so ok i realise this account was hacked or w/e
i wish i had found a secret money making method but, sadly, i have not.
so those posts were fake. i changed my password and hopefully that'll stop it???? 
those posts about me changing accounts are not fake though just 
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yo dudebros 
im gone 
i changed my url again so im here now instead of asking-for-a-smaller-heart
but yeah uh
just so u kno
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yo ok
i know ive been making posts about this since like
oh, i dont know, when i moved accounts
but im not here anymore
and i'd really appreciate it if you could unfollow this account
follow my new one, don't follow my new one, i dont really care
just please
{my new one is here btw}
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yo dudes 
i dont know if u got the memo
but im
im only reposting this because i changed my url so im actually here now!!!!
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why are there so many blogs still followiing this blog
im not here anymore!!!!
im here!!!!!!!!!
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this just in:
i'm not here anymore!!!!!!!!
i am over at http://imperfect-forger.tumblr.com
Tumblr media
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for those of you still hanging around on here
it would be really chill if you would follow me on my new account
which is http://imperfect-forger.tumblr.com
or at the very least unfollow me here i mean all it is is just 
me posting things telling you to go follow my other blog so. 
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hey yo sup
i was on this blog to fix up my queue for my immortal rain blog so i figured i'd remind the ones of you who are
still remaining on this blog that im at a new blog now
im http://imperfect-forger.tumblr.com 
which seems the same but its not cos this is faussaire-imparfaite now so????????
yeah guys just
you know
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hurm im at a new account
idk if you guys just havent figured it out yet or what
but i'm at http://imperfect-forger.tumblr.com now 
which SOUNDS the same but its not okay!!!!
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my new blog which is HERE if you havent heard 
is now imperfect-forger
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this is probably the last time i'll let you know about this change. at least for like a week or something.
but in case you havent noticed these posts, or me actually.....not posting
i've moved!!!!! 
i'm HERE now but soon{like probably today, tomorrow, or sunday} i'm going to change my url over there back to imperfect-forger! so this will probably be faussaire-imparfaite. 
but yeah okay. 
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wow dang
i've moved
im here now. 
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if you havent heard
i've moved
and i can be found at this location now
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i have MOVED. 
i am HERE now. 
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if you follow me this is vaguely important to you!!!!!!!!
from this point on i will almost exclusively be posting HERE. 
Eventually, I will change that url back to imperfect-forger but for now it will be faussaire-imparfaite to avoid confusion!!!!!!
i’m following all of the beings i think i should be following but i didnt actually look through my whole list so theres a probability that i’m missing quality blogs!!! but i’ll probably catch it eventually. 
but yes!!! i’m not deleting this blog or anything, because i want to be able to look back at it, and i will check it every so often, but mostly only to update the queue on my immortal rain blog since that’s connected to this. 
so yeah! if you want to follow me at my new blog, that’s cool! if you dont, that’s cool too!
{also i’m going to repost this a couple of times in the next few weeks, just so beings can see it. it’s also okay to unfollow me here and in fact i encourage it since there’s going to be no posting except if by accident. }
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if you follow me this is vaguely important to you!!!!!!!!
from this point on i will almost exclusively be posting HERE. 
Eventually, I will change that url back to imperfect-forger but for now it will be faussaire-imparfaite to avoid confusion!!!!!!
i'm following all of the beings i think i should be following but i didnt actually look through my whole list so theres a probability that i'm missing quality blogs!!! but i'll probably catch it eventually. 
but yes!!! i'm not deleting this blog or anything, because i want to be able to look back at it, and i will check it every so often, but mostly only to update the queue on my immortal rain blog since that's connected to this. 
so yeah! if you want to follow me at my new blog, that's cool! if you dont, that's cool too!
{also i'm going to repost this a couple of times in the next few weeks, just so beings can see it. it's also okay to unfollow me here and in fact i encourage it since there's going to be no posting except if by accident. }
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swap an alibi for an alibi, tonight's the night we all uprise.  i proof-read your biography, hum to the tune of a tragedy 
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