fazbearentertainments · 5 months
I swear this blog isn't dead. Real life is just very hard. I hate it.
-G <3
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fazbearentertainments · 9 months
It's the worst when you read the most amazing, stunning, heart wrenching, well written fanfic from a DIFFERENT FANDOM, and then that fanfic takes over your life and becomes your hyperfiction. AND THEN you can't write your own fanfic because of the other fandoms fic taking up all available brain space. ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT IS THAT FIC AND THE NEXT CHAPTER ISNT OUT YET. help. the writers block is real. this is an appreciation post but also a COMPLAINT. It's so GOOD.
-G <3
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fazbearentertainments · 9 months
so I'm the lore person for this fic because I have autism and no one else was going look into the obscure lore finds that are literally only important to me
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fazbearentertainments · 9 months
I'm back to spread the word that Music Man is a mattpat stan
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fazbearentertainments · 9 months
Not too proud of the latest chapter tbh. However, some fluff was necessary in order to fuel future angsty plans. I hope its enjoyed anyways. This fic shouldn't be taken too seriously, all for funzies.
-G <3
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fazbearentertainments · 9 months
Update? yes.
Chapter 10 has been posted. Feeling less sick. Woo!!
-G <3
book ⬇
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fazbearentertainments · 9 months
Incorrect Quote #7
Sun: Oooh, a train!  Moon: We’re in a train station, Sun.
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fazbearentertainments · 9 months
Why no update?
Despite my determination to update fortnightly, I haven't updated for a while. This is not my fault! I got sick! On Christmas!!! It was awful. So, I don't feel like editing right now, meaning you may not get an update until the new year. Maybe I will right a new year fic for funzzies, we shall see if my Body gives up on me.
I have not left on a cliff hanger. (I checked) So I sincerely hope you've enjoyed what I have put out so far, it's far from perfect but is a passion project that has become very close to my heart and I can't wait to share the rest of what is planned. There are more characters to be reintroduced and some OC's to be introduced and I hope you will love them as much as we do. (I know OC's aren't everyones thing. I am usually one of these people.) For those who have read it, thank you, and for those who haven't, I hope you consider checking it out. To everyone, Happy Holidays and happy new year from (My version of) The Fazbear gang. I hope to continue this all next year!
<3 - G
(Check it out below)
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fazbearentertainments · 9 months
my personal headcanon for this fic is that Dj Music Man is a Mathew Patrick stan
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fazbearentertainments · 9 months
We do promise to make Sun as sassy as he is in help wanted 2
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fazbearentertainments · 10 months
Incorrect Quote #6
Roxy: I’m doing my best. Monty: You’re not doing anything. Roxy: Yes, that’s what I’m best at.
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fazbearentertainments · 10 months
Incorrect Quote #5
Monty: Helpful grammar tip: “farther” is for physical distance, “further” is for metaphorical distance, and “father” is for emotional distance!
Check out my lil fanfic, I think it's pretty cool.
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fazbearentertainments · 11 months
Incorrect Quote #4
Chica: Hey Monty, can you give me the opposite of these words?  Chica: Always, Coming, From, Take, Me, Down.  Monty: Never, Going, To, Give, You-  Monty: The fucking satisfaction.
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fazbearentertainments · 11 months
Incorrect Quote #3
After a fight Freddy: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I’M SORRY] Monty: What's that? Freddy: Remorse code. Monty: I'm even angrier now.
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fazbearentertainments · 11 months
This is so cute!!!
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fazbearentertainments · 11 months
I got bored and finished some random side chapters for a side book. It's called THE DJ DIARIES. It's DJ's diary.
Enjoy! :)
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fazbearentertainments · 11 months
Need short story ideas. Send help
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