Mischievous, curious, and rationally angry. A blog responding to the state of our world.
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Who uses convenience sampling, and why?
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Lil Nas X is THE Best Viral Marketer of our Generation
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Let’s talk about Medusa. Many of us know her as a villainess, featured in a plethora of tv shows, movies and YA novels. We know her snake hair and her ability to turn men into statues. Some of you may even know how she died. Her character has been revamped and retold for as long as modern media existed- but her origin myth is very often told.
Medusa was, (in the original myth,) a beautiful woman. She happened to draw the unwanted eyes of Poseidon, the God of the Sea. Her beauty “tempted him” so much that he “seduced” her. *Translation: Poseidon decided to r*pe her in Athena’s temple.* Athena, angered by the desecration of her temple, (not the sexual assault,) cursed Medusa to live as a Gorgan.
Medusa then spent countless myths being villainized. She was a maiden scorned- incensed by her hatred of men and empowered by her curse, Medusa went around attempting to destroy every Greek hero she could. Even after her head was cut off, Medusa was revived by her own blood, and struck fear into the hearts of Greek men once more.
When I discovered this myth, I started to question how she was portrayed in the media I consumed. Usually, stories relating to Medusa, (or her Gorgan sisters,) go like this:
Man hears about woman who turns men to stone. Man thinks, “Huh, I probably won’t get turned to stone.” Man is warned again, that yes, he will be turned to stone. Man doesn’t listen. Man is turned to stone.
Things started standing out to me when I reread the myths surrounding Medusa with this additional context. If Medusa wanted to interact with anyone, she wouldn’t live in a place dangerous for humans to get to! If Medusa wanted to turn men to stone, it would be easier to go to a public place and seek vengeance! If Medusa wanted to talk to people, she could provide instruction on how to safely approach her!
Medusa wasn’t a villain. She was a scared, cursed woman who kept having men attack her. When people say Medusa hated men, she probably did, because they kept coming. No warning stopped them, nor did any threat of retribution. They deemed her a danger to themselves, then actively went to seek her out, and hurt her.
I’ve found this myth applicable to my own experiences recently. I had a colleague accidentally turn his mic on while he was talking about my breasts, in the middle of a class lecture. I found out, when confronting him, that he not only was talking about my breasts and my clothes, but his girlfriend was talking with him at the time. She doesn’t go to our school, and I have never met either of them before.
My teacher didn’t stop what happened, and stared, like a deer in headlights, as this individual tried to defend his comments. No apologies to me, (who was now crying.) This event spawned a lengthy investigation wherein he admitted to his act, but didn’t attend to get caught. They also don’t have the power to ensure he doesn’t do this again.
I decided to set boundaries. I requested all classes be recorded, his camera be on, (to ensure his girlfriend wasn’t attending class,) and for him to write an apology letter to me, outlining what he did wrong and acknowledging the consequences if he does it again. I then established in very clear terms that I don’t want to communicate with this individual. I stated if he was not properly punished, he would once again escalate his behaviour, and exhibit similar predatory patterns. I would continue to be harassed in new, innovative ways, because he would now understand how to avoid facing punishment for his actions.
He responded by rejecting, (through the investigator,) writing an apology letter. He suggested a mediation session instead. So after all that work trying not to communicate with this individual; a literal legal note saying he couldn’t talk to me, and my constant efforts to eliminate any platform he could use to contact me… He suggests a conversation between him and I, and makes his apology conditional on my participation.
Now, I know this individual wouldn’t apologize if given a mediation session. He would use this platform to further undermine and hurt me. The fact that no one thought it was problematic that even during punishment, he was seeking to communicate with me worried me more.
Maybe he doesn’t believe he should be punished. Maybe he wants to change the rhetoric around himself. Maybe he doesn’t care and wants to continue his weird obsession with me- It could be all three. The fact that no one thought it was suspicious that he continued his behavioural patterns made me very, very upset.
I was getting three hours of sleep a night, and my grades were dropping. He was, on the other hand, scoring very highly on exams.
He believed he had the power to refuse what I had requested of him, in a last ditch attempt to preserve my safety and mental health. He believes, still, that he can act in a certain way towards me and other women, and not face any circumstances.
Medusa had to turn men to stone to get them to stop. I never want to be that desperate.
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