Franklin Kennedy Honeywood. 35. Catholic Priest. Has too many plants.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Dominic laughs, and it’s amazing how he can still be half-asleep and have a conversation at the same time. “Shut up, they’re a different time zone, so it doesn’t count.” Then Franklin grows that little sly note in his tone, a stark reminder of when he fed Dominic that gingerbread cookie and sat on his bed. “I’m so very distressed father,” he lies, lifting his face so he can gaze at Franklin with one eye half-open. “It’s a new year, but an old me. Who wouldn’t have a crisis?”
“Part they’re part of the world...” Franklin hums, questioning Dominic’s logic in all of this. “Though, I suppose you could say they’re out of touch enough to not count.” A sleepy unkempt Dominic was irritatingly adorable. Infact, it was taking Franklin quite a bit of effort to not turn the redhead into a teddy bear again. “Well, change takes time and effort. You don’t suddenly become a new person the moment the clock strikes tweleve.” He sighs and wraps and arm around Dominic’s torso. “Did you complete any of last year’s resolutions?”
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For whatever reason Franklin decides to have a conversation. Now.
Dominic groans again and adjusts, so his face is now buried in the man’s chest. “I must have mistook it for my bedroom when I came home last night.” There’s no other noise in the apartment, which means Akemi is still blissfully asleep. “Just stay quiet, it’s the 1st of January. The whole world is sleeping.”
Mistook the bedrooms. Franklin glanced up at the headboard, frowning as he tried to decide if that was a believable excuse. “Mm... The Vatican is wide awake,” he informs Dominic. “And I’m supposed to at the church at six sharp for Mass.” Blue eyes find their way to the mess of red hair using him as a make shift pillow at the moment, giving in to the urge to run a hand through the red locks. “Unless, of course, you’re having a crisis. In that case, I could stay and provide some guidance or... solace?”
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It wasn’t surpirsing that Franklin’s wake-up light tricked Dominic into thinking the morning sun was up already-- it was, after all, what the smart alarm clock was created for-- but Dominic was hogging the side of the bed closest to the light, so what wakes the blond isn’t a natural biological response to bright light and the soft sounds of a waking forest, but rather a sleepy explicative and a frustrated groan.
Franklin slept alone. And that embrace isn’t familiar in the least but that voice... well, that he did recognize. Fearful of what he might see, Franklin slowly turns head to peer over his shoulder, only to see a prone but clothed Dominic laying up against him. “Dominic... Why are you in my bed?”
Dominic exhales and hugs the warm body he’s pressed against closer. That’s when reality starts to slowly break through the hangover haze.
Waking up is immediate, eyes opening so wide Dominic starts seeing spots from blinding himself so hard with the morning light. “Fuck,” he groans and involuntarily hides his face against Franklin’s back.
It’s obvious he’s not in his own bedroom but the guest one instead. The clothes from last night’s party are still on him and Dominic was obviously so out of it that he fell asleep on top of Franklin’s covers. It at least answers the question of ‘did we fuck’.
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“I’ll get a gang of ants is what I’ll get,” Dominic mumbles, making a mental note to remove them before Akemi wakes up tomorrow. “One can go in my mouth,” he smiles at Franklin, “The other can go in yours. And the third one we can Lady and the Tramp it between us.”
A grin spilts Franklin’s face and for a moment he forgets his vocation, climbing onto the bed and getting very close and personal with the posh editor. “You live on the eleventh floor, in Manhattan, and winter just started.” the blond reminds him. “There won’t be ants for months.” He lets out a sigh, and held one of the gingerbread men over Dominic’s lips. “But if you really can’t wait until Christmas, you can eat gingerbread me now.”
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The day was amazing, yet draining. Dominic masters up and exhausted grin at Franklin before dropping on his beloved bed. “I have no idea how you’re still standing. Is that the power of faith?” He lifts his head enough to glimpse at the priest. “I had a great time as well. Not as much as Akemi though, she looked drugged up happy the whole time,” Dominic laughs. “What are you doing? Is this a purifying ritual? Are you worried about my damned soul?”
“Yes?” He answers, knowing it was more along the lines of him being scared of his mind wandering to the wrong places if he stopped moving even for a moment. Franklin lets out a laugh and nods along in agreement when the topic shifts to Akemi. “I’m just doing as the young lady requested, making sure you get a gingerbread gang of your own in here.” The blond sits down on the edge of the bed, holding up three gingerbread people in his hand, trying his best to ignore the the warm tingly feeling he got being on the other man’s bed. “Where should these three go?”
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Franklin is either fearless, or he has no romantic interest in Dominic at all if the possibility of an ex showing up doesn’t irk him the slightest. “Right,” Dominic hums, backing out of the room. “Make sure to ask him about his religious beliefs if you two cross paths then.”
He mostly forgot Dominic was married to a man at some point, so hearing the word he and ex together sounded harmless enough to not worry about it.
As Akemi had asked-- just before she passed out from a sugar high enduced exhaustion-- Franklin was placing the many gingerbread men, women, and animals in various places across Dominic’s suite. He just so happened to have been in the man’s bedroom when Dominic finished tucking the girl into bed. Franklin licked his lips nervously as the man entered the room, his eyes lingering on his form before he forcefully made himself focus on balancing a gingerbread Poppy on a frame. “That was a lovely dinner, Dominic. I haven’t had a night like this in a... well, ever, really.”
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“No, no. Dinner is my thing. You worry about your cookie house with a frosted roof.” Or whatever it was Franklin planned. “I’m not sure if my ex is coming, so… heads up, in case he does. I mean, he told me he started dating his other ex, so maybe he won’t stop by, I really don’t know. Just don’t let him bother you. I’m sure he’ll try, so be prepared. Okay? Cool.”
“Frosted and peppered with candy dots,” Franklin says, grinning. “Oh, is he one of those types of atheists?” He asks, curious but not at all scared at the thought of meeting Dominic’s ex. “I deal with those a lot. Almost everyday, so I think I’ll be fine. It’s the Evangelicals I have a tough time with.” The priest could never understand their mind bending logic. “I’m sure things will turn out fine if he does stop by.” He paused. “Maybe we should order extra flour-- in case he wants to make a house too.”
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“You’re not,” Dominic quickly interrupts, but he wants Franklin to know that. “Overstep as much as you like.” Dominic can’t wait for the day when the priest will overstep the threshold of the bedroom. “Right. Well, let’s go all out. Besides, I doubt she’ll be able to keep it together around so much sugar, so let’s have some she can munch on when the visuals become too much. How about for the dinner? Any allergies I should know about?”
Dominic’s enthusiam is giving Franklin those butterfly feelings he really shouldn’t be having but the blond is so excited over the prospect of having a proper Christmas experience he ignores the needling little voice in the back of his head warning him to back off. “None that I know of,” and if he did have any, dying in a happy loving environment wouldn’t be the worst way to go. Even if it might be traumatizing for the other two. “Roasted goose, with roasted potatoes, stuffing, and veggies and a side of cranberry glazed ham sounds amazing at the moment.”
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Dominic smiles, momentarily forgetting the issue o Franklin’s family. “You really want to spend the day with me and Akemi?” The honest surprise was all over Dominic’s face. If anyone asked him to hang out with a child other than his own, he’d flat out decline. The only cute, tolerable child around was Akemi, as far as Dominic was concerned. He just knew that wasn’t the case for everyone. “Sure. I think she’d love that.” Dominic would too, but he won’t say that and scare the priest away. “Write me an ingredients list so I can order everything we need today and have it delivered tomorrow morning, okay?”
“Yes, of course. You two are a riot. I just don’t want to overstep...” Franklin says, returning the smile. “Great!” There was visible excitement in the blond’s expression, he could already imagine the kid’s delight at seeing a sea of candy on the table tomorrow. “Okay, just don’t get nervous at the amount of candy on the list. At least half of it will end up on the gingerbread.” He disappears back into his room, head popping out momentairly after a few moments. “Do you want to do ornaments too? Because, that’s two different recipies since... well, the ornaments are supposed to be edible. The houses, not so much.”
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“How well-off?” Something at the back of Dominic’s neck irks him. “Franklin, do I know your family?” He’s trying to match the priest’s face to someone famous, but they’re just too many of them to make the task easy. “That’s sweet, but I don’t make stuff.” How provincial. “Usually, we go to a Christmas party at her kindergarten. But since she’s in school now, we’ll have to organize something ourselves. I’m thinking a ballet show, she loves those, some downtown Christmas shopping. The decorations are pretty nice. Probably go to some kiddie event, I don’t know. My assistant has to look into it. Why?”
“I hope not,” Franklin murmurs under his breath. “Well, my father runs an investment company, my mother and siblings are all in politics.” The blond nervously tucks his hands into his front pant pockets, hoping the other man had no interest in the world of corporate investments or politics. “Oh, so you two prefer to go out. My siblings and I used to make gingerbread houses and ornaments. We’d decorate the trees with the ornaments. The houses-- we’d set those up on different consoles and tables.” He paused, wrinkling his nose. “Guess we techincally made a gingerbread town--- anyways, I’m a bit homesicks, so I was going to ask, if I bought the supplies for it, would you and Akemi like to build a gingerbread house with me?”
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“It’s all that money. They spoil us rotten.” Dominic barely registers the touch, since he isn’t a 17th century maiden. “It’s the thought that counts and I’m honestly flattered you got me something, Franklin.” He makes a move to get out of the room. “It also makes me feel better at getting you a gift myself.”
“I doubt that,” Franklin hugs the bag momentarily, before remembering he was holding it in the first place and set it back in its proper place. “Otherwise, I’d be just as awful as you claim them to be considering I came from a... well-off family myself. It’s the power that money can buy, it ruins people.” A frown finds its way across the blond’s face as Dominic moves to leave and before he knows it, he finds himself following after the man. “You’re right, it is the thought that counts, which is why I actually love it when people gift me something they made. Prefer it, in fact.” He pauses, searching for a reason to keep talking with the man. “Do you and your daughter have any Christmas traditions?”
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“True. These vultures are after your sanity more than your plants. You should really go around and meet these people. Especially Martin Wallace. Just be aware that he might combust if you touch him, being so tainted by evil and all.” Dominic folds the blanket and hands it over, so Franklin can put it away again. “And what did you get me? I really hope it’s an experience we can both share with each other.”
Blue eyes narrow at Dominic and the way he made it sound like everyone on his floor was demonic in some way. “Sounds an awful lot like an infestation,” he comments, his hand brushing against Dominic’s as he accepted the blanket. It was test if he too would combust like he claimed his neighbor would. It wasn’t because he wanted to touch him. No and please ignore the fact that he may have turned a slight shade of pink at the contact. “Mmm,” he cocked his head, brows crinkling as he gave it some thought. “I don’t know. I don’t think I can say anything without giving away what it is, but don’t get your hopes up.” He turned to put the blanket back in its bag. “I’m awful with gifts.”
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“And no one stole it?” Dominic fakes a gasp. “You must be born under a lucky star then,” he grins and gets closer, but still maintains a respectful distance from the priest. “Oh, I”m telling you what it is, because you won’t be able to guess to save your life. And I’d hate to see her disappointed.” Dominic smiles and tests the softness of the blanket with his fingers. “This is adorable.”
“Well, your floor’s hallway isn’t that busy,” he replies. He was fairly certain there were only two or three other people living on this floor. “I’ll have you know, I’m an expert at deciphering children’s art. After all, I have seven neices and nephews.” Franklin returns the smile. “Good, if you approve then, she’ll approve. Now, I just hope you don’t hate the gift I got you. I took her advice on it.”
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“When the hell did you sneak another one of those in?” Dominic frowns, confused as to how he cold have missed that. “Good. Good, Akemi will be pleased. She has a drawing of you two on your wedding day. Insists we frame it, before giving it to you.”
Franklin tenses, his frown mirroring Dominic’s. “I left it outside when I first came in,” he states, nervously. Almost everyone at the rectory gave him shit for having so many plants. “I had to clear the room out of my other plants. You know, to quartantine this one and make sure it doesn’t have anything that can spread.” The blond’s brows arch at the news. “Wow, way to spoil the surprise!” He sets the clippers down and reaches for a bag, pulling out a fuzzy grey blanket with a baby yoda print on it. “Well, I hope she likes the throw blanket I got her.”
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“Come in,” Franklin calls out, he’s on his knees, fussing over a... well, a new plant, a pair of sheers in one hand and a waste bin with a few yellowing leaves beside him. “Well, when it comes to parishoners, I can accept small or cheap gifts.” He looks up over the tall leaves of bushy plant at Dominic. “I’m not supposed to do exchanges with parishoners, but you and Akemi aren’t parishoners. So, I don’t think that’d be a problem.”
“Franklin?” he knocks on the frame of the open door and stays outside of the guestroom until he’s invited in. “How do you stand on gift exchanges? Asking for a friend.”
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“Don’t worry, I’ll tell Akemi to come to your room in the mornings. You’ll never sleep in again in your life.” As for the night warmth… “Do you want to spend tonight in my room? It’s been getting pretty chill after all.”
“Oh, no-no. Don’t do that.” A cat was one thing. A little person who could actually form words and coherent sentences was something else entirely. Franklin lifts his head and squints at the Domonic. “Are you trying to replace my cat with yourself?”
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“I know. I’m a horrible man.” They had a club about that at some point. “Your cat passed away? Oh, Franklin, I’m so sorry.” Dominic gives a tighter hug, then pulls back just enough to be able to see the man’s face. “Listen, I’m sure she preferred it that way. Old people enjoy solitude more than you suspect. They’re so tired of socializing, your cat was probably glad to have some piece for herself.” Then, only because Dominic think it might work, he says, “… it probably was God’s plan for her to go that way.”
“Terrible.” Franklin would be appalled. “She used to wake me up at two in the morning to just to show off the rat she killed.” That was socializing, right? At least, he felt like it was, given how loud and chirpy she got over it. Franklin let out a slow, pained wheeze. “It’s a horrible plan and I hate it.” Life felt so empty now knowing she wasn’t waiting for him at the church. “The rectory gets cold in the winters. She was like a little furnace at night. A stabby little furnace who always knew what time it was and made sure I got up early enough to feed her before morning mass.”
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