fckoffalex · 10 years
Any and all traces of rebellion had now left Alex's body as he squirmed a little. Whenever Riley's fingertips grazed his chest, Alex leaned up to soak in the warm attention, a quiet moan drifting from his lips. "You only make me worse when you tease me," he reminded with a soft chuckle.
"F-fuckin' want you bad," Alex moaned, sharp and desperate as he scrambled to stand upright, arms draping round Riley's frame. "Heard you loud and clear, Mr. Jackson." With emphasis on the 'mister', Alex lifted himself so that he was sat right back on Riley's desk, legs wrapped firm round the male's waist. "Fuck me right here, please.." It came out as a desperate whine as he raked his fingernails over the thin material of Riley's shirt. "Wanna look at it and class and think o' you."
When You're Angry Ω Alex & Riley
Riley’s lips immediately curved into a smirk. “Oh so you like that then?” He asked, flicking the small metal piercings again. “You should be fucking grateful I’m doing something you want, instead of me teasing ya” he said with a laugh.
The teacher knew that Alex would come back begging for him, and it had worked exactly as planned. The words from Alex’s mouth sent shivers down his spine. He turned around on his heels before slowly walking back. “Oh so you want me now pretty boy?” He purred, making him stand by tugging on his shirt. “I’m not gonna come crawling back to you every time you pull something like that you hear me?” He said in a demanding tone, looking up at him.
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fckoffalex · 10 years
When Riley's fingers grazed over the piercings that were embedded in the boy's chest, Alex let out what was practically a whimper -- a distorted moan that sounded vaguely like Riley's name. "Fucking hot when you touch it."
Sitting up, Alex nearly let out a cry before he sat up, danging his legs off the side. "Please," came the quiet whisper, followed by more of it's kind. "Please fuck me, please. Want you so bad, so fuckin'... please, please." He figured the desperate begging would have Riley running back, eyes wide as he bit at his lip. "Please. Want you to get me off."
When You're Angry Ω Alex & Riley
Riley tugged on the boy’s lip again, desperate to get the younger to beg. He knew Alex was so close to cracking, he just had to send him over the edge. “What’s this?” He asked, flicking the boy’s nipple piercing, “Looks hot” he added, pulling the boy into another deep kiss.
The teacher raised brow and waited for a few moments to see if he was serious or not. He shrugged before standing up and grabbing his leather jacket, slipping it over his shoulders. “Alright then, but don’t expect me to watch” he said with a laugh, making his way to the door. “Bye Alexander” he hummed.
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fckoffalex · 10 years
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fckoffalex · 10 years
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fckoffalex · 10 years
"Hot," Alex breathed before he pressed another searing kiss to the male's lips, back arching as he debated sliding one hand to palm himself through the denim of his jeans -- it couldn't hurt, could it? He just smirked to himself before tugging his sweater off, revealing nothing but an expanse of pale skin and silver barbells pierced through each nipple.
He can't help but smirk up at Riley when he finally rids himself of his shirt, wiggling back so he's laid out across the table before his hand dives straight for his jeans, popping the metallic button of his jeans and tugging his zip down. "You aren't gonna do it, babe, might as well do it myself."
When You're Angry Ω Alex & Riley
"Ill do whatever I fucking well please, Alexander" he said with a laugh. He smirked at the reaction from the boy, making a mental note to do it later. "See, I told you I’d win this" he said before nibbling under the boy’s ear.
Riley nodded, “I do want you to beg” he said, leaning back slightly. He shivered at the boy’s words, “You think that’s fucking begging? You’re not even close” he said, tangling his hand into the boy’s shirt before pulling him closer, “Try harder” he demanded.
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fckoffalex · 10 years
"I said, don't call me that. It's Alex or nothing," Alex mutttered before a loud moan ripped from his throat and from the way he nearly jumped in surprise, he wasn't expecting it either. "Y-you're fucking ridiculous, jesus.." Of course, everything that fell from his lips now was just bluff, straining denim didn;t lie and neither did his oceanic hues that seemed to encompass too much emotion.
"You want be to beg for you." It wasn't so much a question as a statement but nevertheless, Alex let off a shaky moan before propping himself up on his knees, hands gripping at Riley's shoulders before he leant in, brushing the rough skin of his lips against the seashell curve of the elder's ear. "I want you to fuck me, Jackson -- or should I call you daddy, huh? You get off on that?" One hand was worming down to rest on Riley's hip while the other remained tangled in his hair, eyes slanted downwards. "Fuck. Me."
When You're Angry Ω Alex & Riley
Riley smirked, “Should I be scared Alexander? Should I lock all the doors and hire someone to protect me?” He said, mocking him slightly. “I teach Alex, of course I do” he said with a smirk. When the boy kissed him he almost immediately bit down on the piece of metal that was pierced through the boy’s lip.
The teacher nodded, “I do want you to beg, and you won’t get anything if you don’t” he said, basically grabbing onto Alex’s hips so hard he couldn’t grind against him. “You may be saying that, but your dick isn’t” he said with a chuckle.
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fckoffalex · 10 years
"Not like me," Alex whispered as he drew himself up, lips now hovering over Riley's before his eyes dropped. "Baby, yo ain't never dealt with a kid like me." No more words needed to be said -- he crashed his lips violently against Riley's capturing him in a bruising kiss that was too much tongue and clattering teeth but fuck, it had his skin prickling with heat again.
"I'm not begging, you wanted me to beg. Ain't gonna beg." Alex's words came out in harsh pants, giving another harsh tug of Riley's hair before grinding his hips up, the crown of his head just about crashing against the desk as he gripped at Riley's bright locks. "Not fuckin' begging."
When You're Angry Ω Alex & Riley
Riley chuckled, “Oh I’m shaking, it’s not like I haven’t dealt with an assassin before” he said before rolling his eyes. “Wow thanks for that vote of confidence” he huffed, feeling slightly annoyed. He shook his head once again, a soft laugh passing his lips, “Oh I know it is, but you act like a teenage boy Alex. No matter how many people you kill, it doesn’t hide the fact that you’re a horny teenage boy” he said with a smirk.
"Really now? Oh but your reaction just makes it so fun" he mumbled, leaving soft, dark purple bruises on his skin. Riley almost moaned at Alex tugging on his hair, as it was one of his favourite things, but he managed to keep it in. He nodded, "You bet, and don’t try and act like I need to try harder, cause I can feel your dick on my thigh" he pointed out.
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fckoffalex · 10 years
"I've killed more than 20 people," Alex murmured as he raked his fingers through Riley's bright hair, locking it securely round his finger before tugging lightly. "You're a shitty music teacher and your jeans are too tight," he chuckled before he bucked his hips up again. "Age's but a number."
"Keep fuckin'.. touchin' my neck and your fun's gonna be over soon." Alex warned him, tipping his head back and tightening his fingers in the male's hair. The tightness in his jeans was almost unbearable now -- he'd been half-hard since he strutted into the room, and he was still as full of himself as he had been then. "You gonna have your fun with me, huh?"
When You're Angry Ω Alex & Riley
Riley smirked, the younger was trying oh so hard to keep up his cocky attitude. “And I run a world wide drug dealing and smuggling business, I still follow the law” he said with a soft chuckle. “I had a feeling it would be something like that, I’m not a music teacher for nothing” he pointed out. “Yes, you’re five years younger than me, remember?” He smirked.
The smirk that was already tugging on the boy’s lips just grew even more. “You sure about that sweetie? Don’t you want to have some fun?” He asked, slowly starting to suck on his pale skin, nibbling occasionally.
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fckoffalex · 10 years
"It's illegal to own 20 guns and 30 different types of hunting knives, do I look like I give a fuck about legality?" Sitting up slightly, Alex draped his arms round Riley's neck, eyes fluttering shut. "I've been playing since I was 10, babe. Innocent, really?" Just to prove his point, Alex bucked his hips up, eyes falling shut.
"F-fuck," he muttered, hoping that the older male wouldn't hear it as he let his fingers tangle in the ends of Riley's dyed hair, biting at his lip before he tightened his legs round the teacher's waist. "You couldn't make me beg even if you tried." There's an edge of determination in Alex's voice; was determined not to give in to his body's screaming wants, he wanted to last this out and see if Riley would break before he did.
When You're Angry Ω Alex & Riley
Riley laughed, “Sweetheart, you have to be at school. It doesn’t fucking matter if you want to be here or not, it’s illegal if you don’t go” he pointed out, shaking his head. The boy shivered ever so slightly, “Never knew you played guitar love” he muttered, staring up at the taller boy who was now sat on his desk. “I never said you were a fucking angel, I said you were innocent. You’d still be an innocent boy to me if you strangled five men in front of me” he said with a shrug.
The teacher raised a brow, “Did I fucking stutter?” He asked with a smirk. The older gripped the boy’s hips pulling him closer. “Oh I’ll fucking make you beg, and you know I can too” he purred, placing soft kisses up and down the boy’s neck.
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fckoffalex · 10 years
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fckoffalex · 10 years
"Clever approach. The FBI, they wouldn't look twice at me, now, would they? Innocent, blonde.. I look like a fuckin' angel." Pushing himself up into a standing position, he circled Riley briefly before he traced a calloused finger along his neck. "Angels don't carry shotguns in their schoolbags." A distracted laugh passed his lips before he perched on the edge of his desk, legs spreading just a little bit as he gazed up at the elder male.
"You want me to beg?" A disbelieving expression found it's way to the blonde's features, eyebrows shooting up before he licked over his lips, slowly letting his back band over the table, legs wrapping round the other's waist as he let a series of chuckles pass his lips. "You'll have to make me beg, Jackson."
When You're Angry Ω Alex & Riley
The man flickered his eyes up to meet Alex’s, “Don’t tell me you’d kill your favourite teacher now” he said with a smirk. He shrugged, “Why do you think I teach? Do you think the police would ever take a second look at a teacher?” He said with a laugh. “And I’m one of the most wanted drug dealers and they can’t fucking catch me, stupid idiots” he said before shaking his head.
Riley smirked, “Because your attitude pisses me off, plus I’ll only ever touch you if you beg, and you don’t seem to be on your knees yet babe” he said before cocking an eyebrow. “I have an hour and a half with you, don’t worry, I’ll get you to your appointment” he said with a chuckle.
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fckoffalex · 10 years
"If the need arose." Alex's job outside of school wasn't much of a secret anymore -- he'd disappear from classes and reappear with a crimson stain underneath his fingernails and the smell of gunpowder would still linger round him like a sickly perfume. "Anyway, s'not like your afterschool activities are much of a secret either."
"Well then, Mr. Jackson. Why am I here, huh? Flirting ain't a crime." He rolled his eyes playfully before leaning back and picking at his nails, glancing up. "If you're gonna do anything, get it done before 5. I have an ... appointment." (Appointment always meant a job.) "I think you'd get off on it, I don't give a fuck what you are."
When You're Angry Ω Alex & Riley
"Or what? Gonna kill me" he said with a smirk, knowing the boy did something other than be a student. He knew exactly what he was up to and why he didn’t show up to class so often. "It seems to me like you’re about to baby boy" he smirked, looking up at the boy with a devilish grin. "You’d like to think I’d get off with even looking at you darling" he added.
Riley just laughed, the boy’s attitude was unbearable. “Well whether you like it or not Alexander, you still have to call me Mr Jackson” he told him. The older ran his fingers through his dyed lime green hair. “Are you being serious Alexander? I don’t think calling your teacher daddy is very appropriate do you?” He said in a serious tone.
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fckoffalex · 10 years
"Don't call me Alexander," the blonde snapped before his head snapped up, eyes burning as he stared right into Riley's dark emerald hues. "You'rethe one lookin' at me like I'm strippin' for you." His back straightened a little before he cocked an eyebrow, still desperately teasing and determined. "You'd get off on it though." A chuckle dislodged itself from the male's throat before he peered up again.
It took everything in Alex not to lean into the elder's touch, biting at his lower lip before he tipped his head up, licking over his lip. "I'm tired of calling you Jackson," he mused as he tapped his fingers against the desk, shrugging. "Whaddya want me to call you instead, huh? Y'want me to call you Daddy?" There was a deliciously teasing tone to his voice but underneath it all, there was just the slightest hint of seriousness. 
When You're Angry Ω Alex & Riley
The boy just huffed and rolled his eyes. Alex was asking for it, you could tell in his dark blue eyes that he wanted it. He raised a brow with a slight smirk tugging on his lips, “Oh Alexander, I think you’d enjoy that a little too much” he sung, leaning back against the chair. “You’re basically asking for me to spank you, it’s quite entertaining how desperate you are for it” he said with a slight shrug.
Riley’s emerald coloured eyes followed the boy’s tongue and how it traced over his lip with ease before he bit down on that stupid piece of metal pierced through his lip. A soft chuckle passed the teacher’s full lips, “I know you’re a good five years younger than me Alexander, I can definitely tell from your stupid sarcastic attitude and your innocent little face. I’m not going to give you what you ask for, because where’s the fun in that?” He purred, cupping the boy’s cheek gently.
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fckoffalex · 10 years
Slowly but surely raising his legs back to rest on the table, Alex looked up with perfectly innocent blue hues, a smirk curved up on his lips. A dimple punched into his cheek, adding to the overall essence of innocence before he spoke, voice gritty and low and dowright flithy. "Maybe you should bend me over your lap," he muttered before rolling his eyes, picking at his nails before glancing up.
The anger that's evident in his teacher's eyes has him smirking just a little wider, devious expressions bleeding into his own before he leans forward, chewing oh-so-innocently on the beaten skin of his lower lip before he flicked his tongue over his lap, eyes half-lidded. "Bet you'd like to shove me over your desk, huh, Jackson? Tell me, does this--" he gave a brief tug at his lip ring before leaning forward to rest his hands on his thigh -- "make you forget that I'm a student and I'm a good 5 years younger than you?"
When You're Angry Ω Alex & Riley
Riley was sat in his chair reading through a music magazine as he waited for Alex to arrive. He was probably one of his least favourite students. His cheeky attitude and slightly innocent face didn’t help either. It seemed as if his whole life mission was to make Riley pissed off, which of course just made him even more angry. The man immediately sat up and stared at the disruptive student. Sure he was extremely attractive, and maybe if his attitude wasn’t so bad, Riley might of liked him, but definitely not now.
The teacher shook his head and wandered over to where the boy was sitting. “Do you have any manners Alexander? I mean, you come into my classroom, kick open the door and put your feet up on the desk” he said, before pushing the boy’s feet off. “Which may I add, is not allowed and extremely disrespectful” he hummed. He rested his hands on the desk and leaned over to him, “And now you think you’ve done nothing wrong? God, what am I going to do with you?” He said before walking back over to his desk.
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fckoffalex · 10 years
When You're Angry Ω Alex & Riley
A loud sigh parted Alex's lips as he stomped down the halls towards the music room, combat boots clattering angrily as he ran a hand through his quiffed blonde locks. Really, he'd just been teasing the elder male -- it's not like he could help it, he thought his music teacher was hot and that seemed to amplify tenfold when the bright-haired male was angry. Chewing at the ring that's pierced through his lip, he kicked open the door, making sure it was as noisy as possibly, eyes trained downwards as he moved forwards.
"Don't even fuckin' know why I'm here," Alex muttered as he focused his oceanic gaze downwards, eyebrows furrowed as he kicked his feet up onto the desk in front of him. His hands were buried deep inside his pockets, head bowed. "It's not like I was the one starin' at ya', Jackson -- you were the one lookin' at me, I was just.. noticin'."
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fckoffalex · 10 years
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fckoffalex · 10 years
text to; dennis
Dennis: if the feather was purple then it was me
Dennis: purple is my favorite color. and red
Alex: hold up i have it in a drawer somewhere
Alex: yeah it's purple
Alex: a purple feather and $10 thats the price of good weed these days
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