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“It’s hero time.”
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“How well do I even know you?”
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“You might be right there too. He is probably the most lovable Lightwood since well Max.” It was almost scary how alike they were, the love for odd mundane things, their love for their family and obvious joy for life. Perhaps that was why both of them had gotten so attached to the little warlock. “And blankets.”
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             On that front, things were better now, she missed her little boy every day, but at least now, when people mentioned Max, Maryse wasn’t torn to pieces in sorrow, but instead focused on all the happiness he had given her while he was still alive. ❝Horses, Blankets, and tiny blue Warlocks, what have our lives become Robert?❞
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Elizabeth McGovern playing with her figurines :)
Captures from the video here.
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“If I had listened Blueberry would probably not have gotten a family. You know there are times when I’m right too. Then there’s a lot of times when we really should have listened to Michael.”
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            ❝He’d likely still have been found, and the Warlocks would have found somewhere for him.❞ Maryse had to blieve that, any other possible out come for her grandson was simply to upsetting. ❝Had we listened to Michael we’d have known more about horses. that’s for sure.❞
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“Poor old woman’s good name? As far as I remember you were never scared of getting dirty. Besides the new generation is far more accepting of things out of the ordinary. I suppose they are not out of the ordinary anymore either.” Ares pointed out.
“The academy needs teachers and I wouldn’t mind having someone around that I actually trust.“
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            ❝I sincerely doubt my children will want to hear aboutt those details of my youth. nor do i really want them to know. ❞ 
             There were several problems with Ares’ suggestion one was that Maryse was still not allowed to take up permanent residence in Idris, the shadow of a thirty year old crime still followed her like an ill omen. another was her family, Rafe and Blueberry were in New York, and working again, would mean she’d see them even less than she had her own children. and still she was curious. 
           ❝And what would you have me teach?❞
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“Well yes, at times you are in fact right.” Robert admitted, though it was something he hadn’t admitted in years. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax under her touch, another thing he hadn’t allowed himself to do in very long.
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               As she massaged him, Maryse found herself wondering how Robert got any sleep at all, with many knots in his neck. ❝I happen to be right most of the time, one would think you’d have learned that by now. i told you when you proposed you were gonna regret it, had you listened, Blueberry wouldn’t have kept you up though half of the night.❞
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“Honestly, it would not surprise me if you’re right.” Robert had always felt too old, no matter what he did, no matter what age he was he always felt too old. “Maybe I should have taken your advice years ago and retired, become a professional babysitter.”
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             ❝Did i hear that correctly? did you just admit i was right?❞ She was obviously pleased by this turn of events. ❝Here i thought you had forgotten how to admit to such things.❞ Maryse decided to reward Robert by doing something nice for him in return, she got up form her seat and moved to stand behind his chair, where she began rubbing his shoulders and neck muscles.
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Ares smiled and held back a laugh at that. “If no one else write that book I will, though I hope you are aware our dirty little secret would see the light of day in that case.” Of course Ares didn’t know if Maryse had kept that secret or if she had in fact told someone. “No, I’m here for you actually.”
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                  ❝I am in awe, you’d drag a poor old woman’s good name and reputation though the mud. by bringing up her teens? Why Miss Gladstone!  i believe someone should redden your ears.❞ Maryse put in an effort to sound like a stereotypical old lady. as she spoke. underlining the joking nature of it all. 
                    The jest was dropped when she was told Ares had come for her, Maryse’s expression was one of well hidden puzzlement ❝What- Why?❞
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             ❝Now Lightwood, i wasn’t present at your birth, but i can only imagine you popped out of the womb, uttering those exact words.❞ Maryse retorted, clearly rather amused. Then again Robert was still working. while Maryse had retired almost ten years ago, and so to her catching up on lost sleep later wouldn’t be as much of an issue. 
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“I’m getting too old for this shit.” Robert said refering to the late nights, as he sat down opposite of his ex wife.
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more texts for you bitches
[text] You should have told me you wanted me out of your life. [text] I should have never let you back into my life. [text] Okay [muse’s name] what’s the deal, pretty sure this is you…listen if you want me to leave you alone, please just tell that. [text] Please don’t walk away. [text] Please don’t do this. [text] When are you going to realize I want nothing to do with you? [text] You want nothing to do with me, I get it. [text] I’m an idiot. You fooled me again. [text] When I think things are about to change … I’m always proven wrong. [text] I just want you to be happy. And you’ll be happier without me. [text] I just hate that someone could make me trust [him/her/them] the way that I did [text] The truth is I’m not over you. [text] The truth is I never really wanted to be with you. [text] I’m seeing someone else. [text] How the hell did you get my number, stalker? [text] You’re so selfish. [text] I just saw you leave with [her/him/them]. [text] FUCK YOU AND YOUR DUMB CUTE FACE
[text] Did I tell you today that you’re the most adorable? Cause, yeah. [text] Be careful. [text] I’m only saying it because I love you. [text] I’m only saying it because I care about you. [text] Okay, I’m bringing coffee. [text] I’m thinking dinner and a movie later this week? [text] Let me take you out, please? [text] Let me make you dinner tonight. [text] I want you to be happy. [text] You’re always safe with me. [text] I can’t stop thinking about you. [text] I seriously don’t know what I’d do without you. [text] I know you may not feel like you are, but you are loved. And important. Please don’t forget that. [text] It was so good seeing you. [text] You don’t need this shit. [text] I’ll be there in five minutes. [text] Let me help, please? [text] You’re important to me. [text] Stop falling asleep in the bathtub. You’re going to drown and die and leave me and I’m not having that. [text] I would gladly watch Netflix and eat Thai with you any day. [text] I’d give up my phone charger AND the last piece of gum for you. That’s love. [text] Hey beautiful no judgment but why is there a bucket of KFC chicken in the bathtub??
[text] If you don’t want me to bust your window, I suggest you answer the phone. Now. [text] To quote Mean Girls, you’re a fugly slut. [text] Are you SERIOUSLY bringing that up right now!? [text] Lose my number, asshole. [text] You’re so predictable and obnoxious. And it’s not only me who thinks so. [text] …The least you could do is answer, wtf. [text] You’re a piece of shit human being and an even worse friend. [text] This is YOUR FAULT. And you can’t even pretend like it isn’t, because you know it is. [text] Why couldn’t you just stay out of it? [text] Holy fucking shit, take a hint, asshole. [text] Go fuck yourself. [text] What the fucking hell is wrong with you? [text] You can take your stuff back as long as I don’t light it on fire first. [text] I have cramps and a migraine so you do NOT want to mess with me right now [text] Bye and have a very fuck you day
[text] Just let me suck your dick and be happy. Let me have this. [text] Why are you so hot…like honestly, it’s not fair. [text] Yeah, you looked good in your [dress/shirt/pants] last night but really, they looked way better on my floor. [text] Come over. With condoms. [text] You should come over, clothing optional. [text] I feel like a nasty slut and I LOVE IT [text] Sorry I got drunk and texted you about my sex life [text] Sex on a rooftop - trashy or adventurous? [text] If you’re not at my apartment, shirtless, in five minutes, I will be personally offended. [text] I don’t think he likes that I’m always sending him pictures of me in my bra but he needs to get it together [text] It’ll be like The Notebook, except with way more of my penis. [text] I didn’t know that all of his brothers would be hot and musically inclined, too. That’s a dick move on behalf of biology. [text] I DON’T WANT YOUR DICK. I WANT BRUNCH. [text] So is it your turn now to pretend like dating someone else would stop us from fucking? [text] I just need some of your time and all of your body. [text] I am available for nakedness [text] I think about [him/her/them] when I masturbate so I guess you could call it love
[drunk text] So wat are you really over me no w [drunk text] AND I UNFOLLOWED YOU ON INSTAGRAM TOO, BITCH [drunk text] You are my queen and my savior and I love you forever [drunk text] You are the most beautiful girl I have ever known [drunk text] I’m eating macaroni and cheese on a slice of pizza and autocorrect just wrote that text for me pretty much, what’s your night like [drunk text] Listen up slut, you’re one hot piece of ass and if [he/she/they] doesn’t realize it, it’s their loss [drunk text] but what’s the point of a Disney sing off party if you’re not here. You have to be be the Pumbaa to my Timon [drunk text] Can you pls remind me tomorrow of how much of a fool I made myself tonight [drunk text] FUCK YOU YOU’RE GORGEOUS [drunk text] I think maybe you and me should like go out and eat pizza or something check yes or no [drunk text] Please don’t hate me I’m too tired and too dizzy to be hated [drunk text] I hate (him/her) but less when I’m drinking. Thanks, alcohol. [drunk text] Omf g you need to get over here now I think I’m dyin [drunk text] SWEEEEEEEET CAROLINE
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“I believe there’s things in this life a hell lot worse than getting old. Like you know, men.“ After being an iron sister for two decades some things stuck, like her dislike for men, not that she ever had much love for them. “And technically I am older than you.”
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                   ❝We aren’t meant to grow old, we’re meant to die on the battlefield, fighting to make the world a better place. at this rate i’ll live to meet my great grandkids.❞ A bold statement, considering that Rafe was only 10. ❝Maybe i should make it a personal goal, to become the oldest living nephilim. they might write a book about me.❞ It was surprising, how easy it still felt to talk with Ares. ❝You’re right, i suspect you’re here to talk with Jace and Clary?❞
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You’re b a c k. I can’t believe it.
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