fatekinfessions · 7 years
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fatekinfessions · 7 years
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submitted by anonymous
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fatekinfessions · 7 years
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fatekinfessions · 7 years
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submitted by @jekyllr
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fatekinfessions · 7 years
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submitted by @jekyllr
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fatekinfessions · 7 years
how does the no factkin rule work with historical Servants? like, if we're kin with a historical figure who is a character in Fate?
If you’re kin with a historical figure, that’s still factkin. Those people still existed, and lived as fact on this earth.
However, if you’re kin with a historical figure who happens to have legends about them, you may specify that (such as Fate!Gilgamesh, who was a real king, but is mostly known from his legends in the Epic of Gilgamesh. There are also many characters in legend said to have been based off real people, but who have never gotten confirmation of that fact). 
Please be respectful to the people who lived on this earth and left behind legends. Fate sometimes isn’t accurate to their lives and downright disrespects their memory. We are very serious about maintaining a respect for those who passed away and were recorded in history as notable people within the Fate series. We simply ask that those people are treated with respect. Some examples of this would be Nikola Tesla, Helena Blavatsky, Mata Hari, and Le Chevalier d’Eon. 
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fatekinfessions · 7 years
promo please?
we’re a new confession blog for fate/series kin! 
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fatekinfessions · 7 years
hello everyone!
there’s enough kin in the fate community to have a kin confession blog, so we figured - why not? 
our ask box is open, and we’d like for you to read our rules/how to submit pages before submitting, but we’re ready! 
please don’t be shy! 
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