fayfayren · 6 years
CRAZY RICH ASIANS — Official Trailer
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fayfayren · 7 years
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fayfayren · 7 years
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Mirai Nagasu is the first USA female figure skater to land the triple axel at Winter Olympics @ Pyeongchang 2018 (and Team USA being the cutest cheering section ever)
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fayfayren · 7 years
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I’m here to celebrate record-setting, ground-breaking Asian-American athletes who give me so much hope and pride🥇 We are all cheering you on!!
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fayfayren · 7 years
for those interested in purchasing a copy of jonghyun’s album, poet | artist, below is a list of both domestic and international online shops that this can be done on. for reference: all of the listed are accredited shops, meaning that they are officially recognized by hanteo and gaon. any shop that does not already have a direct link to the page for the album does not have it listed yet but, if still listed despite this, it means that they are viewed as a trusted source and will likely add a page within the coming days. (catchopcd is not included on the international list because they do not do preorders but they’ll probably add the album up for sale after it’s official release next week.) unless marked as otherwise all international shops included ship to most countries across the globe. whether or not the domestic shops do so … depends. it is difficult to tell with some unless you have at least a basic knowledge of korean, but the option to use domestic shops as your place of purchase has been included for the sake of diversity in choice. 💿 korean 💿 11st (international shipping) aladin (international shipping) apple music bandi lunis cooltrack gmarket hottracks kyobobook leesmusic synnara (international shipping) yes24 💿 international 💿 choice music la korea star plaza kpopmart kpopplus kpoptown  ktown4u music korea music plaza (also found on ebay) yesasia (with poster)
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fayfayren · 7 years
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I must say this is going considerably better than when I came out to my colleagues.
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fayfayren · 7 years
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thank you to this fan for saying what everyone’s been feeling
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fayfayren · 7 years
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fayfayren · 7 years
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fayfayren · 7 years
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Hi, we would like to get married. 
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fayfayren · 7 years
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Look, no one gave me the idea. I decided to ask Amy to marry me all on my own on April 28th.
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fayfayren · 7 years
How the Logic of "Friendzoning" Would Work If Applied in Other Instances:
*Man walks into a store and finds employee*
Man: Alright, I've had enough. Why haven't you guys hired me?!
Employee: Uh...well sir, when did you put in your application?
Man: I never filled out an application.
Employee: Well sir, we can't consider you for employment if you've never filled out an application.
Man: No, that's bullshit, because I've been coming here for years now, and every single time I tell you all how much I love this store and how much I appreciate your customer service, unlike some of your other customers might I add!
Employee: Well, but that doesn't-
Man: AND I even told you that I didn't have a job!
Employee: But sir, that doesn't indicate to us that you would like a job at our store. And again, if you've never filled out an application, we can't consider you. Besides, we're not hiring.
Man: OH! Not hiring, HA! What a laugh. I see your store go through seasonal workers all the time. They come and go like nothing, but you won't consider me as a part-time employee even though I KNOW you've been looking for workers to fill positions? That's insane!
Employee: Sir, we've been looking to hire a few people for management positions. Do you have any management experience?
Man: Well no, but what does that matter?
Employee: ...Well sir, that's what we're looking for. You won't be suitable for the position without management experience.
Man: Oh that's such a load of crap. You know, you'll be waiting around a long time for a manager if you don't lower your standards a little. Who cares if someone knows how to manage a store? I LOVE this store and I'm willing to work here, that's all that should matter to you.
Employee: That...doesn't make any sense.
Man: NO! I'm done. This is over. From now on, no more Mr. Nice Guy.
Man: Fuck you, slut.
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fayfayren · 7 years
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We’re the gold standard.
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fayfayren · 7 years
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fayfayren · 7 years
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fayfayren · 7 years
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Gal Gadot and Chris Pine in ‘Wonder Woman’ Blooper Reel
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fayfayren · 7 years
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And I believe in love.
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