paul Greenspan and Fasil Ghosn, have been charged with fraud, gross negligence, and willful misconduct after external auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) discovered major accounting issues in Al Arabia’s recordkeeping. Saudi authorities have stated that they are working closely with PWC to investigate these irregularities.
Chief Technology Officer, Dinesh Pichai, is being held responsible for misappropriating $4 million in company funds. Massive misuse of funds has been found in employees’ claims over company-related expenses regarding staff training.  Details from official sources are scarce, but Al Arabia employees have been seen partying hard in the Maldives and flying on Qatar Airways’ luxury Qsuites packages. One such employee, who wished to remain anonymous, was interviewed during their stay in Kurumba, a 5-star resort. He mentioned that they were sent to the Maldives on an official Al Arabia course for offensive security (OSCP) training headed by Eddie Snowen. The course website, run by ‘Eddie Snowen’, claimed that he was a “hacker extraordinaire” and had ”worked for the United States National Security Agency for 30 years”. Curiously, the course only accepts payments in bitcoin. One wonders whether Al Arabia’s senior company executives truly fell for such a scam, or if there were ulterior motives at play.
However, it is not only the CTO who seemed to be deeply interested in the Maldives. In a bombshell announcement, the board of Credit Suisse had just released a press statement accusing  Fazil Ghosn, Chief Investment Officer of Al Arabia, and Rob MaKash, CEO of Credit Suisse, of embezzling $2 billion from Credit Suisse. Swiss authorities have begun investigating these allegations, and have reached out to Saudi and United Kingdom authorities to assist in a joint investigation. Some 4chan users have also discovered a complicated web of shell companies which ultimately link Fazil Ghosn, to an offshore company, “Hallahsni Banking Co.”, established in the Maldives.
Moreover, it appears that finances are not the only trouble for the pair. Earlier in September, Interpol and Europol conducted a joint manhunt for the Environmental Liberation Front (ELF) terrorists, which culminated in a major shootout between the parties. 15 well-trained masked men were also arrested alongside the ELF terrorists. Interpol has since released an updated report which revealed that the 15 masked men were likely to be international mercenaries hired to attack the ELF, but accidentally got involved in the battle and attacked Interpol forces instead. The mercenaries, as part of a plea deal, confessed that while they did not know who exactly employed their services, they were willing to hand over their bank details to Interpol for further inspections. Upon investigating the payment which the mercenaries received, Interpol discovered some financial trails which were not properly concealed and which had links to Hallahsni Banking Co..
Controversies drowns virtually every aspect of CAPSTONE I. However, new allegations adding crude oil to the flaming pipeline shines a new light on one of the main subcontractors for the pipeline, SUBSEA 8. They allege that SUBSEA8 earned the tender through potentially underhanded means and sweetheart deals. In a series of leaked communications that were briefly accessible to the public during the 2030 data breach, reddit users have found that close links between Mokhtar Abdallah and the COO of SUBSEA 8 ment that SUBSEA 8 was given the lucrative contract without a proper open tender process.  One wonders how deep the conspiracy goes. 
Along a similar vein, being the CEO does not seem to eliminate one from such scrutiny. It turns out that CEO of Al Arabia, Abdul Jeffrey Zosman, is responsible for a $300000 loss of company funds. The investigation revealed that Zosman sent $300000 to hire an assassin from the dark web as part of his attempt to assassinate his father. However, the plan backfired upon finding out that the “assassin” had scammed him. 
On the other hand, COO of Environmental Commitment, Greda Tumbouk, seems to have ambitious plans for the future. A record $150 million from the IDGAF was spent on her tree-planting initiative, with a $600 million shortfall. Where did this money come from? Tumbouk also called for $250 million to be spent on solar panels, with each solar panel costing a whopping $25000. Are these solar panels made of gold? 
Turns out, the manufacturer of the solar panels is Al Syria, a manufacturing company in Syria, with surprising links to Bashar Al-Assaf’s brother, Bashar-Al-Assal, who is also the CEO of the firm. The company has a long history of fraud, embezzlement, and lately, money laundering for its involvement in a secret Syrian drug trade. 
All of these shocking findings point to the same conclusion: Is the Al Arabia board truly run by a competent board? How will they continue making sure they stop embarrassing Saudi Arabia?
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fef-crisis · 2 years
LIVE UPDATE: Shootout between Environment Liberation Front and Interpol and Europol
Al Jazeera 22nd September 2032
A day after the Environment Liberation Front (ELF) tragically murdered Abdul Faris Zosman, Interpol and Europol had finally tracked down the ELF’s headquarters. However, when their forces approached the headquarters, there was a major shootout between Interpol and Europol and ELF forces. The battles lasted an hour with casualties on both sides, and ended when Interpol and Europol finally arrested the Environment Liberation Front (ELF) forces. Journalists on the ground saw ELF members being led out of the headquarters in handcuffs. 15 masked gunmen also appeared to be escorted alongside the ELF members, with journalists overhearing these gunmen protesting that there has been a major misunderstanding as they were supposed to be fighting the ELF as well and accidentally fired at Interpol and Europol instead in the confusion. Notably, these gunmen appeared far more well-trained in armed combat than the other ELF forces, and some members of the public are wondering about their true identities and whether they really are indeed affiliated with the ELF.
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fef-crisis · 2 years
The stock dives, while his spirit rises.
Al Jazeera 21st September 2032
As the hostage crisis unfolds, with both Interpol and Europol not being able to locate Abdul Faris Zosman in time, leadership uncertainty has captured the zeitgeist when it comes to discussion about Al Arabia. Investor confidence and even government confidence is at an all time low. With Al Arabia unwilling to negotiate with terrorists, ELF has now announced that they have murdered Abdul Faris Zosman. His body will be dumped next to the red cross building in Geneva. 
The stock price of Al Arabia has nose dived by 50%, sending shockwaves through the security market, with oil prices now climbing to an all time high as uncertainty in the commodity market.
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fef-crisis · 2 years
Public Statement by Mehdi Aziz
Any violation of human rights is frowned upon by Al Arabia. We have not done wrong. We are simply bringing fuel and livelihood to the countries people. Without oil, We would not be living such a comfortable life today. We hope the Environment Liberation Front will be logical, and do the moral thing. They claim to be a organization for justice, we hope they will live to that name.
Mehdi Aziz, COO of Downstream Operations
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fef-crisis · 2 years
2035 Reduction Plans
With the kidnapping of our dear CEO, we are currently working towards saving me and strengthening our sustainability measures and making pledges to ensure that we can meet our goal of being carbon neutral by 2060. Specifically, our 2035 reduction plans will include
1. 20-30% reduction in corporate wide greenhouse gas intensity
2. 40-50% reduction in upstream greenhouse gas intensity
3.70-80% reduction in corporate wide methane intensity
4. 60-70% reduction in corporate wide flaring intensity
These are just some sustainable pledges that we have made. We hope that these pledges show our commitment to protecting the environment. Thank you.
Greda Tumbouk, COO of Environmental Commitment
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fef-crisis · 2 years
An insider job?
The Environmental Liberation Front is a climate activist group organised by The Climate Union of The University of Amsterdam. At the same time, Paul Greenspan, a notable adjunct lecturer, is coincidentally from the same university. An insider job maybe?
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fef-crisis · 2 years
CNN Breaking News:
Hawiyah Gas Plant Explosion 2027 Reveals New Leads 
It seemed like not long ago when the Hawiyah Gas Plant exploded in 2027, claiming the lives of many workers. While the case was thought to be closed a few years back, recent investigations have led us to new information about the explosion.
A covert investigation has revealed that Abdul Jeffrey Zosman, Chief Executive Officer of Al Arabia and crown prince of Saudi Arabia, was involved in the gas plant explosion. 15 mercenaries were sent by him to set a fire, and made sure to cover up his traces afterwards.
Nearly a month ago, a search warrant was issued to enter the crown prince’s house. Through successfully taking over his devices, much evidence was found. Multiple text messages between the crown prince and his subordinates reveal that the crown prince “does not want to provide compensation to the affected families”, and that it is an incident to be swept off the company records. At this moment, the actual details of the evidence cannot be revealed to the public.
An arrest warrant is in the process of being approved. In the meantime, the Ministry of Justice will review this case and call for a hearing. 
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fef-crisis · 2 years
Video uploaded by Environment Liberation Front (ELF) New York Times 7th September 2032
Since the kidnapping of Abdul Faris Zosman, CEO of Al Arabia, a week ago, it has been an incredibly tense week for both Al Arabia as well as the government of Saudi Arabia. Sources indicate that the Al Arabia board remains deeply divided over how to proceed with the hostage situation, with some wishing to save the CEO by acceding to the ELF’s demands while others are against the idea. Investor confidence continues to be rocky as share prices decreased by a further 10% over the past week owing to the uncertainty about the leadership of the company.
One week after the kidnapping, the ELF has released a new video today to the entire world. The video starts by showing Abdul Faris Zosman tied to a chair with bruises on his entire body. The video then moves on to a gruesome scene in which the kidnappers start pulling fingernails off his hand as he is screaming in pain. The ELF then announces in the video that if Al Arabia does not release a public proposal detailing how they plan to withdraw the Capstone pipeline project and implement comprehensive sustainability pledges. The ELF has said that they are willing to let him go if these demands are met, and that they will personally assess Al Arabia’s plan through a video meeting which will be arranged soon.
Based on social media sentiments, Saudi nationals are in complete uproar over the kidnapping and torture of a Saudi royal family member. Many citizens also referenced the previous apology that Al Arabia board members made to their sworn enemy, Iran, and have called for the Al Arabia leadership to do something immediately or resign in disgrace.
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fef-crisis · 2 years
The Great Wall of Conflict  
The recent update on the hostage crisis has left the country in shambles. However, it seems like even the board members of Al Arabia have differing opinions on the CEO. 
 “The old CEO has done nothing for our company and nation and we will continue moving forward with our plans for the Capstone project.”
Dinesh Pichai, Chief Technology Officer
We understand that our current CEO is being held by the Environmental Liberation Front, and we would like to show the public that our company has put in an enormous amount of money into our green transition. We have are researching and developing forms of renewable energy such as hydropower, wind, solar etc., implemented the tree planting initiative and annual green day in the company to raise awareness for the environment and form carbon sinks, invested in solar installation for the Capstone project, and are considering implementing other forms of renewable energy in our projects. We hope that our CEO can be released soon and that we can continue our green transition for the sake of our environment." 
Greda Tumbouk, Chief Operating Officer of Environmental Commitment 
May the action begin. 
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