fede-ricos-things · 10 days
Don’t wait for the perfect timing, because time won’t wait for you.
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fede-ricos-things · 10 days
RULES: You can only say guilty or innocent. You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you or asks you. Repost, don't reblog. (italic on verse depending answers)
asked someone to marry you? -innocent
kissed one of your friends? -innocent
danced on a table in a bar/taverne - guilty
ever told a lie? -innocent
had feelings for someone whom you can't have? -guilty
kissed a picture? -innocent
slept until 5pm? -guilty
fallen asleep at work/school? -innocent
held a snake? -guilty
been suspended from school? -innocent
worked at a fast food chain / restaurant? -innocent
stolen something? -innocent
been fired from a job? -innocent
done something you regret? -guilty
laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? -innocent
caught a snowflake on your tongue? -guilty
kissed in the rain? -innocent
kissed someone you shouldn't? -innocent
sang in the shower? -guilty
been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? -guilty
slept naked? -guilty
mad a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? -innocent
shot a gun? -guilty
ever loved someone you shouldn't? -guilty
have/had a tattoo? -guilty
liked someone, but will never tell who? -innocent
been too honest? -guilty
ruined a surprise? -innocent
been called beautiful by someone who really meant it? -guilty
ever still had communication with your ex? -innocent
cheated on someone? -innocent
got so angry that you cried? -innocent
tried to stay away from someone for their own good? -guilty
thought about suicide? -innocent
thought about murder? -guilty
how about mass murder? -innocent
stalked someone? -innocent
had a girlfriend/boyfriend? -innocent
gotten totally drunk during a holiday? -guilty
tagged by @carlaxrosalina
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fede-ricos-things · 11 days
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They wanna arrest me, but I was just having fun
I swear that I'm not drunk, and I'm not taking drugs
They ask me why so hot, 'cause I'm Italiano
Name: Federico Moretti
Beruf: Musiker
Based in: Rom Italy
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