fdaly · 7 days
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Did read these books as a kid? Guess How Much I Love You was always a favorite of mine.
There are many similarities between these books that I've never noticed before. It wasn't until I listened to a "Freaknonomics" podcast about the psychological "big fish-little pond, little fish-big pond" concept that recognized some of these details. This concept debates whether someone would rather be the best person in the worst company, school etc. or be the worst in the best company, school etc.
The children's book, I Love You the Purplest, was mentioned in the podcast, and it made me think of a book I used to read as a little kid: Guess How Much I Love You. These two children's books are so similar in the way they both involve a parent telling their child how much they love them in unique ways. Also, competition is a common theme; the two sons continually compete against each other to see who is "better" at whatever they were doing, furthermore, Little Nutbrown Hare would compete with his father, Big Nutbrown Hare, to see who could love the other one the most.
In the podcast, Mike Maughan said, "Pick which pond works best for you." I think each character in both books found their "pond." At the end of I Love You the Purplest, the boys were happy to be loved equally by their mother while still having their own qualities in their own ponds. In Guess How Much I Love You, Little Nutbrown Hare found his pond in his father's love. Though they might not have been the biggest fish in the pond, they were certainly the happiest.
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fdaly · 15 days
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Who said history homework isn't fun? Hamilton is excited about it!
I remember that I had to study for a history test, and there were so many things I had to memorize. Do you know how I studied it? I made it into a song! I would hum a beat and try to rhyme my facts together. It was an interesting mnemonic device, but it worked for me. I think that is what music videos that explain history try to do; they attempt to make learning history more fun and in a medium such as a show or Broadway performance that both kids and adults can enjoy. Educational shows such as a School House Rock episode about the Constitution are intended to help kids learn about things that happened long before they were born with fun cartoon characters and songs, and shows like Hamilton try to bring history into the present, and make it modern for older audiences. I enjoy both options or any history lesson that involves music.
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fdaly · 21 days
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Which one is recyclable, the greasy pizza box or the Styrofoam cups? Actually, the box can be recycled with grease and all. Large pizza box companies such as WestRock, which is a packaging company focused on corrugated, cardboard products, recycle old, dirty pizza boxes, and they turn them into new, usable boxes. Whereas, the Styrofoam cups linger around because they are not biodegradable; therefore, they cause more harm than the oily boxes.
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