fatheranthony · 1 year
Haneul shined a light on the snack bar in his hand, half of it newly flattened with his boot. He swiped a thumb over the expiration date. 2014. Scanning the ground in a circle, he halted at scattered wrappers, likely from some repair crew a decade ago unless one of his teammates was that sophomoric about hoarding food.
A pair of feet entered the beam from his flashlight. Haneul ran it up to just below the person's eyes.
"Do you want this? I don't like chocolate." The soft crinkles hit sharper in the dark when he wiggled the bar.
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fatheranthony · 1 year
ooc: This is my first rp blog with the new tumblr editor. Anybody know how to make gifs not automatically huge?
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fatheranthony · 1 year
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(+) good at sensing danger (-) keeps motives a secret
BIO: Ahn Haneul
Stern, guarded, careful, quiet, matter-of-fact
Patient, attentive, openly studies people
Concerningly quick to make difficult, committed decisions
A calm guy who says harsh things very casually
Does everything for a reason and rarely with remorse
Catholic in name only and thinks that doesn’t matter
The ends justify the means.
Hello! I'm CN, she/they, PST time zone, but I work overnight which is usually when I write. This skeleton comes with ulterior motives, so based on past experiences, I'd like to include some reassurance that those ulterior motives will be my character's, not mine.
I’m a communicative writer and an involved plotter when needed, but I like to prioritize the improvisational aspect of rp writing. That being said, I struggle with small talk threads, so I usually pitch a basic premise to get things started with no expectations of how things will end.
I'm looking for a pre-established personal connection to make the "keeps motives a secret" part of my skeleton really stick. So something about your character will be another hidden reason why Haneul joined the Fireflies.
Some may know Haneul as Father Anthony, which is the name he goes by in the Church. I am open to every type of conflict his vocation might invoke in your character!
He used to secretly rat people out if he didn't like their confessions. This could be a way our characters once met? Maybe he caused the downfall of someone your character knew.
I'm open to sharing his adoptive older brother and grandparent NPCs. Maybe they were in your character's life, too. I'm also down to help you develop one of your NPCs with some kind of loose connection to them.
I'll message you with any ideas specific to your character. Please do the same!
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