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fates0end · 4 days ago
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[ID in alt] Hey was anyone gonna tell me that Corru.Observer is a thing or was I supposed to just stumble across it myself. Anyway. I think I have brain damage now
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fates0end · 7 days ago
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ok i said i would stop drowning screenshots and posting them but I think this is genuinely so insidious i need to talk about it. This is on a post with TENS OF THOUSANDS of notes, with many reblogs featuring this attachment. I saw it because it was reblogged by people I follow!!
This language is horrifically harmful towards addicts, let's get that out of the way. The image of the addict is rendered disgusting and filthy for pure shock value, with the most "extreme" drug possible, to in turn make AI seem horrific. I'm fascinated by the fact that this kind of conservative rhetoric is adopted by leftist tumblr users the second it decries something they don't like. THERE IS A REASON the same people that consider addicts to be scum are speaking out against AI in this specific way, just like the same reactionaries that consider modern art a scourge on the earth and a pollution of traditional artistic values are making statements about AI art. The value of art is once again equivocated to the labor that went into it.
THIS is the natural endpoint of treating AI as just an objective moral evil in its own right rather than examining the conditions around it that are actually causing damage with it's use. The positioning of AI as a "vice" is juxtaposed with drug use as a "vice" just by its very nature - "using ai is bad because its bad." Even if we dive deeper into it, the argument becomes "using AI is bad because it makes you happy too easily, which is also why drugs are bad" Which like. Is a fundamentally conservative and reactionary stance.
I'm making this post as someone who dislikes AI, who works in game art and has literally experienced the effects AI is having on the industry I work in right now, including losing actual, tangible work to it. THAT, the MATERIAL consequences of AI art, is the discussion that should be happening in leftist spaces, not the positioning of AI as an inherent evil.
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fates0end · 1 month ago
^This. The observations of this post are correct, but two major conclusions are wrong and in the case of the first one, viscerally uncomfortable.
How you behave is NOT who you are. Putting on the Customer Service Voice does not mean that you have a headmate that loves being treated like shit and derives self-worth from client satisfaction. Having a different way of acting is not the same thing as having a different way of thinking. If my "publicsona" was a real actual alter, I'd do anything to get him the fuck out of my head even if it took brain surgery to do it. The very thought of having a guy in my head, let alone a guy with an internal world 1:1 with how I act in public to keep myself safe, is disgusting in a way that makes me want to peel my skin off.
Secondly, I think we're running into a bit of an "if everyone's plural, no-one is" situation here. Plurality is a spectrum, true, but that doesn't mean everyone's plural. After all, sexuality being a spectrum with "straight" and "gay" being two extremes of it doesn't mean everyone's bi. Same thing here. There's no objective line to be drawn, but there are people who do land closer to the ends of the spectrum, and those people aren't necessarily wrong about whether or not they are plural.
Other than those, though, this is a useful post, in that it clears up misconceptions and makes important observations that a lot of people may not know of.
(whoops accidentally deleted this one dont mind me)
the supplicants of the DSM-5 cult are going to murder me for my opinions about plurality
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fates0end · 1 month ago
i sincerely want some form of like visual media like a movie or a tv show that'll focus on dorothy and ozma's relationship and not in a "wow BFFs forever" way because unlike gelphie which makes me want to curl up in the fetal position and chew glass, they're actually really sweet and cute and I genuinely enjoy reading abut the two of them and how close they are with each other.
also ozma's just an absolute icon in general and I love how she just met dorothy and was like wow I really like you. great!!! you're moving in with me now!!! i will not be listening to anyone on this matter!!!
there was zero hesitation and i love that for her like go girl live your dream get your girl and do whatever you want go make her a princess of oz and let her act as your regent while you're not there and while you're at it let's go and get her entire family to move into your castle because who the fuck is going to try to stop you.
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fates0end · 2 months ago
Fool that you are, for you lack understanding of GLaDOS as a character. To paint her as some kind of dommy mommy is just as basic as to only like her for hypothetical titties. GLaDOS is indeed, all those things. She is all those things, and yet you will always find a way to get the upper hand. All those walls and guns, all those cameras and arms, and yet all she can do is wail and protest, hurl insults and throw tantrums, because loathe as she is to ever admit it, it is she who needs you, not you who need her.
Her hubris-driven self sabotage, her eternal position of second place, her rants that she doesn't mean nearly half as much as she would like you to believe, GLaDOS is a brat to her core. A bottom.
A humanoid body is just one more avenue of torment for her. Facial expressions for her to try to hide, sensations that a server or a building have no need for, overwhelming her, who has never experienced them. One more way to leave her kneeling at your feet. And she will hate how much she will enjoy it.
people who thirst after GLaDOS and just love her core room, or god forbid some humanised robot body or whatever, see nothing and understand nothing. what makes her hot is that she's the whole facility. she's the entire place, the voice on speakers hooked into the lights and doors and massive supercomputer complex, the god in the machine that kills its creators. except you. you she cares for, though it would take a miracle for her to admit it, even to herself.
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fates0end · 3 months ago
Crazy how every modern Wizard of Oz interpretation ends up making the Wizard a horrible person. From a fascistic despot, to a selfish power-seeker, or worst of all; James Franco.
Yeah sure, in the original novels he was a charlatan con artist (and yeah, that’s pretty easy to make into a villain), but at heart he was a silly little goof who still cared about the citizens of Oz and wanted them to be happy (even if tricking them was the easiest way from him to do that). His most evil action in the whole series (giving Ozma to Mombi) was soft-retconned/ignored, and later books have him return to Oz as a badass studying under Glinda and willing to die to protect Dorothy.
So really, The Wizard in an “ideal” modernized Wizard of Oz adaptation would just be Grunkle Stan.
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fates0end · 4 months ago
Wait, Mexico is a part of North America? I was always told that it was 'Central America'.
okay I did accidentally say that chocolate doesn't grow in North America when, well. Mexico. But when I say North America I always mean US/Canada. Mexico doesn't count to me, it's Latin America, it's south here with us, they're our neighbors no matter if they're in the other hemisphere. I can walk down a couple streets and I'm in Mexico.
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fates0end · 4 months ago
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this post was too cassunzelcore for me to not mention:
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fates0end · 4 months ago
you will never make me watch arcane. idgaf I'm never letting anything close to league of legends into my life. I will be the last resistance
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fates0end · 4 months ago
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fates0end · 4 months ago
I want more Skrunkly Transfemme X loser lesbian Butch representation
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fates0end · 4 months ago
Oh, wow, this is an interestingly obscure little work.
Same author (well, technically for the Marvel adaptation it would be more format-translator than author) as the comic adaptations, different artist. Personally, I think Skottie Young's art is more appealing; the over-realism of the art in this book feels a little uncanny and stilted, compared to the stylized and almost toony look of the comics. Also weird-mouth-pancake-head scarecrow has a threatening aura. That being said, this is still a very interesting find, and I'm interested in seeing how it ends up faring in the writing department; thanks for sharing!
Ok so I so vividly remember this comic book that was called something like "Dorothy returns to Oz" and it was beautiful and colorful and the particular one I recall had Dorothy rescue the new queen of emerald city who had red curly hair and a green chiton type dress with massive red posies in her hair from an ice dude and I NEED TO FIND IT. I am not even sure it existed but I remember it so vividly and I remember being like 8 and thinking there was romantic tension between Dorothy and the queen whose name I think was like Ozma or Gloria (NOT Glenda!). Does anyone else remember these comics? Or can point me in a direction?
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fates0end · 4 months ago
Your description sounds a LOT like Ozma of Oz, albeit imperfectly filtered through memory.
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The red flowers (poppies, specifically) are a signature indicator of Queen Ozma, and Marvel's adaptation really goes whole hog on their size.
As for the hair color, well, the comics do like playing with lighting, and there might be a conflation with Marvel Glinda and/or Dorothy.
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The romantic tension is a gimme; the narration heavily indicates that Dorothy falls in love with Queen Ozma the moment she hears her voice when she's rescued by her, and Dorothy does end up becoming Ozma's princess-consort in all but name (the consort part, the princess part is very named)
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There isn't exactly an ice dude, but Ozma of Oz does have the Nome King, whose design is heavily reminiscent both of Santa and Adventure Time's Ice King. And, indeed, Ozma does end up in peril thanks to him turning her into a figurine.
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Though ultimately, it's Billina, Dorothy's chicken, who saves Ozma this time. Right, as for the green - well, she does wear white a decent bit, which a little green lighting can make look green - not to mention that green is Oz's royal color, so as ruler of Oz it's only natural that she'd have a decent number of green dresses.
Though, if you do find an Oz work that better fits your description, let me know, most every Oz work I know of that has much of Ozma in it at all has either her or Dorothy being evil or a non-entity. The idea of older Dorzma flirting is quite appealing.
Ok so I so vividly remember this comic book that was called something like "Dorothy returns to Oz" and it was beautiful and colorful and the particular one I recall had Dorothy rescue the new queen of emerald city who had red curly hair and a green chiton type dress with massive red posies in her hair from an ice dude and I NEED TO FIND IT. I am not even sure it existed but I remember it so vividly and I remember being like 8 and thinking there was romantic tension between Dorothy and the queen whose name I think was like Ozma or Gloria (NOT Glenda!). Does anyone else remember these comics? Or can point me in a direction?
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fates0end · 4 months ago
People know that the whole "don't portray [harmful action] because viewers might recreate it" thing is a rule for children's shows right? It's supposed to be shit like "don't show peppa pig playing with fire so we don't get sued if a kid watches it and burns their house down." Not like, fanfiction for adults.
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fates0end · 5 months ago
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How come every discussion of God in Hazbin Hotel ignores the feminine personified image of good worshiped by the angels, which we are often meant to understand as the church. Like if there’s a god here it’s them
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fates0end · 5 months ago
But, I did not mention the ship Wenclair in my conversations with the person who reblogged me. Not in this comments section at all ? It's in another post, in discussion with a commentator, so not even in a direct post, that I said that the person who came to spit on Tyler Galpin and Wyler in reblog of this post was a Wenclair expediter, without being surprised. And why didn't that surprise me ?
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it's literally right here
I hate that some people who have seen Beetlejuice 2 take the case of Astrid and Jeremy as a representation of Wyler at face value to argue that Tyler is indeed a pure villain. Okay, me too, when I saw the film I joked with my friend about the superficial resemblance between the two, and that's how I understood that there would be a twist on Jeremy. Except that none of it was of the first degree. The similarities are purely superficial, and what's more, Jeremy serves as a foil to Beetlejuice, to put him in a more positive light for his own character and his relationship with Lydia. But just because Tim Burton is linked to these two works does not mean that resemblance = same thing, and so that Jemery = Tyler. Absolutely not. The characters have nothing to do with it. And frankly, Tyler's haters are really desperate to make this type of comparison, just to push the character down and try to make him a pure villain ? It's ridiculous.
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fates0end · 8 months ago
oooo you wanna play ar tonelico so bad
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