fatedeternity-a · 6 years
Okay, I’m working on some heavy revisions for this blog, including:
Completely revamping my muse pages, including removing and adding muses!
Revamping my rules page
Making graphics and icons
Thank you for your patience!!!
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
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hey, guys! It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
So, I want to give a quick life update so that you guys know what’s been going on on my end.
Firstly, I’m sure most of you already know, but uh. Basil/Bard and I have broken up for good, and we’re no longer friends. I’m not going to go into immense details about this publicly, so if you want to know what happened, you can ask me privately. As such, I will be revamping my rules, and I kindly ask that you no longer associate me with her.
Secondly, life has kinda come at me fast. I’m graduating soon. I have to start looking into my second major. Projects are coming up fast. A loooot of stuff is coming up, so I need to start focusing on my graduation and focus on school. I’m gonna be graduating with a Bachelor’s soon, so yay!
Thirdly, in light of GBF’s PART 3 event, I am going to do some heavy revisions on this blog! I also plan to totally clean up the muse list and thin it out to a few muses only. 
Thank you for understanding, and I love you all!
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
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“... I’m hungry.”
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
gamenu replied to your post: Muses to be added: Boston Lobster. ( Food Fantasy....
gay. all of them.
you come into MY house,
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
Muses to be added:
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Boston Lobster. ( Food Fantasy. )
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Chihiro Usui. ( Readyyyy! Project. )
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Itsuki Aoi. ( Tokyo Mirage Sessions. )
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
     Another fruitless endeavor today, too. One would think more interesting people would show themselves in the hustle and bustle of Shibuya, especially since this was during one of the many vacation times in Japan, but there was hardly anyone worth mentioning. Most of the people today were ordinary people trying to get a move on with their lives, no one had an interesting conversation he could eavesdrop on or interpret to create some sort of grandiose scenario. Maybe there was a man who was really on the run from loan sharks, or perhaps there was a woman who wanted to enact revenge on her cheating husband, or perhaps--
     Gentaro sighed and closed his notebook. The sun began to set, signaling his cue to start walking home. 
     Somehow, he had a feeling that he would have to get home as soon as he could. A chill went down his spine in anticipation, as if something compelled to return home in that instant...
                                                       ✦ ✦ ✦
     As soon as he heard a rapping against the door, he felt regret pool at the pit of his stomach. He knew instantly who it was at the door without opening it, so he let out a very slow exhale to calm himself down. Judging from how early it was in the evening, it was safe to assume what happened: Dice was at his doorstep right now, probably there to either ask him for money or to let him stay over for the night. Even if he was angry, he knew it wouldn’t last long-- something about his puppy eyes and pathetic voice when he went to his last resort and begged him for money made it difficult to refuse him.
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     Gentaro opened the door, not even trying to hide the annoyance in his tone. Just as he predicted, Dice was there with that silly grin slapped on his face, asking to stay with him. All he could do was sigh again, then take a couple of steps back to let him in.
     ❝ Let me guess. You gambled away all of your money again and Ramuda wouldn’t let you stay with him, ❞ he slowly stepped towards the kitchen to prepare a pot of tea. Even if the guest was unexpected, he always had extras on him, considering how often Dice crashed at his place. He never had the heart to refuse him, maybe it was because he secretly enjoyed the company.
     No. He was a nuisance. That definitely wasn’t it.
      ❝ There’s a change of clothes in the other bedroom. Go take a shower and get changed. I’m not letting you walk around while you smell like that. ❞
❀. 「 closed rp ⁞  
                 @fatedeternity 」
𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 in the life of Dice Arisugawa. 
…Well, mostly. He’s been chased out of more places than he’s been able to keep count of, sure— casinos namely— but never in his life Ramuda’s. He had to hand it to the little gremlin, he had a LOT of patience. However, more than Ramuda had said patience did Dice have within him a persistency to push and push until he’s overstepped boundaries that lead him straight into…less than desirable situations. 
Which is exactly how Dice found himself in his current predicament, where after having ignored Ramuda’s plea for tidiness (despite his own mess) and to not smoke around or within his workspace for possibly the umpteenth time, Dice found himself, once again, homeless. It was only for the night, thankfully— Ramuda having warned him not to dare enter his line of sight again until the next sunrise, or else Dice would be waiting it out until the next full moon— but un-thankfully did the clouded sky decide then to grace Shibuya with a hard rain, almost immediately  accompanied by a loud crack of thunder. Surely lightning would soon follow. It was then that Dice realized that Ramuda checked the weather forecast before deciding to give him the boot. Damn him. 
So now that park benches were no longer an option for bedding, that left Dice with Plan B.
                                                                     ✦ ✦ ✦ 
 Luckily enough, Dice already knew where the writer lived since once upon a time him and Ramuda took it upon themselves to stop by uninvited when he had a nasty cold. Not that Gentaro ever gave either of them his address, mind you, Ramuda just had a scary way of learning whatever he so desired. 
❝ H-heyy, Gentaro, buddy..  ❞ Dice forced what he assumed to be his million-dollar smile, despite being drenched from head to toe and trembling from the unforgiving storm. Much alike how Ramuda had a way of turning the pitch of his voice somehow higher in an obnoxiously sweet fashion whenever he felt especially sarcastic or resentful toward something or someone, or how Gentaro seemed at his calmest whenever he told a lie, Dice had his own way of talking for whenever the time called for him to kiss some ass. It was unconvincing, pitiable, and his entire demeanor would soften as he tried his damnedest to appease the other in an often useless attempt to save his own ass. Like now, with Dice treating Gentaro as if they were the chummest of pals. When in actuality he looked, and sounded, just plain seedy. 
❝ You know what’s completely underrated? ❞ He asked, allowing the question a moment to linger for some added effect. ❝ Sleepovers. You ever had one of those? ❞
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
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sorry, guys. due to lack of motivation, I’m going to be dropping a fair number of threads.
if you guys would like to keep interacting, though, let me know-- just know my queue will probably be empty for a bit to make room for new interactions.
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
Well, at least someone was here. That’s something. A shame that they weren’t drawing a weapon or anything on him, but whatever. He was never so lucky before, why would he be now? Besides his shaky breathing, he remained silent and watched as the stranger came closer. A single brow was raised at sighting the coin, an odd feeling of dread washing over him and-
Great. Instead of a killer, he got a jackass. Wonderful.
The greeting was not returned at all save for a slight narrowing of eyes. Now, what was this guy gonna do? Say he could heal him for some cash? Bet he’ll play it up too. Lo’ and behold, he does almost exactly that and the redhead rolled his eyes in clear defiance. Wounded as he was, he would survive. Probably. Hopefully not. But life likes to keep him around for some reason.
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“No shit.” He didn’t even name a price. What did he expect him to beg him? Cry that he’ll pay whatever it takes to get him healed up, safe? Please. He was in no mood to play along. Not with his wound still stinging despite the flow of blood having come to a halt. Shifting, he gave a grimace as he dropped his bloodied hand to grab hold of his weapon, merely pulling it to the side of his scabbard.
“Hm, tempting offer you got there.” It was really hard to resist the urge to spit in his face instead. Really hard. He can go and scam some other poor sap, the asshole whoever he was. “Naaaah, I’ll pass. I bet you’ll conveniently forget your ‘cleric’ as soon as you get what you want.”
     Lady Luck was a rather fickle mistress, since her blessing only shined upon those in short bursts. Even Joshua couldn’t say that her blessing was warm, especially given what he’s done to achieve it. However, this man had his cheek graced by the goddess herself if he managed to encounter Joshua rather than, say, a mercenary that’s been on his tail for ages now, especially since he was in no condition to fight back. He wasn’t particularly fond of kicking others while they were down, even with a large sum.
     He tossed the coin into the air, catching it with that sweet smile on his face.
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     ❝ I’ll be honest with you-- I’m a mercenary, so if I really wanted to, I could drive a blade through your stomach and leave you here. Still, I’m a nice guy. The cleric is real; she’s a nice girl, a bit skittish since she was running away from some soldiers when I found her, but a nice girl either way. ❞
     He gave a soft chuckle.
     ❝ How about this, then. Let’s make a wager. Heads, you do whatever I tell you to, tails, I leave you be and let you decide what you want to do. Sound like a deal? ❞
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
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         WINE  GUZZLING  /  BLOOD  SPEWED,   the  are  ravaged  by  lust,  salacious  desires  as  violent  as  they  were  tempting.  The  earth  and  the  skies,  the  lands  and  the  angels  tears  of  rain,  nothing  would  ever  purify  a  being  so  willing  to  fall.  Crimson  eyes  wished  to  roll  to  the  back  of  his  skull  at  the  sheer  sight  of  the  primarch.  WAS  THIS  A  DEEP  DESIRE  /  OR  INTENSE  ANNOYANCE  however  their  mangled  emotions  may  present  themselves,  they  will  always  be  incredibly  insufferable.  ❝  Come  back  for  another  round?  I’ll  admit,  I  wasn’t  expecting  to  see  you  again  so  soon. Hmm,  I  suppose  I  have  time  for  a  quickie.  How’s  your  stamina  now  Sandy?  ❞  @fatedeternity​
     His teeth are gnashed together, biting back the spewing rage that boiled his blood in a fit of anger. His words built up bile in his mouth that threatened to spill out in sprays of venom, fingers drummed impatiently against a blade sheathed against his hip. Everything about this lecherous, eccentric man was a representation of Sandalphon’s rage, anguish, and frustration personified, a reminder of what was lost between his fingers.
     If this man came any closer, he had no qualms about leaving him on the ground, basked in his own blood for all to come and see his humiliation. 
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     ❝ The only think you’re going to get from me is a sword in your stomach, you conniving wretch. ❞
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
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i got two (2) whole replies in my queue, i guess ill see if i can get the motivation to do the rest tonight before i go on my other blog.
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
Sorry for disappearing suddenly! I'm just taking a short breather, but I'll get back in the swing of things this weekend.
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
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ill try and be here tomorrow. nothing in my queue so dont expect any replies tonight or anything. i’m exhausted and all of this has me drained.
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
hello from the river styx my dear followers. I’ve been dead to the world because I’ve been working my ass off to afford bills and a retainer so I’ll be sparce till i got some free time to post drafts but i just wanna say if you fuck with Cent then smash that mf block i dont fuck w you and im tired of seeing abusers still have a following when theyve been called out multiple times. thank you.
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
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someone pointed out that my akechi wing could be used as gentaro’s hair and now i can’t unsee it
anyway im working on my DAN akechi cosplay for a convention coming up!!!! i dont like to take many pics of myself bc im not very pretty but im rly happy with how the hat and wig fit ~
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
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“Just climbed down from your window. That’s about it.”
He hadn’t played any pranks yet.
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     ❝ And you’re not going to explain WHY you were climbing out of MY window? What were you DOING?❞
     It was like pulling teeth with Yuri sometimes.
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
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“Of course ya do, nano ja~ Who wouldn’t~?” A smug smile as she looked around and put her knife away. Not like there really was.
“Ya act like I’m stealing, nano ja~” All she was doing was forcing Flynn on a treasure hunt. “Aye aye~” Now to just walk past the very sketchy ledge and see if there was a path for the Tin Man to take.
     Somehow, that smug smile felt more like a jab than anything that knife could have done to him.
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     ❝ No, no, I’m more worried about the plans with that knife, really. That said... Do you know what we’re looking for? You just said we’re going to find some ‘treasure’, but I STILL don’t know what this treasure is, ❞ he took a deep breath, peering over at the ledge.
     ❝ ... We’re not lost, are we? ❞  
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