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fattymicfatfat · 1 year ago
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Neil Josten core
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fattymicfatfat · 1 year ago
TW Andrew's assault
"It's said it takes seven years to grow completely new skin cells. To think, this year I will grow into a body you never will have touched." -Brett E. Jenkins
Andrew was probably shy by a couple of months from having skin Drake had never touched before he was assaulted by him again
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fattymicfatfat · 1 year ago
How it started:
Renee and Neil are both really good at dying hair. And even though Renee doesn't need the help, she enlists Neil to help dye her hair everytime just to bond with him💕
How it's going:
°Neil and Renee have a great time dying her hair
°Neil accidentally gets dye in his hair. When he looks into the mirror and sees it, it triggers a panic attack
°Renee tried to calm him down, but races down the hall to get Andrew
°"Andrew, Neil-" Andrew's already out the door
°"Abram" Andrew whispers as he clasps the back of Neil's neck and presses their forheads together
°Renee, of course, makes herself scarce
°Once Neil is ✨️fine✨️ they go to the roof to smoke and, dare I say, cuddle🤭
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fattymicfatfat · 1 year ago
I don't care how good at time management he is your Honor! There is NO WAY Aaron Minyard was casually majoring in BIOCHEMISTRY while playing Exy, keeping Katelyn a secret, going to therapy with Andrew, partying on the weekends, the Trial, AND having to deal with all the bullshit Neil brings?? Homie has ulcers for real
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fattymicfatfat · 1 year ago
Someone please tell me to stop hyperfixating on the fact that Neil probably hasn't gone to the dentist in almost 10 years!?
Mary made sure Neil had the best oral hygiene at the age of ten.
Neil doesn't even realize he's a real person now and can go to the dentist until one of the Foxes mentions going to/coming back from an appointment.
The foxes (bet) attend Neil's dentist appointment to see how many cavities he has.
I have it in my head that he has none, and everyone, including the Dentist, is shocked.
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fattymicfatfat · 1 year ago
POV: The Foxes take Neil to the RedHead Festival
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fattymicfatfat · 6 years ago
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fattymicfatfat · 6 years ago
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anyone please ask your crush out like this
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fattymicfatfat · 6 years ago
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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fattymicfatfat · 8 years ago
Yuri!!! on Ice - Viktor/Yuuri - Rated G - ~1500 words
Read here or on AO3
Note: I wrote this because I couldn’t stop staring at this beautiful piece of art by @andatsea. EPISODE 7 SPOILERS Y’ALL.
The sky had grown warm even as it turned cold, the cloudless night unfurling into something dusky instead of dark. It was as if the sun had singed the horizon in the wake of its falling, leaving behind something burnt and beautiful. The cold lightly stung at Yuuri’s cheeks, but his hand was warm, fingers intertwined with Viktor’s.
“Ah, it’s a pretty night isn’t it?” Viktor was saying to the open air, lips unthinkingly curled into a smile.
Yuuri turned his head, leveling his gaze over the stretch of water beside them. The lake was an oil painted view of the horizon; the lights of buildings smeared across the surface in soft golds, the whole of the scorched sky tinting the reflections with sepia. It barely stirred in the calm of the night, only discreet flutters of almost-wind teasing at the surface.
“It is,” Yuuri agreed belatedly, his voice barely loud enough to overcome the sound of their feet shuffling over concrete.
Keep reading
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fattymicfatfat · 8 years ago
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well i didn’t come here to pray
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fattymicfatfat · 9 years ago
1st time reading Harry Potter
My thoughts the entire time
*Yes, leave the boy with these awful people. Yes, why not?
*Fuck the Dursley’s
*Can talk to snake, acts like its an everyday ocurrence
*All dat shopping and he has to go back to those awful people?! -_-
*Bon fucking Voyage Dursley’s!
**takes quiz* *says I’m a Ravenclaw* very well then
*I wish I was at the dinner table...
*Fucking Snape -_-
*Fucking Malfoy -_-
*Snape be like: “Gryffindor, you loose five point, you loose five point, YOUR ALL LOOSING FIVE POINTS!”
*Quidditch reminds me of the American football, but everyone actually cares about Quidditch
*Harry Potter and everyone wants Nicolas Flamel’s stone
*But...can’t Hagrid just keep the poor thing :’(
*How you gonna forget your invisible cloak doe -_-
*Errbody a snitch up in here (and not the golden kind)
*Stop with the taking of the points, my competitive heart can’t take it!
*Yes, let’s go into the forbidden forest and split up even though there’s something very dangerous inside, splendid idea
*Did Quirrell have to sleep on his side so he wouldn’t smother Voldemort or...
*I wish I could burn people when they tried to touch me
*Papa Potter using the invisible cloak to sneak and get food is me
*How could they not win...
*Does he really have to go home to the Dursley’s -_-
All in all, I enjoyed the book. Can’t wait to read the second one!
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fattymicfatfat · 9 years ago
True pain is when you finish a newly released book and no one has made fanart out of it yet.
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fattymicfatfat · 9 years ago
Well, now that it's 2:30am and I've cried enough tears to replenish the drought in California, I'm going to bed
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fattymicfatfat · 9 years ago
Did anyone else hear the sound of my heart breaking? Or was that just me...
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fattymicfatfat · 9 years ago
Little Solangelo drabble based on this headcanon I wrote, except I’m making it a College AU just because I can
It wasn’t like Nico was trying to ignore his boyfriend, but Will, being a medical student and all, should have understood that sometimes homework had to come before other things. Even if it was a boring essay that he didn’t understand the reason for writing in the first place.
The med student in question was sprawled out across Nico’s bed, trying to make it as apparent as possible that he was impossibly bored and it was all Nico’s fault. He let out a long, over-exaggerated sigh, “Are you almost finished?”
Nico raked a hand through his hair so forcibly that Will winced, his attitude shifting quickly from annoyed pouting to concern. “No,” Nico answered, frustration leaching into his words, “everything I write is absolute una��cazzata.” He continued to furiously punch the keys with much more force than was necessary, almost burning holes into the computer screen with his eyes.
There was a faint rustle as Will slipped off the bed and crossed the small room in a few quick strides to peer over Nico’s shoulder. “Maybe you should take a break,” he proposed softly, noting that his boyfriend was barley starting the third paragraph and he’d been at it for two hours.
Nico’s jaw clenched, “I can’t. This is due tomorrow. I’ve been putting it off all week.”
“Yeah,” Will said, beginning to knead Nico’s shoulders, “but it would probably be easier if you gave your brain a second to rest.”
Nico began to relax under Will’s touch, the muscles in his back loosening, he hadn’t even realized they’d been tensed up this whole time. His eyes started drifting closed blissfully until he remembered the paper he was meant to be working on and his whole body jerked as he sat up straighter, rolling his shoulders back in an attempt at brushing off Will’s hands. “Solace, I don’t have time to take a break.”
Will continued massaging his muscles, “You sure about that?”
“Mmm-nn… Will, I really am–” his breathing hitched as Will’s lips pressed into the back of his neck and then traveled over to the left until he was kissing just under his jaw. Nico’s whole brain started to slow down, everything becoming delayed and clunky even as his heart sped up fractionally with every press of lips to his skin, “grato davvero, ma…”
Will’s breath hovered over his ear as he laughed softly before slipping his hands downwards and wrapping his arms loosely around his chest before continuing to kiss over Nico’s neck. The Italian tipped his head backwards, forgetting everything but Will, even his English had slipped through some secret trap door, replaced with the oldest part of his brain that only knew his mother tongue.
“You were saying?” Will coaxed, a mischievous smirk settling in over his features as he brushed a soft kiss on the corner of Nico’s jaw. He was all too aware of the effect this always had on him.
Nico gulped audibly, one hand reaching up to tangle itself into Will’s thick hair. “Baciarmi.” Somewhere in his brain, he knew that Will couldn’t understand him, but everything was so scrambled that he couldn’t really bring himself to care or even try and translate what he’d said.
Will laughed again, probably enjoying this a little too much, “What was that?” He pressed another kiss into the crook of Nico’s neck just for good measure.
Nico made an impatient noise, “Will…” His accent was thick now, even though he’d worked on replacing it when he had to.
He pulled himself away just long enough to turn Nico’s chair around and lean over him, his hands braced on the armrests, “Yes?”
Nico’s eyes were half lidded and his bottom lip was secured firmly between his teeth, “Ti ho detto di baciarmi,” the last word was mumbled against Will’s lips as Nico dragged him downward and kissed him, slow and sure.
Will’s lips moved from the corner of Nico’s mouth to his collarbone just so he could hear the sigh that pulled its way from deep within him as his entire body relaxed into the office chair, his hands hands pressing into Will’s shoulder blades.
“Ti amo.”
That, Will understood. He smiled widely, pressing a chaste kiss to Nico’s forehead, “I love you, too.”
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