faye-craft · 2 months
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• Say good morning and good night to them.
• Study and do research on them (myths, history, etc).
• Make an altar/shrine.
• Pray and talk to them.
• Give offerings (food, drink, flowers, incense, and/or other objects with symbolic meaning).
• Write letters and notes to them.
• Start a hobby associated with them (or just any hobby).
• Cook or bake something.
• Wear colours associated with them.
• Have symbols their associated with.
• Dedicate any self care to them.
• Participate in rituals or ceremonies that honour the deity and allow you to tap into their energy.
• Meditating on their energy.
• Put on a playlist that’s dedicated to them (click here for the ones I’ve made)
• Making a Pinterest board for them.
• Change your phone lock/home screen to something that reminds you of your deity.
• Veil or bind your hair.
• Dedicating your rest to your deities is especially great if you feel guilty for allowing yourself time to heal.
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faye-craft · 2 months
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DOES SUPPORT: the LGBTQ+ community, every race and ethnicity, treating animals and wildlife with the upmost respect, treating everybody with respect and not doing harm to anyone (especially children), consensual sexual acts, gender equality/feminism, and letting a woman decide what she does with her own body (including abortion, how she dresses, etc).
DOESN’T SUPPORT: racism and discrimination toward the LGBTQ+ community, harming animals and wildlife (unless it’s for food or self-defence), bestiality, treating someone poorly if they have done nothing to you, abusing or harming children, rape, sexual assault, harassment (no means no), discrimination toward someone based on their sex, and telling someone what they should do with THEIR own body.
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faye-craft · 2 months
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1. Before you go protect yourself, you don't want a spirit attached to you.
2. Bring coins as offerings to the gatekeepers.
3. Bring with you offering for the spirits (food, water, flowers etc) and leave it by a tree or away from the headstones for the spirits.
4. Make sure you don't step on anyone and apologize if you do by accident.
5. Clean up neglected tombstones.
6. Ask before you take dirt. Use your intuition or divination to get a response.
7. Don’t take anything that is left for the dead.
8. Don't leave trash behind and if you find trash then clean it.
9. Go within visiting hours. Unless it's a private cemetery and you have arrangements/necessary permits.
10. Some cemeteries don't appreciate photography. Most historical ones don't mind, but always check for notices near the gates.
11. In many historical cemeteries (and some modern), t's impossible to not walk on graves. A simple acknowledgement or hello in this case can suffice.
12. DON'T sit on graves! Unless the structure was SPECIFICALLY built as a functional bench (as opposed to altar or table symbology) Do. Not. Pose. On. Graves. You're going to break them or get broken yourself.
13. Be mindful of other guests. Grieving family and friends, walkers, photographers, artists, researchers, tourists, bird watchers, etc. There are a million reasons to visit a graveyard and you never know exactly why someone is there
14. Ask caretakers before cleaning a grave, due to the delicate nature of older markers many cemeteries don't want people doing this.
15. Likewise: pulling up turf from around a sinking grave can make a mess, damage the plants, and possibly leave a damaged stone exposed to weather. Ask permission first from a caretaker.
16. Check local and state laws for rules about graverubbing.
17. Wax leaves, less mess than charcoal for grave art.
18. When taking grave dirt: check local rules. It is in fact, not technically legal in many places. Take a pinch, and do your best not to disrupt grass or groundcover.
19. Plants: these ARE actually illegal to take in a LOT of places. I know that periwinkle would be so pretty dried and framed with a label from "[insert favorite boneyard here]" but you do not want a record for a piece of art.
20. If you ARE allowed to take cuttings from plants in a cemetery, be careful not to damage the rest of it.
21. Don't mark graves. No "X"'s, no kissing no tallies, not even chalk sigils for spell or spirit work.
22. Acorns, whirlygigs, and other tree seeds that fall on the ground, as well as leaves are free game. Go nuts.
23. If you're going to lurk or sit for a while at a favourite grave, be aware of your surroundings not just for general safety, but also if anyone else is waiting to see it/visit.
24. Consider leaving organic offerings (wildflowers from your yard would suffice) for any that you came to see specifically.
25. Leave the way you came.
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faye-craft · 2 months
Writing Will into Water
While most of us are familiar with burning and burial as means by which to make physical then manifest our wills, there is another method that I employ with some frequency: writing will into water.
It's a simple process (and made more complicated, if so desired). All you need is: a basin, water, and a writing implement (a finger works perfectly fine). With the water in your chosen basin, take your instrument and write on the water's surface just as you would on paper. Employ word, symbol, or what have you, imparting your desire into the water.
To the water, you might add any number of herbs, curios or other liquids. Wine or spirits make a good medium if you would like to impart your will into the very offering itself. For something more nefarious, you could add herb and/or scrap, cover and let the admixture ferment/rot, then leave it for the sun or otherwise release it. If your mixture poses no threat to the local environment, pouring your water into a lake, stream or river is a good option. Especially if your water came from that same source. Also, being mindful of modern water treatment and waste management systems: the water we pour down the drain is collected, treated and returned to us. This method might be used to affect persons who share the same treatment facilities as we do in nigh a direct way. But then, as we know, all water is connected at the end of the day, so perhaps that layer adds very little...
Even still, imparted water can be used much more directly on both self or others: as consumable, either as drinking water or as ingredient in food/beverage. Tea is, of course, a great option what with the endless possible inclusion. But then, that's all Kitchen Witching 101, isn't it?
Personally, I like the evaporation method the most. I enjoy the symbol of it: my will being reduced to its most potent form, then taking to the air to join with the clouds and the heavens, finally returning as precipitation. I think it suits my nature. But I think returning water to its source is also a powerful image. Joining it back with the current or body now carrying your will with it.
Just as with water, you can match the instrument and basin with your desire or the specifics of your practice. Perhaps you'd like to carve a stylus out of a certain wood, or use a rusted nail, or a feather, or bone. All perfectly fine options. Perhaps you'd like to use a cauldron or a ceramic bowl or your 1990s glass, promotional Batman Forever mug featuring nipple-suit George Clooney from McDonald's. Do whatever, do you.
None of this is likely new to most of you, but just something I wanted to speak on as I leave my cup on the table out back for the sun to drink.
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faye-craft · 2 months
You don’t have to have fancy crystals and herbs for spell jars btw. You can use sugar, coffee grounds, leaves, acorns, etc. Don’t fall victim to witchcraft consumerism.
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faye-craft · 2 months
Thank you!!!!
lmao i came here for witch stuff but found a buncha positivity shit- but thats cool lol
aaaaaalso if youre willing pretty pls tell me about astral magic?
ive just started witchy type stuff and astral magic is something im interested in but have no clue how to start
yup! caring about people and the interconnectedness of all beings is extremely important to me and informs my practice, so when I don't have the energy to witch post, I'm out here yelling about that.
so as a disclaimer, I am in no way an expert in astral magic and I am still deepening my roots with it. So any advice I give should be considered alongside personal practice and other practitioners experience.
If you're curious about astral magic, my first bit of advice is to define what the astral even means. I have my own theories on how it works based on practice and experience, and I encourage you to explore what you think of when you hear the word "astral".
My second piece of advice when wanting to begin astral magic, is to spend time in the astral without doing magic. Develop a feel for what the astral feels like to you. Develop ways to discern between your imagination and your sense of the astral plane. (don't take this step *too* seriously, because the line can be blurry and spending too much time worrying about it can hinder your experience. Just try to be aware of it.)
To spend time in astral space, you'll need to practice going into astral spaces and coming back out. @windvexer has some lovely posts about it in their master post list. I recommend checking out their animal guardian one.
I personally started my astral journey through two meditations that took me into my inner astral space. If anyone is interested, I would be willing to post about those exercises. It would just take me a while because I am chronically fatigued and going through a move
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faye-craft · 2 months
Queen Hestia- A Short Prayer to Hestia
“Queen of hearth-fire, Holder of the household, Tender of flame. Hestia bless me and my home, And accept my praise, For you are so noble.”
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faye-craft · 2 months
Fun lil devotional activity for hestia;
Start a Pinterest board/vision board for what you want your future living space to look like! Whether that’s an apartment in the city or a cabin the woods, it doesn’t matter. Pin pictures of decor and lofty ideas (even if you change your mind! It’s just for fun)
Examples from my board under the cut:
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⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ ⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ ⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ ⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ ⋆。𖦹°⭒˚
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faye-craft · 2 months
Being a Hestia Devotee is so funny. One moment, I'll be lighting her electric candle and reciting a formal prayer. While the next, I'll be offering her a Cadbury bar and asking for protection against unreasonable toilet replacement fees.
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faye-craft · 2 months
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Recently I’ve been melting scented wax that reminds me of Hestia as an offering when I get home in the evenings. It’s such a simple, yet lovely way to settle into being home ❤️
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faye-craft · 2 months
Daily Spell: June 7th
Fire Spell Hospitality Blessing
You’ll need:
A white candle 
A fireproof bowl or dish
The Vestalia is a Festival held in ancient Rome, beginning each year on June 7th, in honor of the Goddess Vesta. A deity of the home and all things domestic, Vesta is associated with hearth fires and hospitality. In her honor, you can use fire today to bless the dwelling for all who enter it. Do this working at sundown, sitting by a window on the west side of your home. 
Light the candle, and place it in the bowl. Hold up the pool to the window, so you can see the candle flame and the setting sun. Say “Fire warm us, fire guide us, fire light our way. Happy home, happy hearth, hospitality is here to stay.” 
Stay by the window until the sun has set and extinguish the candle.
“Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington
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faye-craft · 2 months
So I've gotten back into my craft and I've meditated and studied and I have felt a draw to Hestia as a deity I have for a while there were no signs like random fires or anything just a draw the more I dove into myth the more I felt compelled to start working with her and she has helped me not just in my craft but domestically the food I make tastes better and when I clean its more thorough if you have any resources on her or experience working with her and could give me advice it would be much appreciated
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faye-craft · 2 months
How To Create Your Own Spells
Dedicated to @a–special–one​ Thank you so much for asking! I felt like this needed a post all it’s own ^u^
-from my grimoire
I’d like to say before anything else, and as I always say, this is not the only way to do this. There are many different ways to create your own spells, and this is simply the method that I find easiest when teaching beginners. And always remember that when it comes to crafting a spell, your intentions are whats most important.
Gathering Your Thoughts
The first step to creating any spell, is thinking about what kind of spell you want to perform, how you want to perform it, and how you want it to manifest.
Ask yourself some questions. “What kind of spell do I want to make?” “Does this need to be a very specific spell or a vague one?” “What method am I going to use to cast/create the spell?” “How do I want this spell to affect me or the person it’s aimed at?” “What kind of ingredients am I going to need?” “What time of day or moon phase would I like to perform this spell?” Anything along those lines are important questions to ask before you start working on your spell. Write the questions and answers down on paper that way you can keep track of everything!
Types of Spells
The next place you’re going to end up is choosing what kind of spell you want to do. Picking what type of spell you want to do is important because this is what decides how effective it is, how long it’s going to last, and when it’s effect will activate. This is not a list of all the types of spells out there, but simply the types that I do on a regular basis. And as another note, you can totally combine methods as well! This can easily enhance the power of your spells and make your intentions more clear and direct.
Prayer - This is the most simple form of a spell, and best to do if you’re only looking for a little aid rather than something major. A spell like this puts you in the universes hands completely.
Spoken Word - Differing from prayer because this has actual intentions in mind. This is usually a word, phrase, rhyme/lyric, or short paragraph spoken with energy. A spell like this can be very effective depending on how much energy you put into it and how much you actually believe in yourself. If you’re low on supplies and need something solid, spoken word is the way to go.
Incense Spell - An incense spell is usually directed at yourself rather than at another person, though that doesn’t mean it can’t work on another. But these are very temporary spells and only last as long as the burning incense. Usually this kind of spell is used to enhance focus.
Candle Spell - One of the most common types of spell you’re going to see are ones with candles. You can perform this spell on yourself or another person easily, and they’re very fast acting depending on the type of candle you use. When doing this kind of spell, take things like color and size in account.
Crystal Grid - A type of spell work that is done by placing specific crystals in a manner where their energies intermingle and work together to perform a task. This is a spell type that I use on a daily basis to set the mood for the day and keep me energies.
Sigil - A type of drawn magick that puts your intentions of paper. Usually these need to be charged and activated, but once that’s done, they have quite nice effects!
Bottle/Bag Spell - My personal favorite type of spell! These work well if you need a constant effect, and depending on the size of bag or bottle you use can easily be carried with you everywhere. These are very long lasting, don’t need to be charged often, and produce the best effect.
Energy Spell - Probably a more advanced technique, but this is the use of pure energy to put your will into motion. Doing energy spells takes lots of practice and in the early stages can be very unstable in whether they work or not, or whether they’ll completely backfire. This takes patience so don’t give up!
Picking Your Ingredients
Unless you’ve decided on spoken word or prayer alone, you’ll be looking for ingredients next. You don’t need expensive or fancy ingredients, and if you need to you can totally add spices and such from your kitchen ^u^ Think about correspondences carefully, and if you associate something with a feeling or ideal specifically then use it! Things that have personal meanings to yourself can be the most powerful ingredient in any spell.
Here are some of the correspondences I’ve posted about. (If tumblr wasn’t fiddly I would post links, but they’re on my blog in the “My Grimoire” and “My Tips” pages) Herbs and Spices Incense and Oils Common Crystals Colors Flowers Feathers (be mindful of the feathers you pick up, some could get you in legal trouble!)
When To Cast
Once you’ve got all your ingredients together, next thing you’re gonna wanna sit down and figure out when you want to cast your spell. This isn’t always a necessary part, and most spells can be done whenever you feel like, but taking things like Time of Day or the Current Moon Phase into account can really add to (or even take away from) the power of your spell
Here are some simple correspondences for Moon Phase and Time of Day. (I’ll go more in depth in a separate post if enough people show interest)
Moon Phases
New Moon (when there is only the tiniest sliver) - Good for sowing the seeds of new ideas
Waxing Moon - Good for healing, and growing ideas
Full Moon - Best time to perform any sort of spell
Waning Moon - Good for cutting things out of your life
Dark Moon (when the moon is not visible) - Take this time to rest and focus on yourself
Time of Day
1am-3am - Good for communicating with spirits
4am-6am - Good for planting new ideas and fertility
7am-9am - Best time to make offerings to deities or local spirits
10am-12pm - Best time for positivity and growth
1pm-3pm - Good to focus on yourself and your studies
4pm-6pm - Time to harvest and be with family
7pm-9pm - Best time to cut things out of your life
10pm-12am - Good for any magickal workings
Like I said earlier, this stuff isn’t necessary unless you really want that extra ‘umph’ in your magick, so don’t feel like you have to plan it down to a T especially if you’re in a hurry. Only plan if you want to and have the time to.
Organizing and Casting
How are you going to cast the spell? That’s probably one of the hardest parts you’re going to come across if you’re new to spell crafting. You want to think about this part carefully so you get maximum results. I can give some tips ^u^
If you’re combining methods, think about what order you want to put them in. Organize them in a way that flows naturally.
Practice your spell! Set up a play scenario and rehearse your spell a few times to make sure you get it right, and the whole process goes smoothly.
Don’t be afraid to make a mistake though, mistakes are part of life and they always tend to happen when you want them to the least. If your spell doesn’t go perfectly the way you imagined, that’s okay. Intention is what matters.
Keep all your spells in a file or in a book. Keeping records of spells is important if you ever intend to use them again, write everything down from ingredients to how you cast
Dont be afraid to experiment! Especially with random things, that’s how you make your own associations. Making your own associations is how you make a spell even stronger!
Lastly, don’t feel obligated to get fancy or over the top. Spoken word spells can be just as effective as a bottle spell, especially if it’s said every day.
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faye-craft · 2 months
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faye-craft · 2 months
Searched blog after blog, couldn't find what I was looking for when I stumbled upon you. I hope you can answer this ask (not forcing)
How can I get started in this witchy/pagan stuff? I'm genuinely curious and want to start soon.
(sorry if this made no sense. I'm horrible at wording things and am just searching for answers. Feel free to ignore this btw)
Hello, you make perfect sense. Here is my take, and I invite everyone on the dashboard to share their own takes with Anon; the more the merrier.
This is exactly because neopaganism and witchcraft are deeply personal. My opinions are rooted in a practice I have developed for myself, according to my needs. I can share general ideas, but choosing your own way forward is where the magic starts to happen.
Let's start with theory and then I'll actually just give a program 🙃
What do you want from it?
A lot of beginner guides are like underclassmen general ed courses. You may actually want to major in Dwelling With The Love Gods or Casting Money Spells. But beginner guides will sign you up for Energy Work 101, DIY Grimoire Lab, Daily Meditation Conditioning, and other things you may have no specific interest in, or don't need at this point.
Because of this, there really is no one-size-fits-all introduction to all of witchcraft and paganism.
Take some time and figure out your own specific interests. Do you want to do magic, but only with energy and not with physical tools? Do you want to gain inner peace and improve mental health? Do you want to talk to gods and spirits?
Seek out introductory guides on those more specific things instead of trying to find something all-purpose.
Which flavor of the thing do you desire?
I'm not a pagan, so I can't speak heavily on that, but by gosh I know one thing: the ways you venerate the Fairy Queens of Avalon isn't the way you venerate Sekhmet, the Eye of Ra.
The way an Enochian ceremonial magician summons angelic power isn't the way an Okie folk practitioner summons angelic power.
And a nascent death-worker who speaks to the Grim Reaper and feeds blood to the dead, and a kitchen witch who's practice revolves around baking desserts, will by and large have very different Rules for how they've got to interact with a graveyard.
There is no starting guide for everyone, because people want to get to different places. If you want to swim to the icy depths and be friends with the mermaids and undines, it's pointless to start climbing a mountain and go on quests for cloud dragons.
When deciding what it is you want to do, also pay attention to the traditions that surround it.
This all sounds like a lot to research, and I guess it is, but it's IMO very worth figuring out where what you want to practice came from. And if you can get around to finding the source of that stuff, like, "I want to know the Witchmother and Witchfather and have a familiar spirit and a magic staff would be pretty lit as well," then you know that your introductory guide is for something called Traditional Witchcraft.
Start small enough that you won't immediately burn out
Basically, avoid crash dieting your own spirituality.
Sure, the changes might be healthy for you - if you can integrate them in a stable way.
But adopting an overwhelming amount of responsibility right off the bat is a recipe for burning out, or putting yourself in a difficult situation where you feel your only choice is to shut the whole thing down.
A part of this is pretty practical, like "don't promise gods and spirits that you'll bring them offerings on a rigid schedule," but a lot of it is "don't dedicate yourself to practicing a bunch of stuff before you've even tried it out to see if you like it," and perhaps most importantly of all, "keep in mind that this isn't a sport and you're not a spiritual athlete; you don't need to train daily and you're not a failure for protecting your faith from grind culture."
Anyway, all of that aside, here's exactly the type of 101 guide I told you to not worry about
Theory is all well and good, but so is structure. Take what you like and leave the rest behind.
Find a god you like and build a shrine to them.
Learn how to talk to them in a way that's comfortable for you. This talking can be verbal, written, signed, or thought.
2. Learn these magical skills, and find/develop a way that's convenient for you to use them in your everyday life.
Cleansing (of objects, rooms, and yourself)
Protection (of areas and yourself)
A simple glamour
A money-drawing spell
A binding spell
3. Begin practicing any form of divination. Casting lots or cartomancy work well if you can't get a hold of (or don't want to use) more obviously "witchy" tools like tarot or runes.
4. Make a list of every cool thing you'd like to learn, and just sort of hang on to it.
5. As much as possible, pay attention to your dreams, and record them.
Ah, hmm. I guess that's it. 5 steps to get started, it seems. Well, that's all I've got for today I guess. I hope this helps. Maybe some folks on the dashboard will also have ideas.
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faye-craft · 2 months
Witchcraft Ask Game - April
I'm bored and I want asks so I'm starting an ask game. Feel free to send questions or reblog! I'll try to post one of these every month.
1. What's your moral stance on love spells?
2. Have you ever had a "paranormal" experience? If so, please describe it.
3. Share your favorite plant and some of your personal correspondences associated with it.
4. Share your favorite animal and some of your personal correspondences associated with it.
5. Share your favorite gemstone/crystal/rock and some of your personal correspondences associated with it.
6. Would you ever consider charging money for a working or spell (aside from divination readings)? Why or why not?
7. Have you ever had a "psychic" experience? If so, please describe.
8. Do you consider yourself initiated, by either group, self, or spirit initiation? Share your experience if you're comfortable doing so.
9. What's a skill that you want to learn but haven't gotten around to yet?
10. What are you currently reading and/or what's next on your reading list?
11. Share a photo of your favorite tool(s) and describe what you use them for.
12. In relation to your practice, would you ever consider taking on a teaching role? Why or why not?
13. Do you have any ongoing projects? Please describe.
14. Has an acquaintance or stranger in real life ever asked you if you're a witch?
15. What do you consider to be your greatest skill?
16. Is there a common practice or skill that you're really interested in but have trouble with? Please describe.
17. What's your opinion on treating household pets as familiars?
18. How open are you with friends, family, colleagues/acquaintances, etc. when it comes to your practice?
19. Is there a part of your practice that you perform daily or very often? If so, please describe.
20. What's your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate?
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faye-craft · 2 months
I’m still thinking about self-initiation/dedication rituals.
Poll time!
Please tell me deets. And when I say initiation I do mean anything ~like~ that. If the word initiation doesn’t suit you, replace it with the word that does
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