faultborne · 5 years
He gave a nod at her words, walking past her and staring up at the altar, seeming to ponder on it.  "Same, really. Nat’rally find myself drawn to spots like this. Can’t resist somethin pretty...but that’s part of travelling. The moss just adds to it all, right? Like it’s prayin its’ own gods now. Feels..yeah. Like you said, safe.” Watching the dappled light shift shadows to the green-spotted floor, his gaze eventually turned back to her, a calm look of cheer on his face. “Oliver Ruelle. You probably know the way back better than me, I’ll trust in it. Just passing through town with the show, actually.”
(✞ for the symbol meme) A sharp whistle rang through the large church, once filled with those wiring for mass, now hollow, empty save for the two figures inside "Fancy up in here, ain't it? All them stained glass windows,," (faultborne)
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Such a large place, it holds history for sure. Rayne was travelling around by foot again, and she stumbled upon a place that was abandoned for god knows how long. She thought to be alone, but her body shivered from the loud tune of a whistle, her gaze looming over to the new stranger. She took a moment in silence, seeing this new person. Was he always there…?
“Oh!” She stammered, then held her arm, smiling brightly, a slight head tilt. “Why, yes! Even though this place is no longer filled with people, it still leaves behind a wondrous place, doesn’t it?” She nodded, looking back around the surroundings. It could use a little lighting, or else it’ll look a little creepy at night.
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faultborne · 5 years
Personality Traits - Oliver Taggedt(tm) by @red-velvet-valentine! Warmth|||||||||||||||46%  cold, selfish Intellect||||||||||||38%  instinctive, unstable Emotional Stability||||||||||||||||||||||||78%  level headed, calm Aggressiveness|||||||||||||||42%  modest, docile Liveliness||||||||||||||||||||||||78%  wild, fun loving Dutifulness|||||||||30%  untraditional, rebellious Social Assertiveness||||||||||||||||||||||||||||82%  uninhibited, bold Sensitivity||||||||||||||||||||||||74%  touchy, soft Paranoia|||||||||||||||||||||66%  wary, suspicious Abstractness|||||||||||||||||||||66%  strange, imaginative Introversion||||||||||||||||||||||||74%  private, quiet Anxiety||||||||||||||||||||||||78%  fearful, self-doubting Openmindedness||||||||||||||||||||||||||||82%  curious, exploratory Independence||||||18%  outgoing, social Perfectionism||||||||||||34%  disorganized, messy Tension|||||||||||||||42%  relaxed, cool I tag: @lshvalanchlmera​(or any of ya spinoff blogs rosie)
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faultborne · 5 years
If you had the chance to be human, would you take that offer?
“Wow uh. Wow. Third one and it’s real loaded ain’t it.. You’re hittin me with the hard ones this time round, nonnies.”He visibly squirms, wanting ot hold his tongue but knowing to be unable to lie. “Maybe? It’s..complicated.”
0 notes
faultborne · 5 years
Do you like yourself, Oliver? :O
“What’s not to like?”He smiles, bright and wide-a little too wide.“Other than the ‘terror beyond imagining’, that is”
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faultborne · 5 years
Have you ever killed someone before?
“Eh..well... I mean it’s not like I knew any better.” The man dismisses the question with a slight clearing of the throat.“Had to survive.”
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faultborne · 5 years
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks.
Ask them funny questions, get personal, query about the people around them or pester them for their deepest darkest secrets - go wild! Include ✘ with the asks!
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faultborne · 5 years
“It’s pretty, for sure. Little easier to admire without all the..y’know.” The figure stepped forwards, a bright young man-tall, cheery-fair, save for gashlike scars that covered his skin. He tapered off a moment, waving a finger about to gesture at the pews with his lips pursed. “Cacophony.”  Stepping further into the light, he closed a dark eye in the filter of the stained glass, the setting sunlight only amplifying the colourful mosaic  that mish-mashed its’ way over their forms. “Didn’t think I’d have caught anyone in here either. Prayin’ or somethin? If so I’ll back on up, not lookin to be a bother.”
(✞ for the symbol meme) A sharp whistle rang through the large church, once filled with those wiring for mass, now hollow, empty save for the two figures inside "Fancy up in here, ain't it? All them stained glass windows,," (faultborne)
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Such a large place, it holds history for sure. Rayne was travelling around by foot again, and she stumbled upon a place that was abandoned for god knows how long. She thought to be alone, but her body shivered from the loud tune of a whistle, her gaze looming over to the new stranger. She took a moment in silence, seeing this new person. Was he always there…?
“Oh!” She stammered, then held her arm, smiling brightly, a slight head tilt. “Why, yes! Even though this place is no longer filled with people, it still leaves behind a wondrous place, doesn’t it?” She nodded, looking back around the surroundings. It could use a little lighting, or else it’ll look a little creepy at night.
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faultborne · 6 years
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faultborne · 6 years
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faultborne · 6 years
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faultborne · 6 years
Reblog and BOLD all that apply to your muse.
Oliver Ruelle
Cloaked in shadows and secrecy / The beauty of a broken angel / You’re my mortal flaw and I’m your fatal sin / Put me to the test, I’ll prove that I’m strong / Behind this soft exterior lies a warrior / My memory refused to separate the lies from truth / But you were never mine to have / I cared enough for you to let you go / For me it’s real, now, I’m not playing anymore / Yet, I’m still surprised every time that I get hurt / But, of course, I never learn / You’re going to bend me ‘til I break / I reach out to touch the flame, ‘cause I refuse to think it burns / You’ll always be my worst and favorite mistake / Do anything to feel alive / I’m, in the end, just what you made me / If you knew the truth, you’d probably hate me / I need a fight / Only one of us will make it out alive / I’m turning into a monster / I’m merciless, when will you learn? / I have no heart, just ice and stone / I know exactly what I’m for… to hurt and destroy and nothing more / I still don’t know if I can change / I’m out for blood, to claim what’s mine / I am my own worst enemy / Tell my secrets to the wind / You’re meant for this / All eyes on you, so much to prove/ Don’t think just run / Some rules are meant to be broken / This might be your one chance at redemption / I want you to be happy… Just not quite a happy as I plan on being with somebody else / Why do I have to pretend that I want the best for you? / You deserve to be unhappy / Karma’s coming soon to bite you in the ass / I always heard about how cruel the world could be… guess I had to see it for myself / Time to put this dream back on the shelf / How do you force the heart to simply let it go? / Silently make your peace with having to start, again / No one to see my final bow / Mask the shame inside so nobody else can see/ Please don’t leave me behind / But everything comes with a price / And something burns inside of me, anger eats me alive / I’m the one who will survive / We’re players in a game that I don’t intend to lose / And I’ll be the last one you ever betray / I’ve made mistakes, but God knows I’ve tried / I’m terrified of how much I care / It’s like you blink and so much time has passed / There are times when I miss the light, but I’m not afraid of the dark / I fight for a love that I don’t fully believe
Pinched this from @whitewineandredroses
I tag: @lshvalanchlmera(or any of ya blogs rosie)
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faultborne · 6 years
A pat on his head, an arm on his back, and the simple sound was enough that the mass reflexively shifted, the flesh of its’ back warping backwards and affixing to Adler’s other arm. The sound he made was childish, a muffled keening akin to an abandoned baby on the street. This one wasn’t leaving yet, but all he could focus on was the last part-yet. It would happen eventually, they all ran away, or left him alone, wiggling and struggling-and a sharp sense of grief stabbed the not-boy through the heart. His grip tightened slightly, even as the hushing turned his muffled wails into bubbled sniffles, almost a vest around the alchemist’s chest at this point. ‘Don’t go yet-Don’t go yet-’ It was repetitive, words whispered from mouths lining the form that twisted and shifted like fluid, partly mimicking what he’d learned from the sounds of the city and the people that bustled around on the streets. 
Found (closed rp)
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faultborne · 6 years
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aaa big bless to @lshvalanchlmera for drawing our boys, the little spliced babs they are ;;
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faultborne · 6 years
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oh worm?
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faultborne · 6 years
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faultborne · 7 years
You are a wolf, surrounded by rabbits. Some you don’t know, some you grew up with, and see you as one of their own.  Each time you are hungry, they say to you, imploring, Then eat!, pushing their grains your way.
You try.
You try.
But you are still hungry, no matter what you try. No matter what they try. They try again and again; carrots, lettuce, offering, smiling. We don’t want to see you so miserable, eat with us!
They don’t understand. 
They can’t understand, until it’s too late.
That you are a wolf, and you are surrounded by rabbits. and God, you are starving.
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faultborne · 7 years
                                   The   e x p e r i m e n t    is over. 
                                        I am weary, now. 
                                                                         So tired. 
                                             I, too, am far from home.
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